Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jun 1904, p. 5

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(‘v. & E. Must-n so dum- hunger made. MN. annptt (If Cullingwrmd. is spending a week with Mrs. G. \Viloy. Mrs. (I)r.) Richardsnn of Aux-om, :ptl-nt Saturday with Mrs. A. J. (Jump- 9 l. Miss Grave Hunter, B. A., of Town- to. spvnb Tuesday with the Misses Trench. A lvltor from Mr. Pngslvy. Chief nf the Fire Brigade. rvrvind [um Into fm this issur, will he iI:S_‘l'th next \vcrk. Messrs. Jucnh 1‘ pI-nviug the uppv: urLy lhis week by along the, front. Elie E‘Eihrml." You must haw groceries ; sell 'mn. LvL's nmke :l trndu son 6; Swilzer. A anle Lvnf I’in was fnnnd and left, at THE LIBERAL th‘ce. 'J‘hemvn- 91' may have the same by culling for it. There’s an end to all things Lhey Say, but there’s no end to Atkinson & Switzer’s willingness to please custom- MI. and Mrs. W. H. Robinson of Bmuklin. spvnt (H‘I'l' Sunday wilh Mr. and Mrs. D. Slmm. lh-vvu Savage and Mrs. Salvage- spoutm'm- Sunday with Mr. K: Mrs. Plnctnr in Barriv. Mrs. (D1-.)'l‘. V. Law of Dearlan Michigan. has ln‘vn spending the past wth with Mrs. A. J. Wright. Tho News (If Tuvsdny umtained a group of nine Mvtlwdist, ministers 01'- (lnine’d ‘in Turmqu ln'st Sunday. One of the numhvr was Rev. \V. G. Smith, junim- pnstnr on this circuit. Edith Lininn Fox-syth. youngest daughter of W. A. Forsytl) of Aurora, died at Springfield, Mass.. on the 11th inst. Funeml from her father’s I~es'- deuce Tuesday of this \vevk. Good digestion waits an appetite with those who buy groceries at Atâ€" kinson & Switzer‘s. The Officers (If Richmond Lndge NH. 23, A. F. 85 A. M., will he installed on Monday, June 20, by R. \V. Bro. Nicholls, D. D. G. M., assisted by VV. Bro. Newbery. Refreshments served at the close. Ml". “'hilhv nf Tm-nntm/spr-nt nvvr Sunday with Mr. Duuplas [)1-1-1‘3'. Mr. Harry Rumble hus sold his gon- eral purpose team of horses whirh took first prize here (m the 24th of May, to the Dominion Brewery Cum- pany, f01'$-1~10. The sale was made through Mr. Julm Palmer. See the latest; in men’s hard and soft, felt, hats at Atkinson Sc vaitzm"s. “’0 have the right shapes and can save you mnney on a hat. Rev. J. Grant, missionary to the \Vest Indies for thirty years, ac- cumpnnied by his wife and two daugh- ters. has been the guest of Mr. Jesse Grant, his uncle, previous toleaving for England on a year's furlough for the benefit; of his health. They set sail at Quebec on the 18ch of June. The best purelm‘d, 100. 1b.; 8 bars Happy Home soap for 25c.; extm prunes, 5c. 1b.; golden datps. 50. 1b.: pearl tapiom. 3:5c. 1b.; washing soda, lgc. 11).; whitening, 15c. 11).; best bak- ing soda. 3lbs. fm- 10c. Atkinson 6: Switzer. large letters on the band stand the names of a numberofuur young ladies who received votes in a contest had no just cause for complaint, when Mr. Teefy, J. P.. tore the names off at the suggestion of a. lady who objected to the. public use of her name without, her permission. Mcnduy evening Mr. T. Thomson of Hendford, accompanied to Toron- to his sister, Miss Thomson, who has started (“I a. three months’ trip to Scotland. the land of her birth. Miss ’l‘homsnu sailed Tuesday evening from Montreal by steamship Cox-in- thian fnr Glasgow. She expects also to visit in parts of England and Ire- hind. The medicine man who exhibited in large letters on the band stand the Mr. A. E. Newbery of Elgin Mills. who enlisted us a. rvcruit tn accom» {any D. Squadron. G. G. B. G.. to Niagara camp. cut his font one day lust week. and it was feared his place would have to be supplied. He was on hand. howsvw. Tuesday fm-enoun, with only a. xlight. limp. and took his place with the cavalry. This shows at patriotic spirit which is to be com. mended. hind. Mr. A. E. Newhery of Elgin Mills. who enlisted us a. recruit to accom» any D. Squadron. G. G. B. G.. to Niagara camp. cut his foot one day lust week. and it; was feared his place would have. to be supplied. He was on hand, however. Tuesday forenoon. with only at slight, limp, and took his place with the cavalry. This shows it patriotic spirit which is to be com- mended. GET A TICK ET. The Tennis Club intend holding a tournament of mixed doubles riext§n9)y‘*; week and all those intending to join the club are requested to hand their names to the Sec?” Mr. Shaw. be- fore. to-morrow night (Friday) as the first dran of the games will he arming. ed that evening and those. whose nmnesnre not on the books will not be included in the gzuues, From the present indications this village and community will be well represented on Monday, July 4, the date when the great Adam Forepaugh nnd Sells Brothers“ Enormous Shows united will exhibit at Toronto. Scores .of local people lune. expressed their {intention of grasping this unusqu ' opportunity to see the greatest of all 1 American Circuses. and they will see. 1m:in acts never before. presented. Just a partial list includes Porthos, who on his bicycle leaps n. clmsm50 feet. wide: Dim'olo. who loops the loop on n. bicycle; Cyclone, ascending perpendicularly the "Devil‘s Chim- the. Lecussons. the famous French family of wonderful eques- ltrlans; the Hungarian Magyars in lsingulur elnntlonnl dances and wild- ! l_v strenuous acrobatic perfornmnces; the renowned Aurora meaves. most, marvelous drilled soldiers in the world. Then there are over a half hundred celebrated clowns, three RIcuMnND HILL, Junv 10. 1904 )Eym' & Sun are im- pvurance of thir px-np- l-y orectinga boulevard blw lwst lmrn- Call and see it. we must At kin- Just [00 SWPt-l fm'nnylhingl Alkfn- kmson & Switzx-r‘s Canadian n-fimd sugars. EYE INJITIH‘LI)‘. Mr. (‘IHI'PHCI' Kvnny. :I. High Sx-huol studmit. whilv playing funUulH in the schunl grounds on Friday. had mm (If his vyi-s Injured by tho football being kickml against it. 119 has C(-ll$llii~"ll u spt-cinlist and in all probability \vi.1 nut return Lu svhnul again b;-l'ule [lie huliduy~a The }{(‘:Id"(il'd School will hum th¢ Mr. Bal‘kt'l“s ground 22nd inst. A fun will (:mnmencu at The frank-work of a fine hunk lint-n was misml (In the fulm (If I). Put- lei-sun. Esq, rm \Vwiuesday of last \vm-k. AS tho limlwm‘s \vvl-v raised by mmms of plllle-ys thv usqu numln-r of mm) was not I'I‘qllll'f‘d. The barn, which stands a. few yard; to the numb-West of whom- the firm’s former offices were simuud, is 88x45 fuel, with stone walls undm- thv whole building. The wulls are high. and the stahling and mol-vellnr Will be large and rooms’. The stonmwnrk was done by Mr. H. Highland of King. and Mr. J. Ridllt‘“ (If ('onvmd has the contract for the framework. The anniversary of the Victoria. Square Sabbath Schnnl last Saturday and Sunday was most successful. The procvods amounth to $2.30. On Satâ€" urdny six teams entered for the font- ball cmn etitiun. namely Maple, Agin- court, :mdurf, Stnnffville. Siluam and Bethesda. The match finally ended in a draw between Agincomt and Vandal-f. who divided the money. Other races and sports were interest.â€" ing. Good music was supplied by the East York Citizens” Band. The con- cert in the evening was well attended and a good prngrnmme was presentvd, the artists being M r. R. Tandy of To- ronto: Mr. 7. Masun Richnmnd Hill; and Miss Bynm of Maple. Miss Fier- heller was accompanist, on the instru- ment and Rev. Mr. Huszard noted as clmirmun. On Sunday afternoon Rev. “7. E. Hasgznd :lddleSSPd the children of the Sublth School, and in the evening premle to a full church. ~ large and roomy. '1‘! was (Inn? by Mr. H. King. and Mr. J. Ridxh has the contract for the Squadmn D.. GovernorGenet-31’s Budy Guard, under command of Mr. T. Hm-heit Lonnnx, rmlo to the City Tuesday on their way to camp at Niagara. Almut, 50 mounted horse-- men came from Aiu-nl-a. and were jninerl here by 13 lira-semen, lmsides‘ nrdm-lios. Thv gl-r-atm- part; (vfthnsv who \n-nb were fannms’ sons, and were \wll mounted. The saddles and ulhvr :u-(‘mih-mnmlts were new. man)Y ufthehm-ses were fine animals, and altogether they presonfpd a mnst creditable appearance. They will he in camp until the 25 inst. Befoxe léaving the Dominion House three cheers. proposed by Sergeant Jones. wm'e given to Mr. G. H. Ellston, who did the recruiting in this place. An eminent physician says. “human life should last five times the years it takes to mature”â€"thus if twenty-one is maturity we should live (we! a hundred years,hut there are not many reach the century mark. A great, deal mere lnngevity would exist if the Btnmuch did not get, crippled and played nutâ€"That m-gnn gets plenty of abuse, and is deserving of attention-â€" It, is I he starting point of most ailments and it needs the first :xtlentinu when symptoms of sickness appear. If an elderly stnumch ezm he kept working right, you may be sure of a ripe and contented old age. cmnpnratix‘ely free. from physical burdens. The great new discovery, ANTI-PILL, the Great Sysv tem Treatment, has a. grand effect in helping old and deranged stomachs. Anyaged person who will address a postal tn \Vils'nnâ€"Fyle 00., Niagara ‘alls. 0nt., will get a. free trial bottle by return mail. Unusual opportunity for our Citizens to see Fnrepuugh and Sells' Great Show. A Present for the 01d Folks. BANK BA RN RAISED. Fur the Stomzlch's Sake. VICTORIA SQUARE. OFF TO N I AG Forepaugh’s Circus. H l‘.‘ A 1) 1"0 1 i D. ARA. ‘gti‘alho-rds nf tluinod elephanls, the gl‘t‘lltt‘sl, mnmlwr of polar bears ever se-en in one (-nllectiun, fourteen full- lgruwn Arctic hvantvies. All lines of travel will offer specially luw rutvs. and the day will prm‘v tho biggest, ihulidny (lf the year. The agent uf theselinus of travel will furnish all necesssnry infnr-nmtion as tn timeof twins and rates uf fare. Thrl'e is one ‘thing certain, and that is that these !excms‘nn arrangements will tn'lhlo pet ple in the cnunlry to see identical- ly the same show as sve-n by those who 1 \‘e in the lnt‘tl'tlplflllull cities. mww‘mmv vacuum It is money in your pocket to have correct time in your pocket, and you can have it at a small cost. I can supply you with cl timc- piece that you can depend uphn Prices as low as pos- sible to sell good value. No cheap watches sold here. No bargain counter to run the culls off. Received in Savings’ Bank Departâ€" ment and interestullowed at General Banking Business Transacted. HIGHEST BUfiflENT RATES. Money Loam-(I on l-‘armers‘ fink: [\oKa-s. Blnnk Note liuurms Supplied Free. For other particulars call at the Bank. VV h v Not Building Matarial At Wholesale Prices? A. J. WRIGHT, Hair Vigar White flair [1.00 It bottle. All drngglljl.‘ To be sure, you are growing old. But why let everybody see it, in your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will only use Ayer’s Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth. Sold for 60 years. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All dvpusits payable on dvmund. Cap“: Rest " I am now over 60 an old, Ind I have a thick. glouy head 0 long hlll' whlch lg n wonder to evcry one who loan it. And not a gray Inh- in it. 11.1.] dine _t_o ' Mr W: ” ALL . Time is Money. Ripans Tahules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules cure billousness. (3 t’ Canada RICHMON D HILL \Ve take orders fox-shingles. lath, doors, sash, lumber of every description. Call or send your plans and get prices for any kind of building. RICHMOND HILL. Jerry Smith, J. W. OSBORNE. VMVIiéflI.fifthâ€"iiibilimlda, Minn. (Opposite the Bank.) DEPOSITS for $1,000.000 925.000 IV. C. ATRR C0 AG ENT. Used and recommended by leading Veternm-ies and Stockmen, always gives satisfaction because it. makes all kinds of stuck thl‘iw. Guaranteed to cure Distemper. Epiznotic, Coughs, Colds and bmken wind in horses. The Province is full of Distempvr :lmung horse-s and many valuable unim- als are being ruined by being neglected, which often causes broken wind. YORKSHIRE UOUGH and HIVE CURE immediately stops the (“Sense and cures the cough. Gentlomcnwâ€"I can struneg recom- mend Yurkshire Stock Fund for horses and cattle out of condition. I have reconnnended it in my practice. for twvnty years and consider it is the prr-mier stock fund in the market. Sold in Richmond Hill by George McDonald, Harness-maker. and at Toronto by Yorkshire Stock Food , 54.2 23*", atmxmmmmmxmmm ‘ ‘4‘: Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure This Week’s = â€" = = Programme Full assortment of seasonable goods. The gods themselves are a foregone conclusion and trade now centres around the extraordir- ary in value. The chrapness of these things may make you suspect their qualities. But you know the store I Pure Silk Ribbons all shade‘s 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 20c. yd. Fine black Velveteens 25. 30, 40, 50 and 72c. yd. Heavy 60 inch Damask Tablings 25, 35, 40 and 500. yd. Extra value in Lace Curtains 35, 50, 75 and $1 per pl‘. 40 inch Victoria Lawn at 10, 12, 15 and 20c. yd. Swiss Mull at 15 and 200. per yard. quote \Ve're helping.» trade this way With the lever of attractive goods and prices. That means we’er doing bu<iness on business prin- ciples There’s nothing sensational or spos- matic about any thing we do, and you are not asked to believe impossible things. VVe’er scrupulous about having the best things to begin with and the goods themselves do some rather eloquent talking. We quote further: rcmmmmmmmmmmmm fl: The best. Rangoon rice, extra fine, 5 lbs for 250. Best; Japan rice 8c. lb. Best Carolina rice 100. lb. Best pearl Tapioca 3&0. lb. Double goat Tapioca 4 lbs for 25 cents. Extra cleaned Currants 3 lbs for 25 cents. Selected Raisins 3 lbs for 25 cents. Thos. McConnell, V. S. Agricultural Drgggistg. ATKINSON 84. SWITZEH. We off er b 3|" “(1,, +++ Parties requiring cement, English or Canadian, Port- land or Hydraulic, for all kinds of work, walls floors, silos, write or call and get our prices before purchasing else- where. We guarantee 1t to be first class in every particuâ€" Toronto, April 4th. 1900. lar. JAGBB EYER 8:. SW Richmond HilE -Gemem- +++++++»:--z~++++++++-z-++~za+ Johnston A: Co... 'nggists. 171 King St East, Toronto. Opposite Clyde Hotel. rgains, â€" qood bargains and Scurlmro T ). Dun P. 0. Fe )rllm‘y 12th, 1901. Gentlonwn,â€"“'e hn \‘c used Yorkâ€" shire Stock Fund for yl-an-s and knmv from experience that it is fur supe-rim- to any other stock fund in the market. it is :1 grunt] fund for stock (-funy kind especially (rattle and hogs. \Ve fem] it, regularly. Farmers in our locality all endorse it. David Duncan & Sons.

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