Miss Hut-spy of Toronto is sanding a Week with Mrs. H. F. Hopper. Mr. H. H. Hopper’s hmse that wont \x'izh the cavalry to Niagara was it» jut-ed in the sham ï¬ght the day before 0me broke up and had to be killed. The Government will pay for the horse. htptains have been chosen to select players for a sm-ies of games among the members of the Tennis Club. “@1112 i?th Mr. Arthur Granger. of Toronto spvnt Sunday \viLh his nmthm‘ MrsJH. F. Huppm‘. Mr. \V. T. Stun-y Taiontn. spent, over Sunday with his mother who had been ill fur the past, W( Pk. SCH-en dunrs and windmvs, and screen wire cluth, all prick-s at (.‘v. & E. Mason‘s. Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. 1i. Kirkpatrick and two children of \Vooster, Muss†:Ir- x-ivvd Saturday to spend part (if their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. D. G my. Mr. D. Kerswill of Elgin Mills. lost a valuable hurse Saturday night, ()1‘ Sunday morning, the animal only be- iug ill for a few hours, A Young shout with Mussunls (m, cut from a puu‘ tu-e in Mr. J. N. Boyle’s orchard, has been handed us. Blussomsnn shunts m-m- the end of June is something unusual. Three vans and a number of single ligs conveyed the teachers, pupils and friends tothe High Schmnl picnic at Lake ‘Vilm-x Thursday.uftvl'nnon. A pleasanttinw was spent and one of the loads did not, return till after 11 p. m. Fain-bank’s sanitary soap 3 fm' 25c., and life [my soup at 50. bar. These are good disoufectunbs and should be freely used now. Atkinson & Switzer. R. W. Bro. Nivholis installed the. uflicvrs (if Markham Uninn Lodge No. 87, A. F. 5: A. M., Markham. lust Fri~ day evening, the festival ()1 St. John the Baptist. He was accompanied by \V. Bros. Trench and Newbel-y and 131-0. Laumn. Scytlws. snn prices at U. (“c E Sixty-three» candidates me writing atlhc High chm)! Entrance Exam- innthm hew. Mr. Shaw and Miss Bull are presiding. A ruliy nf the young: DPIIPIP 'a calk‘d for the pruyvr nn-otiug tu he lwld in the Methodiat. church this (T_hm_*sdny) forth-.6.{mlâ€"ya:rrï¬t-otiu‘g n; he lwld in the Methodiat. church this (Thursday) evening, cmmm-ncing at, 8 o‘clock. ’Gm:d sugar 30 Ihs. fnl $1, best. St. Lawrence fruit, sugar 18 lbs. for $1. Atkinsun & Switzer. Mr. Kzu‘l Slnrvy of Toronto, spent Thursday and Friday with his fnend, Stan- McMuhon. and uttended the H. S. picnic Thursday. Fancy Guipure trimming at 8.10, 12, 15 and 255 yd. Best six card 200 spools 45c. doz. Atkinson & Switzer. THE LIBERAL and The \Vuokly Sun, the latter being an excellent farm and nnu-ket paper, will be sent to the and of the yum- for 60 cents. This is an offer that shnuld he snapped up 1)) scores of people who do not, take the above papers. The suit hvtwuen Nicol Bros. of this 31:1ce,u11d their farm {em-nus, Glass ï¬rs. of Elgin Mills, was up again be- fm'e Judge Morgan on Monday. Some progress was made, but the case was adjourned at, 4.55, with and under- standing that the parties xeturn at 8:30 Fliday mnrning of this week. Pure lard 9:50. “1.. Carolina rice 10c. 11)., pearl tapioca 3&0. 1b., cheese 12?. 111., pure corn starch Sc. 1b.. ten rose drip syrup the vex-y best 6c. 1h. at. Atkinson & Switzel’s. Mrs. \V. Cunningham and children, Toronto. spent a short With Mrs. U. E. 'l‘hmnpsun. Mr. Bert Lloyd. chief act-nunth of the SEH‘CI'e‘igH Bunk, Montwul. and wife. slpent, Tuesday here wiLh friend: and re atlves. R. W. Brn. Nichnlls. D. D. G. M., :lid an ofï¬cial visit to King Edward edge, A. F. & A. M., Suntlu'lund last evening. This ludge is working under dispensation and this visit was neces- sary in order to report. to Grand Lodge prinr to grunting it its wax-rant. Roâ€" porb will he Very favorable. Extra. value in 1 12; and 15c. yd black cotton hose sun & Switzer. Depositnrs and “(hers doing busi- ness in the Standard Bank here should read the annual report, and gmwrul statement which appears on page 1 of this issue. The proï¬ts for the year have been satisfactory, and the report shows the bank to be in an extollele condition. Anne of smallpox of :1 Very mild type, was discovered in the \Vvst End one day last \Vt'i‘k. The patient. is doing well and is apparently improv- ing everyday. As the house is plu- cnrded. the inmates quarantined. and every precaution taken it. is 1101 el the disease will not, gpiwxd. Mix‘s Finley, Tumntr), was I M155 Brueth for u few days. RICHMOND HILL, Jlinv 140(7 AIJM. The pita-ï¬ts fur Eh; year satisfactory. and the report bank to be in an excvlleut snnths. forks, rakes. all R2 E. Mason’s. in fancy prints at 10. 12, yd.. and women‘s f;st ose at 106. pr. Atkin- .1 guest twn Vlsit I The annual gm-dvn party and (ntm- . tuilnnc-nt was held (m “’ednesdny of 1 last \verk 0n the grounds of All-James lBurkm‘. The weather bring all that. ‘ could he desired. an enjoyable after- ] noon was spent by all whu Were pres- ent. Frmn 6m 8 a very sumptuan tea was sm-vml by the ladies. After ten an excellent entH'tuinment was given in the Church. cunsisting ' f 30103 by Mrs. Dr. \Vntsnn. Unionvillv; Miss Mugsun, Toronto : Mrs. McBridc. Elillcnl St'huul o‘clock Lhu Sun-reign Bunk. Ah Visit [0 Mr. J. \V. Owl" of thn- SLundarcl Bunk I) old .-wqu.-Iintuuce .uf yezu's. A typewritten note rem-ivod yesterâ€" day, hearing the Toronto post. max-1r, 4151‘s the editor to discontinue THE LIBERAL until further advised, “us father and mother leave fur the north- west nu July 2*.†“Fe would willingly comply with the request. hut the writer has evidently forgotten to give a signature, and as THE LIBERAL reaches the homes (if many fathers and mothers in the Oily we are at :1 loss u; know the. name we should cancel. Specialâ€"32 lbs. brown sugu pure laud 81‘s. H». in lots u} Salmon guilds $].UU pu- dozrn. on soup l0r. pn-r Lin. SH‘dI-(l 9c. pm lmx. Nuughtun Bros Mills. Master Anlu'vy Niunl, son of Mr. \an. Nicol, hnppgnetl with a painful :lrzvitlunt (in Thursday lust. \Vhilu playing with his ln'ntrhe’l' he fell and broke the littylv ï¬ngm- of the right hand. The injured limb was pntin splints :l.h(l bandaged, and Aubrey has found it rather awkward (lain: his schnnl work and chores since them;- cident occur 1-H]. The No pnpm-s. THE LIBERAL nnd The antrvnl Star. will he sent to any addx-vss frqu llliS'dHU‘ tn the ï¬rstuf January fm- 75 cents. 50nd m-dvrzfto January f this ofï¬ce “’0 handle only strictly pure spices. You can lcly nn all the spice-s ynu lmyhore [wing the bust uhtninnhlv. Try our hulk mustard and Mark and “'hitepr‘ppe‘l'. Atkinson &Switzer. STRA\VBERRY FESTIVAL. Tho Indies of the “'nmnn’s Mission- my Sm-ivly of Victoria Square Meth- odisL ohm-ch will hold n. strawberry and icn~crmnn fostivul on Llw church lawn on Thursday July the 7th. Ten sm-vvd fmm 6 to 8 p. m. A suitable program will lie rendered. Best Canadian coal nil in 5 gal lots 17c. gal. \Vindnw glass size 14x28, 140. per pane. Best putt-y 4c. 11). at Atkinson & Switzvr. The fudvnnvo agt-nt of the “Our Regiment Oo."\vus in town on Mon- dayantl arranged for a presentation of that; pnpnlm- cumt-(ly in the Masonic Hall, Saturday evening. July 9, nt8p. n). The (taste includes such well known people as Scott \Vilson, Maude DePew, etc. The people of Richmond Hill are to he congratulat- ed on securing such a. sterling attrac- him). Tho weekly night of meeting fur the Epwurth Lt‘ngnc has been changed from Friday tn Mnnday. vit Mor- dny evening tth-e will be :m In- formal Bible study under the follow- ing heads :â€" Dignity, Pm. 8 ; 3-6. Uluss‘vs and cun- ditions. I Gm: 9:1 -22. 3. Study mvthm'sâ€"~cmnpussiun and fear. Jude 22, 23. Persuading by love. 11 Our. 5: 10, 11. 14. \Vzu-ning and teaching. 001. 1 : 2%. 4. Study the “'(n‘dmII Tim. 2: 15; 8 : 16, 17; Eph. 6: 17 ; Hon. 4 :12 1, 26-27 Rm'. N. Furowull preached his pat t. ing serum!) on Sunday evening 1 st. The chm-ch was sunnhly decorated fnrtlm om'nsiun. The chuir \vasns- sists-d by the Sunday Schuul in sing- ing svvm :11 stirx-i‘ug songs. 311-. \Vln. Ford uf 'I‘hrn-nhill, fox-mer- ly blacksmith at. this place, spvnt Sun~ day with old acquaintances amund town. The ymmg gentlemen from the south must ï¬nd the stampede duwn the second on Sunday evenings rather annoying. “ Sorry for you boys ; yes and girls too.†price. I Pete-1' 1 : IX, 19. Zk'k. 18 :20-32; Mutt. 10: f 2. Study menâ€"\vru‘th. Mr. G. St-holl’s ham misng came off successfully on Thursday lustufteI-n few delays of minor importance. The captains were Mr. A. \Villinms of Victoria Square and Mr. J. Dean of Tlmrnhill, Mr. Dean ï¬nally winning the day, after which refreshments were served. \un-oplvnsed to son Mr. \anter Buwun around again nftm‘ his recent illnc Mr. A. Prentice has I-vtnrned hump from a two weeks’ visit withfrit-nds in ’l‘m-nmn, Int-lung hule :Lml hvurt)’. MiSS Jessie Rmunun, who has [wen with us for nearly :1 year. has return- ed to hm' home in Musknkn fur the summer. Her brother. Muster John Reamnn. who [ms been Visiting h's unclv, Mr. D. Rea-uqu], for a. few days, also returned with 1191-. Mr. Bl‘l'l Llnyd, (:hiof ‘\ special met-tin .‘SS ltitfli Study the smILâ€"Its origin. Gen IN (ELUBBING RATE FINGE NO NAME GIVEN. 1ts v SOUL-\VINNING. [met-ting of the Bumd of will he held in thv Higll xt, Munduy evening at 1 ‘ull uttmndzmcv rvquesbed. Headford Carrv lie lbs. brown :41ng $1.00. . “L. in lots hf 201115.. $1.U0 per (107mm. Chick- 'I‘ Lin. Sm-dvd raisins Naughtun Brus., Elgin nine, Mark 8 :30 1 : IX, 19. Its C Mutt. 10: 29. R BROKEN Oihm'lu‘. uuï¬mgvr nk lwrv, rvm-wmg uf nu-r twenty mommtant of nun-ml, paid a 8:736. Gust Its desting. 13: 12‘ Hemlfm-d, and Miss Mabel Byam. Muplv. MES E. van recite-Ll and Mr. H. Frishy gave chm-ice selectiuns (mth grumuplmne. On Sunday un- uivmsmy svrmuus won- preuclud by Ru‘. Mr. Booth, :1 furmm- pustm. Bath Services were well atlr-ndu-d. Tnv Choir was assisted by Miss Neville nf Uniunvillv. Including collections, $82.37 was rvulizml. Miss Mugsnn hf Tnmntu. spt-nt lust wm-k at, the huan uf Mr. Jaunvs wwk Bu rk or Miss Annie- Hawkin \vlm has hul‘ll visiting furtlw past, {an Weeks with her cousin, Miss Luum Comiskv. re- lurnml Lu her home in Stnynel- lust Saturday. Miss NUVllll' of Uninm'illv, was the gllt‘sl, of hvr cousin, Mr. George Uuld- well. last Sunday. lVlisu'I‘lmmsun has gone on a three nmnths’ trip to Scotland. \Ve :U'u Sun-y to learn that Miss Boyntun is still ill. Miss Stelluliun‘. Miss Ina \Valkm- and the Mrs. Lunuu, Buttunvillo, :ivore gueslsof Miss P. Leek lus Sun- Hy. Mr. Ezra MuMullen linppend with n. serious accident last, \Vtâ€"‘ek. While put- ting; smne shingles on the roof of Mr. George Lvek‘s house he lost his foot- ing and fell from the roof :1. distance of twenty fut-t, fracturing his arm above thv elbow. \Vo reng the nonâ€"appearance of a lengthy article sent you a few \Vé’t'ks ago, but; as the holiday time. has been on for some time past. we consoled ourselves with the thought that your “devil†had gone on a. fishing excul- sion from which we expected you would have had a good ï¬sh story that Would out/do our Corlespondence. As none has entol'ed your columns it; is surmisvd that the boat, fish and all has gone down, and we are left in the dark concerning the fate of your "devil." If possible thrvw a rayof light on this important mattpr. Your issue of the 23rd June contain ed :1 Vol y important item announcing the sat'carriral of Mrs. \Vm. Marsh to her home at “Ehnslpa†from Petr-12 horn. “"0 were glad to hear that no accident; happened her while return- ing honw. as street ear com‘eyama is not the safest; means of travel. \Vln n we g» (3 air ships a more direct, ron’e can 1w taken with less danger to the travelling pnhlio. Those distressing raslalti's may be the means of d -A terring Miss Ella Marsh from the Tu - ï¬lling of her long ago prc mise of visit- ing the home of her grandparents. Mise Margaret Hem-inks, Toronto, 15 Spending purl; of her vamllinn with hm' fnvnd Miss [mum Cmnisky. Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Jusvley. 0f T911]Pt‘l'zlnï¬t‘ViHP, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bnnd. Miss Mabel Pelhick, Richmond Hill, visited Misses Lida and Maud K0111:- kay on Sunday. Miss Cum Brodie loft Muhduy to spend a couple of Weeks with friends in Newmurkvt. Mr. and Mrs. Prichurd, Toronto. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. High)ij One of the two new arrivuh hex-e feels the want of its fustm- muthér. Farnwrs me highly pleased with this ï¬ne gruwin : weather. 1‘110 illumination of (hose tut-bile whet ls may cause- a- revolution in the safely of have] along with those mighty ï¬ym-s through the air. The hum of tlw milk wngun in the morn- ing vquuls the noise of the street (-zu- 01-1119 rattle (If the vehicle on the mi *1; pnw-n’wnts disturbing our slum- At Wholesale Prices? Building Material ‘V I) A. J. WRIGHT, “'0 take orders for shingles, lath, doors, sash. lumber of every description. Call 01‘ send your plans and get prices fur any kind of building. RICHMOND HILL. Mount Pleasant awkin \vlm has past, t\ 0 Weeks 5 Laura Comiskv home in Stnynel- 50-1. f. USPd and x-vcnmmpndud by leading Veternm-ies and Stockmen, always gives suti- action bwuuse it makes all kinds of stuck thrive. Guaranteed to cure Distemper, Epiznotic, Coughs, Colds and hlUkPll wind in hut-59$. The Province is full (If Distemper among humps and many Villllilbll} unim- als are being x-uim‘d by bein r neglected. which often cuuws broken wind. YORKSHIRE COUGH and H VE CURE immediately stops (he dim-use and cures the cough. Gentlemenâ€"I can strongly H-cnm- mvnd Yurkshin- Stock Fund for humus and cattle out, of conditinn. Ihnve 1-vcmmnended it in my pructive for twenty years and consider it is the premier stock feud in the market. Sold in Richmond Hill by Genrge McDonald, Hm-nms-mukcr, and all: Tm-ontu by Yorkshire Stock Food. Mme-«'1 W51 ‘1 Yorkshire Cough 8c Heave Cure Concrete House Riehmend Hill We question whether anywhere you can ï¬nd as SATISFACTORY a Stock of Dry-Goods and Groceries. That’s the right adjective. The most reliable. the most varied, the most economical. VVe’ve been long years learning; the business â€"â€"â€" what to buy and what to let alone. There’s no accumulation of any- thing here save experience. The teaching of the year and the Goods of the Season make as happy a combination as ever invited an intelligent trade. Each day ï¬nds plenty of business here because such values as these: Fine Black and Colored Worsted suitings made to your measure in first; order for $13.50 to $14.50 per suit, regular $18.50 and $19.50 goods. Men’s ready to wear pants $1, 1.25, 1.50 to 4.00 pair. Men’s ï¬ne shirts soft ‘and stiff fronts 50c., 75c., and $1. Men‘s felt hats, latest styles, $1.50, 1.75 to $2.25. Special value in fancy prints at 10, 12, 125., 150. yd. Extra prunes 50. lb. Golden dates 50. lb. 4 lbs. washing soda 5c. 4 lbs. whiting for 5c. We keep trade lively here all the time by turning worthy goods over to people willing to take them and use them at our prices. Goods Well Assorted in Thos. McConnell, V. EESSFJZEQEZW Agricultural Druggis-ts ATKiNSflN & SWITZER. Pariies requiring cement, English or hanadian, Port- land or Hydraulic, for all kinds of work, walls floors, silos, write or call and get our prices before purchasing else- where. VVe guarantee it to be ï¬rst class in every particu- Toronto, April 4th, 1900. lar. all Departments. JABGB EVER 8a. SGN Richmsmi Hill flamma- .Tohnston ¢% 00.. [NW R Mm: gammmm u $5? ,“’§ (95%“ BESTWER‘ICï¬Cmeï¬C wiggists. 171 King St East, Toronto. Opposite Clyde Hotel. Gentle‘momâ€"VVe have used York- shirv Slock Fond fur yours and know from experience that, it is far superior umny other stock fund in the lxlarkvb it, is a grand {nod for stock of any kind especially cat.th and hogs. \Vc fer-d it regularly. Farmers in mu,- luculily all endorse it. Sc;LI-1mx-o__Tp. David Duncan & Sons. I‘p. Don P. O. 'elu-nm'y 12m, 1904.