Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. USERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICIUIOND IIILL,ONI‘. VOL. XXVII. conunssxosnnm ms HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. l'nhe residant nbv-ucimu at Nesteru and Grace 8. mpibula‘l‘oruutu Rwaohlledmnd newlv furnisth throughout. 0 us of the most convenient .--.u<l cumfox‘tnble hotels on Youxe Street. Every modern-cun- veuienzs Sample mums for commercial travellers. Auidenl stunning place for riding or driving parties.bicyclists, or tumors going enorracuruing frum market. Electric can pass the door Liven-yin ‘ouuactiuu‘ Best, ï¬ctir The proprietor of Sunnyside Hard of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 3:2. lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. NOTA RY PUBLIC, Thumugh-hwd bull and hug kept fdr Sei~i‘ice (m the premisvs. JOHN B. CAMPBELL, PALMER HO USE DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Dentist, Our. Church and Carlton Sts., Tomntn. \Vill he in Richmund Hill eve-Ly I and 3rd “’ednesdny during Juno, July and August Ofï¬ce, next dum- north of Stand- ard Bunk. Oflice Hoursâ€"3.30 a". ,m. to 5 p. "L 1‘ .' F . Ms M AHON. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY \V. C. SAVAGE - I. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON ’atlls by day and night promptly at: tended to. vmeï¬fï¬ï¬im SiCTLEAN s‘ V W 0 ‘ V. Elma†Pimewer v; Is it true you want to look old P Then keep your gray hair. If not, then use Hall’s Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color 3 of early life restored 19 your hair. "mammamnwm $1 per armum, in advancu (Mice Hull‘sâ€"S tn In P. m f to 8 D m. SUNNYSIDE FARM )0!“ RICHMOND HILL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fhornhill. RICHMOND HILL RI. 'I‘BIEFX’. 192+. BUSINESS CARDS. [s PUBLISHED E VERY URSD AY MORNING ï¬tting berth, also replnting, at, lowest, prices. Good work. DR.E.J.STUBB& DR. wan. “USERS, I)e’ntist. Eamon & Paornmwon 2L Vittoria St. Toronto. etcriunry mutual. D. G. GOODER HAM. AT THE mental. ibcral Phrpl'it-iul‘ Prop HI. Licenu e Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales uttnnded on the shortest. notice and at reasonuberatas. P.O.n.dd.i-ess King Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales ‘tneuded to on shortest nntio umd a. tea.- sonablerates Patronagesolicited LicensadAucï¬onearforthe Counï¬as of York mulOntr-nm Allsales of farm stock, kc, ub- tended to an the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Mun-tampennd builifl’ sales attended to. Residenceï¬touflvilla Ont 1; NE A†T Hnnmzm‘ Licenseu Auctioneer Imâ€" the County of York. Goods sold on cuusigument Genera] raler m n'coc etc vromptly attended to at rensonnbh when Kesldeuue Uuiunville G R Gouldmg, Newton Brook. agent for the Mouov 60109.1: on land and chattel mortgages at I lowesc rates Auroraofliceâ€"Remored to the aid post 0310.: one duor west. of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newumrket (miceâ€"Three doors south of thin EEG \V Rid Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: Km. 33 Rh mum] Sly. \Vest.“'oslvy Buildings (Methodist Bunk Room,) To- rontn. Mr. Cook Will be at Maple 011Thursd afternoon of each week. A Fix‘shUlass Nine-Runnth House- Wilh i‘uf an aunt nf lnnd. ()‘(NKl stunt- fnumlutitin and cellar. Situated un Yunge snva Rk‘hnmud Hill. Appl§~ [ll “'1 E. ‘vVlLEY. LEN A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL H. \V. Hudgin. Mus. 13:10., F.G.C.M. (Lund.), teacher of Voice Pruduvtion, Singing Pinnn. Organ and Them'y. ()n stuff (if anontn College of Music. \Vill be :It Richumnd Hill and North on Tuesday (vacancy for four more pupils): Thm-nhill and south nn Thursdays and Saturdays (vucuncy for (Wu nmw pupils). Speciulauteminn tn pupils px-Ppur- ing for any examinatinn at UUHI-gv of (Innsvrvatnry. Pupils \‘PI'Y succpss. fnl. Fur terms addmbs 370 Church St. Tumntu. 48â€"2 mus. ISSUER MARRIAGgE LICENSES, EIJGJ'rITV 3111411455 FOR SALE â€"()Râ€" TO RENT JAS. NEWTON Undermkers dc Embnlmrrs. Lindsey. Lawrerï¬e w adsworth, Suigeon. Maple MONEY COOK & JOHNSTEN 'islc-rs and Sancho: WRIGHT BROS, Lgeou. J K McEwen. Maple Weston - Saigcou NlcEwcn. ‘nlsey. K C \VI'OUCB L W ausworth mx & MORGAN, J. H. P: entice. D. G. BLOIIGII. LENNOX _omceâ€"’l‘hree doors south of the N. E. Smith. TO LOAN AT 5%. MUSICAL. “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." 2%an «\uroru. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1004 G STV MORGAN, Richmond Hill. Phone Main 2984 No. Rivh- hewmarkoc X'PG my Miss Amalia Sinnn. who has been ~~‘pvnding a few weeks with her friend, Miss Rusk Baker. returned to her 110in in Toronto on Saturday. Miss (-‘n-rtl ude Bl;lkt'nf’l‘017(mto. nnd u Indy friend also of Toronto, have been spvnding a tow days with her father. Mr. \Vm. Blake. Messrs. \Vingm- &. Son have secured the contract of cull-ting a concrete uwh ln-idge nn thv sideline- nwu‘ Put- te-rsmu’s nld foundry silv. Tlu- masons haVe started work at Mr. Harvey Appleton’s hum wall which they expect tn finish in ubnut a. week. Nellie Brown. aged ï¬ve. died frnm injuries received from u. street car at, thvmwneruf Queen street and Run- 'nllvs «venue. Th» British Guvornmt-nt is "waiting tlw reply nf Rnhsiu to theâ€" protest sent uuen! the seizum uf the P. 1t 0. steam- er Mnlm-m. Mvnnwhilv. the seized \vssel is at Port Said undvl' Russian guard. Her crew huu- been qude prim-Hem by thv R115:inns.nnd even thn- captain has been refusml penuisi shun to counuunicule with his owners: Many admire-rs of horses call at, the Summit House stnhlos tn see the aple- ln-uted stullimw. Red “'nttiv and Pure Gold which will stand here Lill next, seasmi. They are ï¬ne hm-ses, and I’m-v Gold has mudo u. I't‘cul'd season. He lmw claims many “1' the best bred mares in thv munty. and has proved himself one of the heat of sire-s in his class. His gets gem-rally curry off the red tickets at the uuunty fairs. and in 1903mm nf his cults gut, the swee - stake for the best ï¬lly in the gi-oun s at the Richumud Hill Fair. The pulpit. of mu"- uhurch was (worn; pit-d Sunday evening by Rev. Ml. (‘rhzultlexu Mr. Megnfl‘in, of the Summit House, recently purchased two houses at Kinglioi-n. Helms already removal nne of them to his own premises, and will bring the other shortly. The pi-npiietor is impl-ln'ing his grounds by making a lawn and tennis court at the smith of the hotel. and will have a ï¬eld fur athletic spurts. Gnnd meals are served at lhls hnnsu fur 25 cents. and (minim-wing Saturday a free ’hus will run regularly from Bond Lake Park. The farmers are kept, moving these days. The hay crop is heavy. the weeds are sturdy, and there is lots of work before harvest (rmmnences. And we we in the midst of the picnic and social pleasure seusnn. A dance pen-Ly is billed at, Lake “'ilcnx, on Harper’s platform. tu-nmrmw (F1-idny)9vening, and on the fullmving ufternnnn and evening an entertainment will be given in Bond Lake Park by the 48th Highlundm’s Band, assisted by several other musical artists. including Miss Lin Bletsoe, Montague McDonald and others. At Stoufl'ville on \Vt-dlwsdny luï¬t. Miss Cum Blanche, dunghtvr of MI. and Mrs. Jus. U‘Bl'ivn, Was Imu'riml tn 1‘11u’qu-Chnplain A. .I. BI-m-u. 'l‘hv ceremony was (:(indlICteâ€"‘d by his father Rev. A. H. Brace hf Prte-rhm-n’. assist- vd by Rev. A. P. “Hum. H. 1).. of Newton ank, brother of the gnmm. and Rev. J. R. Aikenhead, the bride‘s pastor. The bride was assisted by Miss Mannin'g nf Brampton. while the grown was supported by his hrotlwr, Mr. E. Garï¬eld Brnceu Theda-um- (ions consisted chiefly of margneritcs, very tastefully arranged. \\'ith the strains of the \Vedding Mulch beauti- fully played by Miss Michell, the bride simply but beautifully attired, Was led by her father to the (laiutily decor- ated arch, where she was met by the. rest, of the party. and the ceremony was solemnly completed by the trio of clH-gylm'n. The congratulations by the hundred or more present and the good-Will expreswd by telegrams from different parts of the routine-nt, augur well for a happy future, Amid music. vocal and instrumental. the choice refreshments were dniutily set Ved by the girl friends of the bride. A most, enjoyable and long-tu-be-re- membered experience ï¬lled the interval till train. time, when, amid showers of good wishes. niarguerites, rice and confetti, the happy couple. left for Jackson’s Point. the hride, wearing a handsome travelling dress. About the end of the month they will leave en route for their future home. in New “'estmiustr-r. B. (L. where their life’s work will begin, in change of the \Vest End llletlnzdist Church. The nmnerous, varied. valuable and choire presents Show the high eats-em in which the young couple are he. (1 by their wide. circle of friends. A pleas- ing feature, was the preseuceof the groom’s old friend and euiunrander of South African fame, Col. Merritt of the Governor-General’s Body Guards. â€"The Globe, July 9. Brace=0’Brien. Car. Oak Ridges. ‘I‘Vl He The Markham Township (7: until met. at Uninm'ille nn Tuusduy. July In. The mumlwrs \vm-e all present, except,- ing J. E. Francis. ’lhe Reeve in the chair. Minutes of prm‘iuus nweLing read and approved. Hurpvrâ€"~Mnrris pay the following anry Gibson. 1 The Russian Vladivnstnk flePt has managed tn get into the Paciï¬c Ocean, and has begun pn-ying upon thr- vastf'l'n coast, of Japan. Already one merchant ship has been captured. This newshas interest for Cm‘mdinns. for, if the precedent set in the RH] Sea is allan UN» 0. P. R. Empress Liners running from Vancouver \\ ill be in dungz‘l’ of capture. puny. including grading and masonry. m Now. Srobiu. Messrs. A. R. Mann &' Archie Mackenzie have been engag- nn several contracts on various op}- tions of the Canadian Northurn u“- wuy in Manitolm and the Northwest; Territories. The contracts made cull for the completion of the work by Sepbennhor,1905. In the course of a! few daysit is expe‘C‘ted the contract will be lot, for the «bush-action of the- line between Parry Sound and Sud- bury. J. Jarvis, 16 “ . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 S. Penny, 136 “ ‘ . . . . . . . . 18 (m R. Jarvis. l3 †. . . . . . . . . . 6 5') Gen. Robb. 50 “ . . . . . . . . . . 25 0') J. G. Freeman. 13 “ Scarhm'o to pay half . . . . . . 6 50 Har Prâ€"Luppâ€" that, the Treasurer pay arr-ingtr-n Brns. account for luthl' to dntP, $120.12. Hurperâ€"Morrisunâ€" that this Coun- cil do now adjourn to meet on Aug- ust, 9th, pmx. Contracts fur the construction of 9119 James Bay Railway fmm Turuntu tn Parry Sound were let, yesterday. The contraptan mg Angus $imalnir. (J. E.. and the ï¬rm (if A. R. Mann 8; Archie Mackenzie. Mr. Sinclair. who has the cnnsm-nctimi of the Parry Sound end (if the linv, has just ï¬nish- ed the constructimi of 100 miles rvf work for MackenziaiMann 8:» Cam- The above contracts :u‘P to a. point on the Nm-theI-n city Hmits. whore the old bolt line mute will be touched, thence along the Don valley. but, thp torminals in T‘Ironto are not. included in these contaacts. Hy. Guhn: " )0 “ .. 1 00 \V. H. Myers, “ 95 “ ‘. 9 50 John Lewia‘, nveI-seer [\Vhit- Chm-uh paid halfnmmmt. . .. ‘7 16 Rnht. StiVPI', 14 vds gravel . . . . . ‘ 1 40 anpâ€"Hm-perâ€" that; the Treasurvr pay the following :u-cnunts to com- mussumers :â€" Divisiun N0. 1 . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 445 41 J. W. Cuwie, J. B. Gould, A. Forster. Fred Pike, N. E. Reesor, A .H. Roostn', Ti]. RPPSUI', R. Francs-v. Lappâ€"Mm-risnnâ€"thnt) the Treasur- 91 pay the following m~r~nl1nts:. . A. Jejnï¬ngs, crushvr, 22] hrs 10 Markham Tp. Council Railway to Toronto. $445 . m9 . 2l6 . 356 10 (If) Suhjnct tn prior S‘ule we will ï¬ll ynLix‘ m-ds-rs fur any nnmhvr r-f shares (Iv: sired :lnd hun- st‘nck bmHsI'm-rt-d intu your name. Send your orders to Paul Kruger, former pl'PSidelit Of the Transvaal, died in Switzerland on Thursday. Fruit jars in Q, inI.. (pint-t étml pint Sizes; jar ruhlwrs :Ill sixes. Bic-st pm‘ti spice-s and pickling Vinegars. ï¬ll! host; vnluv in the nude. Atkiusnn 86 SwitZCr. hunts. huff leathor, good and strung; 750.. per pair. VVomPn‘s Sillid leaths-r laced bouts. warranted‘ $l per pair} Nuughtnn Bros., Elgin Mills; DOUG LAS, LAGEY STOCKS. It is reports-d that, naval orders hnvo‘. been issue-d in Britain with n ViPW.lU preventing British merchant ships frum being seized and searched by Russian cruise-rs. Our businvss did not gruw by chance. The goods and priceslnn'b dmw must. AtkinSHn & Switzm. The evidvnce takoh before Judge Morgan in 1211? Toronto vivic inn-sti- gatiun fully uxonemtvs Cnmmissionpr Fleming. Nu Collusion was ShUWH with Ald. “fonds. The County Commissinnm-s met Saturday and awarded the C(mtraut‘t for the renewal of the wd bring across the Humber nem- VVe.~t.(m. to Mr. 0. L. Hicks. The contract, price is $2,000. and the work will be com- pleted this full. Boots and Shoesâ€"“'0. arr cle-zn'ing out at bargain prices Indios’ and chi}- dren‘s Oxfurd shoes. SizP 6 in men s In the British House of Commons the Speaker declinpd to allow u, ques- tvinn regal-ding Lm-d Dundhnnld, on the ground that. the subject was mu controvrisal. Dr. I‘ierce‘s Common Sense Medical' Adviser, in paper covers. is sent fr†on' receipt of A131 onmnt stamps to pay" customs an. mailing only, or if cloth: bound volume is deï¬ned sand 50 stamps; 543111â€an R» V: Fiem,‘ Buï¬alo,- Xv V“ Somewhere in the .W§fld‘ life is at stake every minute bf Hie ’d‘s‘xy, Right at our own doors; perth in going on a stru gle as grim and ï¬erce as any ï¬ght or ight on teased. You hm the hol: low tearing cough} ate the ooze of 1’10" .1 which tens of this: wounded lungs ; 11‘4ka the emxtiateri body and Emctic Chan)!“ and know a life is at stake. The use of Dr. Pierce’s Goldeu Medi ical Discovery has saved many a life in just such a crisis. It cunts, obstinate, deep-seated coughs, stops the hemor- rhage, atrengthens “weak ' lungs, and restores the emadatcd body to its nor- mal weight and strength. There is no alcohol in tï¬e “Discov- ery,†and it is absoluter free from opium, cocaine, and all oéher narcotics. “I des'r: to and thiï¬tiricf, unsavlicitrd testimo ial." wrltcs ev. losep‘hll. FL-spcrman, Barium Springs. Imdcll Con. tNs-C. "In 1898 one of my daughter: was sufl‘nfti'g'on account of a severe cough. htctic feverr-Wpstlng ofï¬csh and other symptoms of diseased llmgs. l rmuptly gnvc her Dr. I'ierce's Golden Muiical 'scovcry with gratifying succcss, and she now enjoys excellent hulth.‘ This experielm caused me to recommend Dr. Pierce“; medicines to my neighbors. who. without exception, used them: with {ai‘nrablc results.†Invest. Exchange Co. SPECTATOR BUILDING, HAMILTON. c. H. ROUTLIFFE, Mgr. [Single copies, 3 cts. N ews Notes.