Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jun 1904, p. 4

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Changeâ€"World's Dispensary Medical Assoc'n Changeâ€"J. C. Aye: 5: Co. Changeâ€"The Russxll Hardware Co The Macdouald Institute at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, will provide a Summer School for teachers during the coming vacation. The term will extend from July 5th to July 29th inclusive, and the work will consist of practical Nature Study, suitable for our public schools. The classes will be under the direction of Dr. W. 11. Withrow of the Macdonald Institute, and Pro- fessor William Lochhead of the Bio- logical Depm‘tmcnt in the Ontario Agricultural College, assisted by teachers of special fitness in the various subjects of the course. The Macdonald Institute is situ- ated on the grounds of the Ontario Agricultural College about one mile from the city of Guelph and is reach- ed by the electric street railway. The course will be thoroughly practical, involving daily excur- sions, lectures and laboratory work, the preparation of Nature Study col- lections and courses of reading in illustration of the subjects discussed. A leaflet giving fuller information may be had by application to Dr. W. H. Withrow, Dean of the institute. @Ixcv‘fiiiilmal. Pursuant to published notice, a. court was held in the cnuncil chamber on Monday, May 30, at 8 u’cluck p. in., for the purpose of revising Lbe us- sessmeuti-ulluf the village of Rich- mond Hill for the current year. Mem- bers present, P. G. Savage, reevu; Councillors Glass, limes, Puulin and Trench, being duly sworn Look their seats and proceeded to business. In». I. u...“ m.“ thwv, , Owing to the absence of [110 Clerk through illness. Mr. Glass moved, s‘econdcd by Mr. Pauline, that Mr. Innes he requested to record the pro- ceedings.â€"Uzu-ri9d.> n VuwulI-av. V..--.-“. The wave laid the assessment, roll before the court and stated than there were no appeals.‘ - i , :,,_J .L» "vnv nu wrr-"_- After the court had examined the roll the fulluwiug changes were oxder- ed to be made, VIZ :â€" No. l32â€"The name nf “'m. Gould to be inserted instead of A._ Martin. ‘ No. 195â€"A. Martin to be. inserted as tenant of D. Renman. Nu. 0+~Alnus J. “Night to be as sessed instead of Wm. Gould. No. 95â€"Jesse Hodgins to be assess- ed fur a dog. r 1 n .ILI. V... -u- " “VD. Nu. Zulâ€"l‘bu name- of Jen-y Smith to be entered instead of \V. T. SLorey, and adding Lheretu $10U for personal property. .n-,; L” .M.m...l as owner of pl'uperly entered in name of Jerry SmiLh us telmul. less $100 of tenanth peysmml properly. , _ , . k __L Paulinâ€"(z‘lnssâ€" [but the assessment {"011 benuw passed as finally revised mulcouecteu and Hum the Clerk is herrby iustx-ucLeLl LU certify the same, ,Imd llv shall he valid and bindingnn all pan-ties concerned, notwithstand- iugnny Helix-Lu: urmr committed in m with regard to the Suid 1-ull.â€"â€"-Car- Ilermngenwnl of the sbnmach is re- sponsible for much sicknvssuud sutfer- ing. Ervr)’ (xi-gun uf the body depends upon Lhestmnuch fur its nunrimentuud strengthâ€"If the stomach is not work- ing right. the hluud carries to the liver hwn'b. nvrves and kidney tissue imper- fect nutritionâ€"They become weak and unable to perfurln their \vorkâ€"lwcmlw clngged. diseased. and thruw out their distress symptoms. Now you may get; stilliulncire, temporary relief by the 1. king uf :1 kiduvy, liver, nerve or heart specific. but the cause rvmaiusâ€" The slunmch is at fault, and so lung as it keeps loading the blood with impur- ityâ€"\\'aste,sn lun * will the hlnvd trans- port, and deposit iseuse breeding vlu- ments in the weak placesâ€"\Vheu you feel the stomach fiist. A well stomach means a well body. Anti-Pill. the Great System Treatment. is a m-w discovery that, has :1 m-u'vellnus influ- ence in correcting system ailments. Address, \Vilson-Fyle 00.. Niagara Falls. Out, for free sample. Regulai sizea month's treatment. 50 ceuts ut- Druggists. Tn l'il'al CANADA CARTOONED. Mr. Arch. Campbell. M. 1’.. has, during the past, weal: or two. been sending some interesting lltemlure to some uf his cnnstitueuxs in this Sec- tion. One of the pamphlets is a book of cartoons published by the authority of the Hun. Clifford Sifwa, Minister of Nu. A‘sâ€"Albert Albin to ht: assessed New Advertisements. RICHMOND HILL. June 2 . prmv what, Ami-Pill, the Great hysteln Treatment will (10 for you, Every Reader nf this paper may have A Sample BnLLIe sent Free by Mail. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR NATURE STUDY. Court; of Revision 1901 at the An oxchunge says :â€"“‘[‘r~.-u:hurs of Widt' t-xpcriL-nce assert that stholnrs who have nucvss tn newspapurs at, home untstrelrh those in their studies who do nut sue the newspapers. They become heLU‘r rmders and speakers, gnunmarinns and WI ite the bl-st com- position. besides lemning history and gengiuphy quicker. They get a grasp of what is going on outsidn of their immediate noighhorhund which other- wise thPy could only get. by extensive travel and at great expense. Parents should take the anSpnpm-s and en- cuuxuge their children to read them.” THURSDAY, June 16â€"Aucti0n sale of the. Queen’s Hotel, Uniunvillo, in- cluding the stablng and all the furniture and stock. Sale at 5 p. m. Terms made known on day of sule 01' on application to Hig- gins & Douglas. 140 Ynnge Sh, Tm'ontvu, or J. H. Prentice, nuct. SATURDAY, June 18â€"Executnrs‘ sale of the east balvos of lots 34 and 35, 3rd cnn. Vaughan. 200 ilCl'I‘S. the property of the late Izrn. Cluhine, at Phillips’ Hotel. King Oily. Sale 21122 p. m. D. G. Bluugli, Auc- Lem!) or ARGOâ€"Imp. Clydesdale. the property 011) C Steele. will be at Richmond Hill, Mable. Oak Ridges. Victoria Square. Thornâ€" hilletc. Terms $14. RED WATTlEâ€"lmp Clydesdale. the property of Blough &Leuge.will be at lot 2 con 4 old survey King.King City. Oak Ridges, Bogar. town. Newmarhet etc. Terms $11. LAmn MACQUEEN â€" Clvdesdale stallion. the property of W. J. Wells, will be at l‘empor- enceville. Whitchurch. Newmarhet. Aurora. Kettleby etc. Terms $10. Rorm- HATTnNâ€"Clydesriale stallion. tre prop- erty of Blough & begcc. will he at King City. Maple, Aurore. Oak Ridges etc. Terms $12. I’llmon LecnsAoAnâ€" ‘1ydesdale stallion. the properl. oiJ E Teeson. will stand at his own stir 1e,1ot 2 con '2 Markham. ’l‘crms $10. Fonns'r Boyâ€"Trotting-bred stallion, the prop- erty of W Meek. will stund at his own stable. Victoria Sq are. Terms $8. TONY WILKES wltoadstcr stallion, the property of Samuel Francis. will be at Steele’s Cor- ners. Cherry’s Hotel. Edgely. liaple. Kirg City. Oak Ridges. Victoria Square, Union- villeI I‘horuhill etc. Terms 59 KNUOKALVE CBlEFrRun lster stallion. the prop- erty of Wm Birch. will stand at his own stable. Bedferd Perk. Terms sit. PURE GOLDâ€"Trotting stallion. the property of D W Meganin. will be at Summit House. Oak Ridges; Maple, King City. Elgin Mills. Richmond 11il: etc. Turns :8, SHIPnuTEâ€"Rnnrister stallion. the property of W J Hudgins. will be at Richmond Hill. Maple. King City, 0:11: Ridges. Aurora. Vic- toria. Square. 'l‘hornhill elc. Terms $10. FULLABTONâ€"Imp Clydesdale the proDerty of John Palmer emiA G Gurmloy. will be at Richmond Hill. Victoria. Square. Ringwood. Markham, Unionvrhe. 'l‘hornhill. eto Terms $15. YOUNG MAPLE LEAFâ€"General purpose stallion D Watson manager. will be at Maple, Con- cord, King City etc. Terms (‘8. GENERAL \VATSONâ€"Cal‘riflgo stallion. the prop- erty of John Rogers. will he at l’honlhizl. Ellesmere, Snnrburo Junction, Melvern, Markham. Unicnville. Victoria Square. Ouk Ridges, Richmond Hill etc. Terms $10. LUCKY S'rmim â€" Standard brad stallion the property of John Rogers will be lit Thorn- hill Ellesmere. Scarlilvro-lunctiu'l. Mulvcrn. Markham. Uliiunville. Victoria Square, Oak Ridges Riel mund Hill. Terms sill. tiENEDICE Jnâ€"Romlstei stallion the property of 3‘ Ireland will be at his onu stable Sher- wood. and Monday lights at Noblet-an. Terms 510. YOUNG GLENWOOD â€"Clmch stallion the property of Henry Line will be lit Maple. Richmond Hill.Kiug City Kettleby. Nobleton. Mack- Vllle. Bolton K1einburg.\’l‘oodbridge. Edge- ly etc. ‘lermseill NAPOLEON Bisnuncx â€" Roadster stallion the property of Henry Line Will be at Maple King City Rettleby Nobleton Meckwlle Bolton Kleinburg Woodbrldge Edger etc. Teims seven dollars BAILLABD Jnâ€"Freueh Canadian bred horse the property of Peter Widemau will be at Stuuflville Whitevnle Highland Creek Mark- ham Thornhill Richmond Hill Victoria Square etc. Terms eleven dodurs. WILD BILLY â€"Stnndard Bred Stallion. the prop- ertv ofJuhn Palmer. will stand at the Palmer House. Richmond Hill, during the season '1 arms 12 dollars. DICK FYFF‘. (also!) A. T. R.â€"'l'rotting stallion the property of Milton Stong Lansing will stand at his own stable. Terms ten dollars. Moxn’rosrâ€"‘i‘horowgmbred Stallion the proper- ty of George Robinson Richmond Hill will be at Maple Edger Pine Grove Kle.nbnrg Bolton Nobleton King City etc. Terms thirteen dollars. YOUNG VANGUAnnâ€"Clydesdale stallion the prop- erty of Harrv Smith w1'1 stand at his own stable lot 22 rear lst con East York. Terms eight dollars. Aurore â€"Ilr.p. Percheron stallion the property of W H Johnson will be at lot 20 con 4 Markâ€" Lam Richmond Hilldlsthesdn Stouflvilla H. W. Hudgiu. M us. B:u‘.. F.G.C.M. (Lund.). teacher uf Voice Production, Singing. l’innn, Organ and Theory. 0n stuff of Toronto College of Music. “'ill be at, Riclmmnd Hill and North on Tuesday (vacancy for fmlr more upils); Thornhill und south on I‘hursduys and Saturdays (vacancy for twp lump. pupils). Toronto. Special fittention to pupils prepar- ing for any umminatiun at College of C(msm‘vatm'y. Pupils very success- ful. For Let-ms address 370 Church St. A Filst-Class Nine-Roomed House with 33 nf an acre of land. Guud slune foundation and cellar. Situated on Yonge street, Richmond Hill. Apply to 1" v‘ ‘Ivvr vs‘v FOR SALE _OR_ TO RENT T etc‘ tiuueexu Stallion Register ermisrihirteon (1011.213 Sale Register. \\'. E. \VILE Y. MUSICAL. Richmbud Hill. li' Elites. show- in Llw former muw that "John Mes the worth gloatvst of his the lwst cnrtmm he (me (-nLilh-(l n In [his Uncle I driving W'cst. when th l are tn the a limp, la [ll-r: lfmklnli ln_all pal-ts uf the world. The first package of HHn-Kulcl (the infallible Pile (cm-v) LhaL was put uuL \\ ent tn n small town in the Slate- uf Nvlnuskn. _ It made the euro of a case of Film that was ctmsidmetl hopeless. 'l‘hv news Spl‘L‘tl and ullhuugh this was lmly two years ago thv dvmuf’ul lull'tlt ul llm- ; prumptl-(l Dr. J. S. Lle _ culn. NPlL, the disruvermgtn lu-vpm-c- 11. I for gone-ml use. Now it Is lwmg sunt 'l‘lnmn _ 1: “Han 46-2 mos. i ‘ spec It nqnd that to fines whh the cuhs britt pefiz cruy supe Try It and 1 J. 'Ihe . .++++++¢++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + um. vv + + The Next Sitting of Division Court to: N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. ~zlwz~+++++~z~++~z~++~z~+++4~v++++~2~+-:» RICH MON D BIL L BMSEGN - mm. SATURDAY, JUNE 11,1904, June 11, 1903 LIVER‘Y Quarter Muster Instructur LeBlond of the Royal Schmnl of Cavalry, Will be at. Richmond Hill on the aflernnnn and evening of Friday next, the 3rd inst. and Friday week, the 10th inst, for the purpose of instructing recruits of the Body Guard. All interested are invited to attend. 4849 SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE in this county and udjnining territories, to represan and advertise an old estuh. lished husluess house uf solid financial standing. Salary $21 woele with expense-s advancvd each Muudny by check direct, frnm headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary: pusiliou permanent. Ad- dress Blew Bros. & 00.. Monnn Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Am.“ -)I R vIv‘!(- Cavalry Training $5 â€"â€"A12-ROOM Solid Brick I , semiodetached house in Pnrkdale. Torontoâ€"Daisy hot water heating; lot 52x202 feet. running thrungh to next street; could build stable. ur two good houses on back of lot. A DECIDED BARGAIN. Tn wind up an estatv. For further particulars apply to MURDOCH 8: 00., 14 Law- lor Building, Toronto. 4850 Coal and \Vood Dehvered Prices Right. OOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros... There is none made anywhere that is superior to it in any re- spect. It makes the finest, flakiest, whitest bread, the lightest bis- cuits, the most brittle and ap- petizing pie- crust, the most superb cake. Try it and you will be couvli RICHMOND HILL Bielnnond [-1 111 7nmmencimz at 10 n. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK URORA BELLE FLOUR ’PASTURE J. HALL. How It Spreads. +++++++~z~++++++++++~z~ -â€"â€"â€"Sold Byâ€"â€"â€" COAL WANTED. will be convinced. W003 Apr. 21, 6 wks. Wen neasnkq Ii§@33§§ m fiQSfiGQQBfiQSQSQg METROPOLETAN STORE V'W . 42:“. ~ GQ-fiifiwx QR. SPWNEV $3 3639333333321 Founder of Dr. Spinney 5: 0°- DR. SPINNEY, FRESH GBOCEBIES, SOAPS OF ALL KINDS. Largest Established, Most Successful, Reliable Specialists in Diseases of Men. BOOTS SHOES, AND RUBBERS. New-Williams Sewing Ma- chines and Pianos. “COMPLETE STOCK 0Fâ€" PAINTS AND OILS. FURNITURE AND GROCERIES. MercantiléTWestern, Norwich Union, York Mutual Fire lns. Cos. We carry a complete line of . LUEFQRD, Frap. Ca“ and see our stock. We make no (Melee: nesslike propoeifions to cure their pazronoge. We stricture. Vnrkocele. 23¢: Weakness, Kidney and Urizm to inhcritancc, hubim, €XL=$5C eases. The many years of our rmecessful practice in Detroit proves that our sperm] treatment fur men is mfe and certain. You do not want to be mutilated and maiumd for life in trying to be cured of Varifiocclc. stricture and kindred troubles by surgical procedures. We Guarantee 11 BAFBAMP I‘osrnvn CURB in the shortest poksible time without. jnjunous alter-en}ch Our charges will he as low as possxble for conscxcnuous, skill- In! and successful services. LBREBLEGRB‘E‘MGE sPECIAp noan TREATMENT For Patians who Cannot Call. Question Blank Sent. Free. Consultation Free. Cures Guaranteed. @®a@@9e$%@@&®§afi & SGN AGENT FOR-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Ee§®£§$®9§$§>9 »faleadmg smhments or unbusl- us to the Mfumad in order to so- 9. We cure to stay cured. le. Nervous Debiiity, Blood Diseases, ' 1I;,'I)iscnsrsnnd an dxscagcs dye ktsac ,or the results of specxfic d15- $53 35mg “My ; “mam”

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