Until further uot‘ Richmond Hill 1’08 MORNING EnnNING N. Bnâ€"Reuiatered Letters must be 0 least Flfteen Minutes oavlicr than mentioned hours [or closimt Lance P R Crossing at 6. 7.20, 9.40. 1.30. 2.41), 3.15 5.45. 800 p. Leno I‘ncbmond H1118.20. 10.30 u. m 3.30. «1.35, 6.30, 8.35 p. m. Lanna Newnmrkm'1 7:39: 9,1 METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Leave Richmond Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 1‘- a. m‘, and 7 p. m. Sunday School at. 230. Prayer meet-Rug Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sundays M9 11.111. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Services nh10.30 n. m.. and 31.11:. Sunday School Q; 2.30. General prayer The undersigned begs to thank the pubiic for the gen- erous patronage accorded him Geaaral ‘Biacksmiih Stag! Hug Troughs 350. per Foot. » All Kinds of Imple= ments Repaired. W. Mager, Prop. Church of Eugmnd‘ The Next. Sitting of Division Court 101 No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court, Room. RICHMOND HILL DIVISION - GOURT RICHMOND HILL ._ON_ TUESDAY, OCT. 4. I904 POST OFFICE NOTICE THE - LIBERAL Horse-s All kinds of Blacksmithmg done. qulcmy nave-mu. u... .. N , invention is probably m Lame. (‘ommunlcn- lions st rlvtly conï¬dential. Handbook on Pm ents gent (rue. Oldes‘ agency for securing patch". Pumms taken 1 rou h Munu 3:, Co. receive magic! notice. th‘hom. c urge In the . AA. ‘A-‘AAAA Anyone sendips gulckljl srertmn (n “no. v-v_.‘â€"r~ V _ A handsomely mush-Me weekly. lamest Mr- tulntion of any sclemmc juurual. Terms. 83 a year: \_1r 902L113. 81. and by ulllrewedaulen't Betweun Towns and Newmurket‘ year: four monuuu. Q1. mu u, .. MW 8: Co 36‘Bmdwav5NéWank anm‘h omcc. 025 1" SL. “'nsbluzlou. 0. C. And hopes fur a continuance of the same. ‘fs'fz'i'ssaï¬i'iéfï¬msrmz w - v - Brunch OMCC- 035 OFFICE CL Village Directory. Subscribe for $0. COWIE, ’1‘0 111513 Ct-mmencing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK RICHMOND HILL. 'Vv- __. sending a akemh midrdesnri Hon may wertmn mu- opinlnn free w other an n. “Mn-yaw mtenmhlo. (‘ommunlcp- notioé Hails will be closed at the Post Olï¬ce as follows:â€" shoeing a specialty. Made to order at GOING KURT H GOlNG SUUTH H111 OSES AT 7.3C P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster. â€"Servicea at 31). In. every ,55, 8‘10 11.15 11.30 3.21: 8.00 handed in one above 132.20. 2.20. 3.15 Pleasure ! Riding a new bicycle is a new joy. The cushion frame removes the last tIace ofjar- ring that worries the rider of alingr and leaves the wheel to glide along itself. the rigid frame in going over rough places. The coaster brake saves the work ot ped- Claw Fitted with the two latest inven- tions that have madebioyoling famously popular again. rI‘. F. McMahon, CANADA CYCLE & MOTGR (30., For Sale or Rentlg 49 t. f. A good sen-n momed house. with all kinds of fruit. Key at THE LIBER- AL Ofï¬ce. Apply ALBERT ALBIN. 85 Suunuorhill Ave.. 49 t. f. Toronto. ' 211137 Llï¬Efiflé. ' Richmond H111. fl. Lameâ€, 63333 EQ‘Q‘EX†158 Else 51m; EAST. Tonox'ro Icoommoduion to guenl. Douche! per day TORONTO. $1.00 Ill ADVAKGE. MORE More LI M ITED. ma 3 AG ENT‘ HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. New Spring Goods, New Styles, New Prices, 3 | i Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" ATâ€" A. J. H U M E’S, Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. RICHARDSON HOUSE w. A. Sandman DRUGGIST Our Paris Green we guarantee pure and Full weight. PARIS BIAP] IE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. . HEWESON, For your new Suit you will ï¬nd Tailor, Richmond Hill In buying Paris Green rnmmmcu BACK. Prop L Prices right. buy the best GREEN {REAPEaa NOTICE TEE PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL H ARVESTING COMPANY. Inmst thank the Furmm-s and nthol- friends for the patronage they have given me in my shurt canvass for the The McCormick Machinery takes the lead, and gives the very best satisfaction. I keep an hand um- c‘ninery. such as which 1 will be glad to have the Fnulu-Is inspect hequ buying elsewhere. Repairs furnished on 24 hnurs notice. PATRONAG E SOLICITED. Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill H. F. HOPPER. MO\VERS and RAKES, Agent. No sound-headed man asks to-duy “ Is it cheap to buy the best harness ?†He knows either because he’s had our harness and learned its worth, or because he’s had Sunle cheap stuff and learned its worthless- ness. You can’t do better anywhere than here when buying harness. Now is the time to see that, your Harness and Collars are in shape for spring work. HARNESS gEASON {FARM ï¬â€"UPERTY at 2 o’cluck. p. In., At the Hotel at. Maple lyy D. G. Blough, Auctioneer. the. following )ropprty, huiug the “wash lmlf nf Int ‘0. 25 in the 5Lh cnu. nf thf- Tuwuship 0f Vaughan, cuntaining one Imndn-d act-vs, nmre 01' “‘88. Upon the lands are a gnod brick house. frame barn, stables. sht‘ds. urcluud. gund well and nvver-fniling swing creek. n. u: ‘¢,A‘. This property will be sold subject, to a. reserved bill. Tar-ms and cunditions of sale will he made known at the the time of sale m- an application to 51-3 Thursday, July 14.1904, Administrator‘s Sale There will be sold by Public Auction on DONALD M. 3157.032 Ed;fliixisti':ttux'. Train]: 1’. 0. 0F ‘kil