R6!“013"6d,'1fld newly furnished throughout ï¬ne of the most convenient. sud comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern cou- veuienre Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Anldeulstoupingplace for riding or driving p.\tcies,hicycllsts, or farmers going tonrraturuing from market. Electric cars pus the door Liveryiu touuuctiun 04115 by day and night promptly at- teuded to. The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, 101:3â€), [st con. Markham (Thornhill) has for 'sale some good young stock. ' Thoroughâ€"bred hull and hog kat fut-service on the promises. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. PALMER HO USE Two gnnd hay "laws. with 1 side. \Veight. about 1400 lb‘ 7 yrs. old, thy nthvr 9. Apply yo 7 W TERMS 51.00 PEP. DAY “I. C. SAVAGE - M _ 1mm. DR. WM. RQEERS, I)entist. Room 12, [24 Victoria. St. Toronto. Best ï¬tting terth, also replnting, at lmvgsc pricas. Good work. JOHN R. CAMPBELT, Into-midoutnhvslciau M. .Vessaru and Grace R'nipiuls \ (‘umntu Our. Church and Carlton Sts., TU l'u n ‘M I, \Villhe in Richmund Hi1! ever lst, and 3rd \Vuducsduy during June, July and August OLï¬cc, next dmu- nux-{h of Smud- ard Brmk. DR. ARNOLD D.A. MASON, D t-BlltiSt, VETERINARY SURGEON VOL.XXVI. [s PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MO RNING AT THE IBERAL PRINTiNG dc PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, on. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"9.30 :L. m. to 5 p. m. SUNNYSIDE FARM .‘. 11‘. Moï¬AHON, .Want your moustache or beard abeautiml brown crrich black ? Use [Ayersf WE RICHMOND HILL 0 [Ice floursâ€"941m m n m ; 12 to 9 p m 49-h RICHMOND HILL VETERINARY SURGEON, rl‘llornhill. 6‘ $1 per annum, in advance 49- 52 BUSINESS CARDS. DR. E. J. STUBBS, Elan ï¬ibm! For Sale Eamon .82 PROPRIETOR. Weterizmw SANDERSDN, 'l‘hm'nhiil D. G. GOODERHAM. withn fnals_hy ‘ I ll‘u Viuturiu Squaw. yvanA M. Pru pri d01- is. On} Prop The undersignvd can supply pasture for stock on lot 29, 2nd con. Markham. Plenty uf watyr. H. \V. Hudgin. Mus. Ban. F.G.(‘-.\I. (Lund.). tezmher of Voice Production, Singing. Pinnn. Organ and The-wry. On staff of Tux-(mm Gullvge of Music. \Vill bth Richmond Hill and North on Tuesday (vacancy for fum- more upils): Tlmrnhill and south 0n humduys and Saturdays (vacancy fur qu mane pupils). SpvciulaLu-ntiun to pupils prepar~ ing fur any vxmninutiun at, Unllege uf Conservatory. Pupils very success- ful. For terms uddrebs 2.70 Church St. Touwntu. 46-2 mus. A large stockof Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. Licensed Anemone .n for the Count ies of and Ontario All Salas of {arm stock, é“ tended to on the shortest notice and roast mtew. Mortgngnnndbnillfl' sales attend ResidenceSboufl’viHo Ont License Auctioneer {oz-the County of York, re- spocflully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the sun-test notice and at reneonabemtes. P. 0. address King RICHMOND HILL & THORNHJLL Licensed Auctioneers for the County of Salesnoeuded to on shortestnotim and a sounblerates Patronagesollclted J T Snigoon, Maple Saigu Licenaeu Auctioneer for the County Goods sold on consignment Genera] stoc etc promptly attended to at. n rates Residence Unionville G R Gouldmg, Newton Breakage above BarriSu-rs and So“ Money to loan on land andchnuel lowest rates Aurora ofliceâ€"Remtn'ed to the 01‘ one door west of the en! Dunn-10 Bank Newmarkec odice~Three doors 1 puscoihue T HERBERT Lxsmmx, (i STV M HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LENNOX & MORGAN 31. T E ï¬i‘l’: N O'l‘A RY PUBLIC, ‘ JAE). NEWTON Bnrrisbel's, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rit mum] St. \Vest.“’t-sley Buildings (Mot-hodist Bmfk Rumm) TU- Mr. Cook Undertaken-s «t Embnlmrrs G G S I:iD(15t3}'.K C A G F Lawrence W Ridout \\'a.usworbh THE NE\\'TO.\' TANNING (‘0. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, {E [4(}IN BIIIJIJS HIGH COURT OF (Imp Life Building (formerly hold Loan Bldg). (70:. Adt-Izti‘ Victoria Slit. Tux-onto. LIBERAL ()fl-icp MONEY TO Bax risters , 3911‘ Lindsay. Lawrence & w adsvvorth. COOK & ’JOH‘N’Siï¬N WRIGHT BROS constipation, biliouénéss, sick-headache. {5%. ’°“" 7 1.Mm_ bugar-coated, cas to take, mild in aption. hey cure Sugar-coated PASTURE x-untn. mk will be at Maple nn Thursday afternoon of each week. D. G. BLOUGII, J. ll. 1-. entire. gcon a: McEw auxauesmumz [N THE N. B. Smith. MUSICAL. “ng. (70:. Adt-Izt'idt‘ 66 Pin Shh. Toronto. 1309, Richmond Hill on Suburdm‘s. noved to the old post ofï¬c.’ ass of the entrance to the 1k >â€"Three doors south of the ex. G 51V Momâ€. A.. A urox‘n. ï¬nal. “ In Essentials, Unit-y; and Sollrnm's. icitors, Notaries. kc. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JUNE 16 LOAN AT 5% he Counties of York {arm stock, d'c, at- n_otic¢_3 and rennouahle Elgin Mills penerél 751132 01 Phone Main 2984 NH. 33 Rich- J K McEwen Weston at. reasonablc . agent (or the amended u; mortgages at hewzï¬nrket of Fork, 1 York. a. rea- v Free- Examine the ï¬ne worsted gnuds that, we will make a suit of to your measure for $12.75, regular $18.50 suity. Atkinson 8: Switzer. The report of the By-luw Cnmmitâ€" tee, \vhlch was accupled without amendment. prohibited racing ()l'flll‘- ious driving. A hy-law to allow a pail. of the \‘i1- lnge of Holland Landing to go back into the fownship of E. (iwillimbnry ‘ was referred back to ï¬nd out whether the by-law if passed Would be legal. Mr. A. B. Davidson presented his report as P. S. I. and noted many im- provements in the past few years. At Saluiday’s meeting the Finance Committe reported in favor of having the account, Lrunsferred from the Im- perial Bank to the Sovereign Bank, on the ground that the Sovereign Bank had five branches in the county. The report was adopted by a Vote of nine to eight. The ieport showed that. $26,614 is required for general pul-pbsvs. which means a. rate of one and oneâ€"tenth mills on the. equalized assessment of the county. The sum of $7,416 is needed for the Industrial Home. The following graan to high schools. recommended by the Educa- tion (lonnnittee, were adopted :â€" \Veston, $350: Markham, $765; Rirhâ€" 1 wood Hill. $404; Newman-lieu. $391 ; Aurora. $350; East: Toronto, $412; To_ronto Junction, $675. York County Council conclude its work of the June sessinu late on Sut- urday. During the Week it, was de- cided tn paly a bonus of 25 cents a day to every member of the G. G. B. G. who are residean of York County. outside of Tux-(mm. Mrs. B. Saigeun and three children nf Edmonton, are visiting at Mr. J. '1‘. SJigeou’s. The funeral of Mr. Archie Brownlee who died on Saturday. took place from his late hume. near Yellow. to Knox church cemetery on Monday afternoon. Five horses bolonging to Mr. Thns. Rumble, got out, of the pasture ï¬eld on Saturday night. and at, time of writing, no trace of them has been found. Mr. H. (l. Buik-y is improving the appearance of his store-and dwelling house by having it painted. The. work is being done by Mr. J. Mont- gnumx'y of Sh('l'\\'0U(l. Mr. O. Nixon of Hope, had the mis- fortune to lose. a valuable horse last Saturday. She cause of its death was acutf: indigegion. A hnrse Belonging to Mr. H. Lines was kicked by another horse and its leg__bruk('n, and it had to be killed. Mr. J: I Cradduck is dwelling huuse by hzu‘ing a kitchen built at the rear. The puipit uf the Methodist chum-h was occupied on Sunday ovenng by Mr. Pethick, of Richmund Hill. Our foot-ball team playcd against Uniouville team at Victoria Square on Sulurdgy, but were defeated by 1 to 0. A rushing business was done on Saturday awning at, the new ice-cream pullor, just opvnr-d by Mrs. (know and Mrs. Mal-Wuud. “70, are ph-nsud to $99 the sewm- pipe (11th homung this spring. "Its an ill “ind that don’t bluw suuuuunu good." burhoyslmve solvrrtvd u ï¬lm ï¬eld for football pmuLicv, Ilaluvly, tlw unid side. Mr. A. L’ulu‘rson had an ('xperis‘nce last, Week while blasting .1 sme which mirht, have been svriuus. A charge hu failed loignite and while removing it the samo explndcd burn- ing his: hands. \Vemu ploasvd h» hear Mr. \Vm. Tyndall is C(mvnlvsuvnr. Mr. John Uhnrlt-s is putting up :1 fine burn on the Putin-sun prupm-Ly. MI. Get). Shell is to haw his Inn-n mising on Thursday. Itis rumored that, Mr. Hurry Gra- ham has inlisted in the GUVVIIIUF- Gr-uex-ul‘s Body Gmnd. Mr. A. Panel-sou had an oxpm-ivnce lust, Week while blasting .1 sume which might have [men svriuus. A Fur an idv-ul spot at which tn Spend an ideal day, we can rucummond m picnic parties the beautiful grounds surn-nnding Mr. \Vm. Harper's place nn thSt. (ivnl'gv estate, cluse tnthv shureuf \Vilcnx Luke. Mr. Harper has upmn-d u lmnth where refresh- ments to suit the must fnstidinus may at all ï¬lms be liml. He has also plncvd hunts (In VVilt-nx Luke fm- tlmso whn love rowing, and thr-I-e is a spacious dancing platform adjnining the grmmds, Tho :IlllH‘O grmmds cmnpnn- fzn'm'ullly with any plum-at, “'ilcox or Bond Lnkvs. ' Miss Ethel Patterson. who recently went to Turhntn, is visiting friends at hnme this week. Mrs. H. Pleasance of Langstnï¬â€˜ the guest of her daughter, Mrs. ' Bowen. on Sunday. York County Council in NomEssentials , Oak Ridges Carrville Maple Liberty ; in all things, Charity was \V m. l McNaiz--â€"Devinsâ€"Thab the Clerk be instructed to notify l’. S. Gibsml, U. E., tn commence at station 7x0, Hm- ~ land‘s Hill, at a. point 3 ft. 2 in. higher itllan the proposed plan and change _ grade to 9th cuncessinu and stake cubs and ï¬lls, and prepare plan for deed ' for proposed road and for closing up ’ old roamâ€"Curried. See the latest in gun‘s ï¬ne white and colIm-d shirts open frunt, open back. npvn hack and front. lung busnms and short». Atkinson 5: Swil- zer. gist. A gua'ruutee .g‘oes ml’h' pack- age. containing u nmuth's treatment. It. can be ubmiucd fur $7.00 alt drug .. .L There» are other causvs, but no mat- te: what the cause or what the kind (:f Pilvs. Dr. Leonhurdt's Hemâ€"Raid can be relied upon to cuteâ€"m stay curt-(l. Ills an internal remedy [but removes the (:uuacs of Itching, Blind, Blveding or Suppurating Piles. Followed by a reaction on account of the resinous dx-ymg properties they cuntain. A proliï¬c cause 01" Piles is the use of cathm-ticsund pills nf a dl'asLic, \iu- lent natme. Manirâ€"Devinsâ€"That the Treas- urm- be and is hereby authorized to pay the following grunt: To Hemy Creighton, for Vaughan Agricultuxal Suciety. the sum of Thirty-ï¬ve dul- l;tl-s.â€"â€"Can ied. Uuuucil adjourned to meet an July mm, at 10 a. In., sharp. â€"Can~ied. Devinsâ€"â€"Lnnghnuseâ€"That the Clark a instructed to lluLify the Township Solicitor to take legal proceedings against) Edward Green. of Kleinhm-g, he not. having complied with the rc~ quest, Of the Uuuucil.â€"C:u-| ied. sections........,... . . . . . .. John Atkinson, equalizing sch’l secliuns . . . . . . . . . . . . Leader and Recul'dex. :Ldv’g,et.c. A. McNeil, qu cords Wood. . .. and Work on 10sz . . . . . 6 50 John Ulnrksnn. drawing sewer pipe and putting in culvert, 3 12 Maynzud & \Vuldmn. on acct. of bridge at Turner's hollow 50 00 R. Agar, rep. Burlington hill.. 10 61 Jas. Uulhzun. drawing seiver pipe and putting in culvert l 87 T. Smyth, hauling timber and repairing culvert . . . . . . . . . i 5 30 G. A. Cooper, 105 cedar posts.. 21 00 Gr. A. Cooper. putting in culvert neiu lilviubuig . . . . . . . . . . . . l 00 Thos. Bowers, ï¬lling in washout on townline. York to pay ; l 50 â€"():irried. Longhouse â€"â€" Manir ~â€" That the Trcelsurrx‘ be ilnd is hereby author-ind to pay the following accounts: Hurt & Riddel, stationery, etc. 5 17 Hy. Creighton. equalizing sch’l The Above met on Tuesday, June 1-1, in thehall at Vellure. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read an}; adopted. ' Cumef-un â€" Longhonse â€" That the Trvasurer be authorized to pay the ful‘ 1: Wing accounts: A. Irving. for spikes . . . . . . . . . . . $12 68 Jas; Nicol, drawing pipe and putting in culvert . . . . . . . . . . 13 50 Newton Tanning 00., Cinders. . 20 Ed. Button, drawing _sewer pipe . “.1 A, Romhmlgh 'vs. \Vrightâ€"â€" Balance uf wages, $15. Judgment for pluintifl’ fox-$10. Palmer vs. Moycs-â€"Accnunt, $34.35. fur livery and board bill. The defend- ant diSpnu-d the plaintiff’s claim, and clninmd that in any case themccount should have been presented Within one nmnth from the (layuf the dec- lm‘zltinn of election. This case was tynlnsfm-red to he heard before the judge in his chambers, Toronto, to 59.0 \vlle-Lher defendant or J. Smith is liable. Twnnthnl-cases. Glass & Glass Vs. Nicol & Nicol; and Nicol & Nicol vs. Glass & Glass were adjourned to be tried before the judge here on Mun- day. the 27th of June. The last, two casvsnrose out, uf a dispute between tenants and landlords in which more than u doze-n witnesses were summon- $96.58. adjuurnvd till next court, neither side appearing. (Sm-man vs. Cousinsâ€"Accnunt and vxchnngenf cutrms, $71. Judgment for plaintiff $13.001md costs. Lloyd vs. Path") and Fawnâ€"Trans- fe rod to Anrm-n com-tn \Vright Bros. \‘3. \Vilsnhâ€"Accnunt $53.5â€. Judgment; for plaintiff in full. Millvl' vs. Foxâ€"Note, $17.85. Judg- ment fm‘ plaintiff. Hart vs. l3:llosâ€"â€"Sllit for hay. $10. Judgment fur plaintiff. Romlmngh vs. \Vright â€"â€" Balance “f WHHPS. $15. Judmnpnt fur nlzllnliW Division ï¬uurt. was held Saturday, His Hono'r. Judge- prosiding. The Cases called fullnwx : Maxwell 39; Snns_ vs. )Yntsnn â€"- Note, II! -,-n V augha n Council Division Pills and Piles. 1904 Court hero on Morgan, we)? as ' Fame. 13f. 'Pierce‘s Common Sense Med- ical Adviser is unt ï¬re on receipt of stamp: to pay expense of customs and mailing only. Send 3; one-cunt stamps for the book in paper covers, or 50 stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Addrc‘u Df.‘R.'-V.- Pierce, Bufl’alo, N. Y. " I iook two bolles oi your ' Favorite Preset-k» tiou' and two of the ‘Goldcn Medical Discom- ery' and am feeling well." writes Mrs. Dan McKenzie. of Loran Mines. Cnpc Breton Ca, Nov: Scolin. l'I haJ uterine trouble. also pain in the side and hcadache. After taking your medicine I was cured. You ma ‘ publish this or use it in any way you think gnu I cannot speak too highly of Dr. Piste: and his medicine." WHO CANNOT BE CURED. Backed up by over a third of a ten! tury of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for’ the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors of Dr. l’ierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $50? in legal money of the Unite States, fut“ any case of Leucorrhea. Female \Veakâ€"- ness, Prolapsua, or Falling of Womb 'which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their' means of cure. $500 "W "'1 '7 “b' . . . Doctor I’lercc‘s Favonte Prescnptxon makes weak women strong and sxck women well. House is one of the duties that a weaE‘ woman looks forward to with dread. A. a rule, she knows that she must pay fa the over-strain with days or weeks of womanly suffering. Gerald Mussen, son of Rev. E. H. Mussen of Uullingwnnd, fnrmprly of Aurora, was drowned with three com- panions on Saturday evening. ley went; out in a sail boat, which was afterwards found upset and half full of water. Thos. Hall, 76 years of age. an in. mate nf the Industrial Home. New- market. was pushed out (If the door by James cnulson, annther inmate and had his neck brokc'n. A coroner‘s jury returned a. verdict of accidental death. Earl Grey has been appointed to succeed Lond' Minto :ns GO\'Pl'nUl'- General of Canada. The new ap- pointee is a brnther of Mrs. Mintor and will come to Canada in October. Re-v. E. A. Pearson, who goes to Centennial Church, Toronto, recalved valuable presentations from his Aux-um CmgI-Pgutions, and others where he labored the last, four years. Over 600 excursinnists, nmstly’ wnnwn and children, wme drmvnéd‘ or burned to death on u. New York steamer. The steamer Canada collided witll‘ a under early Sunday morning and sank in the St. Lawrnncc rivpr. Fulu' pISSSGDgOI'S and one 01" £th crew were drowned. “’9 ha ve the cool underwear that’s ï¬t, because it ï¬ts. Atkinsun & S‘Vitr zer. The best goods, the best uttentinv. the best, prices at Atkinson & Swi - zer's. We have for sale 3000 shares of Aurora Con. at 10 cts. a share. We will sell in‘ 500 share lots and pay to each one purchasing this stock through Us I cent per' share for the option or re-r purchasing their stock next March at 55 cts per share. Write for our special Com bination Ofler. : : : : : "- l ...AURORA.., CONSQLIDATED CLEANING Investnlont Exch an 2:0 [Single copies, 3 cts. News Notes C. H. ROUTLIFFE, Mgr; REIme 2' FOR WOMEN No, 50