Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jul 1904, p. 1

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LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RIGLMQND HILL,ONT. VOL. XXVII. L We reqiient nhvs B mgimls ,(‘uroubo “CH URSDAY NCO R NING Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Best. fit, Gulls by day and night promptly tended to. J. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL aoumsawunnm'rnx HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, NOTARY PUBLIC, DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, 1)eutist, Remo lelledgtud newly furnished throughout One 0! the mast convenient and cumfurmble hutela on Yuuge Street. Every modern cou- venienze Sungle rooms for cmumercml travellers. Anidanlshappiugplaco for tiling or driving p1:ties.bi6yclists. mâ€" farmars going tom-ramming from market. 'Electric cars pass the door Livery inv- ouuectiun Cur. Church and Carlton Sts.. Toronto, \Vill he in Richmond Hill even y lst and 3rd \Vednesdny during June, July and August Office, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. PALMER, HO USE The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, 10:32, lst c‘on‘. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale som'e gvod young stock. 'l‘hm'nugh-ln'ed bull and hug kept fm- service on the px-mnisvs. ' The great rule of healthâ€" ' Keep the bowels regular. And the great medicineâ€" ” 7 Ayerjs 1115. {£31 3:53;: [537% W Want your moustache or beard a abeautiful brown or rich black? Use mu 015.0: macaw-m W3 BYE 0 IL UGO-.mflnli'L TERMS smu PER DAY “I. C. SAVAGE - $1 pe Oifice H ‘6 dance HJursâ€"R to 10 n m; 12 to 2 p m 7 tn 8 D m. )OYH SUNNYSIDE FARM VETERINARY SURGEON, "Elnornhill. RICHMOND HILL, BUSENE DI. " ‘J‘EEFY. fitting tuch, also replnting, at lowest; prices. Good work. 49- t fiental. nit 'Wf Ram‘s; I)entist, n 12, 12k Victoria St. Toronto. [S PUBLISHED EVERY Eamon r annum, in advanCe.] .uuz' uhvsxciun at Western and Grace 5.. J. STUBBS, wrterfnary 'l‘ll :H'uhill. AT THE D. G'. GOODERHAM. tietliml. 3.30 21.. In. to 5 p. m. SS CARDS. MAHON. ROPPJETOB ékm! Proprietor Prop Hnmr Barristers, Solicitors, etc TORONTO OFFICE: Nu. 33 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Goods sold on cnnsignment Gennral sales 01 atuc etc promptly attended to at. :omsonabh rat-as Residence Unionville ~ G R Gouldmg, Newton Brook.agenl for the above J T Saigeon, ' J K N Maple We: Snigcon a: McEwen. Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages at. lowest rates Aurore. ofliceâ€"Remox‘ed to the 01d [mat oflic; one door west. of the entrance to the Outarm Bank Newmurhjetnofliceâ€"Three doors south of the Licensed Auctioneers forthe Countyof York SMesuseudedto on shortestuoticeand 0. rec.- sonablerabes Patronagesolicited TORONTO OFFICE: Nu. 33 Rich- mond St. \VestJVPsley Buildings, ()Icledist Book Room) To- mnto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. LENNOX & MORGAN, Licens e Auctioneer for the County of York, to- spectfully solicits your patronage mud friendly influence sales attended on the st ortest notice and at reasonaberates. P. 0. address King ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E 14(i'IN BIIFJLS LicensedAuctionaarfor the Counties of York and Ontario All sales of farm stock, kc, at- texgded {:9 on the shortest notice and reasonable 1‘ HElznzsm‘ Léxxox, G STY Monouz. Aurora, hewmm-ket rates. Mortgageand bailifi sales attendeafltg Residence,Stoufi'ville Out RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. JAS. N EVVTON H. \V. Hudgin, Mus. Bun, F.G.C.hI. (Lnnd.). teacher of Voice Production, Singing. Piano. Organ and Them-y. On stuff of Toronto College of Music. “'ill be at Richmond Hill and North on Tucsde (vacancy for fmn' more pupils); Tlmx-nhill and suuth on Thursdays and Saturdays (vacancy fur tivn “1an pupils). A First-Class Nine-Rnomt-d House with inf an acre uf land. (iuud slnne fuuudatiun and cellar. Situated nu Ynuge street. Richmond Hill. A 1}" no pp ‘3'. E. \VlLEY, Specile uLteutinn tn pupils prepar- ing for any examination at Uullvgv uf C(msm-vntm-y. Pupils vex-y success- ful. Fur Len-ms address 270 Church St. Toronto. 46-2 mos. FOR SALE Undertakch & Emba lmors, Lindsey. Lawrence & W adsworth. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Barristers and Solicitors. 1d me mam. Up}. Adenfidé ictoria 518.. Tux-onto. COOK & JOHNSTON IR.1L.()ffiC9, Richmond Hill on WRIG mlsey. K C Lwruuc-s t Wadsworth \N aaswoxth, riste:s,Saliciths. Notaries, 35c. Life Qui‘lding (fm-morly F J, ll. PI onuico. D. a. sun's", N. Smith. â€"â€"() I} Satlu‘d “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." TO RENT MUSICAL. tunl. {ICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, JULY 14. 1901 en’s. Richumnd Hill. BROS, Phone Main 2984 J K McEwen, Wean 1'95“ The rain on lho 12le did not damper Rev. Mr. Jefirios. who has been ap- the ardonr «if the members of Lhe , pnintvd iunim' pastnr (In this circuit, L. O. L. of this place. Thoy turned ' preached his opening sermon on Sun- nut in full nmnhrrs and took in the I day evening. cvlvhl‘ution at \Vomlhridge. Miss Pearl Reamnn, the thirteen Dr. Logan “hobmlght, the practice your old (laughtvr (if Mr. and Mrs. fl‘mn Dl'- Sislvy, I‘Untl'u-cted typhoid l Daniel Remnnn. had her arm hrnkrn fever and was re-mnved to the General I on Thursday of last werk, while help- Hospitul, THIHIIIU last, week. Dr. I ing Iwr uncle Mr. Josith Remnan in Sigh-y is attending to his practice for t ova-Hte :1' hum-y extractor, The him. . handle of the machine caught her arm Tho pupils from our public School 1 thruwinghvr Violently to the floor. and their teacher Mr. I‘hornhnrn :11? l The, frm-tnro was srt Evy/Dr. Sinhhs (if Tho pupils from our public school and theirt-encher Mr. I‘hornhm-n :ue tohe congratulath on the results of the recent,vntrunce examination. ton having ht-cu successful out of twelve who wrote. The name of of this village, those who “‘91- mninntinn at Hamiltnn. Miss Hazel Kirby of Toronto. is vis iting at lwr unolo‘s, Mr. J. H. Kirby. Mrs. J. T. Sui reun is spending the week with fricn s at King City. Mr. G00. Thompson of the General Pnst Office, Tm-nntu, visited over Sun- day at Mr. Rohtv. Rumble’s. The annual Public School pic-Mic from Oak Ridgvs and Jefferson was hold at Lake \Vilcox on Saturday, July 2, and was :1 grand Su(,'c"’\‘S. Fulâ€" luwing is a list (If the prize winners in lacvs: Buys 15 yeax‘smlmrne Case, Andwa McNuir, Frank Grady. Girls 15 years â€" Junnip Gamble, Madge Routlodgo, Stella Uluhinv. Buys 12 yvn 1-sâ€"Tmmny Dibb, Frank Gminger. Aln'nlmm Jewett. Girls 12 yours -â€" Jennie McLeod, Alma‘du Stewart, Gladys Logge. Buys 10 yearsâ€"\Villie Naughton, Sydney Morris. Archie Czu-lylo. Girls 10 yearsfllluxey Topper, An. nie Stewart», Olive Dal-ling. Boys 8 yoursâ€"Max. (llulfine, Ray- mond Shell, John Stuckz. Gills 8 youxsâ€" luth Mon-is, Velma Stfwzu't, Kathleen Murphy. Buys yvm‘sâ€"Jnhn.Sl'inoy. Fwd. Ireland. Clarence Murphy, Jack Hop- p‘i‘i'. _ Girls 6 yearsâ€"Olive Jones, Vera ()Iubino. Kitzvy Topper, Lin Jones, Viulet Darling, ire-nu Tlunupsun, Mur- jm-y Cluhine. ' Boys three-kgng I‘élCP~LUl‘h(‘ (“use and Geo. Granger, Eddie Gamble and Joe Jewett, Ulrmem King and Syduvy Morris. The following have passed the Pn- truncv examination for the High School: â€" Nellie Barker, “'ilkie Bowes, Pearl Breakey. Nellie Brown, Muyigl Brydon, May Fenwick, Jennie Gamble, Vera. Goulding, Mary Huslop, HazelHilty. Hannah Hislop, Flossio James, Liu‘iei Lealoss, Gladys . Loggo, Sarah Mame-son. Stolla Murphy, Laura Oliver. Elsie Palmer. Edith Perry. Beatrice Remnan. Algal. Robinâ€" son. Lucy Robinson, Jessie Rogers (with honors), Clam Robinson. ()cy Shunk. H3291 Smith. Edna. Strwt. Jean Topper: George Andrews, \Vylie- Cm-lvton, Douglas Cooper, Ewrett Cox, Holmes Crosby, Jolm Foster. Bert Flook, YVillie Ground. Russvll Hilly, Foster Hicksnn. Otto (3. Julan Elmo Knfi’er, H. Knight, Earl Patton, Randall Page, Frml Pugh, lming Perry, Stuart Road, Lloyd Sonlos, Edward Shnnk, Allu'rtv'l‘limnus, Rus- sell “’illiums. Also tlnve who wrote at Patterson. V’lZ:~â€"E(lllét McNuir, Y. Charles, H. Rumble. Cut In a bargain plice are those heavy prints of ours at 12c. y(‘. At.- kinson 5r. Switzer. TO BECOME A MAROON. RICHMOND HILL H. S. J efierson Maple Miss E. A. Richardson uppoal's (In the list of e successful at, the ox- tlxe Normal College, The fraétnro was sot fry-Dr. Stubhs of Thm-nhill. She is doing as well as can })e_¢-.\;pecte(l._ _ A copy of the PI'lZP List for the Can- adian National Exhibition to he hold in Tut-onto this year from Aug. 29th to Sept. 1 ltl: h -s lH'HI rec-'ive 1. It is an exceptionally handsome and well printed pioduction. 'l'hp cow-r is in three colors and tastefully (-mhossrd. All the classes are nicoly arranng and the Exccutive are pleas: (l to say that the greatest, euro has hem taken to have the rules. regulations and con~ ditinns explicitly set forth in ('lear 11n- mistakahle language. There ;II'(‘ no fewer than two hundrr-rl and fifty cllsses cm ering practically eve-ry in- d islry known to Canada thnt, is worthy of vncunmgvment,and calling for $35.UUU in prize money. In several dzpnrtments considvrnhle changes have hoe-n made and the premiums alrlcd to. A nmv Art Gullvry and :1 new Administration Building are be- ing erected and inipi-nvenn'nts made- to the grounds. 'The famous Black \Vawh Band, by gracinns poi-mission of His Majesty, the King. and of the Culmwl and nfiicn-rs of the gallant, old “Foi~ty~twn.” has hron Pngngvd and will play three tinn-s vac-h dav during the entire period of the exhibition. A number of other (Incidedly superior attractions have also been arranged for. Altogethvr. tllEl'l‘fol'P. the Ex- Pcutive feel justifivd in promisng that Toronto's Grunt Fail-0f ’04 will l‘l'lipsi‘ all its piedvvcssm-s. Copies of the Prize List can lu- had on application to J. 0. Orr, Munngt-r, 70 King St. East, Toronto. It ié' surprising tho indifference with which the ponpin are fronting the smallpnx cases in this vicinity.‘ Your cox-respondent thinks that the health officials shnnld keep a closer qum-zm- tine. and the people should see to it that their families are protected by vaccination, which has not hem) at- tended to in a single family in this vicinity so far as is knmvn. There are thousands nf people who shnuld appreciate Canadian sturies he- (‘ause thL-y are Canadian, yet are quite unfamiliar with the names of Cana- (liau story-\vxitels. The July “Cana- dian Magazine" contains at least three stories by lmulers in this class of literaturp. There is a. racing story by \V. A. Frasvr. who is the author of several hunks, and a resident of G‘renrge-tnwn, a small tnwnjust west (\f Tnmntn. There is a humorous tale by A. R. Carnmu. a staff writer on the Montreal Star, the author of two nun-ls, and a descriptive writer of consider-amp expel-knee. The western story, “Star-Blanket,” is by Duncan ’lainpht'll Scott. an officer in the De~ partment. of Indian Affairs at Ottawa, and the author-pf some vnluines of \etse of more than ordinary nwrit. It is pleasant to know that it is pos- silxlo for a magazine editor tn secure stnrius by native writers fully equal tn thnse pruduced elsewhere in the Angloâ€"Saxon wurld. This number contains also smne articles of excep- tional interest, including “The Ladies’ Empire- Cluh of Lnndnn,” by Lnlly Bernard: “An muting on the Bay of andy‘s Share.” by F 0. Sears; a character sketch of Richard McBride, Premier of British Culunilwia, by T. A. Grogg'. and “How Our Grandfather‘s Lived," by Frank Yeigh. All those (:rnntriliutinns are amn-npl-iatvly illus- il'nit‘d. SpPCinl attvntion is alsu given to Summer bunks. The colored front- ispiece is an attractive hit of Canal.- (lian scenery. The Indies {If the \Vomnn‘s Mission- zu-y Socivty nf Victoria Square Meth- udist. church will hold a raspberry and ice cremu fvstivul on the church lawn on Saturday, July 23. A suit- able program will be rendered hy the fullmving talent :â€"the Victoria Square Malu Qimrtette; Mrs. T. Tum, soloist, Brnntfm‘d: Miss -M. Lidk-ll, Suluisl, Toronto; Miss Lawrence, elucntiunist, guld me-dnlist. Toronto; 'Miss Jenn Scott, Plur‘ntiunist, Victmisi Square; Miss B. T1 udgenn, violinist; Mark- ham; Mr. Pickering, \‘iulinist, Mal-k- hum ; Mr. Ralph Frishy, phmmgi-ngh, (lilsht‘l. Ten served from 6 to 8. Rev. '1‘. Campbell, clminnun. Admission 20 and 15 cents. This is the place where the best is found. Atkinson xK’ Switzer, CANADIAN STORY-VVRITERS. Toronto Exhibition Prize List. RASPBER RY FESTIVAL. Carrville xhihitvinu to he. held year from Aug. 29th lye-en receivel. Iti; handsome and well IIL Th9 cover is in tastefully (-mlmssvd. are nicely arranged 'e are pleasul to say cm-o has been taken regulations and cnn~ DOUGLAS, LACEY STOCKS. 19.650 Viznaga 8 cts., 7,000 San David 7 cts., 15,000 U. C. Oil 8%. 8,500 U. C. Refin- ery 10, 22,500 Mexican A, 5, 5,000 Can. Osage ,Pet. 6, 10,000 Alaska Oil 7, 15,000 Haslemere 7, 10,000 Mid. West Osage Petroleum 7. Subject t4) prior sale we will fill your orders for any number of shares d12- sirvd and have stuck trunsl‘vrred into yuur name. Send your orders to The swoet trme Mason & Risch. Also tuning: and repairing. Second-hand ones fur sale. Reuniring of all kinds of needles for The Merchants‘ Fir-9 Insurance has the lowest ratesâ€"Renew with us. Crown life and endowment pnlicies. Get, our terms. Digest (If Canadian Ma‘cuntile Laws. PIANUB AND URGANS Ours is :1 clean Well-lighted store bristling with hen-gains. Atkinson (Vb Switzer. \Voodln-idge lacrosse team defeatpd Alum-a. in a league match (In the grounds uf the latter on Saturday. This is the place to gt-t fruit jars of very best. quality at right price and the may lu-sb value in Vinegars and spices. Atkinson & Switzer. Locust Hill footlmll team has won the handsome trophy donated by the Hon. J. R. Stx‘nttnn. The final match was played at Markham on Saturday when the Clippers defeated Bowman- ville. The story of a great deal of the un- happiness of women is a story of lost health. W o m e n wonder how it is that little by little the form loses plumpness, the cheeks grow hollow and sallow, and they feel tired and worn -ont all the time. In a large proportion of cases when women are weak, run-down and falling off in flesh and looks, the root of the trouble can be traced to womanly diseases which under~ mine the general health. The proof of this is that women who have been cured of painful womanly diseases by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription have recovered their general health, gained in flesh and in appearance. $500 Reward lor Women 'ho Cannot be Cured. The proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce‘e Favorite Prescription now feel fully war- ranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Pro- lapsus, or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ale is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. "I sufl'ered for three year! with ovarian trouble." writes Mrs. Ann uinn (Treasurer \annnn'I Athletic Club. of z Sycamore 5t.J Invest. Exchange Co. F. J. PETHECK. - â€" ‘ v ' . __7V 7 { reasonable tnal of their means of cure. “I sufl'ered for three years with ovarian trouble." write: Mrs. Ann uinu (Treasurer Woman's Aihletq'c Chihu. of z Sycamore 5L Milwaukee Wis. "The treatment I look did not do me a nnicle of good. until a good ueigly her who hatrbeen using Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription advised me to give it a trial. The next day took my first dose. and it was my first 5:: toward recovery. In nine wegka I was a woman; my flesh which had been flabbv became firm. complexion den and my eyes bright. R was Ilmply an indication of the great change within from pain and luficring to call): and luPpiness.” ‘ Dr. Pierce I Pleasant Pellets invigomte staunch, liver and bowels. SINGER SEWING MACHINES FIRE AND LIFE SPECTATOR BUILDING, HAMILTGN. c. H. ROUTLIFFE, Mgr. RICHMOND HILL [Single copies, 3 cts. N eWS N ones new mm: 53 Gained. muchiues‘ sale. INSURANCE Oil and

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