Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jul 1904, p. 8

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THE - LIBERAL TUESDAY, OCT. 4, 1904 RICHMOND HILL DIVISION - GIIUIIT. ments Repaired. W. Manager, Prop. ' 350. per Foot. All Kinds of lmple= Steel Hag Troughs hn Next Sitting nf Divisinn Com-t to! N0. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Rnom, The undersigned begs to thank the public for the gen- erous patronage accorded him General Blacksmith Until further notice Mulls will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" MORNING l. 8‘00 EVENING . . 6.15 N. B.--Registered Letters must be handed in 5 least Fllteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for clusina. u uuuvouu, R T of Temperanceâ€"Moe‘s first Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Means first Monday of every momh Public berary and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Saturdav evenings Epwortb Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Friday. Chnrch a! Englandâ€"Services at 3p. m. every Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 1} a. m.. and Twp. :11. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting ednosdny eveniug‘ Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter. lute Sundays M9 10.30 a. m. Metbudist Church-Services at 10.30 9.. 111., and p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. Genera.) pmyer meeting Thurmiuy. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- dnv on» or before full moon CourtRichmond. A 0 Fâ€"Meets second and ourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"-Meets third Wednesday of each month _0qmp Elam. S 0 fiâ€"Meeta second and fourth Weduésflay PATRONS ! Leave Newmarket 7.30. 9.15. 11.15 a 4.15.6.)5, 7.30 1:. m. LenvoC P R Crossing at 6, 7.20.‘ 9.40. 11.30 a. Leave Richmofid i-hll '7. 8.11). 9.56 2.40. 355. 4.55. 5.55. 8.10 p. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anvnno sendlng n sketch and descri Hon may quickly :Isoernml our npimon free w umher an Invention I-I prnhnMy pumntuble. Communion. Mn 9 Mrictly confidemml. Handbook on Patent: nun free. Oldest agency for N‘vurim: patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. reCeive tptgial notice, Without. cburao in (he A handsomely illustrated weekly oulmlon of any sclemmr. journal. your: four month. $1. Sold by all 1 1.30, 2.40. 3.45 Leave Rlchmond £11118 m‘m‘gifihfiééfiéfilflawlqu METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Horse-shoeing a specialty. All kinds of Blacksmithmg done. GEG. COWIE, Subscribe for Skiesétiiic Hmerican. IUIII‘ W 00- IIUII Iv- Brancn Oflice. G25 1" t.. Washinztmz. t‘. C. POST OFFICE NOTICE RICHMOND HILL And hopes for a. continuance of the same. Cnmnmncinq “10 a. m. Between Toronto and Newmmrkec OFFICE CLOBES AT 7.3C P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Village Directory. RICHMOND HILL. '1‘0 HIS Made to order at T. F. MCMAEON nLERK GOING NORTH GOLNG SOUTH a, 5215' 5.145. 8.00 p. m. I Hill 3.20, 10.30 a. 111.; 12.20, 2.20. 4.35. 5.30. 3.35 p. m. Churchâ€"Services on alter- a. m. and 10.30 a. m. :h-â€"Servicos at 10.30 a. m., and 511001 ab 2.30. General prayer , evening. \. A F and A M â€"Meats Mon- Lnrcest clr. Terms. S3 a lcwl-donlers. 11.55 a. mu 3.15 'TflE Llfigfifléfl $1.00 IN ABVANOE. 49 t. f. A good sewen x-nmnod hnusv. with all kinds of fruit. Key alt THE LIBER- AL Office. Apply ALBERT ALBIN. For Sale or Rent. CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR 00., T. F. McMahon, famously popular made bicycling again. two latest inven- tions that have Cleve= aling and leaves the wheel to glide along itself. rough places. The coaster brake saves the work of ped- ring that worries the rider of the rigid frame in going over removes the last tlace ofjar- new joy. The cushion frame Richmond Hill. E. mew, “3353 mwm., Pleasure I SPEED 158 amp may. EAST. TORONTO accommoqntmn tonnes". BoudJl ' var day Fitted With the Ridinga new bicycle is a TORONTO. 85 Sununorhill A \‘Pu Toronto. LIMITED, MORE AGENT. Eand ? More Every Accommodation for the trav- clling public. New Spring Goods, New Styles, New Prices,- A. J. HUME’S, w. HEWISON, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RICHARDSON HOUSE DIAI’] 4E. THOROUGH LY REFITT ED. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Calls from a distance promptly attended to. w. A. Sanderson DRUGGIST WES GREEN ! For your new Suit you will find Our Palis Green we guarantee pure and Full‘ Weight. FREDERICK BACK. Prop Tailor, Richmond Hill PARES Prices right. In buying Paris Green buy the best; GREEN June 11. 1903 Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros., LIVERY mzm from $5 to 8': D" dny. 30mg have "on! our S‘v' h I day 2am" rel. young 010M l‘spnal M require-1. You :7: "and free Tho-c who r! ul .L-J m ON».qu sun a! hm; .AH- lakau. A .1 sun. I!” I In nun. but thou no «mo Sun-on .h (20,,Ponlmd. Mnlnemiu rccun free, full iul’vrmuion than: work whim Ilnv nu dn. and Ilu n hm¢.llul wlll pay I r v ....\ Ivln\ .. Uu_vllls lulllll’D-‘I. = 7/? va is the time to see that your H (92 \ /f- * and 0011315 are in shape fur spring w Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill Ri (911111011 (1 [1 ill by lb. and key. In fact everything in ‘the Tinware and Hard ware lines. 3;!" i Richmund Hill Hari‘iwam Store COAL Repairing Promptly and Nails, Nails WOOD MacHne and Separator Oil Storm King, Halo, Louden’s double-tread. Reliable, Lane’s, McKinney’s and Myer’s, Also, all kinds of Barn Hardware of the - latest make. Haying Tools, Scythes, Snaths, Forks,'Rakes. Screen Doors and Windows all sizes and prices. Sells Barn-door Hangers of the following makes: CREAM SEPARATORS, avetroughing, Iron-roofing, Oil Stoves, l‘inware, Graniteware. Neatly Done. No sound-headed man asks try-day “ Is it, cheap to buy the best humwss?" He knuws, either lit'CilllSP he's had our harness and learned its Width, 01- because he's had some cheap stuff and learnvd its wm-thless- ness. You can‘t, do better anywhere than here when buying harness. Nuw is the time to see that yoTn‘ Harness and Collars are in shape fur spring Work. HARNESS SEASON At Wholesale Prices? TPM'hN' Wanted fur S. 8. Nu. 3,‘ Mulklmm: stale) salary, expe-rit-nlfr" and qualificntiun'szi applications n»; coived In July 22,;1 d'n‘tirs tn uumuu-ng-v Aug. 15, lUUL- Afll-lluss Chas. '1'; Brodie, Hc-udfurd I” U. ' ‘Vrh V 5 0t; Is‘uy Building _Material Teacher Wanted . J. WRlGHT, We take m'dvrs fut-shingles. lath, doors, sash. Ininhm' of every (iescriptinu. Call or send ynm' plans and get prich fur any kind hf building. RICHMOND HILL. :lpblicutibus ni- n‘tIo-s tn unmuu-mrv 504. f';

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