Mr. Andrew Boyle, brother (If Mr. David Bnyle of this place. and father uf Mr. David M. Bnyle and Mrs. Ruht. Chupnmn. Lnngstaï¬, (lied lust Sun- day uL \Valdemur. Dutferin Uuunty. ang 79 yems. DFI‘E‘HSFd came. to this country frnm Scntlund some. time in the forties, and was one of the ï¬rst hlucksmiths in \Vellingtou county, where he remained for twenty-ï¬ve years. \Vhile there he lost :1 wife who had borne him six (:l]il(ll't'n. In 1868 he married again, and six children were born to his second wife. He afterwards took up farming and spent, ten years in thP county of York. 0f the 12 children hmn 7 are still living. and besides his brat-her in this place. Mr. James Boyle of Sin-nix, another brother, survives him. The remains were interred ln Green wand cemetery. Orangevillr. (m Tuesday. and several (if the relatives from this ville‘gu and Laugstutf attended. This is it year for remarkable growth. Lust, \\'(-'Pk one of the city dailies gave the. length of some tiu:~ “thy gmwn in Scm-hnm township which was considered Wonderful grnwth. hut, yost-e 1-day we saw u stalk nf tinmthy grnwn on the furm of Mr. Joseph C()llli\‘k_\‘, which nu'aslu-ed 5 ft. 11 inches. This farm swine ye-urs ago was awarded the sih 91- medal in a. prnviuciul contest. unrl the qwesent uwner is keeping it in as good shape as it; ever was. l S. S. PICNIC. The. Methodist Suhhnul] School have cmnpleted arrangements for their nmluul excursion over the Melrnpoli- tun :md city cars. and picnic at Munro Pfll'k next \Vednesduy. Special cars will leave opposite the church at, 8 u‘cluck. and returning will leave the. Park at, 7 in the evening. Tickets to the Park, including privileges of ten. milk. etc.. will he 5†cents; Children 25 cents. The ()ï¬icers and teachers of the sclmul depend upon the. people to make the excursion and picnic u. suc- ceSs. P. Patton-sun. Esq. \vhn is spending a few munihs at his summon- hmm- at Patterson, suiferud an accident yester- day aftH-nnnu. A lnddt-r on which he was standing in the driving; shed full and Mr. Panel-Sun mime to the floor. Shim- uf the ligaments in his leg he- lnw the knee received :1 bud wrench. and it was feared at ï¬rst, a bone was fractured. An examination by it ductur, huwever, disclosed no fracture. THE LIBERAL and the V’Veekly Glnho with its fulll‘ page illustrat-(l vditiun and nmny ntvher attractive fwum-vs will he sent frum this date to the and nf the year fur Fifty cunts. Don‘t dvlny when an uifer like the above is present/HIS * Miss Eva M. \Vilvy, her friend Miss GI-Een and. two other lady friends started 0 l a trip to “'innipe-g and the N01~th-V\'est. Miss \Vilt-y will visit :1 sister, Mrs. J. Andrews in Miami. Examine thnsv pure \vm-stmls and twoeds that “'4: make in suits tn your Ul'dPl' guaranteeing trimmings. ï¬t. workmanship and Styleâ€" ï¬rst-class and saving ynu just, $5 per suit. At- kinson K: Switzer. Mr. \F. MoCnnnghv and son. Ml- Jns. McGnnnghy. are making :il'l'ungr‘ ments fur a Lrip m In-Iund and «4x pect_to stm t. in :L few days. “"9 are giving" the and plain overalls. punts, socks and w: uur stuck was never Atkinsun & Switzel‘. Mr. in Mn of ()h‘ NICI'E: RIP. NP†\Villinln MHHU} ('lmsrd the \w-sl ImH' nf Int 2 Vaughan. cont-Lining IOU .‘r price paid was $5,5UIL Canadian mull ¢ mHun, “vs! Ann 4 Kim» .‘leca gun-mu kinuuu N Switzvl It will pay any [we-mun l‘I lww luicyclv ln mull :md insps «Intv UIu-w-lnmh at THE office. (Ful in prices. Thu best pun» lard in 20 1|). pails 8k. “L. hest. cln-vsv 1151:. “L. pmnl tnpiucu 350. 11)., pun-v (:m-n sun-ch h‘u. Atkin- sun & Switzer. Mr. Lmnnn. l‘lim-ipul ‘ Sr-hnnl. um] Mrs. Lanmm their huliduys at, Allisum l'tl Tuvsduy. V Ml day 1 null \w-ll m Ju‘lgiu Mills Just Ln hunt] : zt-r's :1 splendid suft husmn shirts eat-h. Miss Jr-nniv Clark at :- spending twu three weeks in BL-ndulm Huying kinds at ( ml THE LATE ANDREW' BOYLE. E112 Eiiiarmi. Mrs. \V. J. Clark, Mix-e ldit‘s mcunum'u HILI..'Julv l'i. E. J. Culnlo :uld lmhy 5 Ln spwul 2|. mmth in Musk IJ(’)(3AIJM. .Jvnmngs has svrlll's'd :1 position lCullvgiuto Institute- in U)» City ntham und will t-mnmvnce dul‘ics after the. holidays. .lvnuings has S [X FOOT TIMOTHY. unfur]: I’|-i_l\.('ip:ll uf lhl’ Pnhlh n 00:11 ()il in 5 gullun Iuts Wt 51‘ Anna-ich nil 22v. gnlluu Ma 1nd lmrvvsting Htsâ€"~23 uulv uh! $1.00. Nu mu sells Lhe M mm Spv'llrt [nn't tins Tm mm best value in hil) male and tweml nx-king‘ shirts :1an better assorted. Atkinmm & Hwit mm M mvn's ï¬m Ih‘â€"~~Gm|ll I'll-H] .\"un:ht~n Bum, host machine “(‘I'US ttmls 1nd inturn ‘qnn‘ing :‘ ml un-m 1.11m:me uul $1 has 51 h xtnl't tn- knkil. 13.04 pur- mm. The At w m] ()U 1H BARNS BURNED. About 8 o‘clock yesterday for-enoou aï¬re. broke out in the hay mow of Mr. George Robinson, just outside the corporation on the Markham side, and made a. clean sweep of all his barns, stables and other farm build- ings. A messenger was speedily sent to ring the "ï¬re. alarm," and our ï¬re engine and all lire appliances started at once fol-the scene of the ï¬re. No attempt was made to save the farm buildings. huthy hard and judicious work of the. ï¬re brigade and neigh- hm-s the house was saved. though less than thirty yards from the burning buildings. The roof of the house was on ï¬re in many places. but the flames were ï¬nally subdued. though the house was considerably ‘damaged. Fortunately all the live stock in the stables was got out unharmed with the exception of the hlood stallion Monotony Which it is feared was badly scorched. Most of the imple~ ments were. also saved. As it. was hardly expected that the house could he. saved much of the furniture was moved out. and this will he more or less damaged. Although the build- ings were insured the loss will be heavy. The hams were on stone or concrete foundation and could not now he replaced for twice the money they cost when ï¬rst erected. Much sym- pathy is felt for Mr. Robinson in the unfortunate occurrence. The cause of the ï¬re seems a mystery. 7&0 . to Mnntrenl 23 cunts; to Halifax, 64 cents. Mr. ’J‘r-efy has lived to SEE wonderful changes in the postalsys- tam. not least nf which is the immense incruzlse in the volume- nf mail matte-1- tmnsluittcd. Mr. Teefy is still in vigor of mind and body. despite his fuurscm-e years and two. and besides hisduties as postmaster he is Clerk and Treasurer of thp Village of Rich- mond Hill. Rev. Father Tcefy of St. Michael’s College is a sun.†CANADA‘S OLDEST l’OSTAIASTER Last Saturday‘s Illustrated Globe contains an excellent likeness of our e<teelned pastinaster, M. Teefy. Esq. He is introduced as a gentleman "who has handled the Royal Mails for ï¬fty- fonryears; now in the 83rd year-of hisageand still serving the public.†The Globe gives a Short sketch of Mr. Teefy as follows :â€"“He was appointed to ofï¬ce. in December, 1850, having ï¬rst came from Ireland in 1824. At. the time of the rebellion in 1837 he was a printer in the old Patriot ofï¬ce in Toronto. \Vhen Mr. Teefy was first appointed postmaster there was no Postmaster-Gene!ul in Canada, the work of the. department then being under the control of the Imperial authorities. with a deputy ofï¬cer re» siding in Canada. Those were the days of high postage liltf’h‘. To send a letter from Richmond Hill to Toronto or fiftv miles heyt Id Hist 45 pence. or The company of surveyors who have been surveying“ for the James Bay Railway and whose headquarters have, been at the. Dnminiun Huuse for the pastlnnnth left Tuesday muning as their work was getting tun fur south. They have mnum‘pd to the ank Mills hotel where they will make head- quarters until the balance of :he sur- vey to Toronto is made, probably three weeks. A drive thruugh the country dis- clnsos the fact that a large mmllu-r of (revs have recently hevn sum-k by lightning. This hung thv muse pmple shuuld studiuusly avoid seeking sht-ltor under Ire-es during thundvr stunns, even at the saPi-iï¬ce (if getting \\'t‘t. Evidvntly the tree forms a unnductnr for lightning. Kevp away fx-mn it during a stmm of thunder and lightâ€" ning. ‘ The' \Y. M. S. of Victnriu Square pn-Iuisv :1 gnod tiun- Ht, HH'il' fruit, l'vstivnl tn hl‘ given (31: the (:hun‘h grounds Saturday vvqning of this week. A gund literary and musical prugrmmue \\ ill be presvullad. The North York Full Fair will he held at vammkcb frnln tho 20th to 22ml uf SvptHan-r. und 1119 East York und Murklmm Fair will he he-ld at Mm-klmm from the 5th to the 7th of Octubol'. - Mrs. A. V. hwn Visit“ and vicinity Men’s :nml lmy's suits, mvn‘s odd (shuts. I uu-n‘s punts and \‘vsls. nwn's and huy‘smm'ulls. A gl-mt snap in men’s while- shirls. Nullghton Bn-s.. Elgin Mills. Mr. and Mr twn vhthan _\'vstz-1-d.~lynnd with Mrs. B. I Mr. cmlplt Sll\ “LU Hues scythes. rakes, forks. all kinds and all pncrs at. (‘. k E. Musun's. Hm: Dr. Chmvn and Mrs. \Vu-rv guests of Mr. und Ml SmuIm-Nm Monday (-\ uning. Mr. J. N.L Hf an uncle Buyin- Lhis w All“. AhNichnlls and Mr. I) Hi“ A M 114. \ |g{‘. :uul smuux BY LIGHTNiNG. \V. J. Huppr‘r. 'l‘uwntu, :md -\. V. MchHun. hermit. haw- \"i.<ivl‘ing friends in tho village J. N. Buylv attended the funeral uncle, lhl‘ lute Mr. Andrmv in_ Ornngm‘illc, on Tuesday 01 MOVING SO UTH S. Snvwm Sawlgv nf Avlmm- spent a Lys with his f.nt.h<-r. Rvere rvturm-d this morning. l's. A. E. Mur‘Lvnn and of Cornwall urI-in-d I will spend tlm holidays Mchmmld. Clmwn \V. A. Part lots 54 and 55. 1st nnn.. Mark- ham. on Yonge st.. (:nnsisting of 198 acres. Inm-egr-less, 160 non-vs Hem-rd. gnod grain and stock farm. well watered and fenced. Apply to AMOS J. WRIGHT. ‘ say “the- vnd justiï¬vs tlw means." and l are bound hand and font; to their party. Thvspvakel' gave smu-mJ ox- umplvs as to how Grits and ’l‘nries cur- ! rupted the electors. He also cun- demned party newspapers for thvir mlfuirtr‘vannent, tn opponents. The Glnhe, he said, sat, up at night hunt- ing up epithvls tn hurl at, the (1m)- servativo party for alleged corruption. but that paper was lmlth to admit cur- x'nptiun in its own party. The editor, Rev. Mr. Mr-Dnnuld. did acknowledge- smne time ago that, [here were har- murles on the ship 0f state and this was made use (If pulitically by the Mail “and Empire. His idea. was tn u Maggie- (.‘rnsgrove Jennie Clank . . .. Mabel Byam . Js-ssie Morgan , . . George Topper. . . Alnwda Clnhine. Emily Boyle . . . . Hâ€" HGEDWQG M r vute fm (‘hrisbian men in politics and municipal matters. The chairman, in tendering u vote of thanks. said he wuuld nut, vote for a man of his own puny if he did not consider him a gund man. Thr- fnllmving pupils having nhtnin- 9d the x-vquil-ed number of marks are promoted to thn nth higher fern): FROM FORM I TO FORM II. Total Average 1. Alt-x. McCall-rugby ..1082 97 2. Georgie. Bruwn .. . .1049 83 3. Dunuhl Atkinsun. . . .1087 M 4». Franklin, Jackes.... 882 77 5. \Villiv Lawson . . . 950 75 (5. Nora McMahon . . . . 938 '75 7. Norton Gihsun ' . . . . . 816 74 8. Myrth Klinck . . . . . . 857 (5%) 1 Garnet Dickinson 2 Harry Francis . 3 Frank McDonald 4 Hum! Switzer. .. “POLITICS IN CANADA." “Pulilicn in (‘zumdn as the-y sire and :Is thvy shunld he" was Lho, subject nf an mldri-ss given by Rev. 8. I). Uhmvn. I). 1).. in the MPLimdist chum!) Monday evening. Dr. Chuwn is (In) 11-pi~(-st-ntntive of 'l‘vinpvmncv and Mom] Rme-ni (if the Gvnvrnl Unnference of thv Church. va. T. Cnnipln-l] occupied the‘chnir. The spmlkt'l' plwldvd for Christian (:itizvn- ship and pniity in pnlitics. saying that the wyvs uf the heathen are \vnu'hing clusvly the doings in Chi-ist- iun lands. He had nu (lnnht thei Gamay scandal had hevn heard of in Jupnn. lie had I'PHSHII to [11 nk tin-re were many r-lwm nwn in public lifo, and hi-lieved funr-ï¬fths of them were nppusvd tr) cmokednvss. Sonw men Thin Hair “ A an". nu: Vigor Is a nut Incceu with Inn. y huh- wu (ullln out very badly. but the Hun Vigor Itop §t and now my huh-1: All righL"â€"W. C. SD08. Lindsay, Cd. 5m 1 homo. J. c. AYER co All druEE-u. for Lmvol I. Man; â€"_ The two pupm-s. THE le Month-n] Family \Vwkly Star, will he address frme [his (lute 1 January for (1'0 cents. 1 this nfliue. Hair Viéar‘é Missps [ returde )1 ing ilflVt-‘Pk in Toronto Full stock sugaus on fruit sugar. icing sugar. Wurth of em SWiLZt’l. Losing your hair? Coming out by the combful? And doing nothing? No sense in that! Why don’t you use Ayer’s Hair Vigor and promptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis- appear. Could you reason- ably expect anything better? FKâ€"Af Victoria. Square. on Tuesday. Julv 19‘ the wife of Mr. Bern Meek. of a. daughter Farm for Sale. HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTIONS Al(‘.\'. McCun-«ughy Georgie. Brown Dunulll Atkinsun. Franklin, Jackes. \Villiv Lawson Non-u McMnhnn Mm'tnn Gibson Myrtlv Klinck ... Anna Kerswell.. ‘ Fred Uamphell. . . ‘ Marguerite Boyle Ex-Iing Gibson .. .{ \Val'x-Pn Page . . . . Keith Hill . . . . . . . Arthur Ball . . . . . . Hazel \Velsh . . . . . FROM FORM 11. tn ‘3 Kathleen and Laura [um-s d Mnndny evening :nle' spend- H‘k with relathes and friends (ILI'HIHNG' RATE pupvrs. THE LIKE 't'nl Family Hur 0f bvst- Canadian rnfilwd handâ€"Paris lump sugar, extra granulnlml sugnr yc-llmv sugar and a hip; $‘s :11 this Week. Atkinson (K: HIR'I‘IIS. To PATENT Good Idea: may be secured by our lid. Address, THE “"ENT RECORD. Richmond Hill Total AVe-l u go .. 963 80 .. 876 73 . R31 “9 man of his own consider him a FORM III. LIBERAL nnd HA-rnld and - sent to any to the firska Send orders Lu 753 776 76-1 587 6 i 4 571 505 490 569 814 779 764- 706 60-1 Bl )1 594 lawman. I4. 51 45 (i9 69 65 7-! 6%) (55 (i1 (i1 58 52 †and their ul ex- s cm- Guaranteed to cnrv Diqtmnpor. Epizuutic, Coughs, Colds and brake!) wind in nurse-s. The Pl'llVilH'P is full uf Distempm- Hmong humus and many valuable- unim- als “11- being ruinml by being; lll‘glr‘ctt‘d. which ufteu «:nuws. brukrn wind. YORK‘SI‘H REI UUUGH and HIVE UL‘RE immediately stops the disruae and cures the cuug h. Gentlemenâ€"I can struneg recum- uwnd Yul-kshin- Stuck Fund for burs-J5 and cattle nut. of condition. I have ruconuuendenl it in my practice for [\vvncy years and cumidm- it. is the px-emier stock fund in the market. Sold in Richmund Hill by Genrge McDonald, Harness-maker and at Tumult» by Usml :Lnd rmmmnwndvd by loading V'etorunries :md Stockmen, always gives subisfnctiun hrcuuse it, makes all kinds of stock thrive. Yorkshire Stock Food ï¬ï¬mmmmmmxm Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure Each day ï¬nds p14 because of such values Fine Black and Colored made to vour mengnm n Thus. McConnell, V. S. Agricultural Dx-uggists. 171 King St East, Toronto. Opposite Clyde Hotel. J. A. .Tohnston Ever mammmmnmmmmmmmm: made to your measure are to $20 a suit, we will ma guaranteeing everything s $15 a suit. Men’s ï¬ne C; and $1.00 each. Carolina Rice 100. 1b., b 1b., best Patria rice 8c. 1 China cups and saucers 800‘ "Years ago when we beg: was zâ€"Reliahle goods, :1 p« with each customer, and We've hammered away at; and we’re not through yet. ing out the one idea. We we know the styles are ri; dependable. Toronto, April 4th. 1900. lar. JABflB EVER &. SBN Richmand Hill Fames requiring cement, English or Lanau‘ian, Port- land or Hydraulic, for all kinds of work, walls floors, sil0s, write or call and get our prices before purchasing else- where. W‘e guarantee it to be first class in every particu- ~Gement- Pambric Dress Shirts 50c., 75c. will make to ve began to ï¬x a policy it: (IS, a perfect understanding , and lowest notch prices. ,vay at; these three things gh yet. We’ll keep pound- We know what we sell, are right; and the qualitv )., best Japan Rice 8c. 80. 1b., genuine White Scnrhm-n Tp. Dun P. 0. February 12th, 190-1. Gantlvnwn.â€"\Ve have used Yul-k.- Shir» Stun-k Fond fur years and. kumv from (-xperience that it, is far superiur to any other stock fund in Lb!- markv-L it is :L grand fund fur Stock uszny kind especially and hogs. \Ve fwd it n-gulurly. Farmers in our locality all endorse it. axe to your measure satisfactory for $14 to regularly worth $19 . per dozen. the quality David Duncan & Sons.