Change-World's; Dispensary Mean: Changeâ€"J. U. Ayer 6: Co. Teuohor wantad â€"-Churlen Brodie. (“mangoâ€"The Russ)“ Hardware Co Changeâ€"Jerry Smith The Globe views Witu : recent utterances of ac papers relative to wha of “the possibilities of the United States." Tl right. War between ( our southern neighbors rible to speak of. Appe: udice will always be list the mob, but the inte sober minded take a dif of the dangerous (:0 The Globe says :â€" “ To talk about war 1 two nations on this Cl clamor for defences agn from our American neigl cuss the issues 01 such a unupwh.†is to ï¬re the very passions that would make such a war possible. And such a war would 170 the most guilty and inhuman of all the myriad-hand- ed murders with which sin and hale have cursed the world.†Much can be done and is being done, in encouraging young Canad- ians to become accustomed to the use of ï¬rearms, but; any appeal to passion and prejudice should be re- sisted by every lover of his country. As might be expected the clown; of Toronto are making preparations to give Mr. Lou Scholes, the young oarsman who won the diamond sculls at Henley last week, an enthusiastic reeeption,to which he is jestly en- titled. He went to England, won a victory on four successive days, and will return to Toronto covered with glory. The achievement is a gi'eat'one, and cannot fail to make an impression on the other side of the ocean“ In some sports, say in -.... Mama n-nmn. lacrosse. it is not a gl‘eat'one, and cannot fail to mane an impression on the other side of the ocean, In some sports, say in our national game, lacrosse, it is not always clear after a match that the victors have won their honors fairly, the players sometimes relying on roughness and brute force in “doing up" their opponents. But in sculling the rule is that the best man wins, and this was shown in the races row- ed in England last week. Scholes not only beat his opponents one after the other, but he made a new record for the 'course over which the rowing took place The Hon. Sydney Fisher, Miniser of Agriculture, has authorized the live stock commissioner to announce that any Canadian who exhibits! horses, cattle, sheep, swine or poultry at the St. Louis Expositen, will re- ceive such services as are granted to exhibitors in other classes, and in addition the Department of Agricul- ture will pay to each such exhibitor a. sum equal to the prize money which he secures in the competitions for which he enters. The Exposi- tion authorities have asked that the Commissioner of Exhibitions shall countersign or endorse the certiï¬cates of registration of pure bred stock. All entries or applications for space for live stock should be addressed to Mr. Wm.Hutchi~30n, Commissioner, a, sum equal to th which he secures in t for which he enters. lion authorities have Commissioner of E a: the Canadian Building, Exposition Grounds, St. Louis. All such mat- (0T3 will be properly and promptly attended to, and the intending exhi- bitors duly notiï¬ed as to the condi- tions of the Exposition in regard to their particular chxsses. Before local option was carried in Toronto Junction it was claimed by those who izworcd the measure that who wants of traveliera and boarders would be we“ looked after. But New Advertiisements. what are the facts afzer a trial of two months. The Tribune of that town referred editorially to the mat- tor last week as follows :â€" RICHMOND HXLL- “ The Citizens‘ League has not yet fulï¬ned their promises of provid- ing PPOPCI ï¬cwunnodzuiou and this is i.‘ views with alarm some inces of certain news- ive to what; they say sibiiities of war with tates.†The Globe is between Canada and neighbors is too hor- LOf. Appeals to prej- Nays he listened to by n: the intelligent and Ltake a different view ngerous contemplation. usury Medical July 14, 1904 Assoc'n going against the League in the eyes of those who were not at anytime favorably impressed with the meas- ure. It is a fact to be deplored that over two months have been allowed to pass winhoub anything being done to provide for the farlmrs and lodgers." The temperance people of Toronto Junction must know that. the eyes of this province are upon them. At the Democratic convention held at St.Louis a few days ago, Mr. W. J. Brynn made a powerful proâ€" test against the spread of the war spirit in the United States. In words of eloquence which svayed his im- mense audience he cautioned the nation against the horrible atrocities of war, and referred to the words of Him who two thousand years ago came to this earth to preach the doctrine “ Peace on earth, good will toward men." The banquet tendered Hon. W. S. Fielding in Toronto was a magniï¬- cent success. Besides the guest of the evening, other speakers were HonJVm. Muloek, Hon. Wm. Pat- terson, Hen. H. R. Emmerson, Mr. C. Marci], M. 1)., and Mr. Arch. Campbell, M. P. Late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of ank, labor- er, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, chapter_ 129, that, all creditors and others having claims against, the ostute of the said Robert, Black McCloary, who died on 01' about; the seventh day hf May, A. D.. 1904, are required on or before the First Day of August. A. D.. 1904, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Mesa-s. Lindsey, Lawrence &’\Vadsworth of the City of Tor-ontu. Solicitni's furtheadmin- Robert Black McCieary or deliver to Moss 5. Lindsey, anrencedK: \Vadsworth of the City of Toronto. Solicitors ful‘the admin- istmtnr of the. said deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statoment of theii accounts and the nature of the sc- curities, if any, hold by them. And furthm-take notice that aflor such last mentioned date the said ud- ministratm‘ will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled}.hem-to. having rvgni-d only to claims of which he slmll than have notice, and that the said admin- istrator will not be liable for the Said assets or any part thereof to any por- snn or persons of whose claims notice shnll not have been received by him at the time of Such distribution. 1904. , LINDSEY. LATVRENCE 4% \VADFS- \VORTH, Sulicitnrs for the Admin- istrator, 77 Home Life Building. Toronto. 52-4 Cures Hem-es, Chronic Cough, and all Chronip Ango- tious of the Throat and Lunga. Thu ouky meduqme In the world tbnt will cure the above disease. mnï¬mg thu animal suuud‘m wind and meiulmhis owner. I‘m-.5854 Dr. vacGahey’s Kidney & Cough Powders inrnll Acuw Aflcccions of the throat and lungs. such a: I‘liswnxpsr. etc. For swellin and stocking of the Inga. m: rcanlt of hard driving. idney Trouble. No.. one done will xviieve. and one box wiil cure. Price, 50c. Dated this 29th day of June, Chance to Jon: 3 Club That W323 Make and Save Eloney for You. Ever body should. (on: the Mutual Llwrary lin- 310 cm of A max-lea. There is nothing else like I: anywhere. It costs almoet naming to join and tho‘ beneï¬ts†[£1996 ar wonderful. Itenablea you to‘ rurcnuae Lo )ku an pox-10d icaln mule and musical namummw at amend cut prfm-s. It secures re" duced rates at many hotels. It answers quosdons‘ tree of charge. 1: one†scholarships and valua- ble cash prizes to members. Ii. malmulna czub mom: lu many cities (or Rs members. In addluan. every member receives the onlclal magazine antl- tla‘l " ltv’ry Month†9 uhucatlon an aclass by Incinlucludlng 6 please 0 Mghwlass vocal and In- strumeuml mus'cn‘ull slze; each momn wlzbouc any. ichgrggi 721mm _lg 9739 rln all. \‘QU The (u n yearly membership fee ls OnaDoiler for] which you get all above. and you may “1th.. draw any time within three months it you‘ wmmoduso and etyonr dollar buck. It you‘ don't mroto spen 31.00. send 25 cents for three month: membership. Nobody can anal-d to pus th" 0130! bi. You will $0 {our money back in value man times eve:- ul particulars will be snnc free 0 charge. bui It you are wise you will send in your toque-t rnr membership with the taper {Pa ac once. The 25 cm. three monuxs mem- ershlp offer wlll soen change. Write at once ad- dreselng your leuer and enclosing $1.00 tox- mu year'ghmtembershm er twenty-ï¬ve cents (or Wee mom a o WTUAL LITE ARY MUS! CLUB No. 160 nsrmn St" N . Cfly.‘ extra. charge' 72;va†In one your in on. You on GET AL‘L 0 ram mama FOB AL‘ MOBT NOTHING. > _ _ _ _ A s __ _ 'me on'mcaAHEv MEDICINE co., Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of “mad over 3' am mnlrod. u. QMu‘éL' GBLD mm- uu Inn-n. but those vno write Bunsen .3 Cl). .Porkland. )hincmi“ receive free, full information nboul dork vhlch may turn do. And [we In homeJhu will pay \hcm (mm 55 to $.16 nor by. 50m have young or old. Cnpilnl sin Kn n day. Em“! hex. . You ll’e surud he. Those who um u m‘ uum alum: 1m!- hdm Auk nu. m Kcmpullle. um. For Broken- Winded HORSES Eeavei FRIDAY. July 15 â€" Auction sale (-f valuable farm pi'npm'ty being Int 6. con 4 Vaughan. the property nf DunielSmiLh. 5:le :IL 2 o'clnck at. Lloyd's Hale], Edgvly. This 100 nun farm is in :l ï¬rst-class state 0f cultivation. partly drain- ed and fenced, mind hunsv. two burns, driving buns». and stable. J. H. Prentice. amctiomer. SATURDAY. July ‘23â€"Auflinn suln nf vehicles. lHIuSt'hlIlll furnimrv, etc. the [)I'()p&‘liy of Albert, Truviss at his resident». Maple. Ton-ms 1. sh. Saligeon it MCEch. Anctinm-urs. ‘mmc to the pI-Pmsisvs of the under- signed on or about July 6, one nnlch COUNTY 0 I«‘ you K "-Arliidrtuke notice that date tho said executors distrbute the assets ‘ Mine is Gratiï¬an Notice is hereby given pursuant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario." 1897, Chapter 129. that, all creditors and others having claims against, the estate of the said James E. Stonten. burg, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of January, A. D. 1904, are required on or before the 23rd day of July. 1904, to send by post pre- paid‘ or delivm' to Messrs Lindsay, Lawrence (A: \Vadsworthfl? Home Life Building,Tm onto, Solicitors for Anson Franklin Stonteuhurgh. the admin- istrator of the estate. of the said de- ceased, their christian) and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the state- ment ofthen-uccounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date, the said ud- , niinistrator will proceed to distribute ‘ the assets of the deceased among the ‘ parties entitled thereto, havng regard 3 only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that the said administrator will not. he liahle for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any ; person or persons of whose claims notice shall not. have been received by then) at the time of such distribu- tion. - or A“ Late of the Township of Markham in the County of York, Farmer, deceased. “fined this 1511; day of June, A. D. 1904. LINDSEY. LAWRENCE & WADSWORTH, 77 Home Life Building, Tm-ontu. 51-4 Suliciturs for the Administrator. STANBAR BANK Of Canada James Edwin Stoutenburgh, In the Surrogate Court: â€"â€" OF THE â€"â€"‘ Received in Snvings’ Bunk Depart- ment and interestullowed at, HIGHEST SURRENT BATES. Money Lonlu'tl on Fnrmers‘ Silt: holes. Blank Note forms Supplied Free. General Banking Business Transacted. For olhnr particu' Cow Strayed. In the matter of the Estate of Notice of withdrawal sax'y. All depnsits «m demand Capital Rest \VM. TEASDALE. Lot 15, 1't2a1'2ud can. Markham. Danl' 1’. 0. RICHMOND HILL Sale Register. J. WIOSBORNE. 11 ~ 31000000 ~ . $1,000,000 DEPTTSITS win-1d furniturv, etc. of Albert Truviss at anlo. Ton-ms cash. Ewan. Auctinnvvrs. ahnut Lhe 18th day of Village of Maple afore- 1 to smd by post pro.- tu the undersigned, hrs a t after tlw said '5 will prvat-‘d tn uf the said doâ€" partivs entitled rd only to the shall have then will at the Bank. not, neces- payable AG ENT. METRGPQLSTAN STQRE aniedemtisn Ufa Western " E‘éwiaï¬ {imam Longignï¬giammee _. A--+ “A E§9®§§§§E§GZ Ice-C R G. gï¬Aï¬E 8: Ma All business will have prompt attention. Infor- mation or Circulars will be supplied by asking for same. BOOTS, S} Also Pianos and Organs 1 NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES Turnip and Mangold Seeds ream Parlor open daily. Pic-Nic and other gatherings suppiied with Ice-Cream on sh'rrtest notice. The Russill Hardware Co. 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. We c: . gunman, Pmp. 1rry A GEN TS FOR E. SAN complete fine of ND RUBBERS A1 so, Ensilugc Corn TRON", M1694. WWW aim,mï¬&§§7}>fl f