Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 May 1904, p. 5

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Re“. Daniel Norman, who was born at Oak Ridges, and attended the Aurora. High School. afterwards graduating at, Victoria College. has been sent as the Methodist minister to nccnmpzmy the Jeipzmeso tronps to the front in their war against, Russia. This morning Mr. Savage. agent, f: r the York Mutual, received at $10 cheque for the Richmond Hill fire bri~ gade as a recognition of valuable sex-vices at Mr. Harding’s recent. fire. Mr. E. J. Cable is sinking a well at Bond bike fur the Metropolitan Rail- way Company who purpose putting in a good system of water works for their park. The Rev. Dr. Milligan, Old St. An- drews church. Tnmntn. preaches in the Presbyterian Church this evening and at. the close of the service bap- tizes the pastor's child. Service at 8 o'clock. All are welcome. Mr. John Michael has been up nint~ ed to the office of bailiff of the bird Di\ ision Court. of the County of York, Richmond Hill. in the room and stead of Mr. J. J. Lunziu. The. latter will still retain the office of bailiff for the Division Court at Markham. The proceeds at the Methodist, Chm-ch at, the anniversary services, and diunernnd tea, etc., on Victoria Day were something over $161. The Governor Genet-411’s Body Guard had a recxuiting tent, on the Fuil' Grounds on Lln- 24th, and added eight 01- ten names for service during the day. Miss Violet Storey who spent the past eight. month with her aunt, Mrs. John Storey of Lowell, Mass., 1‘ turned Monday evening. Vaughan Cnuncil met Tuesday for general busilmss nnd as a Court of Revision. Mmutcs of meeting will be given next week. Reeve Savage spent; Thursday at. Aurora and Newmurkeb with the idea of getting information relative to their systems of lighting. Miss Jessie Hamilton of New York. is home visiting hvr luuthvr. who has been ill. She will spend the summer at Elgin Mills. Rev. Dr. Tevfy, accompanied by Mr. R. B. Oullnlmn of Stockton,0ulif0rni:1. spent, :1 few hours at the Post Office on the 24th. Our stack of staple and fancy dry 3 rods never was hetter assorted and values nmer were better than now. No store in Canada can afiurd better values. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. Frank Robinson loft Tuesday evening for \Vbilby where he will in stall a patent leech emptier in King’s tannery. Toilet soap, infant’s delight. baby’s mvn.1airy, cresL Fairbanks tar soap, Fairlmnks’ sanitary scary at. Imveat figure. Atkinson 85 Switzer. Dr. Coulter came from Ottawa Suturâ€" day and spent several days this week with his father who is still very Luv in health. 'I“he ladies of the church report $120.50 us of the dinner and tea on Just to hand fresh stock of shredded wheat biscuits. fm'cv, \vheatenv, grape 'nuts, and Quaker and banner oats. Atkinson & S\\it,zer. Ml'. \Vyc. Tronch. teacher in the High School :11; Dt-surnnto, spent Sut- urdny and Sunday at, his home. A puirof spectacles was fnund on Victoria Day, The owner will find the same at. M r. Nxchulls' ofiicv. Mr. J. E. bike-0:19, Principal of the ‘rnlednnia High Suhonl, spent over Sunday with his parents. Extra. value in cuff-'0 at 20. 25, 30 and 40c. per lb.. and in tun, at 25 and 300. lb. Atkinson :3: Switzer. Nl-wmm-kvt Em â€" Mrs. and Miss (Hark of Rirhmund Hill. spent, Friday with Mrs. A. E. Coomhs. N‘ewnmrket Era â€" Mrs. Andrew Nt-wtnn of Ilit-hnmnd Hill. spent, Sut- nrduy with Mrs A. E. Coumhs. Mr. J. T. Mulcahy of Orilliu. :1 grand son nf M. Teefy, Esq.. has pusst (l lhv final examination at the Ontario Law School. this but wrathm C. & E. Mason. Miss Maggi? McMahon span!) from Friday nvm- with her cousin. Miss Nm Mr. and Mrs. James Lynett. of Mun- h'oul. spent a fmv days with thvir X’elalfiws he-rv und retIu-nvd yesterday. Mi<s A'. U a visit, with Mahon. Mr. F.‘ Rodditt and Mr.\\". Stnrr'y of Barrie mine down mid spvnt the 2-1Lh here. Buy hot Wt Oil stmvs from 600. up at G. & E. Mason‘s. 01ml US] is RICHMOND HILL, Many [904 14¢)(7 A 112-15. m m'] 'lthma A; Di ls' (If Attpl'r‘liifo in making her Uncle Mr. T. F. Mc- the (fin-{pest fuel [0 burn stoveâ€"just the thing for U. & E. Mason. imam. Buy an oil stove. Presbytex ia n the proceeds Tuesday. of Aurora. iK‘IOI‘iil Day I. McMahon. Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this county and ad'oining territory for well and fawn-- ably known lmuse of solid financial standing. $20.0(lstrnight cash salary and expenses paid each Monday by check direct frum headquartn‘s. Ex- pense money advanced. Pnsitinn per- manent. Address Manager, 810 Como Block, Chicago, Illinois. Mr. N. Dyment of Barrie won the King‘s Plate on Saturday with his hoxse§np2en makin a. new rgqox‘d, 2.12 Mrfbyment, all-1'6 won the King‘s: Plate last year. The use of ANTI-PILL never fails to amuse energy to search out and over- come the ailing cause. It‘s :1 revelation in medicine that brings relief to the distressed, and brightens the despon- dent. It dnctnrs but don‘t drugâ€"is purely vegetable and can he used with perfect, safety hy delicate women at any stage of life. It's gentle and effect-ire. This announcement is particularly addressed to women, bpczmsc of the peculiar adaptation of ANTI-PILL to help sick and ailing Women. who feel that they are gradually losing strength and vitality. FOSTER-STAKELYâ€"At the \Iethodht naraonage Richmond Hill. on May ‘24. bv t-be Rev. '1‘. Campbell, Mr. William Foster of Toronto to Miss Laura Stakely of Whitchurch. Robinsonâ€"At Maple. on May 22nd, Mark Robin- son. in his S‘dth yen r. Funeral Tuesday. May 21. to Maple cemetery. \Vumen drift, into :1 condition of half invalidism without knowing what ails them. Langunr, exhaustion. aching back. limb pains, indigPS» tion. headache. ANTI-PILL will lift. these linrdfxns. Any [vmnan MCCAGUEâ€"At Elgin MPF. on Mnnduv. Who! May. the wife of W. A. 154ch.419 of a. daughter. Mr. John “rebher for many years proprietor of the hntvl at Unionville, died Thursday last. agcd 76 years. He was highly respected, hnnmahle in his dealings With his fellowumn. and, as a hotel keeper, was always considered strict in the observance of the law. He boltmged to the Masnnic fraternity, and that Society took part in the funeral service on Saturday afternoon. The regular church cere- mony was cunductvd by Rev. Mr. Lawrence of Markham, and tho Masonic ccromony was road by R. \V. Bx'os.H. A. Nichulls and J. E. Francis. a member nf this squadron when it was attached to the 2nd Regiment. now the Body Guards. Sex-gt. Jones recently returned from the North- west, where he went after severing his connection with the regiment, seventeen years ago.â€"Globe, May 18. VETERAN SERG E‘ANT RE-APâ€" POINTED. Majm- \V. Hamilton Merritt, com- manding the Governm~-Gvneral’s Bndy Gum-d. Plll'OlIPd 25 recruits last night at the Arlunries. The regiment parad- ed almut 160 strong, and spent the evening drilling. preparatory fur cmle next month. An appuintmpnb of in- terest. to many who have been con- nectpd with the regiment for yours was that of Sex-gt. P. E. Jones of Rich- mond Hill, to C Squadron. He was CROSSING TH E STREET. It, will be seen by change of card on page 1. Dr. Mason. Dentist. Tux-(mm, whnvisits this village prwfessiunully every \Vednesday. k wmnving his office beside the Standard Bank. di- rectly opposite his present, office. During Jnnp. July and August the Dr. will be here only on the 1st and 3rd VVednesdnys of each month. A nominating cnnw'utinn of “79315 Yul-k Lilwmls will hp hold at Eagle Hull, \Vestun, (m Mnmlny next, 30th inst. In mime a candidate to count-st the riding in oppnsition to Mr. J. \V. St. Juhn. M. L. A. The meeting is culled fox-2 p. m. The speakers nd- \‘ortist-d are Mr. Arch Cnmphellfil. P.; All-LVV. J. Hill, ex-M. L. A.; and‘ Mr. A. J. Andersufi. A musical twatis in sun-«- for the citizvns of Richmond Hill and vicinity in the form of a grand military con- cert to he given how (ill the evening (If Saturday, the 4th nf Juno, by the hand if the Governnr Gpneml’s Body Guard. The program will be given in next week’s issue. Full stock boat Canadian refined sugm-M. yr'lluw sugars, extra granu- Inle'd sugars. Paris lump sugar. pow- dered sugms and :1 big $‘s \vm-Lh given. Atkins-nu & Switzvr. Fels m-pthu soap, comfort so:lp. sun- light snap. mnnkvy lu‘uml soup, Richurds’ pure snap, lmppy home snap at lowvst figux-vs. Alkinson & Switzt'r. the T. J‘Iutnn Estublishnwnt on Thurs- day last. Hull Strt‘et. 17 yrnrs of age. who hut] chalge of mm nf llun-lovutm-s. wusmnght un thp elm-unn- between the flow uf the huist, and the wood- wm-k uf Hm shaft. and was crushed and instantly killml. Im-s-nwd was n son of Mr. and Mrs. Ruhm-t Slr.e?, and fmmt-rly reside at Pattersnn. mm prove this by writing: ‘Viléllll; Fyle 00.. Niagara Falls, Unt., for free trial bottle. dis-ire sing DEATH AND BURIAI. Thousands of Women. MILITARY CONCERT. News Notes. Manager Wanted. ressing :Lccidmnt ocrturn'd in [tun Estublishnwnt on Thurs- Hnll Strt‘et. 17 yrnrs of age. chalgenfmw 1-fll1L-.(-lov:lt,m-s. (ht, nn lhp olevntm- between 13f tlw hnist, and the wood- MARRIAG ES WEST YORK DEATHS BI R'I'HS. Mar. 17, 12 wks. A First-Class Nine~Rnomed Housv with 20f an acre 01" land. Good sume foundation and cellar. Situated un Ynnge street. Richmond Hill. Apply to I beg to advise my customers and friends that I intend moving three doors south (opposite Standard Bank) on or about June ISt. figpasite the Bank ! The new store is much larger and will give me a better opportunity to show goods and carry stock. FOR SALE â€"(‘) R.â€" TO RENT - This is when Hem-Raid. the only in- ternal. the only absolute Pile cure, brings the results that has made its fume. It. will cur.a the most, stuhhorn case in existent-P and a. bonded guarantee to that, effect goes with each package. It is to be had at the drrg store. Ixyéi’s Piiis greatl ald 'ffie éfierry Pectoral In brea ng up a cold. After piles have existed for a. long time and passed through diffplent stages, the :spfferingisintpnse -â€"pain aching. throbbing. t‘umm's form, filled to bursting with black blond. Symtums indicating other trouble-s may appear to a tlmx-uughly Pile-sick peysont Special attention to pupils prepar- ing for any examination at 01)”ng of C(msm-Va-Lm-y. Pupils VPI‘Y success- ful. Fur terms address 270 Church St. Toronto. 46-2 mos. 11. “K Hndgin. Mm. Ban, F.G.C.M. (Lnnd.), teacher of Voice- Prudnvtion, Singing. Piano. Organ and Them-y. On stvnlf of ’l‘nrontn Calls-gm of Music. \Vill ho at Rivhnnmd Hill and North on Tuesday (vacancy fur four more npils); Thornhill and south on ‘hursdays and Saturdays (vacancy fm- tum man pupils). . r V w . - ~- Yonnz ladies :u'P pv-vparod for rum- morolal telvgraph pnsifinnsmnd young mPn for the same and railway posi- tions as npm-alnrs, train duspatvhms, agent's, Ptrn Thisis a pvnfpssion not, overcrowded. and mm which will com- mand stoatly emplnvmnnt. thr- year around at good wages. ‘Vl'l‘P at. nan for particulars as h. torma, efc. Can- adian Railway Instruction Institute, Cur. College and You :0 Sta, Toronto. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. Throat, Lungs up a cold in a single night, wards ofl' bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- vise parents to keep it on hand. In e no money can uy "The beat cough ad! l b Is Ami Cherry Peetonl. For the c011th of cm In nothxnfioould uihly be better." L003 HULL, Saratogn. Ind. You can hardly find a home without its Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Cherry Pectorafi Jerry Smith, The Worst Kind. W. E. WILEY, MUSICAL. for Richmbnd Hill. .1. C. AYE}! CO. Lowell. Man Guaranteed to cure Distemper. Epizuotic, Coughs, Colds and broken wind in horses. The Province is full of Distemper amung hnx-ws and many valuable anim- als are being ruined by bein neglected. which when causes broken wind. YORKSHIRE COUGH and H VE CURE immediately stops the disease and cures the cough. Sold in Richmond Hill hy George McDonald, Harness-maker, and at Tomnto by Used and recommended by leading Veternm-ies and Stockmen, always gives satisfaction because it. umkes all kinds of stuck thrive. Gentlemen.â€"I can stmn ly recom- mend Yorkshire Stock Fang for horses and cattle out of condition. Ihave recommended it in my practice for twenty years and consider it is the premier stock food in the market. Yorkshire Stock Food Ewfikgmmmmmmmmmmm Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure @mmmmmmmxmmm PURIâ€"TEA This makes a tea fit for a King ti any Canadian citizen; when want this kind call on If you want good Tea But you can’t tell the quality of the article you buy by the number of letters in the word. T-Eâ€"A is not always pure tea and T may not be only one third pure. “ VVhat’s in a name ?" You can out up the word “tea” to the last letter and always have tea. Look Here’s a = = CumsrTea Thos. McConnell, V. S. Agricultural Druggists. 171 King St. East, Toronto. Opposite Clyde Hotel. J. A. Johnston Tea, Te ATKNSUN & SWITZER. you can always get it no matter how the word is spelt, and up better tea in the market than our Green and Black teas. \Ve guarantee these ingredients: Tux-onto, April 4L1), 1900. garden tools of all kinds; lawn mowers, all sizes and prices to choose from. All kinds of repairing prompt- ly attended to. LAWN MOWERS A SPECIALTY. JAGQ EYER &, 83?! Richmond Hill Now is the time to select your paint for Spring decoration. We have a large stock to choose from, made from strictly pure leads and oils, guaranteed by the makers. Also PAINTS QUALIâ€"TEA QUANTI-TEA Scarler T . Don P. O. Fegmary 12th, 1904. Gentlemen.â€"\Ve have used York- shire, Stuck Food for years and know from experience that it is f'rll' superior to any ntlwr stock food in the marlu-t it is n. grand fund for stock ofzmy kind especially cattle and hogs. \Ve feed it regularly. Farmem in our locality all endorse it. King to drink or David Duncan & Sons. you 3%? if 4

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