Oncil turther nolloe llnila will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Oflice as follows:â€" MORNING ...... 8.00 EVENING 6.5 X. B.--Beuistered Lenora must he handed in t lonst Fluoen Minutes anrlier than the above mentioned hours for cloaiuk, GOING NORTH LeavoC P B Greening I! o. 7.20. 9.40. 11.30 a. m. 1.80. 2.40. 3.45 5.40. 7.45 p. 111. Leave Rtohmoud Hill 8.20, 10.30 u. m.; 12.20. 2.20. 3:50.435, 6.30. 8.35 9.111. Leno NeWmnrket 7.30. u. m.; 2,‘ 7.30 p. 111. Leave Richmond Hill '1. 8.10, 9.55. “.55 a 2.40, 5.55. 4,55. p. m. Steel Hog Tmughs 350. per Foot. All Kinds of Imple= ments Repaired. M ETROPOLITAN TIME TABLE And see if they want any repairng 01- sburpouing. If they do. bring them now and an nut wait, till you are needing them. Prepare for Spring. HARROWS OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. NOTICE 13%; PUBLIC REAPERS, MOVVERS and RAKES, which 1 will be gland tn have the ‘nrmeis inspect before buying elsewhere. Repairs furnisth on 24 hours notice. _, . \VILLI AM (700K. 46â€"49 Solicitor 1m- Adluinistmtm'. Pursuant to R. S. 0.. chapter 129, section 38, notice is hereby given that all parties having claims against 'the estate of the said Malcolm Malloy. who died on or about the 23rd daynf January A. D.. 1904. are requested to send to Donald Mulloy. Testnu. Ad- ministmtnr. an or bvfm-e the 15th day of June, 1904, :1 statement, of their claims with their names and ad- dresses together with the nature of the security, if nny, held by them. .m “w... .. .- .m- a, ........ And further tRth‘ notice that, after such last. mentioned date the admin- istratm' will proceed to distribute the assets of lhe estate among the parties entitled therein, having regard only tutth claims of which he shall then have l'CCEiVPd notice. ’Dmea’atqnuonto this 13th day of May, A. 1).. 1904. Notice to creditors INTERNATIONAL HARVESTING COMPANY. The McCormick Machinery takes the lead. and gives the very best satisfaction. I keep on hand um~ chinex-y. such as Mixed Grain, 5 cents per bag. Outs 4 cents per bag. Up to the 24th of May. No use of letting water go to waste. I must thank the Farmers and other friends for the patronage they have given me in my short cum-ass for the Flaws & Harmws POST OFFICE NOTICE Late of the county of York, Furm~ er. (19091151. d. GEO. COWIE, GRAIN SHOPPING Between Toronto and Newmuxket. FARMERS! PATRONAGE SOLICITED. In the matter of the estate of Malcolm Malloy, . Mager, Prop. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster. H. F. HOPPER. RICHMOND HILL. Now is the time to Made to order at Look over your GOING SUUTH Agent. 2, 3.15. WANTED â€"Special Representative in this county and udloining territories to represent and advertise an old established business huuse of solid flnuncielstending. Salary $21 weekly. with expenses, paid each Monday by chequu direct from headquarters. Expenses advanced; position permanent. We furnish ez'ervtbina. Address._’_1fhe Columbia. sadylgono Building. The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of 1m proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, 151; con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thorough-bred bull and hog kept, for sen-ice on the premises. éhicagu; Ill ' TEE éflï¬Eï¬aï¬tL‘. ' SUNNYSIDE FARM 0n Easy > Strcct 494. Richmond Hill T. F. MCMAHON, Agent, 81.0!) IN ADVANCE. A Ray {71 Cfrxyévank says: “ You can ride down a stony hill on a Cushion 99 Frame Bicycle with your pockets full of apples and they wont shake out.†SMOOTH ROADS EVERYVVH ER E If you have never More Comfort Cushion Frame Coaster Brake Less \Vork the reuuses. D. . GOODERHAM, 23 Proprietor Ont. w. H I so N, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. New Spring Goods. New Styles, New Prices, A. J. HUME’S, Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. RICHARDSON HOUSE Calls from a distance promptly attended to. :ESIDENCE, MCHMONDHILL See our stmck of Hunsoclcaning necessitiesâ€"~c1wap and pure and good. Bpst French \Vhiting Best, Zinc \\'him \Vhite Glue Blil'lk Glue Fine Furniture Varnish HOUSE CLEANING 'fI‘NIlG W. A. Sandarsan DRUGGIST BIAPIJE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. Fine Furniture l’ukish Housvhnld Ammnnia va. Ammonia Pow. Borax Moth Bulls Colonial Disinfectant, large bottle 250. All uLheI- cleaners in stock. Use Rnhinsnn‘s Ready-Mixed Paints, Vthv host and ' imperial measure Tailor, Richmond Hill FREDERICK BACK, Prop or your new Suit you will ï¬nd Three thousand dollars to loan at, a a. law relLe uf int-most. uu ï¬rsbunurt- gugu funn pruperty. Apply at t. f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. House with two acres of lzmd on Richâ€" muml street. Gnud stable. with small orchard, apples, pears and small fruits. ' ï¬vï¬ichmund Hill Harts-mm Stare g * o. &E.MASON g WW?§:MM§§§§§%1@;® Money To Loan â€"q .7: VEGETABLEISICILIAN . flair Rehewer ’ Is htrue you want to look old Then keep your gray hair. If not, then use Hall’s Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color of early life restored to your hair. “"Wff". Is htrue you want to look on}? Then keep your gray hair‘ then use Hall’s Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rh offearly life restored to your hair. mm '/7// ' an is the time to see that your 11 ($1) \ 09" †and Cullax-s are in shape ful‘ spring w Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill TO RENT. $29“; Q’y‘r Lawn Rakes, Garden Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Shevcls, Spading-li‘orks, Churns, Nails by the 1|). and keg. Poult- ry Netting all widths, Black, Galvanized and Barbed Wire, Tinware of all kinds or made to order. Granite-ware, Glass all sizes: nr cut tn sizv, Eavetroughing, Iron-roofing, Hot Air Furnaces, Stoves, Oil ()uuk-stnvps. and everything in the Tin and Hardware- linv. all sold at reasonable price. Repairs promptly dune. A pply to LAWN-MOWERS P. G. SAVAG E. Sells Everything in SeaSUn. All prices Nu sound-heade man asks to-day “ Is it cheap to buy the best, harness 3‘ †He knuws, either because he's had our harness and learned its worth, ()1-hemusv he’s lmd smne cheap stuff and learned its wm-thlvssâ€" ness. You cnn'l; do better anywhere than here when buying harness. Nuw is the time to see that your Harness and Collars are in shape for spring work. HARNESS SEASON Came to the premisvsnf Qhe undo». signed. 101521, 4Lh con. Murkhzun. on m- ubout Friday, May 13, 1904. u Brnncbo pony. The owner may haw. the same by proving property and n m (2x enses. p y g F \V. F. NICHOLS, VEGETABLE SICILIAN Seed potatoes at 50 cents per bag. Apply H. R. IIEISE. 46-47 46-48 Seed Potatoes STRAYED Victoria Sqnure. VicLox-in Sqnure.