Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jul 1904, p. 5

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,c___.T, (Trio: “girth chrrrrorvo HILL, July 28, 1904 A fire practice is called for next Monday evening by the Fire Brigade. Miss \Vinnifred Ncwhery of Toron- to. spent. a few days with the Misses Brown. A new ice-cream parlor was opened Saturday cVening by Mr. I“. J. Pethick. Mr. “'ilbert Hall and Mr. Hubert Hedges spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mapes. Miss Graham of Brampton was the guest of Miss Laura Duncan, and re- turned yesterday. Rev. \V: Bootfif 57.133310 was in the village Monday and called on a number of old friends. Ncwnrarket ICraâ€" Mrs.” l’ugsley of Richmond Hill. is Spending a Week with Mrs. R. J. Davis-on. Miss Hattie Linfoot has gone to “'arrlsvillei'or a three months’ visit “'lill relatives and fr icnds. The cry is cheap, cheap, cheap. But no say good. Goodness is the rrrain poiirt with us. Atkinson a; Hwitzcr. Farmers iir Elli: section are paying $2.1 day for harvest hands. arid the supply is not equal to the demand. Mr. and Mrs. li‘. \\'. (iraiugcr and two children purpose going to Dunn- ville Saturday to spend a week with Ie'ativcs. 'l‘thoaI-d of Education will rrrect next Monday to consider applications for the position of first assistant for the High School. Mrs. Robert. Chapman aird three ~("hildren of Langstai‘f spent Monday with her uncle. Mr. David Boyle at "The Hermitage." Mr. D. S. Reaman of Car-rville. atâ€" tended the. funeral of a sister. Mrs. (Dr.)llewitt, in Hanover, County of Grey, on Friday last. Mrs. P. G. Savage started Friday for a week’s visit at her fornrer honre in Cleveland. Mr. Savage will join her and accompany her back. Miss Margaret Mapes of Toronto, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Addie Ma es is spending a. couple of weeks wit the former-’s mother, Mrs. Mapes. Mr. O. J. Brown, Toronto, spent yesterday afternoon in 'the village. His son. Frank, has been spending a week with his aunts, the Misses Brown. Miss Bell who had been spending part of her holidays at her-homo in Alliston. passed through here Satur- day on her way to Montreal where she will spend a few weeks. It is understood that Britain has demanded complete reparation and an apology for the sinking of the nrereh» ant steamer- Knight Commander by the Russian Vladivostok squadron. School teachers are not nearly so plentiful as they Were Some years ago. The Headford hoard of trustees ad- vertised in two papers for a teacher and only received one application. l A deputation consisting of Reeve Savage, lounty Councillor Pugsley. Councillor Innes, Mr. Switzer and Mr. J. H. Sanderson waited on the James Bay Railway on Thursday relative to the particular point at which the station is to be. built here. Mr. T. H. Redditt, Principal of the Barrie Collegiate Institute, who is one of the examiners at the Departmental examinations in Toronto, and Mrs. Itedditt came up and spent. over Sun- day with the Misses Redditt. The Ice Cream Social of the Ep- worth League announced for Satur- day. July 30, has been postponed to Friday evening. August 5. The social will he held on the lawn of Mrs. Amos \Vriglrt from 7 to 10. Come and spend a. couple. of hours social enjoyment. The blood stallion, Monotony. irr- jured by the fire on “'ednesdav of last week, in the stable of his owner. Mr. Geo. Robinson, died a. few days afterwards. It. transpired after the fire also, that a. number of pigs were burned. Mr. Pethick and his former col- league in evangelical work. Mr. Bunt- ing of Toronto. took part in the ser- vices at the Methodist church at 'I‘lrornhilllast, Sunday. Mr. Bunting also attended Epworth League here Monday evening and sang a duct with Mr. Pethick. The Board of Education talk of of- fering a scholarship to include free tuition fora year at our High School to the candidate who takes highest marks at. the next entrance examina- tion for the High School. is a good one. and we. hope. the. boa rd will see its way to act. on the sugges- tion. ‘rounty Councillor W. H. Pugsley and Reeve P. G. Savage attended a barn raising and lawn party on the farm oer. John Marshall, Pine Grove. on \Vednesday. of last. week. More. than 500 people were present. hr the evening a. social dance was held. the music being supplied by Collins' orchestra. at.“ ‘ ollicc. Mr. \Vyc Trench, B. A., is taking a. summer- course at the Central Business College, Toronto. Special value. here in nrens plain and lrrb oxeralis, smocks, shirts. socks and braces. Atkinson t\' Switzer. It will pay any person requiring a new bicycle to call and inspect. up-to- date tilt-wiarrrh at ’l‘nr; LIBERAL Cut in prices. Try us fora suit to your measure at oirr special price offer. He guarantee satistaction. Atkinson k Swrtzer. The entertainment to be given by thc-lo'th lllghlander’s lland in Bond1 Lake Park list, Saturday afternoon and evening was postponed for .1 week owing to the raiir. Mrs. \\'. J. Henry after spending two weeks with her sisler, Mrs. Hill, returned to her home in Peter- lroro Monday. She was accompanied back by Miss Eva and Masters Lloyd and Carl Hill who will remain two or three weeks with relati\ cs. Our stock is well assorted iir Valan- cicnnc laces and insertions. (iuipure laces and insertions, fancy einlu'oider- cries and insertions. Atkinson 6L Switzcr. Tina human. and the \Vcckly Globe with its four page illustratth edition and many other attractive features will be sent from this date to thc,end oi the year for Fifty cents. Don't delay when an offer like the above is presented. Fruitjar-s ing gal., quart and pint sizes, prices right. The best plll‘r- spices at figures usually charged for compounds. XXX white wine vitre- gar. eagle malt vinegar, xxx white grape Vinegar and xxx fruit vinegar the best in the trade. Atkinson 8; Switzer. Mr. Tcefy received a telegram from his son Baldwin announcing the death of Mr. James Welsh at his home itr Stockton, California, on the 26th inst. Deceased was an extensive miller in Stockton, and was president of the San Joaquin Valley Bank. He for- merly resided at Tlrorulrill and was a son of the late J. \Velsh of this village. Mr. F. McConaghy shook hands with many friends here Saturday evening previous to his taking the car- for Toronto on his way to Ireland. Acr‘olnpanied lry his-son, Mr. J. S. McConaghy, a clerk in the Post-Office Department. he left? Toronto on Mon- day to spend a few days with his youngest son Hugh in Boston, from which place the father and son will take the steamer across the ocean. Mr. McCormghy goes to the Giant‘s Causeway to see his aged father whom he left 42 years ago and whom he has not seen since. We wish them a pleasant trip and safe return. To MUNRO PARK. TWH special cars, containing teach- ers, oflicers, scholars and a, few outside friends of the Methodist Sabbath school left sharp atS o’clock yesterday morning on their annual excursion to Munro Park. After a pleasant drive over the Metropolitan and Toronto electric railways they arI'chd at the Park in good tirne.and spent an cnjoy~ able (lay. The party arrived home about ten in the evening pretty well tired out. but well pleased with their day‘s outing. Mll. MOYES OFFERS HELP. Just as the bell was ringing \Vedâ€" nesday morning of last Week giving the alarm for the Robinson fire Mr.’ Moyes, manager of the Metropolitan Hallway, who was in the mail car, very kindly offered to draw the, fire engine and other apparatus to a point opposite the fire on Yongc Street. As horses were at hand it was not necessary to accept Mr. Moyes‘ kind- ness last week. He told the officers of the Brigade that they must never fail tonrake use of the cars if they ewr could be utilized along Yonge street. It may be necessary on some future occasion to accept. the offer, as the fire engine is altogether too heavy to draw by hand. HORSE DENTISTRY. Some six weeks ago here a young stallion. Lucky Strike, belonging to Mr. .lohrr Rogers of ’I‘lrornhill, was severely kicked in the lower jaw by a mare belonging to Mr. Kennedy of Markham. One. large permanent side tooth was broken right out of the. jaw, and picked tip off the. ground. Dr. Tetft happened to come along and im- mediately proceeded to replace the tooth in the horse’s jaw. The tooth has grown ii) and is now perfectly se- cure, to the great pleasure and satis- faction of Mr. Rogers. The young stallion is a. great favorite among horsemen here and is valued by the owner at $1,000. The loss of the tooth Would have been a serious loss to hinr.â€"Markham Economist. BARN RAISING. A large number of people were pres- cut. at the raising of the barn on the farm of Mr. James Murphy on Thurs- day last. The barn was laid on a con- crete foundation. the work of which 5 was done by \V. (lapcll of this town. The idea. i The frame work of the buildin “HIS framed by \Vm. McKenzie of “ illow- dale. Messrs. S. McNair and A. “’il- liarns Were chosen as Captains for the { raising and a vet y exciting race took place. Each of the captains claimed a. win but on account of the closeness of the finish the. referee could not decide and hence. had to call it a. tie. A sumptuous supper was served on the lawn in front of Mr. Murphy's house. to which over one hundred persons did ample justice. During the after- noon rr. number of photographs were taken by Mr. Josh Homer, lr.‘ GOOD READING. There are people in this country who are great readers, but who are not overly fond of heavy reading. y They want their information iir small pellets, Well sugar-coated. They seldom evince airy hot haste in their gathering of knowledge, being con- lent to do this part of their life's I work slowly and Well. For such per-- sons. there are parts of the August. (‘anadian Magazine which will please them and parts which will fail to at- i tract them. They will not object to the five short stories, charming bits of fiction as they are. They will not he averse to examining the two we 1 illustrated articles on “Japan l'n Time of \Var" and "Japan's Leaders." rThry will turn readily to “ ldle Moments" and Oddities and (lurios- ilics.” Yet when they come to exam- iirc the other articles they will proba- bly passtlrenr by. They do not de- sire to know whether the first. North American settlcna-nt was in Massa- chusetts, Nova Scotia or Quebec. or \Vhl thei DcMonts or (‘hamplain really discovered Canada. They will probaâ€" bly declare “The Settlement of Nova Scotia" by Dr. Ilanny. and “An- nipolis Royal" by Judge Savary to? he "historical rubbish," historical scholar, Dr. Rueben (i. 'l‘hwaites of Madison. \\'isconsin: and perhaps through Mr. Bradley’s splen- did description of the Battle of Ticon- dcroga and the famous charges of the Black \\'atch. They may read some of the breezy poems. Yet, on the whole. they will probably say “A Magnificent Number.” CLUBBING RATE. The two papers, TIIE LIBERAL and The Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star, will he sent to airy address from this date to the first of January for 60 cents. Send orders to this office. BOND LAKE PARK. The pleasure seekers of Tor-onto and surrounding towns havo long been handicapped by the lack of air amuse- ment resort in the northern district. Mr. Kyle the Well known Director of Amusements realizing this has secured Bond Lake Park and by his knowledge of the wants of the amusement loving public. has converted this naturally beautiful spot into a veritable garden of Eden. A series of entertainments will be given the first of which will take plaCe on Saturday afternoon and evening. July 30. when the celebrated Baird of the 48th Highlanders will render concerts both in the afternoon and chning. The l'liglrlanders will be assisted by a vaudeville company who will give four big acts afternoon and evening. For those who desire to picnic, everything has been arranged. Ice water and hot. water will he sup- plied free. Excellent boating accom- modation. good fishing. a smart pavil- ion for dancing and a smooth grassy athletic ground; in fact nothing has been neglected that will add to the comfort and pleasure of the patrons of this King of all Summer resorts. Tire Metropolitan Railway is providing a half hour service from all points with a. special cut rate excursion ticket. iSee posters and programs for particu- ar-s. HI “'5' ll 3. BELLâ€"In Norfolk. Virginia, on Tuesday, ti 0 5th ofJuly. a son to Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bell. DEATHS PAT‘I‘nRsoxâ€"At his late residence, Patterson. Vaughan township, on burrduv, the it h July, 1904. Peter Patterson. in his Both your. Funer u.i servrce at who“: address, at 3 I-‘ClOcll. or: Tuesday, the ‘21:“: July. Interment. at Westâ€" field, n Y t Falling hair means weak hair. ‘r_' r Then strengthen your hair; '3; ;_ feed itwith the only hair food, Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It checks f falling hair, makes the hair . Hair Vigor 1: grow, completely cures dan- drufl’. And it always restores g ; color to gray hair, all the rich, - dark color of early life. out badly and I w I Then I tried Ayer'u ed the falling And ; “ J Int: wu hula ' slml I would Ion n u Halt Vigor. R qdckly atop Farm for Sale. Part lots 54 nudw'SS. 1st con.. Mark- ' ham. on Yonge st., consisting of 198 acres, moreor less, 160 acres cleared. good grain and stock farm, well watered and fenced. I Apply to v AMOS J. \VRIGHT. l l -6 Richmond Hill. 'PENNYROYAL WAFERS. A lpedflc mommy medicine for indie. to restore and re‘olnlo the mum F producan fro-e, healthy our! painless dhehugu. So when or palm: on :p I i ,. gig-cub flow usedbyoversomohdla. . l oouud wmnsomin. Invle men. a i My of your drum only than with our 513mm! Inm- ' [associate]. Analogume Lenka 5 . mam noun hugging [ i opinion ‘ Dunn.“ Perhaps " they may wade through the sonorous ‘i 1'. sentences written by that eminent ; , premier stock food in the market. Every Department fully assorted. \Ve aim to have everything good but aim too to have everything within your reach. The great thing is that your money goes furthest here. +++++-x~-:â€"++-:~~:<J.<+-M~+»:«t«+~:-++.r~~:«M . l Each day finds plenty of business here because of such values as these: Fine Black and Colored Worsted Suitings that made to your measure are regularly worth $19 to 9320 a suit, we will make to your measure guaranteeing everything satisfactory for $14 to $15 a suit. ~â€" Men’s fine Cambr‘ic Dress Shirts 500., we. and $1.00 each. Carolina Rice 10c. 1b., best Japan Rice Sc. 1b., best. I’atria rice 8c. 1b., genuine White China cups and saucers 800. per dozen. Years ago when we began to fix a policy it; was :â€"Reliable goods, :1 perfect understanding with each customer, and lowest notch prices. We‘ve hammered away at these three rhinos and we're not through yet. We'll keep pounzil- ing out the one idea. We know what we sell, glitand the quality we know the styles are ri dependable. AllilllSflil it. SWITZER. 1;: , e amt; il l!“ _ not, Parties requiring cement, English or Lanadian, Port- land or Hydraulic, for all kinds of work, walls floors, silos, write or call and get our prices before purchasing elseâ€" where. We guarantee It to be first class in every particu- lar. M603 EVER it. Sflil |_ Richmond Hill " Used and recommended by leading Veternaries and Stockmen, always gives satisfaction because it makes all kinds of stock thrive. Yorkshire Cough 8c Heave Cure Guaranteed to cure Distemper. Epizootic, Coughs, Colds and broken wind in horses. The Province is full of Distemper among horses and many valuable anim- als are being ruined by being neglected, which often causes broken wind. YORKSHlRE UUUGH and HIVE CURE immediately stops the disease and cures the cough. fiy‘vF“ e 0 amoej‘rcmm » mjcmmn reocmfijmmc Scarboro Tp. Don P. 0. February 12th, 1904. Gentlerrren,â€"â€"\Ve have used York- Gentlemen.â€"I can strongly recom- { shire Stock Fund for years and know mend Yorkshire Stock Food for horses from experience that. it. is far superior and cattle out of condition. I have to any other stock food in the. market recommended it in my practice for-I it is a grand. food for stock ofany kind twenty years and consider it is the l especially cattle and hogs. We. feed it. regularly. Farmers in otrr locality I all endorse it. Toronto. April 4th, 1900. ’ Thos. McConnell. V. David Duncan & Sons. Sold in Richmond Hill by George McDonald, Harness-Irraker, and at Toronto by J. A. Johnston A: (30.. Agricultural Druggists. 171 King St. East, Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel.

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