VOL. XXVI I! Best, D? W G L SPAULMNG DR A W SPAULD] Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. mmm TEL-phone Main 212 DR. ARNJLD JOHN R. CAMPBELL, 0.1.115; by day and night promptly at. tended to. Rama laHednLnd newlv furnished throughout One 0! the most convenient and comfortable hotelsou Yonge Street. )very modern 00n- vouieuna Sungle rooms for commerch travellers. Anideulstopping place for Tidius or driving partieahicycï¬sts, m- farmers going won-Warning ffo'u market. Electric curs pass the door vaerylnï¬onuection Our. hlu'ch and 011']th Sts., 'l‘uruntm, \Villhu in Richmnnd Hill every 15! and 33ml \Vudnesduy during June, JUEy and August, Offlco, next dunl' nurt‘n of Stand- ainl B.u1k. Oflice Ham‘sâ€"$.30 u. m. to 5 p. m. J. H. SANDERSDN PALMER, HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, Room 12. 1‘3! Victoria. St. Toronto TERMS $1.00 PER DAY W. C. SAVAGE - ‘C ERAL PRINTIN VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL WANTED â€"FAITBFUL PERSON TO TRAV- e‘ for well established house in a. few countins, calling on retml men-haan and agents. Local territury. SRhu‘yS‘ZOflU per week mth expen- nns addiuonnl.u.ll .mynbee in omen and) week Money for expenses n.1vunco-1. Pcsitlnn p61 madeut. Business successful uml rusbzug. Slundsrd House. 830, Desrhuru Sr... Chicuwk Roa'n () [lea llaur )iL Aycr’s Piiinï¬i‘sipiills. 0 ’ Ayer’s lels. Keep saying g} this over and over again. The best Iaxativc. in?" .1“... mug man I DY abcauflfulbrown orrlchblack? Us; 1mm. oymnsiauammma. Milhnt E. LEMQN, Gigang {8&9339, VETERINARY SURGEON, 3 USINESS CARDS. "m lmvvsb [)l'iCE per annum, in advance.‘ 63. W 158 KING um: EAST. Tonon'ro accommodation to guestn. 803111.81 Dex-day EDJTOE a 'Phoruhill. SDA‘)’ WED R N LE‘G PUle! {51131.0 U. A. MAL‘U I) cutirst, I): [Dentists ‘3â€"8 in mum; 12 bo2pm ‘7 INS u m. .160 l‘horuhiu, «“ eterimu‘y mutual. ,. J. STU BBS, AT THE Lh, also replnting. at, CPS. Good \vm-k. 5‘ E1. iiï¬ï¬‚'f m iuu at. Western and Grace ‘Yonge Street , Toronto. EEBEM ) HEL! HE! MAHUN. PUBLISHING HOUSt KOI’FIETOB Dearhuru Sn. Cbicug Nnv 1-2~'26 wks 1.0NT DING I’l‘ op W Be..- ristez s , Solicitors. Notaries, Scc. Hume Life Building (furmvrly Free- huld Luau Bldg). Um. Advlaide & Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rivh- mund Rf. \VostJVesIt-‘y Buildings, (Methodist Bonk Ronni.) Tn- Hmtn. 11’ Mousv to loan on land and annual murtgagesnt luwesnrabes Aurora nfliceâ€"Rewomd lame old post 011ch one door weal U! the eucruuue to the Oncuno Bank Newman-lie: ofï¬ceâ€"Three duors south of the p ’95 mth D HERBERT LENNOX, G St" MORGAN, Aurora Newxnarket ooumsswnnnm THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RE. NOTA LENNOX & MORGAN Licenseu Auctioneer for the County of York. Guorls sold on consignment. Genera] sales 01 mm etc promptly attendedbo 1m reasouault vanes Residence Uuinuville G R Gouldzng, Newton Breakageui for the J T Suigonn. Maple ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EC 54(7)}IN 1‘] 114143315 Licensed Auctioneers for the Countyof York. Salas attended to on shorteshmtio l and a. rea- sonablerates Patronagesnlicited 1A8. N EVVTON Licena e Auctioneer {or the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence Salas uttr‘uded on the sLortest notice and at, reasonabemtas. P.0.adm’ess King GR Lbove LicensedAnctionesrforthe Counties of York Luthutarm Allsales of farm stock, kc‘ at- mnded to an the shorten notice and reasonable rum, Mortznepamlbniliï¬ sales attended to. Residence‘Stouï¬â€™ville Ont Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both placos. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL LIBERAL Ofï¬ce A man to represent “CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIES †in the villngv of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take urdvrs for In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, Etc. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A pernmnent position for the right man on either salary 01- cum- mission. Jannan '28 4m (Indm'takers a: Emlmlmors. OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES RICHMOND HILL POST own MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Barri-Jon‘s and Soliq-llm s. DESK & JOHNSTON TORONTO, 1nd. ‘(mk will he at, Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. Sai WRIGHT BROS, Stone & Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES. OVER 800 ACRES. WANTED ise'r. Lawrence 84 Wadsworth, J, H. PI (‘llli(‘(‘. D. G. BLOUG}I. goon & McEwc-u. worth N. E. Slnllh. RY PUBLIC. rin SL5†Tm-(vnto. ’ï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Suburdzws. 31.3fm! In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." RTC’HEVIOND HILL. THURSDAY, JUNE Phone Main 2984 ONTARIO. J K McEwen. Weston Jns. A. 'lnnwrnn. D. U. Lnnglmuse, J. S. Manir. :Iml Isuzu: Devins. TIM-members tank the oath of of- ï¬ce and proceeded tn business. The follnwing appealed ugninsttheir assessments as being mm high, but the a<sosnwnts \vme conï¬rmed: â€"â€" Jos. \Venthernll, Fred Cousins, Anthony b‘nwvs. Jnhn J. (‘unka Robert. J. ’l‘rmis. \antm- Bmvon uppvnlod lu hmv (log struck off, and Lmi Baker, a hitch. Tho liltfPl' £1130 nppmlvd 10 have u change in nsxossnn-nt. The appeals \vvre ullmvvd. HurryUreighton uppwlled to have Chas. Kitl‘hl'll. RiCINIId Fun- and Huht‘l‘t Burkitb assessed for (liii'vrent pl-npertivs. Appvulsullowud. The mum-s of \Vm. I’mwnck. Charles Unrchan, Arch. Mchmnld, \V. Nut- h-vss, Altm- Jackson wvre mldul to thv lull as M. F. Tho Cuuncil met, as Court of Revision Present, “"m. Watson. Chairman) Chas. N. Cooper was assesss-d as tenant, Int 13. can. 2, and tho follow- lng persons had dogs struck off hav- ing disposed of then) zâ€"Thos. Judge, Alex. Came-run. Gr. Btu-Lon, E. Smith, \\'1n.\\"ehstcr. G. F. Legge, I). Mc- Millnn. lk-vinsâ€" uunm'onâ€"That, the assess- ment, roll as revised he now passed by this Omnt and certiï¬ed by the Clerk as passed and that it shall he \alid and binding on all persons cuncm-ned, nutwithsmnding :my errm m- deficit, in regard In said roll.â€"Uarriod. The court then :uljnurned sine div. The council met for general husiness ufbvl' Court of Rovismu. All tlw xm-m- bets WH'O present. Reeve \Vutson in the chair. Minutes of last meeting adppteq. Lungbnuse -â€" .‘vlCNHlI' â€" Tth the Treasurer he and is htsrt-lvyuutlu-riz- ed to pay the l'nllm'.‘ing road accounts: Ernest KitchenJewlling glm‘el,$ 1 12 J. H. Giluhs, drawing plank and ï¬lling washout . .. . 3 (“:0 J. H. (inbhs, 20 hrs. rumlwm-k .. Z 50 “ “ 5 lbs. spikes . . . . . . . 18 \Vm. Pagan, levelling gravel D. McLean, haulng bC\V(‘l' pipe Jas. Bell, putting in culvert . . . Jets. Culhum, 5 hrs. will) team. “ †10 hrs. Hmdwnrk R. T. Agar, 5 “ “ J. L. Curd, labor and IllzlLk‘l’izll Div: NU. 7,A. Dicemangwerseer $31 “ 13,J. \Veutherill “ 41 Lnnghonse â€"- Devins â€" That, the Treasurer pay the following general accounts :â€" Leader & Recorder. advt. . . . . . $ 2 50 ’1". F. McMuhun, printing 2mâ€" gitoxs’ report 1902 . . . . . . . . 22 00 l The Tunkm-ds held their semi-an- ;nuulfeastnn Saturday and Sunday. ! From on: ly in the morning until sun- down people assembled frnm every !direction. A large delegation was ipresent from the Stntei. In the af- |ternoon they enjoyed their meal together and in the evrning :msennhled in the body of the church where the ; rites uf the church were udmimstrred, ‘â€"â€"the washing of the feet, the holy 'kiss,and sucrannnt. Every seat in the church was occupied. T. F. Mcszhnn, printing nu ditors’ report, 1903.. Municipal \\ urld supplies V . . . . Hart & Riddell, supplirs . V . . . . Hal-t & Riddell, supplirs . V . . . .. 11 80 â€"â€"C:u-I'ied. Devins-Longhouseâ€"That the Cull]- missiuner call for tendels f0! the upen- ing up of a new ruad at Hnwland’s Mill and that; the Clerk take the. necessary steps according In the statutes in reference thereto. â€"â€"Uzu'- vied. Devins â€"â€" Uameron â€" That this Council ask ’1‘. H. Robinson, M. D. and Geo. M. Anmld, who prose-mat A petition requesting the ‘Vnughun Council to appeal to the York County Council tn a; smile u can Lain ln'idgent. l-luwlanu’s Mills. over the River Humle Lu appoint a deputa- tion in connection With a cnnnnitbee from Vaughan Council, to pi-osenb our claims for said bridge lie-fun- the said County Cunncil of Yln~k.â€"â€"â€"Uurriod. Lunglmuse â€" Manir â€" That, the Clerk be instructed to nntify A. G. F. Lawrence, Township Sniicitur, thin- i'm-nl E. (ire-en, Kleinhurg, Ln renim‘c‘ his fence from the road allowach ill Kleinlnn-g, hefm-e Satin-day, JunL 4,1904. 01- lr-gal proceedings will b: tukcn tu compel the szlitl IS. Glt‘t‘ll t remove said fence frnm said read a lmvancaâ€"Cin'ried. - UUU’IVIL‘.“ adjmn-ued to meet, on Tues} day, June l-llb, at 10 a. m. sharp. x On Sunday morniug an extmlal‘ge congreguLiun listem'd tn an irstruct- ive missionary address fx-nm a. lady who had just returned from Africa, having spent several years unu mg the natives. Her address was followed by tun uthm- addresses fl'ulll two of the brethren. The unc from the Ger- man biOLllt‘l', though underslm-d only V augha n Council Statute Lnlmr Account. Victoria Square ï¬hmmk That this :1 m1 .24 3e1- $31 10 41 09 6 50 That, the 1-1-ivd 50 50 18 by a few, was well delivered. The other St’l'ViCk'S of the day were attend- mey giqodr (-Qngrogn’t‘inns. The Metlmdist Suhlmth Schenl in- tend holding their annual party and anniversary services on Saturday and Sunday. June 11 and 12. In the after- nnen n. fuutlmll tournament will he held. 'l‘hehnvs (if the Third School will play a friendly game with the lmys of the Sixth School (smth of Cushel). For the senior teams a prize of $13.75 will he givvn tn the winning team. In the evening an entertain- ment. will be given. The, Markl‘am Brass Band will he in attendance din- ingthe uflermmn and evening. On Sunday Anniversary Services will he conducted in (he after-linen and even- ing. At Lime (if writing we, munmb announce who will he the s enker hi I; the- Sullhiltll Selina] \vnuld ike to se- cure the services of Rev. Mr. I‘le‘Silld (if 'l‘m'untu 0r Rev. 1’. M. l’eucocl; (if Rusemunt. At the Imme of Mr. and Mrs. Hi- rum Kel‘fer. “Pine View Farm," nvzu' iShm-wood, May 24, Miss Charlotte ‘SLanding was unim-d in marriage to | Mr. Alt'rL-d W. Dawson of near Grimq- {b.v. Ont. Miss Mary E. Porter of 1Milton, assisted the bride, and Mr. Jnseph Mamm- of Hamilton atLMJded .the groom. Miss Anna, Teasdale (1f The farmers are rejoicing over the pi-ospchnf an abuninnt huI'VPSL, as the fn-qul-nt shuwm s have made every- thing glow rapidly. M 1'. “'In. Jenkins of Meafm-d, spent a few days calling on Old friends. Glad in see. his pleasant face amongst us unce nun-e. Miss Giutie XVogg spent the 24th with friends in Mount, Albert. Miss Mei-gin is visiting in annnto. The funeral of late Wm. Foster tnnk plm’P to Aurora. CPInetery on tth’TLh May fmm the home of his daughter, Mrs. \Velch (If this place. Ho was fur many years n resident uf \Xhitchln'i'h, and was highly respect- m. the 2‘ time. Concord, preside-d at the nrgun, and Rev. J. K. Hilty performed the mar- riage ceremony. The bride was \‘é-ry prettin zlLllï¬-‘(l in white organilie and carried white roses. She- was given away by Alex. Porter, Esq, of Milton. The bridesmaid was dressed in white Persian lawn and carried red rusvs. The presents were numerous and useful. The dinner was suian nous. tn which :ilmve ï¬fty persons sat down. The guests czune frmn Ham- ilton. Gl'inzsby, Smlthville. Milton. '.l’( - runto besides a number fl (ï¬ll the hrnne neighborhood. The afternoon was spent, in games, speeches and music. The yuung couple have gone to house- keeping near Gl‘llllsli)‘, whore they own 11 home already furnished. Sugar is gradually advancing in price hut we are givmg a big $3 \vm-th yet. Atkinson & S\\'itzer. / About sixty of the stalwart fm-uwrs of Vaughan and Yong? St. assembled at Maple on Wednesday last to receive. implouwnts purchased from J. H. Kirby, Massey-Harris agent: for this section. HP was assisted by Messrs. McKee. Cooper and Ountes. general f arents and I’laurpnce 0f VVmwlbridge and Niclmlls of Richmond Hill. After the nmchiurs \ve-‘x-u loaded they pm- ceeded to the Duck Hnuse where a. sumptuous dinner aw;.it(>d them. After the inner man had hat-n satisï¬ed a ï¬lgnbuiï¬tflhnur was spent in spee-ch- making "Home Industry" being the \theme most talked of. \I'Lctm'in lawne. White m-gandy, 91' as nmslins. \‘ah-nciennv laces :md insertions. appliqtm trimmings never Shan in such abundance her:- before. Atkinson 3; Switzvr. The anniversary of the Victoria Square church will lw held un Satur- day and Sunday. Rune ll and 12. On Saturday afuutlmll contest will talu- plnce. thew will he I-nros fur thr- (-hild‘ Ien nf the school, and n fnotlmll tum-- munenb. open to all. will cmnmm~ce at 3 o’clock. Music by Enst Yl rk Citizen’s Band. 'l‘va served from 4 tn 8. Grand ontvrtaimnent in the H 911- ing. Spl‘L‘i I] sm-mnns “’19 full uving day at 2:3!) and 7 p. m. by Rev. \V. E_ Hassm-d, B. A., Toronto. En-Iyln'dy Welcome. MASSEY-HARRIS D ELIVERY. ANNTVARSARY AT VIC. SQ Cashel Married. 1904 A woman worn-out, who never has to lift a hand for herself, who does not know the meaning of the word “worryâ€! How can it be possible? That it is possi- ble is proved by the experience of many a woman who, because of sleeplessnesn. nervousness, backache and other wom- anly ills, becomes an utter physical wreck. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription gives new life and new strength to weak. worn- out, run-down women. It establishes regularity. dries unhealthy drains. heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. "I suffered for ï¬ve years with inflammation which caused violent pain and often iorture [0 bad at times that I Could not be about to attend to my daily duties." writes Mrs. ulius C. Bell. of Bathroad. Kin ston, Out. " Li e was simply misc to me ant I did not know which way to turn or relief. Had tried doctors but found they did not help me. My druggist advised me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptionâ€"eulo- gizing it in glowing terms. I decided to ive it a trial and brought a bottle home. I am appy to say that after the use of the ï¬rst bottle I felt so much improved I decided to take nnotherand after that a third bottle. I have ood reasons to he pleased. for I am today a \vel woman. work is easy and the world looks bright. I have per- fect health, thanks to your medicine." Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buï¬alg, N. râ€"â€" â€"._..1_ W. H. Grant of Klvinhm'g. l as hevn elected President, hf the Nurtl: York Teachm-s’ Assnciutinn. Just to hand. nnnlhm- shipment of pretty wnll pava-s :1L3. 4;. 5, 8, 10 and 1150. per roll. Atkinsam «V5 Switzpr. Mrs. Thomas Pm'tur. fullth daugh- ter of thy lun- Jnmt-s Gm-scuddm) of Tempex‘anceville, died at her 11mm: in Belmm-nl, Man†on the 17th of May. She left a. husband and livv childI-Pn. The cm-ner stone: of tlw DE ()dist church at Lmkvy. Rev. Newton Hill ix' pustm‘. on the 24th nf \1uv. ALLAMV' "nun-V, -.. _. “ Favorite Prescription " makes weak women strong, sick women well. Ac- cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets should be used with “ Favorite Pyesgription " when- used with “ Favorite Prescr ever a laxatlve is reqmred. Onk Ridgvs. Motlmdnz Japan. who is now : Jupnnesv form a uclm Yam Niamey Every three months, Ifinvested in‘Secnrities we recommend. Dividends paid every Ninety Davs. Investment Hamilton, Canada. Mpmhvr of Stand Phone 1656. ard Stock Exchange The uhuv? unit-l Nm-n éI-Z Per Gemâ€. [Single copies, 3 cts. C. H. ROUTLIFFE. Mgr. (H‘HHHI will earn Exchange 69. In :lw new \Iv-Lh- Hkvy, where \stnr, Was lzud mlhw of Rm“. k, formerly of Missionary in [hp from; with us Chaplain. No. 48