Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jul 1904, p. 5

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E112 gjibcmi. Scythos. smiths. fm prices at C. & 1‘}. Mason Miss Keilh has: gum; mukv a visit with Mrs. (Pom-t, Richmund, IIIL‘l'L Friday owning Miss I{ilihilâ€"'(‘l1 visiting friends village. R('\'. J. A‘ muvting (11' this Week. Mrs. Lupnn of St. Cnthminvc, Spnnf )’(‘St(‘l'llil)’ with hm- pure-nts, Mr. and Mrs. E. Glover. “Om-Reghuent" has been vntrdn success by [In- lnrge- undivncvs before whom it, has been lu-vsontrml. Mr. Fred. Hopper spent :1 few days with friends in Collingwnnd :md to- turned on Munduy evening. Messrs. \V. Hmvisnn and \V. Sht-p- ml'd have re :tinh‘d tho Chum-h :It nttersuu. am that stun-tun- now looks as well as nmv. Mrs. Ed. Cnnlmh n of Clint nu spent esterday afternoon will) lwr lu'nllwr. 11. \V. J. Clark, furcnmn in THE LIBERAL office. The 119;. Americnâ€"xlilrnul Val]. Pratt’s astral in 5 gul'on lu-ts 216. gallon ; (lun- adian oil in 5 gulluu lots 17c. gallon. Mr. :(nd Mrs. w. Glutte and twn children of Bnfl'uln visith :1 few days last week wile Mr. and Mrs. Thomas adian oil in f) gum Atkinson & Swilzvr. Newton. Clm‘ence Snidm‘ uf Roclwster, N. Y., spent a few days lust, week with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopper and returned home on Monday. Carolina rice 100. lb, Japan rice 89. 1b., Palriu ricv 8c. 11)., Ruugmm rice 550., ordinary B rice 4c. lb. Atkinson & Switzvr. Mr. Purcival Bonnie]; who takos ;' prominentpm-b in “Our Regiment,” will be rmnemlwrcd as an old Rich mond Hill hay. The only case of smallan that has been in our village is very light. Thv patient has been booing in his garden, and is feeling well. Extra. vuhw in green and black teas at25 and 30c. lb. and cuifee ground fresh at, 25, 30 :md 40c. ll). Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. Lee MuCullum. :1 member of the Royal Life Guards, London. England. spent over Sunday with Mr. Thomas Palmer. Dominion Day this lace. Many the uy in Aumr and othm‘ plucvs were held. Mr. F. J. Peihivk during the past few days has sold a Masnu & Risch izmo to Mrs. Irwin Vuuderhnrg :ut :lil‘hzulk. and :1 Duluu-ty organ to Mr. Frank “’heelor of Bund Luke. hast week THE LIBERAL clnscd the 26th year of its exist-anus. and this week we commence V(:1._ XXYU: N0. l. amid surroundings with which we have reamnn tn bo- gmteful to our friends and putmns. A very enjoyable time was spent, at the burn party hvld at the hmm- of Mr. Gen. Henricks (In Tuesday even- ing of last; wwk. The best of dancing music was supplin 11y Messrs. Mc- Bride and Hem-icks. \thn you buy here you can he sure of your purchases and vermin uf their endurance and excelhmco. Our 1mg» stuck ensures the cheapest price. mey saving is a sum-by how. Our large trade for June proves thisâ€"257, more than lust June. Atkinson & Switzer. ug 14 f) (3 fix A grand but and ice cream social in aid of St. Stephen‘s Chm-(~11. Maplo. will he held in 'l‘. J. \Vilsnn’s hull. Teston, 0n \Vcdnesdny evvning, July 13. An np-tnâ€"(lnte entertainment will be given consisting of choruses, duets. l'ecitntions and music. also cnmic qgngs. Admissiun. 20 cents ; children, RICHMHND I'IILL, July 7, 1901 15 tints. NON-CONSENTERS. The almve will he the subject at. the Epwuit-ll League meeting next Mun- day evening undi-r the. fullmving heads :â€"Huly ones not cunsmning to idolatry. the wm-lil nut consenting tn the “quest of Gud‘s pimple, God‘s penplenot consenting to the world's demand, self righteousness not vanâ€" senting to Christ‘s appeal, the Saint not consenting tn the sinner's entice- ment. the professing Christin-n nut consenting to God‘s truth. 7 Mr. A. E. \Villiums on \Vednesdny of last. week had a must, successful "bee" hauling stone for xhe found~ ution of a. new hunk ham to he erect- ed on his farm lot, 27, '2nd can. Mark- ham. A number of “The Br: thren " came from the 5th cnncwsion, and together with other neighhnrs xender- ed \‘ahmhl: assistance. Mr. \Yillizuns appreciates to the full the kindm‘s: nf neighbors an.) friends. He has had sEX “ bees “ and «Very one has been a. suucess. MR. \VILLIAMS‘ “ BEF GRAND SOCIAL. haunt. M. J Presbytery nths joyublo time was spent at n-ty ht-ld at the homo-cf ‘m'icks (In Tuesdnym'onâ€" wok. The best of dancing >Snpp1ied by Messrs. Mc- 1S. furks. Jason‘s. ‘57 was very quiet in Iy of our citizens spent 11-", Maple. Thmnhil] s where celebrations ytnr nf H 1-(-luti\'es tn Aylmm to A. 8. Savage. O. F. this ww-k . nth-ndod n. in Tmonto who takes a 1. few days 1k( who Is in the will all Miss Chony of Gm few days wiLh the Mis returned Monday. Mr. Charles Sterling has 1‘»:le muking a gI-zmdnmlhur, Mrs. Ste Mr. and Mls. R. E. 1 Monday vvpning from a. George Rose at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Juhnsh‘n 1 Orillin. came Saturday to spend pfl‘ of the vm-ntinn with Mr. and Mr Switzer and family. The sales that economy to the money is wml' wrappers. Atk P. Patterson, F}qu (-x-M. T‘. P.. and Mrs. Patterson, have 1(‘Hll'lll‘d to spond (ho m‘xL three months at, their summer home at Patterson. \Vn have fine hlm-k nnd CUIUI‘N’] \vnrstvds and Scott-h twm-dS. regular why» in suits to ordm' $1‘450 Lu $20.5“. Wv will make tln-se to your mousure gunvmtoving everything fil‘it-I'IIISS for $13.75 to $15.00. Atkinson & Switzer. $1 The fnllowing teachers nrv home to spnnd part of their vat-Minn: Mr. J. E. Ska-10, Cayuga: Mr. \Vyc. Trench, Desm‘nnln; Mr. “7. Glass. \Vallnr‘nâ€" burg: Miss: F. M. Brown. Huntsville; Trench, Davisville'. The following are among those from Toronto who spent the holiday with 1-elnti\‘9s m‘ fi-ivmls hero. a number- 1-9- muining fm‘ several dayszâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Jns. . . McConnghy and little (laughter, Mr. Hurry [111198, the Missvs Startup, Missses Velma, and 0mm Bi‘vrlm). MP. Osmond \Vright, Mr. Ellis Wiley, Mr. A. Kirkland. Don’t, forget the farcical (‘nnwdy " Onx- Regiment, " to ho played in the‘ Masonic Hull Saturday evening this \vevk by the Sage and Ram Company. Thn'plny has had a. great run in many Canadian towns. SCHOOL MEETING. The Board of Education met Mon- day evening. The estimates were struck for the cnm'pnt year as follows: Public schuul$1450. the same as last year; High school $300, $50 mni'e than last year. The Principal of the High School’s salary was raised frnm $800 1058850, first; assistants from $500 to $630, and second assistants from $100 to $425. DEATH AT PATTERSON. Mrs. Sarah Frances Anglin, wife of the late William B. Anglin 0f King ston, died at the home of Mr. Guul‘ge Metculfe on Monday in her 62nd year. Deceased who had been in delicate health had come to spend a month with hm- dnughter, Miss Anglin, tenchvr in Patterson school, and had been out dxiving the day before she died. Intorment, takes place at King- ston this (Thursday) afternoon. The annual reunion of the Caser family. and a few outside friends took place an Dominion Day. The family cunsicts‘ of seven sons and five daughters, and all of them were present at the gathering on Friday exeept one sun. The reunimi took place this year at, the home. of Mr. \Vm. Casuly near Uniunville. A large number were present fut-dinnerand 10?. remained for tea. Previous to this year the picnic had been held at the residence of each nt’tlicsnnsand daughters, and next year, all being well, it will he held at Mr. Thomas Casely’s, Stout‘fvillo. Mrs. Stockdale and Mrs. \V. Mason. \vhu for Irany years had lived two doors apart, on Richmond Strevt. have gum) uvor Lu the majority. The ‘ furmerdie-d Sut.l1r(lny,nged 82 yeurs, and the latter died Sunday. in her 80th you r. The funeral of the former toan place on Monday, and that, of Mrs. Mason on Tuesday. The service on Munduy was taken by Rev. Mr. Smith, and on Tuesday by Rev. Mr. Cmuphell. Bulh of the deceased ladies were consistan members of the Methcdisb church and were highly respected. Mrs. Stockdale leaves sev- ernlsuus and daughters, and besides her husband Mrs. Masuu leaves a son, Mr. Charles .Mnsnu of this place. Mrs. Mason had been confined to her house for the past two yeaus and a half. THE LIBERAL and The \Veekly Sun, the latter living an excellent farm and market. paper, will be sent, to the end of the year fm (50 cents. This is an offer that shuuld he snapped up by scores of pimple who do nut, tulle [be above pupa-s.» RESCUED BY YOUNG LADIES. 109 that are mad". hm-o moan I to the home. The hmr fur is wrapped up in mm line of ‘s. Atkinson & Switzcr. CASELY GATHERING. T\VO MORE DE COMING. Gnrmk Misses an returned a. Visit to Capt. of Ruin); River. visit, with his Hing. -y, spent a Switzer and uhlmhm 0f Spvnd pal t :XTHS. The two papers. THE LIBERAL and The Montreal Star. will he sent, to any address from this date to the first, of January for 60 cents. Send orders tn this office. Building flWrial At Wholesale Prices? You can depend on Ayer‘s Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops "M hair faded mm! It was about whlto. It took “at one bottle of A er'a Hnlr Vigor to restore n no its former dar , rich color. Your Hau- Vigor urn;me doe: what you claim (or it." â€"A. M. 30043”, Rockinghsm. N. 0. £1.00 a bottle. J‘. 0. Ann co. A“ drulaailfl. l- _. W Lowell, Mass. fallingofthe hair,also. There’s great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap- pointed. Isn’t that so? Winnipeg $30.00 Mowbray Deloraine Souris Brandon Lyleton 1 Lenore I Minion! i Elgin Wawancsa ) Binscarth Moosomln } Arcoia Estevan . Yorkton } 3'5‘001 Game“ June 14th, 28th and July 19th. a Returnng until Aug. 15th, 29th and Sept :LSJtyh, respectively. Tickets are not; good on “Imperial Limited." Pamphlet and full particulars from gupy Cumul'i'im Pacific Agent, m- A. H. 511 \Ve take orders for shingles, lath, doors, sash, lumber of every description. Call or send your plans and get prices for any kind of building. \Vatch buyers, who buy here are sure of a watch that will last and keep . J. WREGHT, - 77.. Nurtmun. Toronto Homeseekers’ good time. The years of experience I had at the bench re- pairing many kinds of watches gives me the knowledge as to what kind to place before the public, that will be satis- factory to them and to me I lose money by mot car- rying a stock of cheap grades, and also lose the annovinq complaints of Teacht‘r wanted for Markham: smle sula' and qualifications; 2] ceived tn Juli: 22; duti: Aug. 1:"). ISM-L Add Brodie, Hmdfurd P. 0. the' C iséatisfiéd buyer. You are sure of good value when purchasing here. RICHMOND HILL. '2-+++++~§‘++++++4~++++~:-+{w} 11V NOE 13“)? Teacher Wanted '5 ()LUBBING RATE. Je rry S Ini th '3‘ ' 9+a.oz»:--:-+~:'+«:~~:-++~:~++~z~-:-++ Sure of It (Opposite the) Bank.) 31.50 32.00 32.25 32.50 _.T0__ 60 D AY Regina Moose Jaw Kamsack Swan River l for S. S. No. 3, salary, expt‘rivnce -.; applications re- dutirs to commence Address Chas. T. Saskatoon Pr. Albert Macleod Red Deer Strathcona algary Excursions 50-h. f. 51â€"4 $33.75 34.00 36.00 38.00 40.50 Used and recommengled by leading Veternm-ies and Stockmen, always gives satisfaction because u, makes all kmds nf stuck thrive. Yorkshire fitock F0001 Guaranteed to cure Distemper. Epiznntic, Coughs, Colds and hiukvn wind in hurses. The Province is full of Distemper among hm-sr-s and many valuable anim- als are being ruined by being neglects-d, which when CHUSPS broken wind. YORKSHIRE UOUGH and HIVE CURE immediater stops the disease and cures the cough. Toronto, April 4th, 1000. Gentlemanâ€"I can strongly recom- mend Yorkshire Stock Fund for horses and cattle out of condition. Ihuve recommended it in my practice for twenty years and Consider it is the px'vmier stock food in the market. Thos. McConnell, V. S. Sold in Richmond Hill by George MCI and at, Toronto by "-&mmmmmmmmmmmmm Concrete Hause Richmmid Hill We question whether anywhere you can find as SATISFACTORYL'a stock of Dry-Goods and Groceries. That’s the right adjective. The most reliable, the most varied, the most economical. VVe’ve been long years learning. the busineSs â€"â€" what to buy and what to let alone. There’s no accumulation of any- thing here save experience. The teaching of the year and the Goods of the Season make as happy a combination as ever invited an intelligent trade. Each day finds plenty of business here because of such 'alues as these: Fine Black and Colored Worsted sultings made to your measure in first; order for $13.50 to $14.50 per suit, regular $18.50 and $19.50 goods. Men's ready to wear pants $1, 1.25, 1.50 to 4.00 pair. Men’s fine shirts soft and stiff fronts 50c., 75c., and 251. Men’s fell. hats, latest; styles, $1.50, 1.75 to $2.25. Special value in fancy prints at 10, 12, 12%, 150. yd. SEE: Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure Goods Well Assorted in 4 lbs. washing soda 5c. 4 lbs. whiting for 5c. We keep trade lively here all the time by turning worthy goods over to people willing to take them and use them at our prices. lxtra prunes 5c. 11). Golden dates 50. 1b. ATKiNSflN &. SWITZER. J. A. Johnston Agricultural] Dmggis-t:. 171 Kin; .7 r..." {‘I‘nla Hn all Departments. Pariies requiring cement, English or Canadian, Port- land or Hydraulic, for all kinds of work, walls floors, silos, write or call and get our prices before purchasing else- where. We guarantee 1t to be first class in every particu- lar. 1MB EVER & SW Richmand Hill -Cemeni3- George McDonald , Harness-maker, -uggists. 171 King St East, Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel. Scarlmm Tp. Don P. 0. February 12th, 1901. Gentlemenâ€"“7e have used York- shire Stock Fund for years and know '. from experience that, it is far superior l to any nthvr stock fond in the market, ! it is a grand foodfm' stock of any kind lespeciully cattle and hogs. \Ve feed l it, regularly. Farmers in our locality «ll eBdursé it. Loflaglh Emma: David Duncan & Sons.

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