Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jun 1904, p. 5

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Elan: iiihemi. M 1-9. \V spending .- friends Mr. Jnhn Mmgun, (:lt'l'k in the Slundni'rl Bank. is away on his hnli- days. His plan- is heng supplit-d by Mr. RUN) of Markhnm. The Sewn-bury of the Agricultural Society, Mr. Nit-hnlls. is prvpul-vd to pay this prim- nmm-y tn the succnssful exhibitors (m Victnrin Dny. Miss Beulah Brydnn sun-th Friday fur Lowell, Mass.. where shv purposes l'vumining fur snnw time with her aunt, Mrs. John Sturvy. R. \V.Bru. Ninhan, I). l). G. M. (if No. 11:». paid an officile visit tn Shawn Lndge, NH. 97, A. F. & A. M., lust Tut-sdny m1-ning. This is Ill? R. \V. Bx~u‘s. lust official visit. :25 D. D. G. M. In giving the prize list. in THE LIBERAL We said that, the first, and second prizes in the Canadian Clyde Slallliuu class was won by \V. J. \Vt-lls. This was an vnmz The- fil-st prin was awarded to J. E. Teesml’s Prince Loch~ nagux'. and the second to Mr. Dmis‘ stallion. Our lmpv fol-$1101.05.“ [u-vcmtinn. Atkinsun Mr. P. Ellis. l’nlino Magistrate. Tu- l-(mtu Junvtinn, was on Monday m'nzlâ€" and the lmmiuntiun of the \th Ymk Liberals for the Local Legislature, to uppnse Mr. 813. John. M. 1’. I" Mrs. J. \V‘l‘léh 0f thrnit, former- ly hf this phw. who was un a. visit tn hl'l' sigh-1', Mrs. Andi-luv Miller, Thm'n- hill, spent a day 01' twu with frivnds here. Then- is no bet goods on the m Brand." “'9 h, lu‘nnd Tnmn Luvs, Peas 21nd Beans. Adam VVeiI' Hill'ppl‘, sun of Council- lm‘ Harper, Markham 'l‘uwuship, uflu-x' :millness of alwut eighteen months. died last, Thursday in his Zs‘th year. Interment. in Thnrubill cvmvtery the following Saturday. Peas zel'. All sizes of window glass in stor'k. \Ve quote for size 15x30. $1.95 per duz. and other sizes in proportion. At- kinson & Swilzma Mrs. Juhn Blough of Tob'un spent \VednESday afternoon \Vlth her old friend Mrs. R. Kinnee. She was sun-y to find her old friend in such a weak state of henlth and wisle her u speedy recovery. Mrs. Kinnie has been a. Len-ible sufferer for the [mat y t‘ Mr. R. A. Moudio, who is spending the summer at St. Mary’s was home last “790k to spend a. few days with his sister, Mrs. M. Vunderburgh, whn has been ill for sume time. XXX White wine vinegar, white grape vinegar. cider vinegar, English malt, Vinegar, of best quality. at close, prices. Atkinsml & Switzvr. The Epwurth League will hold their monthly cunsecx'atinn meeting Friday June 3rd. at 8 o’clock. An address will be iwen by Rev. “7. G. Smith. All mem 91's uf the League are cam- estly requested to be present. The monthly meeting of the VV. M. Society will be hold at- tlne home of Mrs. Andrew Newton Thursday, June 2ndut3 o’clock. The delegate will give a report nf the Convention which met in Toronto last week. Extra. vulue in brooms, bmshes, matches, pails. tubs and baskets. At- kxnsnn and Switzvr. Don’t fail to hem- Mr. R. Tandy, the celebrated tenor soloist; Miss Dyan]. elncutiunist; Mr. E. Maison. comet, soloist and other ax-Lists at Victoria, Square on Saturday. the llch of June. The News of Monday contained :1 good portrait of Mr. '1‘. B. Speight. surveyor, who heads a. Government party which will survey the Lake Abitihi District this season. The above is a. son of Ml.Speight of Maple. R. “’m'. Brother Nichclls, W. Bra. Trench and Bros. Oshurne and Lumon, of Richmund Ludge, A. F. & A. M., visited Patterson Lndge last, Friday evening. it being the occasion of tlw official visit of R. \V. Bro. Flaxfiéis, M. of No.. 11 to his mother Lodge. Since the death (If Sir Henry M. ‘tunley, on May 10, perhaps nothing that has appeared in print so well summarizes the Milk accomplished in Africa since Stanley‘s explumtiuns began as duos the article in the Re- view of Reviews for June by Cyrus 0. Adams. the geographical expert. The remarkable changes of the past thirty yeah‘ in the map of Africa :u-o clearly set forth. and the world‘s debt to the mtwpid expluler is graphically de- scribed. The military concert; advertised last, week has been postponed until further notice. Those who had purchased tickets will get their money refunded by applying to Mr. C. H. Ellstun. 3R 1‘. Rxcnmuxn HILL. Juxw up bettexj quuljty of Eunqu the market than “Quaker “79. have in stock of this mtues, Sugar Com, Midge-t Beans. Atkinson & Swit- R. PH few duy POSTPONED. wtm- of Bun-iv. is s wbe rulmivvsund “"5 in yum' up- ‘t ‘witzvr. 1904 Mr. \V. T. Stm'n-y‘s family moved tn thv city Tm-sdny, and Mr. Jen-y Smith and fquin nmwd in!“ the vacated premisea [he {Mk-wing day. Mr. Voteransiugwnitv is shipping this \w-x-k In “10 (JM'vnum-nt farm in Blilih‘ll Unlumluiu n lim- nun-9 for brutalng purpusvs, a stallion rising 2 years. and :1 tbnmugh-hx-x-d hull. H umnths~ old. Mr. Bassingwuite 3180 sold this was-k n sudle home. Mr. Norman \Vesley of Newmarkct. being the huyt-r. Mr. T. Herbr-rt. Lennox of Aurora, has transferred fmm 1h» 12th York Range-rs tn the Governor Gmwrnl's Body Guard. It is (-xpe-cted that he will nhtmn command of the Oak Ridges Squadmn. and no doubt he will he nhlo to take :1 full squudrun to Campusheis very pnpuhu- with the young men in the )nnnty. The first picnic of the svasnn was ht‘ld at Lake “'ilonx last Saturday. A sm:ull party of girls :10: nmpunied by Miss Kvith and Miss M. Clark went, up on the 10.30 cur. ’l‘ho day was all that, (‘nuhl he dPSllPtl, games and boat- ing being; kopt up all day. The party returned at 7, much pll-usod with their day’s outing. Miss up on that, c Miss Anglin, t(‘a(‘lll‘l' of Patterson Schonl. has recently purchased it III-intzmnn piano from Mr. A. G. Savage. and intends starting :1 music class. She. is it late pupil of the Rim- siur; Prufessor. Kunigshurg of Mont- I‘t’il . Mr. Patterson of Hip Home Insur- ance C(L, has rented the “ St. George” Imuse. Oak Ridges and takes posses- sion i1) :l-fow days. Gardeners have been busy the' last, two weeks trimâ€" ming shruhhery and laying out, fluwer beds and beautifying the plncv. Men are also busy inside with the furnish- ings. etc. \Villiam Munns. who llzld a brief but exciting political career, is the defend- ant in three suits begun at Osgnode Hullfm'inoiwy illngk'd to be dneon business tl'misucbinns. The plaintiffs are Nancy Brillinger, Funny Blil- linger and Elizabeth Blillingm; ElllIl Ihe amounts claimed are $300, $400 and $300 respectively. All three writs set, forth that the money was obtain- ed by fraud and mim’epresentatiL-nâ€" Glnhv. ‘ Mvssrs. L. Innes & Suns have just completh :1 summer pavilion for Mr. Juseph Carr at, Lake \Vilcox. It is 21x36 fee-t, fitted up with pantry, kitchen, with 8 hedi'nmns above it fur summer boarders. Mr. C'll'l' has tables that may he used in the parlor on cold 01- wet days for the convenience of picnic parties or the flour may he used fox dancing. The new pavilion in \vost‘of Lukeview Huuse overluuking thelnkeamd picnic grounds. l‘Inny mums are already engaged and in quiriesnbuut accommuclatinn are re- ceived every day. This year Mr. Carr will have a large new conned lms tn meet the cars at, Megufi‘ins. Yonge Street, and the return fare will be 150. A number uf days have been secured by picnic pin-ties fur the ground and boats. Those intending to hold pic- nics thelet‘his seasnu wnu!d do well [u see Mr. Carr at an early dutf‘. After am illness of about five months Mr. John Coulter, widely known and highly respected. passed away Monday evening in his 84th year. Deceased “usa native of Newtonurds. County Down, Ireland. and cmne to this coun- try sixty-five years ago. settling for a. time in Kingston, but afterwards came to Toronto. From Toronto he came to Richmond Hill where he resid- ed for the past fifty years. or many years he carried on here a successful business as merchant tailor, retiringr about. ten years ago. Until quite recently Mr. Uonlter never had a. dny's sickness, though the death of his \\ ife about two yenrs ago was a severe blow to him. He was a Presbyterian in religion. and never wavered in his support (.f the Conservative party. The funeral yesterday afternoon was largely attends-d. many friends being pit-sent from :1 distance. A short ser- \‘ice was conducted at the house by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Grant, after which the remains were laid to rest by those of his wife in the villa e ceme- tery. The pull-hearers were. lis three sons. John D. Conlter. city traveller for George Milligain; Dr. R. M. Conl- ter, Deputy Postmaster-General, Ot- tmvu; Alex. Coulter, Department of Inland Rmenue, Toronto: and three sons-in-Iaw, Arch. Campbell of this village and R. \Valker and 0. Savage, Toronto. Besides the three sons re- ferred to above, other surviving mem- bers of the family are Miss M. A. loulter at home; Mrs. James Law. of Dundas : Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. “'ulker . and Mrs Szwnge. l TRANSFER TO BODY GUARD. THE LATE JOHN COUL’l‘ER. \V ILLIAM M UNNS SUED. PICNIC AI‘ THE LAKE SUMMER PAVILION. STOCK SA LE mwn Life’s chargod by its pnliuies sh surren- Typhoid fevm'hnn \‘kited the home of Mr. George Charlton. was! of Thnrnhill. and already three de-uths hm'enccul-led within the past wcvk or toll days. Mr. \Vestfield. a green greet-1‘ in Hull. m-cmnpmfit-d by his wifa. spout :i day or twu with Mr. and Mrs. Em- pringhum nnCl Mr. and Mrs. Gax-hntl. Thuy lvft ’I‘ul-sdny morning and will visit Niagara Falls. the Thousand Islunnls and Month-a1 inc-fore returning tn England. Mr. \Vestfivld has trawl]- (arl tln'nngh New York and other statos. but says that he has‘ seen no bettvl- farm lands than in the County of York. HISLUP 77A: Hemlfm-d, on Friday, May 27, the tho of I). His‘mp. of twin sons. KICFFNR~~A£ Sherwood on Thursdav {WW 2!; Eliznlbem,l'elict of the lace Fl'rdvrxck Kef fer. auol GU ymrs. 7 mos. 7 Funeral Saturday, May 28, to the Luthemv Funeral SntuFdny, Cemetery. Sherwood A conductor’s cap on the Metropoli- tan Railway. The findm' will kindly leave the same at the \Vaitiug Room. and friends that I intend I beg to advise my customers moving {opposite Standard Bank) on larger am] will give me a better opportunity to Show goods and carry stock. STMBAR BANK ()1‘ Canada Received in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment and interest uIIOWed at, HIGHEST BURRENT HATES. I Gentlemen.~â€"I can strongly recom- i‘lo'ley Loan?“ 0“ qumers' mend Yul-kshil-vSuu-k Fnudfm'hnrses 53!” no“'9° 3'3"" 1‘0“? and cattle nut hf condition. lhnvc forms supplied Frflc’ [u-cmmuended it. in my practice fm- itwvmy ymu‘s and consider it is the ' pl-Hnier stuck food in the market. Gwen}. Banking Business Transacted. air Vigor For other particulnrs call at the Bank. All druEEists. V I Grayfiair 5190} home. Why is it that Ayer’s Hair Vigor does so many remark- able things? Because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair, puts new life into it. The hair cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to gray hair. "When i first med Aycr'o Hair Vigor my bah- wan about all grai. But now it is n. n‘ce rich black, and as th ck M I could wish.” I‘Mns. SUSAN morrnxsnnm Tuscumbla, a. msiie ma Bank! Capital Rest Nutice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All (It-pnsits payable on demand. Jerry Smith, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. The new store ‘is much RICHMOND HILL GAP LOST E P\VORTH LEAGUE. or about June 151. 01 'l l ssh ) g J'. W. OSBORNE, DEPOSITS three doors south 0E \TII‘ “I [:1 HS. $1,000.04“) 925.000 J. C. AY‘BR 00. owell. Mun AGENT. Usc-d and recommended by leading Veternm-ies and Stockmen, always gives satisfaction because in makes all kinds of stock thrive. Guaranteed to cure Distmnper. Epiznotic, Coughs, Colds and bmkvn wind in hurses. The Province is full (If Distumppr umnng hm-srs and many valuable unim- ills are being ruined by beng neglected. which when causes broken wiufl. YORKSHIRE UOUGH and HIVE CURE iunuedintely stops the disease zfiul cures the cough. Yorkshire Stock Food Sold in Richmond Hill by George McDonald, Harness-maker, and at. Toronto by Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure ~' ;‘ mmmmmmmmmmmfi c. ( Why Not Trade Near Home. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ A G R E E TI N G : To our Friends and Customers, We are here to stay. We are here to make a. success. We like the country and the people. We like our business and strive to increase it by all honorable means. ix kfimsatmm“ ‘ mmmmmm The best goods and the lowest prices are what count. We believe in selling only such goods as give entire satisfaction. We believe in glving une dollar’s worth for 351 00. We are convinced that our interests and yours are closely allied If we show you it is to your advantage to trade with us you Will give us your paironage. We fully expect fairness and think you will admit, if ou.r goods and prices are equal with those of other reliable merchants it is just and righL to patronize home enterprise. We have devoted much time studying how to satis- fy the wants of our customers and now with our facilities we are able to meet any competitor’s prices. We be- lieve that a $1,000 of our money will buy as many goods as $1000 of our competitors. We have light; expenses, no electric light, no water privileges, no city taxes. We can and do‘buy cheap and sell cheap. We carry as large and as well assorted a stock of standard goods as there is in the country. We offer now to make to your measure in firstclass style for $12.75 suits of black and colored fancy Worst- eds that usually sell for $18.00 or $19.00. Thos. McConnell, V. S. Agricultural Dx-nggists. 171 King St East, Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel. ATKENSN & SWETZER. Pariies requiring cement, English or Lanau‘ian, Port- land or Hydraulic, for all kinds of work, walls floors, silos, write or call and get our prices before purchasing else- where. We guarantee’it to be first class in every particu- lar. JAG!) EVER & SGN Richmand Hili Toronto. April 4m, 1900. A. .Tohnston & (30.. What we claim : OUR CREED. ~flem6m- Sczu'bm'o T . Dun P. O. ' Fe u'nary 12th, .1901. Gentlvnwn.â€"\Ve have used York- shire Stuck Fond fur yvzu-s :‘md know from experience that, it is-féu- superim- to any other stock food in the market, it is u. grand fund for stock (:fany kind especially cattle and hogs. “'e fee-d it, regularly. Farmers in our locality a'll endorse it. +4»:- Dan-id Duncan & Sons.

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