Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jun 1904, p. 8

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Unfll further notice lluila will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Otfico as .ollOWS:â€"â€" MORNING .. 8.00 EVENING u ..... 6.15 N. B.-*Ragiaterad Letters must he handed in I but Flueen Minutes earlier chan the above mentioned hours fnr cloaiur. Bolweun Toronto and Nuwmmket. GOING KURT H. LQLVBC P R Crossing at 6, 7.20. 9.40. 11.8 1.3.). 2.4u. .us 5.45. am )1. m. Lane Rmmnond Hill 8.20. 10.31111. 1H,; 12 Leave Newmarkot ’ 77.30 p. 11 Laue mem'nnnd um 79‘ Lenvo Richmond Hull 7. huh, 11.35. 11.55 a, 3.40, 3.55. <1 .55. 0.55.8,10 p. m. POST OFFICE NOTICE Rom 1n Cathnhc nabs Sundays M 9 Methodist. Chun- p. m. Snuduv 5‘ maetiug Thursday Church of Englm Sunday. Presbyterian Ch: '7 u. m. Sunday Hr: Wednesday eyouin mam'fiom Lodfio. A F and A M â€"Meets mon- dnv on or hefore full moon ConnRiohmond. A 0 F â€"Mects second and onrth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"-Meets thin-1 Wednesday of each mnnm Unmp mum. S 0 S -â€"Meets second and fourth Woinnsmy II T u! Temperanceâ€"Meets first \Vodnesda} of each mum u ,_ ._ .. . ‘.,..:_.. no nun... M ETROPOLITAN TIM E TABLE Fin-:3 Brigadeâ€"Meem mumh Public Library an Tuesday. Thursday nu Jiuworth Leagueâ€"M The undersigned begs to thank the public for the gen erous patronage accorded him Steei Hag Treughs PATRONS I 35s. per Foot. All Kinds of Imple= meats Repaired. W. Hagar, Prop. NOTICE T59»; PUBLIC} REAP INTERNATIONA L H ARVESTING GO )1 PAN 1'. . Horse-shoeing a specialty qulokly mccrtnin our opinion 1 Invention is pro‘nnhly pnlcnmhll firms strictly confidential. Hand] aunt. free. Oldest agency for Sen Pqtants taken through Mum lpeqml notice, without charge in v - _ . . V , A handsomely illustrated weva Largest. dr- oulauon of any aclentmn jnurnnl ’l‘m'ms‘ $3 a yer": {gm months. $1. Sold by “filnexvsdafler: » - . All kinds of Blucksmithmg done. GEO. CGWIE, I must, thank the Furnmrs and nt-hvr friends for the. pntmnuge they have given me in my short, canvass for the The McCormick Machinery takes the lead, and gives the. very lwst satisfaction. I kevp (m hand um- chinery. such as which I will be glad to have the Fan-mots inspect before buying elsewhere. Repairs furnishz-d on 2-1 hours notice. Anyone sendlpg .3 ye gfiéfififié ‘fi‘m’griicag‘a‘ And hopes for a continuance of the sumo. VIEn‘lB-vtfi 6H1 3:: (3‘ OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P M M.T EFY.Postmaster. PATRONAG E SOLICITED. Village Directory. PERS, MO\\'ERS and RAKE'S, ’H7() lilfiri H. F. HOPPER. nbrn ry and Hemling Rnom- Open hursduy and Ba turng evenings Leagueâ€"Meats evm‘v Friday. 3436. 4.3;, 5.30; 8.36 p. m RICHMOND HILL. Mud? t0 ordvl- at, Churchâ€"Services M: 11 a. m.. and v School M. mu. I’myer meeting GOlNG SOUTH {landeorvices ab 3p. m. every u.m. and 1030 n. m. râ€"Servircs “10.30 a. m., 11nd [1001 at 2.30. General pm) at evening. ‘ A F and A M â€"Meets Mou- ‘.hurch â€"Services an alter- a first Monday of ever) 361 Broadv. .Exi); 9.55. 11.55 a. m 6.55.8,10 p. m. ion and descrl tinn may )pininn free w other m mentublo. Communica- fl. Handbook on Patents y for swuriug patents. u‘u Munn {c Co. receive “'usmngtnn'. I5. C. Agentfi $1.09 In ABVANOE. QTHéW'LYtlrk t {170 ".30 a. m 12.20. 2:20. 2, 3.15. A First-Class Nine-Rnomed House with 30f an acre uf land. Gund stone foundation and cellar. Situated «m Yunge Stu-ct, Richmond Hill. Apply to FOR SAL E. mem $§aÂ¥$$ $639333, .58 KING STRE RAFT. Tonox'ro accommodation toquestn. BosrdJl vex- day Richmond Hill T. F. MCMAHUN, Agent, “ You can ride down a stony hill on a Cushion sassy Frame Bicycle with your pockets full of apples and they wont shake out.” A Boy in Claybanlz says: More Comfort Cushion Frame Coaster Brake Less Work \V. E. “'ILEY. TO RENT LIBEZEJZL. ' ()l{â€"â€" Riuhnmnd Hill. Ont. HOUSE PAINTER, Elazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEWEEON, New Spring Goods, New Styles, New Prices, _ ATâ€" , A. J. HUME’SJG Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL RICHARDSON HOUSE See um' stuck of Hunmwlcuning nocessitiesâ€"vhvup uud pun- und gnud. Bt-st French “liking Bvst Zinc \Vhim \Vhitv Glue Blank [31110 Finv Furniture Varnish Film Furnith Polish “UllSt'hnld Ammonia. Pow. Ammonia. Pow. Borax A. Sandersan DRUGGIST DIAP] JE. THOROUGH LY REFITTED. Moth Balls Uultmiul Disinfectant, large hotle 250. All other cleaners in stuck. For your new Suit you will find Tailor, Richmond Hill FREDERICK DACK, Prop USE CLEANINM "171 El 143 i Ruhinsun‘s Rundy-Mixvd Pain“, the hnst and imperial measure, €LWERY ETHE - LIBERAL Qwfi‘fi‘” “E11: 0 W June 1], 1903 Coal and \Vood Dehvered. Prices Right. OOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros., 75/ / E %W m 4: Geo. cDona Lll'LC n ucu Ull'VIIIE xuu “can. Now is the time to see that your Hmm-ss and Collars ure in shape for spring wm-k. 1d, Richmond Hill S 111') s cribe for Richnlond E1111 COAL WOGD e115 EVerything in Sea All sizes and prices. N0 snund-heudud man asks to-day “ Is it, cheap to buy the host harness? " He knuws, either because he’s had our harm-5:4 and learned its worth, 01- because he’s had some cheap stuff and learned its worthless- ness. You can‘t do better anywhere than here when buying harness. HARNE§§ SEASON ThP Next Sitting «if Division Court for N0. 3, Cmmty of York, will be “via iu the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL BWESQE - GEURT. IUCHMDND HHJ, ~0N... TUESDAY, OCT. $ For Sale or Rent. A good seven rnomed house. win; all kinds of fruit. Key at THE LIBER- AL Office. Apply ALBERT ALBIN. 85 Sulumerhill Ave” 49 t. f. Toronto. v Screen EEQQES Cnmmencinq at. 10 a. m. and T. F. MCMAHON 1"me 4, 1904

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