Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jul 1904, p. 1

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VOL. XXVII. THURSDAY MORNING I. U18 jezilen‘. vhvsxciun at Nestoru and Grace Emplmls,l‘orunto Best fizting t-C(th, also replating, at lowest; prices. Good work. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 1‘. F. 310 {GERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHiNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILLONT. Calls by d JOHN R. CAMPBELL, DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, J. H. SANDERSUN, Our. Church uni Carlton Sts., ' ‘ Toronto, \Vill he in Richmnnd Hill (Way 1 and 3rd \Veduesdny during June, July and August Office, next daru- north of Stand- ard B-mk. Office Hoursâ€"3.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. coxmssmunn m THE HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. NOTA RY PUBLIC, Ru'nohlled,nnti newly furniahad throughout 0 no of the most convenient :znd cumforcablc howls on Yange Sweet. Every modern con- venienze erxgle rooms for commercial travellers. Anideal stopping pmce for ri-ling or driving partiesmicyclisbs. or larmars going tnorrahuruin: from market. Electric cars pass the door Livery in x onuectinn PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, VEGEEI'ABLE SHCILIAN a Hair Reamer Makes the hair grow £002 and heavy, and keeps it soft and giossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always reStores color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. "wmmmmmw~ Rmm 12 The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young- stock. VETERINARY SURGEON $1 per annum, in advance.] Thumngfi-hl-ed lmllr and hog kept. for service on t_he premises. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY ‘V.C.SAVAGE - (I Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and giossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always reStores color to gray hair. Sold for fifty ygarsfl "WmAmffl'fir‘mM‘ VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Plnornhill. SUNNYSIDE FARM BUSINE RICHNLOND HILL DI. rl‘EEFY. DR.E.J‘STUBB$ 351:2 @63me DH. WM. RGGERS‘ H) eutist. [S PUBLISHED EVERY H Emrou 82 I) entirg 5-4160 Mam; 12 toflpm 7 MB n m. 'l‘hm'nhill 2L Victoria, St. Toronto. $0teriuzzry azzcaum. and night promptly at- tended to. AT THE mum. D. G. GOODERHAM. SS CARDS. BI AH O N. ROBBIETOR Pl-nprivtm Prop .- .w:vk.>.v1.1"rrn TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- mn_n_d fiVestJV’vslvy Buildings, Home Life Building hold Loan Bldg). 0 I Victoria Sta. LIBERAL Office. Rir Swan-dz: (Methodist Bank Room,) To- Hmtu. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. Money to loan on land and chubbei murtgngesat lowest. rams Auroraofliceâ€"Removed to the old post oflm.’ one door was: of the entrance to the Ontario Bnuk Newman-zen officeâ€"Three doors south of the 1» st odice T HERBERT Laxxox, G STV Mommy. Aurora. Newmarket Licenseu Auctioneer for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment Gennral salon: 01 shot: are promptly attended to ac reasonabh rates Residence Unionvilie Licens e Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influenca sales attouded on the sLortest notice and at refiSOnfibOl‘fltdB. P. 0. address King LENNOX & MORG G R Gouldmg. Newton Brookmgcnl for the vae ' J T Swiguun. J I: M Mapie \VeE Saigeon dz McEwon. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Salesatceudedto on shortestnnticeund a. tea- sonablerates Patronagesolicited LineusedAuctioneerfor the Counties of York and Ontano Allsalesof farm stock, kc. at.- teuded to on the shortest notice and reasonable rate:. Mort-zagenndbuilil‘f sales attended to. Rssidence.Sbouffville Ont ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EEIJGII‘V 1V1 IIJLS JAS. N EVVTON RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL Alau'ge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. H. “7. Hudgin. Mus. Bum. F.G.C.M. (anl.). tvnchel- of Voice Production, Singing. Piano, Organ and Theory. On stuff of Toronto College of Musira \Vill‘bcntRit-hmnnd Hill and Nurth on Tuesday (vacancy fur fnnr [mu-e pupils); Tlmrnhill and south on Thursdays and Saturdays (vacancy fnl‘ twlu lump pupils). Special :{ttvnlinn to pupils prppar- inp; for any vxaminatinn at Cullvge- of Consmvnlm-y. Pupils wry succvss- ful. For terms uddmss 270 Church St. ornntu. A Firstv~Class Nine-Humued HUHSP with :2- nf an acre of land. Guud stnue foundation and (:r-HMI'. Situated nu Ynnge strut-t}, Richmond Hill. Apply m _ - ' . ‘ . ' ' ’ ‘ Ride FOR SAL [Ind emakers a I-lmba lm (-rs. Lindsey. Lawrence 34 W adsworth, Barristers,Salicitors. tharies, m; MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Barristers and Solicilol's. COD. .iudsey. K C mwreuce mt. Wadsworth Barristers, Solicitors. etc. VVRIGHT BROS, D. G. BLOIJGiI, K & JOHNSTON N. E. Smith. H. PI cuIicc. â€"() EKâ€" “In Essmtiais, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity." mum. \V. E. “'ILEY. TO RENT MUSICAL. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1904 (‘hmond Hill on Ms. (formerly Free- >:. Adelaide & Toronto. Richmond Hill. Phone Main 2964 46-2 mos. J B McEwen, Weston Oh \Vodnosday. July 6th M3 p. m. l a very pwtty mm-guelite wedding‘ tnok place at the home of Mrs. \V. H. - Gl:15s, when her elder daughter, 1 Annie \Vinnil‘red, was married to Mr. \V. E. Stndrlm-t, editor of The Gouks- 1 town Advocate, Rev. Mr. Campbell officiating. During the ceremony the 5 wedding march was played by Miss Pug-sky. cousin of the bride. The bridesmaid, Miss Ida Glass, wore a! gown of lavendvi‘ vnile (1+.- snii- uvm'j pink, and carried a shmvei- banquet (If pink rnsvhuds. The bride who anor- ed the room, loaning upon the aim of her uncle MI} \V. H. Pugsley. “'(H'E‘ a. gown uf Irish lace, and carried a shnwm- of whitnmses. Her lung veil of Brussuls law was caught with a wreath (If orange blnssmnq. Her going-away gown was ()f hlucln'oad- cloth, with a, vest, of White liberty satin, and a. white (-hiffon hat. The mom was assisted by Mr. Calvin )ul‘k‘ (if Conkstown. MI. and Mrs. Stoddarb left; about 7.30 on the Mackinaw trip. About. sixty guests were present Coming from ()«mkstmvn. Bond Head, BI-udfnld. Tut-onto. Sutton and Phila- delphia." Numerous beautiful pres- vnts testified U) the estvom of the bride. The house and tables were delphia." Numerous beautiful pres- vnts testified to the estvem of the bride. The house and tables wore lwztutifully decorated with mun-gue- ribes, ferns and Auwrican bpnuly mes-s. Thankan dlwtqu. J. H. Sande-1'- snu for his assistance in the decor- atious. ~Visitors noticed in the Ilvighbnr- hum] are Mrs. Ruse nf Olilliu, Mrs. Mc- Gill nf Turonm Junction, Mr. Get-f Stewart. and friend of Toronto, at Ml. \Vm. l’nann‘s. Mr. and Mrs. Stf‘Wurt and Miss Etta uf Aux-urn, at, Mr. J. Fulliotf‘s. Misses Rnsio and Lnum Stephenson are visiting friends lH-‘I'P. Mr. H. Buvair vas home over Sun- day. Mrs. Tmsdale has gone on :1 visit; to MPnfm-d. Messrs. P. Paxton and E. Trimble spent Dominion Day in Orillia. ‘m.. Tho Tempernncm ille C. O. O. F. have arranng fm- their annual pic-niuat \Vilcux Lake on Sututduy. July 9:11. The Clayton family of Schomherg, have beén engaged to furnish mnsir. Several of the neighhming lodges have been invin and a monstrous time is expected. All are in\it('d tn come, and bring their baskets and e]:- joy the good time. l . . ’ . Misses Jnsm Beynnn and Thu'za Cnrscuddeu are home on thuu' 'm-u- liun. A shciu] (-vening was much (‘njuyed hv the young people last, “'ulnesduy. Junu 29th, at My. Ira FleuI-y’s. The following is the report, of the promotion examination of Richmond I Hill Puhlic Schmil. The names zip-i pearin ordvr of "writ. Theynunies followed by “Rm.” indicate that those 1 pupils have failed on one subject hut. will he allowed a, trial in the higher‘ class :â€" 1 Jr. IV. to Sr. lV.â€"H. Nunghtuu, C. McDonald. M. Boyle, A. Sturtnp, M. Vanderhurgh, V. Brown, G. Hill. I. Mal-sh, lieu; B. “'zllker, Rea; RHHI, R110. Sr. III. to Va ndorbul g tun, R. Mat-kip, C. Brillinger, N. B1-ydr-n,0. Mot-(sou, Reta; Gen. Al- lison. Rec. Jr. 111. to Sr. III.â€"G. Derry, E. Murkie and M. Smith. equal: AV. Palmer, M. Doyle, M. (lowio. S. Rud- ditt,C. Smith. H. \Vile-y, K. Iunes, Rec; 1. McKay, R00. Sr. 11. to Jr. Ill. â€" L. Hill, H. Stephenson, M. Mm-kie. R. Mc- (lonughj‘, l-I. Patton, A. Stephenson, a. Innes, E. Hopper, Rc‘c.; N. Boyle, vc. Jr. II. to Sr. ILâ€"C. Hill, 0. Darling. S. McUmmghy, equal : 0. Maxwvll’, \V. mell. R. Giant. E. Nicol. G. Sloan. N. Muckie, G. Souk-s. H. KPrs- well, W. Nunghtun. L. Ransom, Lila Hill, Rl-c.; A. Boyle, Bvc. Sr. Part II. to Jr. II.â€"R. Redditf. C. Bredin. D. Maxwell. F. Riley. G. me'ie. R. Grant. E. Blanchard, Rev. .11. Pt. II. tn Sr. Pt. lI.â€"E. Stephen- son. E. Johnson, I. \Vald’vrs, L. \Viley, G. Harding, E. Gibbs, H. Mnekie M. Kirkland. L. Benson. Sr. Pt. I. to Jr. lI.â€"B. Redditt, Irene McMahmh G. Robinson. E. Mortsnn. R. Darling, V. Smith, F. Brvdin. R. Pethick. L. Hudgins. Jr. Pt. I. tnSr. Pt. L-M. Hill. B. Harding, M. VVx-ight. L. Stevenson, G. Powell, A. Robinson, B. Ransom, J. Kmswell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowen sant Dominiun Day with friends in the city. "'Ifi'iss Lucy Reaman uf Toronto. spent, Sunday finger the pagental roof. iiiâ€"1:5.Vébfn. Bowen are spendâ€" ing a. Week with their son Mr. Wesley Marguerite Wedding. P. S. PROMOTIONS. Temperanceville. iTHOS. A. LAMON, Principal. Jr. IV.â€"\V‘. Rudditt. M. h, G. Marsh, L. Naugh- nckie, C. Brillinger, N. Mortsuu, Reta; Gen. Al- C arrvi 11e Bowen (1 Victoria qu‘hnr. Miss Lizzie- Smith has taken :1 trip home where she expccms to spend u few weeks. Our teacher. Miss Mabel Bouty. is away on hm vacation. Miss Gertrude Appleton. of Rich- mnnd Hill. spent, Sunday under the pang-null roof: I Miss Ameiin Sloan of Torr-mu. is spending a. few wouks with her friend, Miss Rosie Baker. Mr. M. Miller formerly of this place spvnt Sunday with friends around town. Miss Lydia Baker of Stnyner spent Dominion Day with her friends, Misses Mal-v and Catherine VVingmu Mr. and Mia. Hvrlwlt Blake spent a few days last week with his father M“. “’m. Blake. A very pretty wedding took place ‘ at the lesidenr:e of the bride‘s parents. on \Vednesday, June 29th, when Miss Edith R. Tricker of Allandale, was united in marriage to Mr. Gladden A. Miles, formerly of Calednn East. The ‘ house was very prettin (lecorated with ferns, nmrguerites and car- nation“. The _wedding march was play- ed by Mrs. Marehel. The bride was given away by her father. and were u. gown of pale blue voile trimmed with silk lace yoke and applique and car- ried a bouqu b of White cal-nations tied with silk ribbon. The bridesmaid was Miss Mercia Leece of Goldwater, cousin of the bride, who wore a. white silk dress, trimmed with silk applique and ca..-ried a bouquet of white car- j nations tied with satin ribbon. The‘ Rev. John Bedfurd of Burton ave. Methodist church performed the cere- mony. The groom was assisted by Mr. Robert Trieker of Laurin. cousin of the bride. Many valuable presents, were received, by relatives and friends. The fullmving marriage native is taken from TheI Daily News. Nelson. B. 0., of June 15. The groom is a son of Mr. Harvey Appleton of Gan-\ille : “Miss Fluy Stuhhs and Mr. Oscar 'Appletun were juined in the holy hundsnfmatrimony yesterday after- .nnun. Thecerenmny was perfurnn-d lat the residence of Harold Pitts, lu'other-in-lawnf the, bride. by Rev. W. \V. Bat-1'. The bride “as given away by H. Pitts. The bride was handsomely attired in a gown of white silk nrgandie. trimmed with Ichilfon, and carried a. spray Ofl'OSt'S and carnatinns. The bridesmaids Were. Miss Poole and little Miss Irene Pitts. The hridesnmids were attired in guwns of ell-am vinle over white lsilk. The hridgrmzm was support led by Allan Sluhhs, the l-rlde’s . hruther. The wedding tunk place at ' 4.15 p. m. and the happy couple> tnnk the evening train for Vanrnnver. They will tour the roast cities for th weeks and then will return here and take up their permanent residence. Mr. Appleton is a prosperous farmer (111 the lake, near Five Mile Point. while his bride has resided here fur several years and is a popular and :10. l complished memhvr uf the. Mrthudist church choir. A large number of the I friends of Mr. and Mrs. Appleton as- sembled at the depot last night to wish them a pleasant voyage.” After the ceremony was performed ths bridal party adjourned to the dining l-nmn, where the wedding lm-nkfnst was SPl‘Wd. the table being nix-1y docmuled. The bridal party 1 -fl (m the Pacific Exp. greeth with showers of rice, to visit friends in Goldwater and uthor places, the bride tr'M'eiling in n brown tailor-made suit and but Lu match. Thelwavy rain on Dominion Day kept many away from the Strawberry fusth ul. Tm was Served in the Vestry and an excellent musical programme. was given in the church by a choir from Toronto, nndi-r the leudvrship of Prof. H. M. Flvtcher, conductor of the People’s Choral Union. The amount realized was about, $150. Among those from Toronto who spent the holiday and following days lwrvwm-c Miss Kexnahan at, Mr. L. Richardson's, Mrs. \V. Richurdwn at Mr. A. Duffy's, Miss Viola. Hun at Mr. M. Ball’s, Miss E. Hun-is and Miss L. Hamilton at, Mr. T. Cousinu‘. Mics Eva Caldwell, at Mrs. J. Hannah’s. Misscs Carrie and Lelia Shnnk at Mr. H. C. Bailey‘s, and Mr. and Mrs. l“. Mercer at, Mr. F. Buck‘s. Miss N. Johnston at, Mr. L. Richardson’s. , Re\'.Georg9 \Nehher,u superannuat- ed minister of Tmonto, preached in the Methodist chuu'h lust 'Sunday morning and vvuning. The sale of Dr. Sisley’s household effects on Tuc-sdny after: noon was wwll attended, and brought quite a huge sum. Mr. J. Back and f Mnines are \‘isiling at Rev. “7. Gr. Buck. Married at Allandale. Stubbsâ€"Appleton. Maple unily of Des his Mother‘s, iWILL EXCHANGE IDIVHBEND I “79 will uccvpt ynur Dividvnd ; Checks and Trust Fund Credits at par anlne, in payment for stacks. . I List, your Stucks with us if you wish { to sell. You will find our prions right. I if you wish to Buy. Bid us for any- ‘ thing you wish. us We can supply all stocks at attractive prices. i Invest. Exchange Co. 1000 Erie Ontario. 1000 Plumas. 300 (‘vusu Grundo. 500 Sterling Aux-urn. 1000 Gold Tunnel. 500 Sun David. WILL BUY WILL SELL. 5000 Aurora Cum, 106 4c. 1000 Alaska Oil, 51 4c. 400 Aux-0m Ext". 7( mere, 70. ' Yam-stock for Real change your Real Est If you wish to oxcungc us a prupnsition. he held at vamzu-ket 0;] the 20m, let and 22nd September. YmmgSullnlvs,the Toronto oal'sman, has won his third race ut Henley-0n- Thams-sfort-11v Diamond Sculls. He first defeated Stmvurt, on Tuesday won easily from \Vells, and yesterday defeated Kelly. JExtm quality pl-nnps 50:11)” choice golden dates 5::. 1b., 1000 parlor matches 50., 4 lbs. washing soda for 50., 4 lbs. whiting for 50. Atkinson & Switzer. Fanny Boynton. fifth daughter of the late “'illinm Bnyntnn, died at Buttonville- on Saturday, the second of July, in her 36th your. The fum-ml ttmk place frum the residence of Mr. Gen. Pudgm (\n Monday to the Vic- toria. Square cenwtery. ‘ Extra granulated sugar, Paris lump sugar, fruit 3119;”chng sugarâ€"allnig $’s \vm-Lh given this week. Atkinson &. Switzer. About 200 pnople aidvd in the erec- tion of a fine bank hum on the farm of John Smith, in. 5th «on. Markham. on Tuesday. The ceu-pvntcr work was dmw by Mr. John Ridden of ConcOI-d. and Mr. John Millvr of Uuionvillv, did the masonry work. Fruitjzlrs in § gul.. quart and pint sizes, jar rubbers. best Vinegars and pme SpiCPS, the best value in the trudel. Atkinson & Switzer. The above will cheerfully be paid in lawful money of the United States, by the undersigned, proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- ical Discovery. if they can- not Show the original signa- ture of the individual volunteering the tcfi timonial below, and also of every testimo- nial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing attesting the superior curative properties of their several medi- cines, and thus proving the genuineness and reliability of all the multitude of testi- monials volunteered by grateful people, in their behalf. ‘ WORLD'S DI§PENSARY MEDICAL Asso- CIA'rION, Proynctors, Buffalo, N. Y. THE REASON.â€"Tliere is no medicine equal to Dr. Pietce's Golden Medical Dis- covery, for purifying the blood. It carries off the poisons which contaminate the life fluid. It increases the activity of the blood-making glands and gives the body an increased supply of pure, body-building blood. It builds up the body with soundI healthy flesh instead of flabby fat, pro- motes the appetite, feeds the new d To gain knowledge of your 0‘: sickness and healthâ€"send {or :1 Common Sense Medical Advis of 1098 page». Stud 31 one-ecu: gape! - covued, or 50 stamps ound copy. Address Dr, R. V Main Street, Bufi’alo, .\'. Y. so givps to and “got. "About a year ago 1 had I very bad euugh and feared it would run into consumption." writes Hon. Geo. W. Lynch, of 27 Mason Sheet. Worcester, Mass. “When a severe attack. of coughing would come on vomiting would set in. Matter accumulated in nose and my tonsils were irritated. After reading of the wonderful cures resulting from Dr, Pierce‘s Golden Med- ical Discovery began to use it. with Some doubts IS to the good it would do me. I am {rank in say. But. after I had used one bottle I noticed quite a change for the better. Ordered five more bottles and before I had used them all the curl: wus complete. There is not now a trace of con )1 or cold in my system and my health is per ect.” The North York County Fair will SPECTATOR BUILDING, HAMILTON. C. H. ROUTLIFFE, Mgr. [Single copies, 3 cts. N ews NOLeS ,rrVV weak, rfiervous people vitality Estate 01‘ ex- ltu for stocks. unthingnmke 1000 va. at 500 I’otusi. 1000 Ilashle- own bodyâ€"in ' the Peopic‘s ser. Abook Llll stamps {01 p5 {or cloth- V. Pierce. 00} 1|»

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