Japanese Now Engaged in a Double Turning Movement. JAPS ON THE MOVE. occupied Taochao, three miles from ~Erhtoho, the previous day. Artillery 1‘ deSpatch from London says :â€" :ï¬re is heard incessantly in New- The opemï¬â€˜ms north 0f Kalping as Chwang. A correspondent there rode “laud by Gen- Sukhul‘oï¬â€™ and Rus"out ten' miles Wednesday morning sian correspondents are regarded hereland found Russian pickets at num- ' - hment at so. are_erous pomts and a dctac as lmgvmg .mat “.18. Japwe. ;Wutai2e, two miles south. The gar- Chmgmg the†posluons' They ap-'rison will be maintained until the pear to have withdrawn ‘Owards Ilast possible moment, but everythins Kalplng from the immediate neigh-Iis in readiness for an immediate borhood of Tashichao, and to .have ,evacuation and for joining the army evacuated the intervening valley. It ‘at Haicheng. is suggested that they are carrying' out a, flank movement. This is borne out by a press despatch, from New-Chwang, which says that the positions oi the first and second Ja-, panese armies point to a movement to completely encircle the Russians below Mukden. Safe retreat to‘ Hai-Cheng from Tnshicliao is already impossible. Gen. Kouropatkin must be cognizant of this fact. The Busâ€"l l BIG RUSSIAN FORCE. b Correspondents with Gen. Kuroki’s headquarters say under date of Wed- nesday that it is believer] that the Russians at Kniping are retiring on Haicheng. There is still a big Rus- sian force bet ween the Motien Pass and Liaoâ€"Yang. It is presumed that they intend to attempt to prevent Elan explanation is that he is con- the Japanese from advancing on Liao fldent of his ability to repel 3, Jaâ€" Yang. Apparently there has been no panese attack on LiaoaYang, and at [serious ï¬ghting, but the outposts the same time assume the offensive! in every direction. A telegram from Chefoo describes the Japanese opera- tions as a double-turning movement] on a grand scale between Kaipingl and Liao-Yang. Gen. Oku, with a force that is estimated to be three leisions, is nearing Newâ€"Chwang,1 ï¬ghting small engagements on the‘ way, Gen. Nodzu, as strong or; stronger, is concentrating his army on the railway from the east, while Gen. Kuroki, with ï¬ve divisions, is, circling round north with the objecti of getting astride of the railway and‘ cutting off the Russian retreat. Con~ Iiderable ï¬ghting has occurred north, of Kaiping, with varying resultsti but Gen. Ovu has experienced noth- ing in the nature of a check. The Japanese are remarkably strong in artillery, they having a. total of 600 guns in Manchuria. The situation is puzzling the mi1-, ltary ofï¬cers at St. Petersburg,l where the evacuation of the Valleyl south of Tashichao is alternatively, ascribed to an attempt to turn Gen.l Kouropatkin’s left, or that part of , the army has been sent southward: to balance the enormous losses al-E leged to have been afllicted on the besiegers at Port Arthur. The story of an immense defeat, of the Japanâ€" ese at Port Arthur continues to be reiterated in St. Petersburg, alâ€" though the estimate of 30,000 cas- ualties has fallen to 2,300. ._._-â€"- \NAV'AL ENGAGEMENTS . The Shanghai correspondent of the London Morning Post says that theq steamer Fawan, which is the de- spatch boat chartered by the Chicago Daily NeWs, has been seized by the, Russians and towed into Port Arâ€" thur. The correspondent adds.that a naval engagement was fought off Port Arthur on Friday. The details of the tight and its result are unâ€" known. ’ ‘ ._..â€"â€" POSITIONS RETAKEN.- A despatch to a London neWS agency from St. Petersburg ' says the War Orï¬ce announces the receipt of a despatch from Port. Arthur conâ€" taining the report that the Japanese sustained considerable losses on Mon- day, the exact particulars of which have not yet been ascertained. Acâ€" cording to the dcspatch the Russians recaptured all the positions taken by the Japanese. A despatch to the London Times from Tokio says the story of a Jap- anese repulse, with heavy casualties, at Port Arthur on Monday is wholly discredited at Tokio, where no such reports have been received“ .It is believed that the story originated in Shanghai.- w... DOWNFALL NOT REMOTE. , | The , l A despntch from Tokio says: Jiji Shimpo asserts that the siege of Port Arthur is progressing well,. and that its downfall is not remote; The Russians are defending the place; desperately. The paper does not, mention any speciï¬c actions. . There is no information from drip-I anese sources regarding the losses at Port Arthur, but it is believed that: numbers of Japanese voluntarilyl sacriï¬ced themselves in order tot clear the road for a general advance. l The absence of the fleet suggests that * large reinforCeincnts are drriving. RENNEICAMPFF WOUNDED. A dcsputc‘n from St. Petei'sburg says: An oilicial dospntcli states that between Lino-Yang and Saiinatsc the Russians encountered the Japun-, ese outposts and drove them back“ and proceeded io occupy Vandca- pudze, While they mere ascending a hill, the Japanese made an ellcl'g‘ctlt‘l attack uron their right. (len. Rene nekamptf was shot in the leg at the beginning of the fight. but remained l l l l l l lately. i have been in contact daily and shots have been frequently exchanged. The weather in that district is ï¬ne. NOT (‘0 NFIRM EU. The story of the Japanese losing 30,000 men at Port Arthur is still Without confirmation and its origin is unexplained. The marine fort, which ‘ it is rumored the. Japanese captured, is identiï¬ed here as being at S'hiushiying. The ‘I‘okio corres- pondent of the London Chronicle says that the. Port Arthur garrison is still keeping the Japanese at bay in the mountainous passes 14 miles north of the. fortress. TROOPS FOR MANCHURTA. According to the Telegraph's ad- vices the Japanese are hurrying more troops to Manchuria. Transports have cleared from Nagasaki and Moâ€" Iji daily during the past. fortnight, each carrying from 1,500 to 3,000 men. The belief is conï¬rmed that some eight inch siege guns were lost. when the transport Hitachi Marti was sunk by the Vladivostock squadron. _~.‘ UULLIDED WITH WARSHIP. Torpedo Boat of British Navy Badly Crushed. A Portsmouth despatch says :â€"The British torpedo boat No. 109 was seriously damaged in collision with the warship Hannibal in Portsmouth harbor on Friday. The tide swept the Hannibal. against the torpedo boat, which was crushed like an egg shell. The crew was saved. The torpedo boat was quickly taken in tow and placed in dock before she , sank. , â€"â€"~â€"â€"+â€"â€"-â€"- ENGLISH GUN-SliLITHS. It is reported that a dozen gun- smiths, whose time at the Woolwich arsenal has expired, gre going to Japan to assist in repairing heavy, ordnance. Marquis Ito is making a. tour of the Government iron works investigating their capacities. CAV'ALRY S CORES . A despatch from Haicheng Says :â€" A detachment of Major-General Mistâ€" cheiiko‘s army fought a brilliant 911â€". Black ' ewei‘e ‘ gagement Mountains. taken. The Japanese are themselves five miles from ’l‘atcheâ€" kiao. Terriny hot weather preâ€" vails here. The Russian troops are in excellent spirits. Tuesday near the‘ Sonic prisoners entrenching FIGHTING GOING ON. An official report received from Toâ€" kio in London of the Japanese occu- pation .cscape of the small Russian garrison there is apparently untrue. Telegraiizs from Yinkow not only do not men- tion a Japanese occupation, but say that the Russians are still there and that Russian ofï¬cers from Tashichao frequently arrive at the port, where the Russian gunboat Siyoutch still remains. Fighting, however, is going on near Yinkow. The Japanese are reported to have taken Erhtolio by assault on Wednesday. This 'plnco :is nine miles from Newâ€"Chwang, _._â€"~.. IVTO MONGOLIA. The Japan Mail remarks that Gen. ‘ l sex oral is the only certain avenue of retreotl he has open to him. Russia would hesitate to invade neutral territory, l yet China's recent orders to the Guards on the Mongolian frontier are signiï¬cant. MAY GO TO THE FRONT. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the London Telegraph says a Widespread sensation has been causâ€" ed by the announcement in the news- papers tliat the Czar, who is osten- sibly visiting only the depots whence troops are going to the front. has arrived at Ufa and started tousk. The opinion is growing, 31-, though there is no confirinntion,. that his Majesty may continue his journey to the seat of war. , J APA NESE A despatcli to the Japanese Legaâ€" tion at London from Tokio on Wed- nesday announces that (ion. ()ku re-. ports that in the ï¬ghts lending to the occupation of Kuichau the Jap- anese casualties. from July 5 to Jiin 7, were four men killed and twenty wounded. The casualties of the Japanese July Sand July 9 were about one hundred and ï¬fty killed or wounded. VLAllIVOSTOCK SQUADRON’. A despatcli to the London Daily Mail from 'l‘okio says it is rumored that torpedo boats belonging to the Vladivostock squadron were seen off Hokkaido Wednesday night. It. is also stated that the Russian cruisers have reappeared. â€"â€"vâ€"-. DEFlEiJ THE RUSSIAN-‘3. A despatch from London says :â€" Loyd's received on Wednesday a (leâ€" spatch from Poriiii conï¬rming the i'chi port of the stopping and searching of the British ship Menalaus by the Russian volunteer steamer St. l’etâ€" ersburg in the Red Sea. The tele- gram adds that the Russian lieuten- ant, who boarded the Menalaus or- dered the master to open some of the cases in the cargo. Hegrefused to do so, and none of them were dis- turbed. Lossns. l WHALERS AS SCOUTS. A despatch from Tokio says :â€" There are strong suspicions that cer- tain Norwegian whalers in Corea Straits have been scouting for the Vladivostock squadron. The suspiâ€" cions are not decreased by the fact that no whales are to be found in the Sea of Japan. The Hokkaidao Railway, which was recently damaged by the storms and floods, has again received much dam- age from the same cause. _____§I._._ RAISING Mlllllili URDERS. Warning Issued by Postoflice De- l partment. An Ottawa despatch says :â€"The following warning has been issued by the Post-ofï¬ce Department: "Postmasters are informed that an organized gang have been operating in Canada and the United States. raising the amount of money orders. It is requested, therefore, that strangers who apply for orders for small amounts be closely scrutinized, so that it may be possible to identi- fy tliem afterwards, if such action should be found necessary.†There have been no complaints of a serious nature received from Onâ€" tario [)OlI'tEl, but it has been thought best to call the matter to the atten- tion of postmiisters, and to caution people against cashing postal orders or notes for persons of whom they know little. ,‘ +â€" SIR WM. MACGREGOR. I l l Has Been Appointed Governor of ’ Newfoundland. ' A despatcb from London says: [King Edward has approved the apâ€" lpointment of Sir William MacGregor ‘fo succeed Sir Cavendish Boyle asl ;Governor of Newfoundland. ROOF OF FOUNDRY FELL. , l ‘socond Four Million Dollar Inrrease in Building Operations. A Winnipeg dcspntch sayszâ€"The‘ :city's building statistics are expect- l ed to show an increase of $4,000,000; over last year. Six millions was; spent lost your. or rented months before they completed. l‘oriiiifs issued up the end of June. 1904. call for erection of buildings Valued at 072,430. Permits issued to to $2,782,300. and date in 1902. the many big up to the $1,386,550. structures under con-l GROWTH 0i; WlNNlPEGlLEAllING MARKETS Houses are bought‘ or at 900 for ' ly'l'he Ruling Prices In Live Stock: and Breadstuï¬s. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, July 19.â€"â€"W’heatâ€"Is firma No. ‘2 red and white are,middle freights. (loose is steady at’ 78c for No. 2 cast. Spring is steadyi the‘nt 840 to Ric for No. 2 cast. Maniâ€" SGr ‘. toba wheat is a cent higher. the ‘ northern for WW same (late. last year aggregated only northern at 92c and No. 3 northern sume‘at Elsi-c at Georgian Bay ports, and Amonglo'c more grinding in transit. No. 1i is quoted at 95c, No. 2 Flourâ€"Cars of 90 per cent. potentS. struction are the C. l’. R. i‘epaii"are quoted at $3.60 to $3.65 in‘ shops. in the northâ€"western part of1 buyers' bags \vcxst or east. Choice the City. at an estimated cost oflbrnnds are field 15c to 20¢ higher.. 52.000000; the new C. P. and subway, estimated cost. $3,000,â€" 5200,000: Union Bank block, $400,-‘ 000; Free Press building. $150,000;‘ addition to R. J. Whitla's wholesnlcl dry goods warehouse. $25,000:: 'Scott furniture warehouse, $100,000. ï¬...._.__ WIPED OUT HIS FAMILY. Grain Merchant Kills Wife Child, Then Suicides. A dcspatch from Buffalo says: One of the most shocking tragedies that over occurred in this city came to light on Friday when the dead bodies of lilidgar T. Wasliburii, a. member of the grain ï¬rm of Heathlield and \l'ashburn, of the Board of Trade, lVash'hiirn's wife. .lzinella, and his young daughter Gladys, 15 years old. were found in a bedroom on the story of their home at 83 Putnam Street. Mr. Washburn had shot and killed his wife and daughter and then turned the revolver on his forehead and killed himself. it is believed the terrible crime was committed while Mr. Washburn Was suffering from a temporary fit of insanity. He had Written a. letâ€" ter to a. relative recently, saying he was having troubles in business. As far as is known the members of the family had not had any trouble among themselves. _. ._ - .â€" TWO HUNDRED LIVES LOST. Cloudburst Caused Destruction of Philippine Town. A despatch from Manila says: A cloudburst over the hills northâ€"east of Manila caused a. flood which has destroyed San Juan Delmonte, on Wednesday. Two hundred lives were and lost. The low lying districts were inundated. The homesof Americans and foreigners are isolated. Transâ€" portation through the streets is carâ€" ried on in boats only. Rain has fal- len for twenty-seven 'hours, totalling 17 1â€"5 inches. This is unprecedent- ed. Communication with outside places is interrupted. The damage to property is estimated at $2,000,- 000. __._§____. FAMINE THREATENS RUSSIA Failure of the Crops in Some cf the Provinces. R. depotlllfunitoba flour is A St. Petersburg despatch says :â€"‘ The prospective failure of the crops in some of the southern provinces pos‘ sibly attendant with famine, and flu necessity of adopting relief measuring is beginning to attract attention. The Governments of Klierson, l‘v‘ sarabia, Taurida. Poltava, uin Kharkoff are principally affected. ii the district of 'I‘riaspo the peasants already have been compelled to har- vest the unripe ci'ops to feed the live stock. Committees have been appointed to relieve the distress. The failure of the crops is attributed to unfavorable weather. In some (lisâ€" tricts no rain has fallen. In many parts of llessarobia cattle are being ;. [sold for almost nothing. _‘_._. ACROSS IN 60 HOURS. New Boat to 'ViTake ler Voyage Several Worknien Badly Injured at‘ 1 Hamilton. i ‘ A dcspatcli from Hamilton says:' ‘At the Westinghouse Electric Mfg. l(‘o., where many large buildings are“ [under construction, the roof of the lnew foundry building collapsed and ‘ workmen were injured ' lFriday. A. \V. Alders, (l. McDonald, 7 iT. Fullerton and R. Copley are iii-l 0f YjllkOW Hm} the dlmcunljured the most serious of any. and in about it is feared one or more of these will l not live. l ____.__¢._,._ l ll.\'l"l‘L.l". RXPFIC’I‘ICD. l A dcspatch from London says jThcre is a total absence of news of events in Manchuria. Every paper" l which has a correspondent. with (len. ‘Kuroki's headquartch has received a l ‘shoi't despatch indicating that a batâ€" l ltle at Motien Pass is expected al-i lmost immediately. The Russians ithere have been greatly strengthen-r 1 ed, but they Show no signs of taking? -the offensive. There have been ten ‘ {days of ï¬ne weather, 50 rain is now’ Kouroputkin is evidently concentratâ€"Eto be expected. ing at Tangiliai ug‘ziinst Gen. Nod- ;zu's Takushau arm). The level country there would give an oppor- tunity for the use of the. powerful - Russian cavalry. The nienting apparent while Gen. Niclii Nichi, upon Gen. indecision, Kuroki of Tokio, coni- Kouroputkiu's states that, was teiiiporarjlv at Vaughan. the Russians spent their in ‘ action. , The Japanese were in.» I strength Vsised. The Russmn losses were: Iourteor. killed and wounded. l in attacking his flanks, leaving the Motion Pass lightly do fended. Now the line into Mongolia l ‘ 30,000 TROOPS LAND. A German correspondent who was recently allovved to depart from ‘Mukden, where he had been arrested as a spy, reports that 30,000 Japan- r-se landed on July 11 and July 13. in the neighborhood of Pigeon llav, l'l‘heir operations were covert-«l bv the entire Japanese iloct. The Russians vmadu only it faint resistance, ï¬ring in few shots from their shore batâ€" ‘tories. Oll .' .in Shortly. A despatch from New York says :â€" Carl J. Tl. Fill)“, of Hoho't-n, a former sea captain, hos 1mi- ~ed a boat which he says " i.l be . 3-10 to- mnkc the voyage botu u on _\'t u York and Liverpool ll! six!) hours. l'lt' also says that German shipbuilders have ali'cud} offered llllll $10,000,000 for his invention. Capt. Flindt's model boat. which i'- called the Triumph is limp,~ in the North River, and men an- busy p: fling in the machinery. Czipf. Flindt says that she will be rcauly for her trial trip two weeks. She is to make the trip with gasoline for fuel. _...._.4_..__ TWENTY PEOPLE KILLED Picnic Train Das‘: Into 2. Freight Near C icago. A (‘hicago despatcb says :â€"’i’went3 persons \vel'e killed an] about twen- ly-five injured in a Ci liision on the Chicago & Eastern lliinois Railroad at (llenwood, 1115., 1r. wily-three miles -south of Chicago on \‘\'e(lnesday. The injured wvrr; <in the lticuiiuzu‘.c .:.< the two cars. Krom steady at $4.80! [for cars of Hungarian patents, $4.50 000; tho new C. P. R. freight sheds. i for second patents, and $4.40 for} strong bnkL‘l‘S', bugs included, on the: track Toronto. ‘ Millfeedâ€"ls steady at $16.50 for‘ cars of shorts and $15 for bran in bulk west or east. Manitoba millâ€" foed is steady at $19 for cars of shorts and $18 for bran, sucks in- cluded. Toronto freiglits. Barleyâ€"ls steady at 41c for No. 2, 39c for No. 3 extra, and 370 for No. 3 west or cast. Buckwheatâ€"ls nominal at 450 for No. 2 west or east. Ryeâ€"Is nominal at 57c to 58c for No. 2 west or cast. Cornâ€"Is steady at 45c for cars oil Canada west. American is ï¬rme at 585C for No. 2 yellow, 57§c for No. 3 yellow and .360 for No. 3 mix- ed in car lots on the track Toronto. Oatsâ€"No. 1 white are quoted a. 3251‘. and No. 2 white at 32c east. No. 2 white are quoted at 31§c west. Rolled Oatsâ€"Are steady at $4.50 for cars of bags and $4.75 for barâ€"I rels on the track Toronto; 350 morel for broken lots here and 40c more for lots outside. Peasâ€"Are dull and easy at 60c tol 61c for No. 2 west or cast. COUNTRY ?RODUCE. Butterâ€"The offerings continue lib~‘ oral and the demand is moderate. l Creamery, prints ...17c to 18cl do solids ............ 15c 16d Dairy tubs, good to ' choice ..................... 12c 13 i :10 inferior grades . . . . . . 9c 11 Dairy pound rolls, good to . choice .................. ...11c 14d Cheeseâ€"Is easier at 8%c for twins and Bio for large in job lots here. Eggsâ€"There is a. fair demand and the market is firm at 15%; to 16d for new laid.’ ; Potatoesâ€"Old domestic out Oh store are quoted at 700 to 750 perl bag, New southern are quoted at) $3.50 to 354 per barrel. New Canad' dians are quoted at 50c per basket. Poultryâ€"Spring chickens are quot- ed at 20c per pound and yearlingS' and old hens at 11c. Baled Hayâ€"Cars on the track are quoted at $8.50 to $9 per ton. Baled Strawâ€"Cars on the track: here are quoted at $5.50 per ton. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, July 19.â€"â€"Local trade is quiet in oats, but prices are. ï¬rm ii View of strong advices from Englantl and dealers are demanding previouzl quotations, 37c in store for No. and 380 for No. 2. Peas are aboud steady at 695C. afloat Montreal; N04 :3 barley, 49lc; No. 2 extra, 48de and No. 2 rye, 62c. Flourâ€"We quote: Manitoba pa- ‘ tents, $4.75 to $4.80; strong bakers' $4.50; winter wheat patents, $4.75 to $4.90; straight rollers, $4.60 t 34.70; straight rollers, in bags $2.15 to $2.25. Feedâ€"-Hamilton bran, in bags, $18;' shorts, in bags, $19 per ton; Ontarâ€", io bran, in bulk, $17 to $18; shortsï¬ $18 to $19; niouille, $26 to $28l per fun, as to quality. Rolled Oatsâ€"Considerable price cutting is going on, and sales ard reported at $2.20 per bag and 84.80 per brl, this being away below tlid association price. Dealers are ask- ing $2.32; for bags and $4.90 in brls on track. Hayâ€"No.'] was $9.50 to $10 per ton on track; No. 2, $8.50 to $9; clover, mixed, 57 to $7.50, and clo- ver, $6.30 to $7. Beansâ€"Choice primes, $1.35 to $1.40 per bush: $1.30 in car lots. l’rovisionsâ€"lâ€"Icavy Canadian short: cut pork, $17.50 to 818; light short, cut, $17 to $17.50; American fat; backs, 817.50; compOUnd lard, Bic} to Tc; Canadian lard, 620 to 7§C;' kettle rendered, 815C to 9%c, accord- ing to quality; hams, lie to 13C; bacon, 12c to 13c; fresh killed abat- toir hogs, $7.50; live hogs, $5.25 to 15.3.40, weighed of‘f cars. 1 Eggsâ€"Select, new laid. 17c;5 straight gathered, candied, 15c; No.‘ ‘3, 133C 10 14c. Butterml’ancy grades, 17c to 17am, ordinary ï¬nest, 103C to 17c; westâ€" crii dairy. 14c to 14gc. ' Cheeseâ€"Ontario, 7130 to 7-1c; best' Quebec, 7.}c. collision occurred luiucen :t picnic TRAGEDY AT MINING CAMP" train from (‘iiica ro. which was re~ "‘ , _ turning from Maintain. llls., and :ilEngineer AttaCked ‘â€}t11 Knl‘ws’ freight train, into i; c rear end oi 43d Fatany 1113:3395- whicli the. excursion iruin (lashed at; .\ flE‘SD‘dlCll {Will 15“111"‘llle says 3â€"; high Speed, The M "if {min \vusllnll‘llt‘lllftl‘s have 211151 come to hand' _Colnmg north and 1‘ .. {Wig/m was 0,, of a shocking affair which took place; on the southbound track. .-\ niisLlnt (fi'nignmlit MinCS. North Hastingsl placed switch tlirmx the picnic trniu‘lust Sunday. Win. \Vclch, an enâ€"' over on the southbound track, illlll‘ 'lHC‘U “Tl-"3 i‘tlili'kml ll)? ’ilflht SW9d- lwiorn tho engincer (mum ,lmlly 1‘9 .51 minors. armed with knich and a‘ brakes it run at forty mle ,m lit» ..- l lmtt'Eu-t. .ind so badly maltreated into the “.m- ,f 11:“ [in lg} l, 'l‘- ‘ilmt he has sim-r- (lied. ll‘is assailâ€" hwummirn. t}... Mgflmn .:.,- “my 1'... ’,-p_!;‘- ‘.\'l'l'l‘ arrested. and the (-iiiw-ns ï¬rst (much 01‘ 1|â€. “Wm-C 1mg†“'r-yplnf ('r,1i«_vi’m1i?, \v'w- I‘vl'lf'll \vns \f'l‘)’ (lPllltllthL‘fl. and all of tlu- tilled --! .l'-ll"lli'~l‘ "0"“! l “3' l)" 1"‘llalm‘ll {123: Shullllill')‘ \cz.‘_jcunce on ‘ 1.15 assailants.