Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jul 1904, p. 5

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ml Misx‘ L. villv to m mum. Mrs. \V, H. \Villimus \‘illu, visited with 1194‘ Alex. Patterson. M. TI‘PT)’. Esq Mnndnv m mnkt Mr. and Mus. Ju‘: Mr. and Mls. Hutchist Chit-Mg” hnu- hm-n m: with DIP. and Mrs. (Hush Raspberries mug can he 11mm": SUP :I Nmnand Irvlm AltH-clim’ Sumud lnnnth with 11- county. few days 21' ('rllullllvl' L this plan-p. Miss Ettie Jones of Orange Valley. is Inukng «'l Qhm-L visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. \\'. H. Bruwn nf Turontu. Newmurkvt Express-110mm â€" Mrs. \V. E. “’iley nf Richmond Hill. spent. A: few days visiting relatives in Aux-um a nd Newnnu-kvt. It will pay any person I‘Pqnil-ing a new bicycle to CH“ and inspect up-m- date Ulevvlnnds at THE LIBERAL office. Cut in prices. Mr. \V. 19. Smith, Principal of Rnse Ave. P. S. Mrs. Smith and Miss Edith Smith spent ovvr Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Sax-age. Mrs. C. P. \Yilvy and Lwo suns have gone to len-idge to make a Visit; at. her oldhomo. Mr. C. P. \Viloy will also also spend next Sunday in Ux- blidge. Miss Cumrie Brown of “ Foulden Lodge" will sail on Saturday frnm New York, by S. S. Trimdnd, for Ber» mudu, where she Will be the guest of Mr. and Mus. Fx-it-h at “b‘pithead,” \Varwxck. Pm'is Greenâ€"43mm. Pnri: 20c. pal-1h. Spvciul prim lots. Do you want u Fleu Scuffler? Greystnne tm-n buckwheat for late sowing ton Bros., Elgin Mills. Mr. Robb. Humiltun, wife and three children of Okmulgee, Indian Tel-- l'itm‘y, are spending a couple of Wes ks with the fol-mer’s mother and Sistm's at) Elgin Mills. They had not visited the old home for the past, four years. 1\Irs.Tifl‘in and Mr. John Tifl‘in re- turned Tussdny of last week aftvr spending uhnuLa week with Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon of Braccin'idge. They wvre accompanied buck by Miss Nora McKinnmx, u grundzmghtex- of Mrs. Tit‘fin. Mr. Geo. Buskin, agent for the Evangelical and Golpm-tnge Mission of Canada. was in the village Saturday and distribqu a quantity of tracts and Scripture lvssnns. \Vhile here Mr. Buskin colleen-d for the wnrk $2.35. He appears to be devply in val-nest, in his wurk. The artist’s touch is in up of the men’s suits we 3' the special bargain prices: & Switzer. Harold, a young son of Mr. F. J. Path- ick fell from the Band Stand Sutur- duy evening, whom h? was playing with other boys. The little fellow cnuld not; speak for some time. and it was feared he was dangerously hm-t. Adoct‘oz-Was summoned and he was soon pronouncad out, of danger. You are always Welcome hereâ€"and don’t think you’re expected to buy every time you come into the store. Atkmson & Switzer. Mr. The Rev. Samuel Dwight Chuwn, D. D., ihe Minister of Temperance and Mom! Rat“ I'm of the General C(Jnfeiu ence of the Methr‘disb Church will give an address in the Methodist church here next Monday, (18th) at, 8 p. m. The subject will he “Politics in Canada. as they are and as tbny should be." Dr. C-hnwn is a very flu- ent speakm‘ and Well qualified tu speak on “Purity,” and the public are cm-di- ally invited to come in huge numbers to hear him. Lee Chung has npvued a laundry in the south east corner of the Lm-ne Black, recently vacate-d by Jewpllvr Smith. Parcels called for and deliver- ed in the village. The washing is done at, the laundry at Egllntun, and the ironing bore. Bxcannxn Hum, July 14. u. “Our Regiment." the three not farci- cal comedy was not resented in the Masonic Hull Sutur ny evening as gdx‘grtised. “'ox-d was sent: that the uuwrusea. \\ cm was sent: that, the laading mun in the play had been called to New York on urgent lmsiness and consequently the entertainment was postponed till further notice. ].J()(j A119"? of Mn CHINES E LAUNDR Y. axon sells the he Mnhnn has gnnt- Ln E 'u ummh’s \~l>it, In Pethick during the past :1 a piano each In Rev. Mr. Maple and Mrs. Buutly of 3E??? )sq., Went, tn Olillin nn Akt‘ his annual \isit with Juhn Muluuhy. POSTPONED. H'IJLUV suits we advertise at ibsrni. McMahon Went to y and will sprnd n lLiVC‘S in Monck Paris Green at» prices for large Fleury Pluw or turnip seed and n f) um king it of Bmvmzm brother M r 1, machine the make Atkinson 30 Naugl‘ Srm‘k bhzlt nom- \‘islt In- THE AUGUST DEUNEATOR. . In addition to entertaining fiction for leisure hours. the Angmb Delinea- tm' contains Sfiuu'ihing for ouch of the practical nee-d2: nf Woman. In dH-ss. the lam-st; styles are dopirts-d, with thv aid 0f handsmnv chim'vd pint-vs and drawings in black and whit». and [hp muvmnt‘nts in fashinns descrihi-d. The lih-mry features 0f the numlwl' are (If thv highvst, order. There are three stm-ivttes that. furnish the exact flavor that, is Ionkvd for in Snmmvrrending. by (,‘nn'nll \Vutsnn Rankin. Alice MacGuw-An and Cyrus Townsend Brady. I\ u thP In! nmrkv of tlw rnlfer t snares above Cmts‘ 1 dan) n stuff :1 Swich] \Ve wuukl like tn mqu to ye mnas'm'e one of thnst- fine black \Vul ed suits that. we will save ynu just, on. Alkinson & Switzor. ’Ihe suits we prnpmp to make at (1w bargain price: we advertise we will gunrantoe as to first-Maw: trimmings, style, fit nnd wm-knmnship or no sale. Atfiinson & Switzor. A number of friends of the RM‘. Dr. Teefy, President of St. Michael’s Cul- lvgv, last evening presented him with :L purse nf gnld nn the (we of his trip abroad for the benefit of his hmhh. The p1 osentntinn was made on lwhulf of Lhe donors by My. Petu- Rysm, and short, addresses were also made by Messrs. L. V. Mch-ady, K. (3.. T. 1". Callaghan, Juhn Hunrahan, Matthvw O‘Connor and Alexander Rohertsnn. Among others present were Messrs. I}. J. C-osgrove, \V. T. Kernuhun. J. Mnyhm, Prof. Mnsnn, P. Kelly. Father Stuley and Father Roach. After the presentation the party were entertain- ed at supper at the college. Dr. 'l‘PPfy will sail hy the Manitosz on Saturday. (To-day’s Globe.) The following news item inferring to the (:nnsh-uct‘ion of the ahnve mil- wny is taken fl‘Olll Mnnday‘s GlohP :â€" “Contracts are being let for the mm- structiun work on the James Bay Railway. To-day several parties of Contractors will begin to drive (ivrr the line of the divisions of the mad that they will construcfi. Leaving T0â€" rnntn thm‘e will he Maynr J. A. John- ston ()f Parry Snmid, who will build twenty miles of the mud, and who. it is said, has also a contract, fur all the) iiesnnd timber. \Vith him will be two engineers of the company. At Pan-y Sound the road will pamlll-l the Canada Atlantic fm' two and (me- Ti half miles. and will come- down in !more. westerly direction thwth Rama and Orillia. The lmight uf land near Toronto will be crossed at, Rich- mnnd Hill.” PRESENTATION TO DR. TEEFY. Bnacmtn'BmENâ€"At the home of the bride's puwnts. hn \Vednesdanmy 6.00m. Blanche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jag. n'BriPn of She fl‘ville, to Tmoper Chaplain A. J. Bch. by Pev. A. H.Bm<‘e assisted hy Rev. A. P. Brace. B. D. father and brother of the gypnm and Ram]. R. Aikaubeml of Stoufiâ€" \‘nt kin Early orders are solicited for Rasterries, either for the Table or Canning. (1(- [AVERY GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros., Riolnnond I~Iill June 11, 15103 JAMES BAY CONTRACTORS 195, scythos. rake x11 prices at G. & MRS. WM. HARRISON, Coal and \Vood Dehvered. Prices Right. fine. t tn hut; pup ght n1 best, 5 mt] h( one. lam-gain he RASPBERRIES T KER-AL and The \V» 9M1" Sun, being an oxce-lh-nt farm and Ipvr. will he sent In HI“ (-1111 u~fm 6f) cvnls. This is an . shnuld he snapped up 1!) Maple whn do nut take thv l'ticlo. at a right price k ;ix-cm'd 200 yd. spnuls 4.3a. (any fancy lmrdm-ed apt-um . yard at Atkinson & RICHMOND HILL. ARRI AGES w i tzer COAL 5 5r. 1h, California Oxford blue 5c. pack- d 5?. box, dried-apples ; 50. box. Atkinson & Apply to Tu PATENT Baud ldaas forks. all k'nds . Mnsnn's. may be secured by our aid. Address, WE ° "ENT RECORD, i flatware. Id. WOOD but many yum 'ul’St- The two pnpm-s. THE LIBERAL and The Montreal Fumin Herald and \Veekly Star. will be sent, tn any address from this date to the firs: “1‘ January for 60 Cents. Solid Ol'dvrs {II this uflh ‘V7 II V 1‘. O t 11%;: y .. ‘r ufi’vi-w-‘y Buiiding iMateriag At Wholesale Prices? A. J. WRIGHT. Aye f8 Hair Vigar Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it’s probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad~ vice, you w0uld have cured $13.0! a bow}. Good Hair the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. Winnlpeg " I hnvo used Aron-u Hair V! or for overw years. I am now 9 years old an have I heavy rowth of rich brown hair. due. I Hammon- rely to A er'u HM:- VI or.“ M. BL A. Erna. Believing. lll. Mowbray Deloraine Sourts Brandon Lyleton Lenore Miulota Elgin Wawanesa Bluscarth Moosomln Arcola Estevan . ! Yorkton } 3“}‘00‘ Going June 11th, 28thnndJuL719Lh. thm-ning until Aug. 15th, 29th and Sept, 29th, respectively. Tickets are not: good on “Imperial Limited." Pamphlet and full particulars frnm any Canadian Pacific Agent, (-1- A. H. rtumn. Toronto. Teacher wanted for S. S. Nn. 3. Markham: state salary, exporie-nce and qualifications: applications 11-- ceived to July 21.; dutivs to commcm-e Aug. 15. 1904. Address Chas. I" Brodie, lh-udfol‘d I" 0. Homeseekers’ DG‘QY Excursions “'0 take orders for shingles, )abh, doors, sash. lumber of every description. Cal) or send your plans and get prices for any kind of building. Teacher Wanted 1 RICHMOND HILL. ()LUBBING RATE. 530.00 31.50 32.00 32.25 32.50 for ._To_ Moose Jaw Kamsack 34.00 Swan River Saskatoon Regina Pr. Albert Macleod Calgary Strathcona Red Deer J. 0. A?!“ CO.‘ LovseIL My! 50-h. f. $33.75 36.00 38.00 .5 0 Use-d and recommended by leading satisfaction because it. makes all kil Guaranteed to cure Distemper, Epiznotic, Coughs, Colds and bmkt‘n wind in hm'svs. The Province is full of Distemper among hul's'PS and many valuable anim- als are being ruinmi hy bving neglectvd. which often cuuses broken wind. YORKSHIRE UUUGH and HIVE CURE immediately stops the disease and cures the cough. . r. I m, h-.. D 1‘ Yorkshire Stock Food uul (a nu» vuub... Toronto. Scurbnm Tp. Don P. 0. April 4th, 1900. _ February 12th, 1904. GPnUrmmLâ€"‘Ne have used Ym k- Gentlpmen.d1 can stmn 1y rocom- shin- Slock Fund for yvam and know mend Yorkshire Stock Fum for hnrsvs ‘. from experivuce that: it, is far superior and cattle out. of condition. I have I tn any other stock fund in the market. reconmlended it; in my practice for it, is :1 grand food fur stock of any kind twenty years and consider it is the especiuny cattle and bugs. “'8 fem} prmnier stock fond in the market. it, regularly. Farmers in our Imulil y ' I all endorse it. Sold in Richmond Hill 53' Georg and at Toronto by Cancrete Heme Yorkshire Cough 81: Heave Cure W Each day finds plenty of business here because of such values as these: Fine Black and Colored Worsted Suitings that made to your measure are regularly worth $19 to $20 a suit, we will make to your measure guaranteeing everything satisfactory for $14 to $15 a suit. Wanamme Every Department fully assorted. :gfzmmmm e aim to have everything good but aim too to have everything within your reach. The great thing is that your money goes furthest here. Thos. McC‘onnt-l], Agricultural Dl-ugg Richmond Hm Parties requiring cement, English or Canadian, Port- land or Hydraulic, for all kinds of work, walls floors, silos, write or call and get our prices before purchasing else- where. \Ve guarantee it to be first class in every particu~ lar. JMBBB EVER & SUN Richmand Hill ~0emen‘és- :mzwmmm' I by leading Veternm-ies and Stockmen.a1\vnys gives ukes all kinds of stock thrive. .Tolui StOn 'nggists. 171 King St. East, Toronto Opposite Clyde Hotel. ze Mchnuld, Harness-maker, David Duncan 8: Sons. 3

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