.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"_‘â€"â€"â€"___ , ,__.__â€"_.. THE RUSSlllll RED CROSS HEAD AND FRONT IS THE GRAND DUCHESS VLADIMIR. The Dowager Empress Has Com- pletely Shut Out the Young Czarina. The women of the highest, Russian aristocrasy, from the Clarina herself down, are devoting themselves to the aid of the Red Cross Society, and through their efforts many milâ€" lions of roubles have been raised for the sick and wounded in the I~‘ar East. ~ As the (‘znrina Dowager still holds the same position at the tussian Court as she held when Alexander III. was alive, there is no position there for the young L'Aarina. to hold, no work for her to do, no duties for her to fullilâ€"â€"she is, as it Were, an interloper in her own husband's house. This is a. painful enough state of affairs for her when things are at peace with Russia; but it is infinitely worse now when the whole Empire is seething with excitement. and the air is alive with the clamor of arms. She can do nothing, for whenever she tries, she is promptly told by the Czaf'ina Dowager she has already arranged to do it. Then, if she perâ€" sists, she is made to understand that her one duty in life, is to provide Russia with a Czarovitch. and that until this is accomplished the quieter she keeps 'ersell‘ and the less she is seen or heard of the better. THE CZARINA _ always accompanied by her eldest sister, the Grand Duchess Elizabeth, wife of the. Czar's uncle, has been making trips through the lower quarâ€" ters of St. Petersburg, urging pat- riotism upon the poorer classes; and the police have been purposely warnâ€" ed not to interfere with these expeâ€" ditions of the Empress, so as to avoid any appearance of premedita- tion. The Grand Duchess Elizabeth, who lives in Moscow, where her husâ€" band is Governor-General, is a high favorite with the Moscovites on acâ€" count of her democratic ways. She Ihas succeeded .in raising enormous isums from wealthy Moscow merchâ€" ants solely by the charm of her corâ€" dial manner. She invited the iner- Zchants to a bazaar, shook hands With them. and, addressing them by their patronymics, gave them rc- freshments with her own hands. She also called upon their wives ldrank tea with them, although ‘dislikes that beverage. The head and front of this work lfor the Red Cross is the Grand ( uchess Vladimir, who lends 'her presence to all the sessions of the St. Petersbtu‘g branch, and. personalâ€" Ely aids in other ways. She presides ‘at bazaars. se with the sewingâ€" classes, and visits the girls' schools, where she helps the pupils to make flint and bandages for the soldiers at the front. The Grand Duchesses Alâ€" exandra and Constatine. the latter bll" of the most beautiful women of the anpire, have placed their palacâ€" es at the service of the Red Cross, and tour the city in their troikas, she A BACK LICK. I l Settled the Case With Her. Many great discoveries have been made by accident and things better than gold mines have been found in this way, for example when even the accidental discovery that coll‘ee is the real cause of one‘s sickness proves of most tremend0us value because it locates the cause and the person has then a chance to get well. ‘ “For over 25 years†says a Misâ€" souri woman "I suffered untold agonâ€" ies in my stomach and even the best physiCians disagreed as to the cause without, giving me any permanent lhelp, different ones saying it was lgastritis, indigestion, neuralgia, etc., so I dragged along from year to year, always half sick, until ï¬nally lI gave up all hopes of ever being ell again. ' “When taking dinner with a friend one day she said she had a new idrink which turned out to be Pos- tum and I liked it so well I told her I thought 1 would stop coll‘ee for awhile and use it, which I (lid. “So for three months we had Posâ€" |tum in place of coffee without) ever having one of my old spells, but was 'always healthy and vigorous in- stead. . “Husband kept saying he was conâ€" vinced it was coffee that caused ‘those spells, but even then I IWouldn't believe it until one day we got. out of Postum and as we lived two miles from town. I thought to use the coffee We had in the house. “The result of a week's use of collee again was that I had another terrible spell of agony and distress proving that it. was the coffee and nothing else. That Settled it and I said good-bye to Coffee forever and since then Postum alone has been our hot mealtime drink. , "My friends all say I am looking worlds, better and my complexion is much improved. All the other mem~ bers oi our family have been bemL mtql. too. by Postufn in place of the eld drink. coffee." Name. given by l’ls’un (1).. lluttle Creek, Mich. Ten days' trial of Postum in place at coffee or tea is the wise thing for every coffee drinker. Such a trial tells the exact truth often where cofâ€" ffec is not suspected. Look in each package for the fam- ous little book, “The Iload to Wellâ€" Lville.†and ‘ THIS MUSIUlllll IS 'DELIGHTED HIS KIDNEY DISEASE AND GRAVEL CURED BY DODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS. Tried Many Medicines but got no Relief till He Used the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Rest-done, Ont., July 18.â€"lSpeci- al).â€"l\lr. Samuel J. Crow, the wellâ€" known musician of this place, rt- laies an experienve that adds to the already great popularity of Ilodd's Kidney l’illsin this locality. “I suffered for years with Kidney Trouble." says Mr. ('row, "which l)“- cafne aggravated with every attack of cold and caused me much agony. "l‘he disease developed into (if-ayel when I was totally unlit. for any- thing. “I tried different out the desired result lmurh misery w'nen I decided to “2V Dodd's Kidney l‘ills when to my astonishment and delight I immediâ€" ately began to recover. “After using live boxes the ailment. had entirely ceased and I was again 'cnjoying perfect. vigor, all of which I owe. to Ilodd's Kidney I‘ills." The fact that Gravel yields so readâ€" ily to Ilodd's Kidney Pills is good withâ€" in remed ie: a nd wa s news indeed, as it does away with those terrible operations that. were supposed to be the only relief from this trouble. calling on members of the aristocracy and the wellâ€"toâ€"do in general to inâ€" duce them to give up their old linen for wounded soldiers. Behind their equipages travel covered furniture vans CARRYING ’l‘III-l GIFTS. The striking from the. C7arina's Co t list of the name of Princess Marya lllichailovna Dashkol‘.‘ for an innocent remark, shows how seriousâ€" ly the Czarina takes her duties in .connection with the \\ ar. When Prin- cess Daslikoli was asked, like all 'other court women, to join the sewâ€" ing class, she consented; but re 'marked to a lady of honor that she would prcfer to hire tWenty seam- ’Stresses, who would do more work than all the Czarina’s two thousand aristocrats. This observation was retailed to the Czarina, who forth- with put the Princess on the black- list. The incident created some senâ€" sation. as the Princess belongs to one of the best-known families of the higher Russian nobility. Large numbers of educated young women of the better classes are seek- ing to obtain employment as nurses in the army. Each applicant is in- formed of the terrible rigors of Si- beria; but not one in ten is daunted by the prospects held out. The sociâ€" ety has been obliged to decline thouâ€" :sands of requests for enrolment. The Russian public is greatly touched by these evidences of patriotism on the part of the women. and the reâ€" sult will be a much larger measure of freedom for women in future. Rusâ€" ‘sian women already enjoy more libâ€" erty than the women of any Coun- try except the Angloâ€"Saxon, and the result is that in times of nationâ€" .al danger they comport themselves lwith great ‘heroism. The part they [played at the siege of Sebastopol WILL EVER BE REMEMBERED. It is not only among the aristo- crats that this outbreak of patriotic Icharity manifests itself. Matilde Ix'schensky, Russia's favorite ballet; dancer, has left St. Petei‘sburg, throwing up her profitable engageâ€" ments, and has volunteered and gone to the seat of war as a Red Cross nurse. Not only this, but she is touring the country on the way, dancing to houses packed to their ca- pacity, and giving the entire proâ€" ceeds of every performance to the benefit of the Red Cross Society. Another popular favorite. the singâ€" er Labunskaia, is proving her patri- otism. She is one of the prettiest singers of chansonettes in Russia. and also is making a striking tour of her native country, which began at Perm, a little west of the. Ural Mountains. There, after singing a 'little song to loud applause. she dt~ livered with tumor and spirit a new patriotic song entitled: “Slavnaya Rossiya.†Reports from Penn state that the audience cheered for five minutes. Her opportunity had ar- rived. Blushingly she announced :that she would give a modest kiss to lfor it, and would send the. thus acquired to the lied Cross ciety for the wounded Russians. The men in the audience stormed the stage, and the women present proved their love of country by urgâ€" iing their husbands and S\ve-.-fhearts ito cliastely salute, the pretty singer land to contribute ten roubles to so noble a cause. The appeal was so ‘striking, and the desire to contribute jso earnest that during the evening _she earned fifteen hundred roubled ‘tSTSOL She is slowly touring across :Russia. and the Red Cross fund is growing,r rapidly i THROUGH Hm rumours. l l Others are also enthusiastically ‘working for the Red Cross. Don Jaime de li‘ourbon, who recently left lRome for St. Petersbnrg for the pur- lpose of going to the seat of war in 1the Far East. has asked for a llllll- money Soâ€" ,tary comnmnd, but pending an an- iswer has joined a hospital corps as . . {a nur5e. He 15 the only son and iany man who would pay ten roubles‘ l V . 1history. coriiffiissiofi Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. 58 heir of Don Carlos, chitmist Preâ€" tender to the. thrones of France anrl Spain, and may yet figure as a perâ€" sonng‘e of importance in European lie is in his thirtyâ€"fourth and was educated for several :it the Roman (‘atholic (‘ollegc ilenlzniont. close to Windsor (‘21s- llon .laimo holds an cnsiq‘n's in the famous liraan regiment, of Ilussaf's. of the, Illusinfi lorlyguard. and is looking forward keenly to seeing active service. lie is Don (‘arios' son by the first wife (a Princess of the House of Bourbon- Parnia), who died eleven years ago, year, years of flu. leaving a son and faur daughters. lly Don lr'af'lois' second marriage to Princess Alice of Bourbon, the youngest (laughter of lion Carlos, who lately obtained a divorce. frofn Prince Frederic of Schoenburgâ€"Wald- enburg, was recently announced to have joined the Russian Red Cross Society, and to have made preparaâ€" tions to start for the. scene of war in the Far East. â€"â€"â€"¢ GIRLS†NEW PROFESSION. Employed in London to er‘ Pretty Dresses. What can a woman do to earn her liking" She can become a, fll‘aper'S‘ model, is the suggestion of one auâ€" thoritv. “llnquestionably a great deal of the trouble concernng is caused by the women themselves, he said to a London Express repreâ€" sentntive yesterday. “All domestic duties nowadays are scorned as being beneath their nity. We. Cannot get domestic vants because the girls want to be typists or clerks. (lood Cooks are becoming as extinct as the Creat Auk, and the only housemaid‘s place for which there is any competition is a housemaid's place on the stage. “Yet we are overburdened with governessesâ€"half trained, as a rule â€"hospital nurses, typists, and clerks who cannot get employment. “A new profession has been sug- gested for girls who have had no special training for any business or professional work. All that it re- quired is a, good ï¬gure, and the carâ€" riage necessary to show 03' beauti- ful gowns. “'l’he profession is that of manneâ€" quin, or draper's model. Those girls are employed by all large shops, and employment. n SCI" are selected entirely on account of their beauty and shapelincss. “Their duties consist. solely of walking up and down the long showâ€" rooms clad in all thczmost exquisite models which the Shops can produce for the benefit of the ladies who wish to purchase them. “’l‘hose who have tried it state that they find the. life most profit- able and comfortable, and they have not the. slightest wish to change their position for that of a gover- ness or a clerk. "Unfortunately the demand for such women is not large. But, afâ€" ter all, perhaps, it. is nearly as large as the supply, considering how very few women are perfectly formed now- adays." .____.+......_.. v- .n How a Thls We ochr One Hundred Dollars Reward for any Case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by llall's Catarrh Cure. 1". J. CllI'lNlCY & 00., Toledo. 0. We, the undersigned. have known Iâ€. J. chncy for the last. 15 years. and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and ï¬nancially- able to carry out any obligations made by his ï¬rm. WALDING. KINNAN &lllARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's L'atarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, ucting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi< monials sent. rrcc. l’rice, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. ’l‘ako llall's Family Pills for consti- patiou. Friendâ€""I'd recommend you to drink a cup of water every morning." Invalidâ€""I always do that where I board; they call it coffee." No other fly killer compares with Wilson’s Fly Pads in destructive qualities. Insist on getting the genuâ€" line. Eat a small quantity of lettuce have posâ€" says morningr and evening and you protected yourself in the best sible. vay against smallpox, “Medical Talk." Ask illi Minafd's and take no other. A pigsty and a kitchen garden are among the features of the cemetery at Gowerton, Wales. l l Ihas t l is used by Physicians l l I Mlnard slfniment A private in the Royal Marines just been sentenced to nine months' imprisonment for throwing a. piece of bread at a lancecorporal. ISSUE NO. 29â€"04. digâ€" ‘ m m » :7 =2"~-â€"--â€"‘ â€"â€"_-::: Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let us have your consignment of any of these articles and We will good prices. get you THE DAWSON COM M133! 0 \I Cor. West Market and Colbornosta, TORONTO. OER INSIST O -,. V141â€" ,;..,'>i ~12 undue. CAN BE HAD IN Pails, Wash aslns, lililk Fans, at; Any First-Claus Grocer Onn Supply You. N GETTING ED 0 . Limit: 3 ’3 . HAUNTS OF FISH AND GAME. Attractions for Sportsmen on the Line of the Grand Trunk. The Grand Trunk Railway Company has issued a handsome publication, profusely illustrated with halfâ€"tone engravings, descriptive of the many attractive localities for sportsmen on their line of railway. Many of the regions reached by the Grand Trunk seem to have been specially prepared .for the dclectation of mankind, and where for a brief period the cares of business are cast aside and life is given up to enjoyment. Not only do the "Highlands of Ontario" present unrivalled facilities for both hunting, ï¬shing and camping, but the 30,000 Islands of the Georgian Bay, Thom sand Islands and St. Lawrence Riv- er, Ridcau River and Lakes, Lake St. John. and the many attractive lo- calities in Maine and New Hamp- shire, present equal opportunities for health, plcasure and sport. All these ylocalities are reached by the Grand Trunk Railway System. and on trains unequalled on the continent. Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan, Que-' bcc, New ifanfpshire and Maine fish and game laws are inserted in the publication for the guidance of ,sportsnmn. The Grand Trunk {ail- Way has also issued descriptive il-l nrately, which are sent free on .plication to the agents of the Com- ‘pany and to Mr. J. I). McDonald, I‘istrict Passenger Agent, G. ’l‘. 1., Union Station, Toronto. _.,.._.5. “Yes,†he proposed, Miss Passay continued, blushing; "and when papa. came into the room he found me in .Mr. Huggin's arms." “Ah, now I see!" exclaimed Miss Speitz. “I wondered what your father meant toâ€". day when he told me that Mr. llugâ€" gins had an old head on young shoulders!" l I V For Over Sixty Years Mas. Wir'stow's Soorumo Si’RIrr has bean 111%! by millions of mothers for thc'r children while teething. ll soothes the child. softens Lh-e gnaw. alloys pain, cures wind colic. regula' he Stomach and bowels. and is the best remedy for l hie-t. ‘l‘wcnty-ï¬vc ur'nh a. bottle Hold Lydruggists throughout the world. Be sure and usl. fur" Mm. \VINSLOW ssooruiko sruur.†~2zâ€"01 "It's ridiculous,†remarked the prosperous tailor, “to say ‘clothes don't make the man.' †“Think so?†"Certainly!" replied the tailor. “Why they’ve made me!" There are many imitations of Wil- son’s Fly Pads; all are cheap and compafatively useless. Be sure to get Wilson's. “You never saw my hands as dirty as that," said mamma. †’Cause I inever saw you when you were a lit- tle girl," was little lrene's prompt. answm‘. Minaid’s liniment Lumberman's Filend , The l’roprictorâ€""What made that‘ customer walk out? Did you ()llcffd him?" The Shopmanâ€"â€""l don't :know. He said he wanted a. bat to ‘suit his head, and I showed him a soft but!" House flies carry contagious disâ€" eases. Wilson‘s Fly Pads kill the flies and tne contagion too. (ARTS IMPROVE ROADS. injuring the In the four- instead 01 it. market. cart, highway, improves fourteen inches linger Ethan the fore, and as a result the irear wheels run in a line about an inch outside the level rolled by the front wheel. After a few loaded wagâ€" gons have passed over a road the highway looks as if a steam roller :had been at work. A national law irL-rz' axle is .in Germany prescribes that waggonS' ihcavily loaded must have tires not :lz‘ss than four inches wide. In Aus- itriz’t the minimum for similar vehicles lis six and a half inches, in Switzer- 1 In France every carrier's and every A wh-eled vehicles in that couut'y the' lustrated matter for each district scp- lacting ap- ,struck youth. land six inches. [ UNLOADING OUTFIT Works well both on stacks and in barns. unloads all kinds of ‘ bay and grain oithol' . loose orin sheaves. ' "i I" l I Send ton-catalogue to M. T. BUCHANA & C0., lngersoll,0nt. 25-34. YOUR WEREMTS I Ind faded Suits would look bcttordyad. If no we?! of ours in your town. write. direct Month-til, Box 153 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO- MONTREAL. wâ€"nâ€"‘g "Your husband seems to have an . exalted opinion of you,’ remarked the bride's aun’t. “He says you are his right hand." “Yes.†rejomed the young wife. with a sigh; “but he’s one of those men who never let their right hand know what their left hand does!" Wilson’s Fly Pads. Each 100 packet will kill more flies than 'can be caught on 300 sheets of sticky paper, costing $15. think I am capable of part?" asked the stage- “I do,†replied the busy manager; "and the farther apart we are when you act the bet- ter at will suit me." "Do you a Keep Minaffl's linimenl in the House. Slideâ€""Yes, I remember my first ball as if it were only yesterday." IIeâ€""What a. wonderful memory you must have!" Wilson's Fly Pads. No dead flies dropping about When properly used. 4: That money talks," I'll not May be quite true. But it more often says “Good-bye!" Than ‘llowâ€"dyâ€"do?" WI deny I was Cured of Bronchitis and Asthma by M'INARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. Lot 51 P. E. I. I was Cured of a severe attack of, Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINI- ’MENT. Mahonc Bay. JOHN MADER. I was Cured of a severely spraincdi lcg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. JOSHUA WYNACHIIL Bridgewuter. v Fineâ€"edged tools lose their temper if exposw to the light of the sun for a considerable length of time. Lover’s Y-7, (Wise Head) Disinfect. ant Soap Powder is a boon to any lhomc, It disinfects and cleans at ,the same time. ,_.. Papa â€" “Been quarrelling with GtOl‘L’C‘ again?†Daughterâ€""No, in- deed, l haven't! It‘s too near my 'birthday for me to quarrel with ianybody!†:" ::r::":"*::'.‘::'": 7"“ '1‘“.:‘ ' “ ' " ~_ .A Summer Cough la the hardest kind to get rid of and the must dangerous kind to neglect. Shiloh’s x (Zonsumption The Lung Cure: To... will cure you quickly and surelyâ€"stop the fever. strengthen the lungs and make you Well again. At all dragging, 25c, 50c and 31.0!) a Lottie 1â€"23