The Mail and Empire ofoSaturday labors hard in an endeavor to show that The Globe has not treated Lord Dundonald with fairness. The only quotation taken from The (llobe on which The Mail‘s article is based reads as follows: “ Why was an in- experienced man recommended for a command in the militia for which he was not qualiï¬ed." The Mail drags the names of half a dozen prominent gentlemen into its editorial, and closes by saying “ it is too much to expect The Globe to be just to a ‘foreigner’ and a Seotchman.†The Mail insults the intelligence of its readers by suggesting that the Globe speaks lightly of Scotehmen, esteemed and respected by all for their intelligence and thrift. Saturday's Globe makes several references complimentary to Lord Dundonald, such as the following :â€" “Lord Dundonald is a ‘very dis- tinguished man, the representative of a Scottish family notable in British historya soldier of valor who has achieved distinction in many cam- paigns, a gentleman of attractive personal qualities.†No honest, truthful person who has read The Globe the last month need any that that paper has been unfair to the ex-G. O. C. Surely†one can be pardoned for saying what every. body knows to be trueâ€"that Lord Dundonald made a mistake in his Montreal speech in condemning the Government, whose servant he was. Change: Changer Uhuuge There was certainly a great breach of faith with the public at the Dun- donald demonstration in Massey Hall Friday evening. Grits and Tories were invited to attend and do honor to one of Britain’s greatest soldiers on the eve of his departure from this country. The public in- vitation of the committee that ar- ranged the demonstration contained this sentence. “ There is no political reference whatever in the address, and it is not intended that the meeting should have any political significance." To the credit of Rev. Dr. Potts, Mr. Barlow Cumberland Mr. Ellis and other speakers it may besztid they took no advantage of the trust reposed in them. But not so with the guest of the evening. After an introduction of some half dozen lines Lord Dundonald deliber- ately read a. typewritten speech almost every word of which was an attack on the Dominion Govern- ment and the Militia Department. Surely the public are entitled to an explanation from the committee who had charge of the demonstration. Lord Dundonald’s campaign speeches against the Canadian Gov- erment are to be stopped. On be- half of the British House of Com- mons the Imperial War Secretary has asked him to return home. In a debate in the British House of Commons on Tuesday the Secretary of State for War said : “ He believed it to be undesirable for any oï¬icer to take part in public controversies, and the war ofï¬ce had informed Lord Dundonald that his conduct was undesirable and requested him to return, when he could be heard in his own defence. He had in- structed Lord Dundonzild to return home and not to take any further part in political controversies.†Surely the ex-G. 0. 0'5 so-called friends will begin to see that they ill advised the noble Lord in taking part in political questions. The whole of this miserable affair isvcry much to be regretted. New Advertisements. chumoxu HILL. July â€"World's Dispensary Mame â€"J. C. Aycr 6: Co. uâ€"‘l'he RUSS)“ Hardware Co BREACH OF FAITH. NFAIR JOURNALISM Msdical Assoc‘n 21. 1004 pPl‘lllll'llLS at the» Agricultural (‘nlh-ge. Guelph. nn three (liï¬'vI-unt uccasinns, in HHlt'P'tI!:lSlEPl‘hIln lihv (mmpnrath'e value if clove - and grass sml for (Tnp prnrlnolinn. VVI- ï¬rst grew ('lnvm's and gnnses upon suppuato plots and n-nmvml the (amps, after which the land was phm't-d and other crops were smvn. The x-vsnlts. there-fure. Show thPinflm-nce nf the roots wmaining in thu snil upon the prmlur‘biw-noss If the Cl'nps folluwing the slow-rs and grasses. In 1902 harqu was sown aftH' ouch (1f fnm- \‘arietivs nf (‘lm‘ers and thee varivliwuf grasses in fnnr different places in our expm'imvnral grounds. The avoragv resultsnf the four tl-Nts in pounds of hat-Ivy p91- In :Inuthm‘ oxpm'iment whivh was (‘nlnplvtod in 1900. in whinh wintm- wheat was sown on both (-Im'm'and grass suds. it was fuund that. an nvor- ug(- of 3194 pounds of \vhpnt per narr- wns nhbainvd frum the clmvr sod, and only 230†fmm the gm 5 sud. In 1899 a mixtm'v (If mus and Inn-19y wn‘i smwv‘im elm-9r sod and also on grass sod. The results were vex-V marked. as :m :we‘uge 22.56 pounds nf mixed grains per new was obtains-d from the clnvel- sod. and only 1078 pnunds of mixed grains per m'l'e from the grass sod. By averaging: the i-Psults of these- three grains. we ï¬nd that the (Top grown on the cluver sod gavean in- crvase nvm- tho Prop grown on the grass sod by fully 56 per cent. The results of these experiment; help us to appreciate the» lwneï¬cial influence on the soil from grnwinq clover. Itnlsnindicntps the suitabil- ity of a properly cultivated clover sud asapI-Pp'amtiun for winter whentut' for spring grains. This is at present the biggest “ sung hit in the United States. was written by Edwin Kendall, and is being, sung nightly in all the principal theatres in that country from Maine to Cali- fornia. This song has made a tre- mendous “hit†in New York, antnn, Philadelphia. Chicago and Sam Fran- cisco, that the publishers pwrlu-t n a sale of over one million copies dur- ing 1904. Upon receipt of 25 cents in postage stamps, a Copy of this lwunti- ful song will be mailed to any addross in the United States or Canada by the Theahicul Music Supply 00., No. 46 West 28th Street. New York. :ml’e \vvre us lfnllmvs: RM] (WNW-h 1516: Lucm-rw. 1450: Alwike- Clnvmu 1-127: Mnmmnth Rvd Clover. HUS: Memdi Ft‘SCUP Grass. 1068; Orchard Grass. 1015; and 'l‘imnthy. 916. It, will therefore be Sflb‘ll that the Red Clove-1' sud gave-an incrvnse‘ (we-r the Tinmthy sud of 570 pnunds, 01' nearly 12 huslwis [791' acre. “ IT \VAS SUMMERTIME IN DIXIE LAND.†recognized by Ontmiu fnrnwlx-z In In :1 heavy yieldm' of buy. which flunish (-s u largo. amount of \‘ullluhln h-nr cnnstiments. [Ls ht-noï¬vinl (*fl’m‘t: npuntho soil. huwvvm'. dn nut. sum to he so (-lpm-ly umlm-stnml. Sch-n list». who have made n mmfIII stud) if the infhwmw nf clm'm- nu Llw snil to“ us that nflrr largo ('l‘nlb‘. haw lwon rvmm‘vd fran the land [he qni is actually richm in nilrugvn :Il'tn-I Clnvm' is one of Ontario‘s mnst nuhle full!) cl'nps. It is gm): recognized by Ontmiu fanm-rs I :1 heavy yieldvr of hay. which fun (-5 :1 large :mmunf nf \‘Hlllillllt‘ We attend to quality ï¬rst and prices second. Our Carolina rice at 100. lh.,Japan rice 8c.. and Pun-in. rice 7450. show the very l’wszt, value (.hâ€" tainahle. Atkinson 8: Switzer. Mrs. Florence Mayhrick, C()l)\‘l('t9d at Liverpool in 1899 and sentenced to death for the poisoning nf her hus- band, has been relented l'mm im- prisonment, and has left England for France. Mr. Chamberlain's tariff cnnnmssiuu (m theirdu and steel trades urgvs a general tariff fur countries which treat British goods fairly. a prefmen- tial tariff for the colonies. and a maxi- mum tariff against cunntries which refuse m admit British goods on fail: terms. FRIDAY. July 22-Auctinn sule nf fresh milch cows, springers and yuung cattle at the Palmer Hnuse Yards. the plupe-rty of H. F. Hopper. TPHHS 3 months. This sale. will be held at 6 o’clock in the. evening to give the farmers an opportunity to hp present. Suigeun «V; McEwen. SATURDAY. July Ziâ€"Auctiun sale of Vehicles. huusflmlll furniture, etc. the property of Albert vaiss at his residence. Maple. Terms cash. Suigeun k, Mt-Ewen. Auctimwm's. Early orders are solicited for Raspberries. either for the Table or Canning. MRS. WM. HARRISON. “'0 lm RASPBERRIESY RICHMOND H 1 LL. Sale Register. (rundurl'vd n sm-ies nf ox- t theI Agricultural (Hullvge, three diï¬'vrunt ucc. ‘inns, BY Apply to mu]. Sch-n- unvfnl study nu Um snil. (-rnps haw land the ~mil zt-llel‘ulL For nthm- particulars call at the Bank. The sweet tone Mason & Risch. Also tuning and repairing. Second-hand ones for sale. The Merchunm’ Fire Insurnnre has the lowest ratesâ€"Renew with us. Crown life and (mdnwment policies. Get, nm- terms. Digest, of Canadian Mercantile Laws. STANMRB BMW Mom-y Loam-(l ml Farmers he Ron-s. Blank Note lint-ms Supplic-d Free. General Banking Business Transacted. Renairiug of all kinds of mur‘hiuus. Oil and needles for sale. HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. Washng of all kinds done sent m I‘Iglinmn on M Wednesday. and Frid: each week. Return the following day. All work done by hand. Rear-Wed in Snvings‘ Bunk Depart uwnt and interesbullmved at (‘mne In the premsisvs of signed on or uhuut July 6. CU\\'. PIANUb AND URGANS TB HflRSEMEN! LEE CHUNG RED WATTIE,. RED “'ATTIE. tPl'lllS to insuw $11. PURE GOLD, terms to insure $10. (inue to ut‘l ns Sullclmrs {or I'm Mnrks. Copyrights. for the Un England. Franâ€. Germany. etc Pumnts soul true. ’l‘hin 40v: Patents obtains! throw: lMU QATENTS PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Digest, (If C wnu an... .. Humane urï¬cei'm Broadway. fl'er'foi-kI The Celebrated Clydesdale ' Stallion *nt‘ine of withdraw SINGER SEWING MACHINES SUMMITK HOUSE STABLES. FIRE. AND LIFE INSURANCE Capital Rest PURE GOLD, Ripans Tabules cure biliousnese. Ripans Tabules. R and the Noted Trotting Stallion; Oak â€" Ridges, RICHMOND HIL . J. PETHIGK. RICHMOND HILL SH] ()1‘ Canada ICHMOND HILL Lot 15, N \V M. T I? . W. OSBORNE. YIntil next season. 11 â€" 331000.000 $1,000.000 DEFâ€"Oâ€"SITS \Vill stand at, The A specmc monthly modlclne for India. to xenon And regulnxe the mom producing rm, healthy and painle- dluclmrgu flu when or palm on up pronch Now um by over 30,000 Mk1 Unnamed wmuu again. Invigomte. mesa org‘m. Buy 0' your drum only thou with our signature acro- tmoflnbcl. A3090} haulqu Beuod ruculnnu miloliizciu-‘mï¬. .072.“ Aggreu. 5013159 AlVllivpusitS payable on demand. LEE CHUNG. Lm‘nv “luck u~ 2nd cnn D1 ABBA LE‘ LAUNDRY I on Monday 1 Friday of Returned 1] nut neces- of thv under- (3. mm milch AGENT. Markham Goods 7'5? E g {a METROPOLS"3‘AN STORE QR. SPENWEV 8: $0.,: Founder of Dr. Spinney 6: Co. DR. SPINNEY, A GENTS FOR ï¬onmderatiunlim Wesiem Mamamiie Naiwicfliflnéen York Muiual mm guarantee All business will have prompt attention. Infor- mation or Circulars will be supplied by asking tor same. P. G. SAVAGE 8: SM! ce-Cream Parlor open daily. Pic-Nic and other gatherings supplied with Ice-Cream on shnrtest nmice. Largest Established. Most Successful. Reliable Specialists in Diseases of Men. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. Also "Pianos and Organs \IEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES This is the ground on which most- deal- ers bid for custom. Does it pay you to be influenced by this call .7 Would it Pay you to buy the lowest pric- ed seed, horses, cattle or other farm stock. the lowest priced machinery, to employ the lowest prlced farm help and to raise crops for the lowest priced markets ? We Bid for Your Custom with goods of the very best obtainable quality at moderate and reasonable prices. W'e warrant you en- 1 tire satisfaction in your dealings with us. LGWW M‘in T. 3. mamas, Prep. The Russill Hardware Co. Turnip and Mungold Seer] &G®S@$©§®$W%®SQGQ We can hear you say 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. \Ve carry a compleie line of to inheritance eases. cure ta‘eir'pnironage. We cure (0 stay Cured. not want to be I cured of Varicoc procedures. W shortest poï¬ib «sharch will ,1 in] and success! The many y that our speu not want to b1 For 7P2} Stricture. Varicocele. Nervous Debility. Blood Diseases. akncss. Kidney and Urinary Diseascs and all diseases dye nheriluncc, habits.excesscs,or the results of speciï¬c d15- Consultation Free. Cures Guaranteed. {may 3: $0,, Detroit. Mich. @ï¬ï¬Q‘QSQSQSQSQG tnssful services. .TATION‘ FRI-m. SPECIAL HOME TREATMENT 15 who Cannot Call. Question Blank Sent Free. ijif 4C rars of our 1 lrenlmcr mutilated Iamntcc fl SAFE AND POSITIVE Cl‘RL ime without gufuriuus al‘lerâ€"cflects ls 19w as possxb e tor couscxcnhous, U [ll Accident C0. Also, Ensilagc Com :ssful practice in Detroit proves men is safe nnd certain. You do maimed for life in trying to be and kindred troubles by surgical 5AI-‘l-LAND Pusn‘n'la (Imus in the m. in'uriuus al‘ler-cfl'ects. 0m“ yossib e for couscxemious. skill-