Tuesday's edition of the Mail and Empire contained a fair sample of the rubbish dished up to its readers day after day on the Dundo‘nald afl'air. The Mail‘s idea is to sh0w that Sir Wilfrid Laurier takes a pride in belittling Scotchmen in this country. The Mail iikes no better pastime than to stir up a race crv. though that paper should have learn- ed by experience that it sufl‘els every time by experiment. The broad- minded Scotehmen of Canada will take no stock in such paragraphs as the following :â€"“On hearing such a distinguished man as Lord Dundon- nld stigmatized as a “foreigner†by themmier of Canada. the ï¬rst im- pulse of most fair-minded men who ‘The markham Sun referred last Week to the painful fact that in Markham there is at present, “a perfect epidemic of swearing among the small boys of the town.†The ‘Sun refers to numerous exhibitions of profanity at ball games, and what is to be regretted, holds that the grown up men are largely to blame for the conduct of the boys. The Sun’s eon- lention is that many of the male adult population indulge in similar language, and that the boys are merely‘imitators. We are inclined to think The Sun is right. V If the .grown up men in Markham or any other village would set a good ex- ample themselves and check coarse or profane remarks whenever they hear. them there would not be so much-to complain about in the boys. The average man is too much in- elined to close his ears and turn his back when disagreeable work is to done. Boys may often be beneï¬tted My 3 rebuke or a kind word in season. Among the many excellent speeches delivered in the House of Commons on the Government side, bearing on the budget, that of Mr. ’Arch. Camp hell, M. P., for West York, is one of the best. Mr. Campbell referred to the general prosperity of the country, and sliowed that the trade increased under Conservative rule at the rate of $3,500,000 per year, but that the increase under the Liberal administration had been at the rate of $32,000,000 a year. Mr. Campbell touched on the former American quarantine of Canadian cattle, the system at cold storage in- troduced by the Liberal Government, the proposed revision of the tariff next session. and several other items in the Government programme. The Addresss which is issued in pamphlet form, is well worthy of careful perusal. Relative to the recent friction be tween England and Russia over the seizure of the British ships, and the promise given by Russia that it would not occur again, an exchange says: “ The Russian bear is just now waking up the old British lion. What will he do when the lion be- gins to growl in earnest ?" Such squi-bs are apt to be irritating, and should. not be indulged in. The Russian Government apparently sub- mitted gracefully t0 England’s de- mands, and it is hoped the possible trouble between the two countries has passed. N ew Adveicisements. (Wuhanâ€"World's Dispeusnry Medical Aasoc' (mannaâ€"J, (L Ayvr .52 C(L I('Hmuguâ€"'l'hu l‘uBSlll melwnre Co Mr. John Miller, Deputy Minister of Education for Ontario,'read a paper on the educational system of this Province at the Dominion Edu- cational association in Winnipeg a weék ago. He discussed the excel- lencies and defects of our system, and“ pleaded for iargerv views and higher ideals in all educational work. {971w iiibeml. RICHMOND HILL. August 4. 1904 The Mail then gives a number of I worthy enterprises in which Scotch- lnen have taken a prominent part. Of course the mean part is the en- .deavor on the part of The Mail and Empire to show that Sir Wilfrid» ’Laurier does not give the Scottish I race credit where credit is due. Good one bundled acre farm for sale, on Yonge Street, ahuub nine miles from ’I‘nruptg; Apply_to “ CANADA'S GREATEST 5-411) Strade fI-nm Kleinburg on 01‘ ahuut the 9th of July, 1904, a dark imn grey Brnnrhn horse cult. Branded on left side \V. S. Mane clipped. Stands about 14% hands high. Any person giving information re- garding his whereabouts will he suit- ably rewardea. RICHARD FARR. 5-7 Kleinhurg. Newest varieties, and specialties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits and Shrubs, Ornumvntals. and Roses. A permanent situnLinn, and territory re- St‘l‘VPd for the right man. Pay wee-k- ly, handsome outï¬t free. VVl-ite fur particulars. and send 25 cents for our pocket niic1~0seupe,jnst the thingr tn use in examining trees and plants for insects. STONE & WELLINGTON, General Banking Business Transacted. TORONTO. STANARD BANK Of Canada Recaived in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at A First-Class Nine-Rnomed Hunse with §nf an acre of land. (inml stone foundation and cellar. 7 Situated «m Yonge street, Richmond Hill. Apply to For other particulars call at the Bank HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. Honey Loanod on Farmcrs‘ Salo- home. Blank Role I’m-ms Supplied l-‘rc-e. A seennd-hzmd LighL W'agnn in good repair. read Sir Wilfrid‘s words was to resent: them. Then second was to mentally review some of those pas- sages in Canadian history in which the Scotch have played a particular- ly notable part.†FOR SALE â€"()Rrâ€"â€" Ripans Tabules cure bad “breath. Rloans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tahules cure dizziness. Nut-ice of withdrawal not m-ces- sun-y. All depnsits payable on dunmud. A good Farm fur sale on easy terms. Apply to Capital Rest Local Salesman for RICHMOND HILL and surrounding territory tu represent PROUDFOOT, DUNCAN 8; CO. Barrister, etc.,“.25 King St. \V. 5-7 Toronto. Ont. RICHMOND HILL FOR SALE WANTED. FONTHILL NURSERIES, (over 800 acres.) J. W. OSBORNE. For Sale. For Sa e. 3.1 â€" $1,000,000 â€" $1,000,000 DEPâ€"O_SITS LOST. \V. E. “'ILE Y, TO RENT Apply to H. F. HOPPER. MISS HUNTER, Lloydt-own. Ont. Richmond Hill. NURSERIES. ONTARIO AG ENT. 5JLEE CHUNG E Washing of all kinds done. Goods sent: to Eglinton on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week. Returned the following day. All work done by hand. T0 HMSEMEN! RED WATTIE, HUN): 8: CO.. of the SCIENTIFXC AmmIch‘ncon- Unun to art 1:! Sollclu-rs for l'ulellls. Czweau _ rude Marks. Cupyflnhts. fur the United Sumas, ésnudn. England. France. barman y. etc. Hllnd Book about Pzflt-nts wnt grew: fl‘mny pugs: cxperiepce: PA?E%TS _ a v- --._ -- “w- -...... n... Muke and Save lionoy for You. Ever bod ahouldjoin the Mutual Liter Hu- sio cm or merica. Tnereis nothing else i to it anywhere. It. costs almost nothing to Join and the benefits is Rival: are wonderful. Itenubies you to Purchase hookaund periodicals music and musical Instruments at specmi cut prions. It secpres re- duced rates a: many hotels. 1: answers question: free of chm-gs. It (more Scholarships and valua- ble cash prizes to DICDIDFPS. It maintains club rooms in many cities (or itsmembera. In addition. every umber receives the omcial maguzino enti- tled “ Sliv‘ry M unth" n u blicmion in a class by i:seif.1nciuding 6 pieces 0 high-class vocal and in- atrumoumi musioauli size; each month without an†charge; 73px: i The to ll yearly membership fee is One Dollnrfor which you get an above. and you mnywith- draw any time within three monllu it you want to do so and ct your dollar back. If you don'tcnre toapon 8100. send 25 cents for three lmontha membership. Nobody can anon-cl to as this oflor by. You will e: our money but: in value man timesover. ul particulars will be sent tree 0 charm. but it you are wise you will send in your request for membership win: the roper tee at once. The 26 eta. three month: mem- ‘ ersnip ofler will soon change. Write at once Bd- ‘dresslngyour letter and enclosing $1.00 for full Jenni] membership or twenty-live cents for three lmont no ‘MUTUAI LITERARY MUSIC CLUB 150 Nauau St.- N. Y. Cfll. nxcra charge- 7231a“ ln'ona year In all. YOU CAN GET ALL 0 THESE BENEFITS FOR AL- MQST NOTHING. r The Celebrated Clydesdale Stallion SUMMIT HOUSE STABLES, Oak - lRidges9 PURE GOLD, Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-to-date far- mers. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service THE SUN has ren- dered him in a public way. It was due to the action of THE SUN in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage across rail- ways, and farm ï¬res caused by railway locomotives has been amended. THE SUN‘S market reports are worth many times the sub« scription price to you. VVe will send THE WEEKLY SUN from now to lst January, 1905. in combination with THE LIBERAL. By reading Tm: WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper, you wxll get the ve_ry latest and most accurate m- formation regarding your busi- ness. Farming For Profit. and the Noted Trotting Stallion, E LAUNDRY l RICHMOND HILL. \Vill stand at The LEE CHUNG. Lorne Block. W+4fl++4-M-PWM+€~M+aW$éé++M++M+W+M+M++~§v i DRE. SPNNEV & ca. é'I'MM'F'I'H'hl'MMé“?M§$§+++++é+++%*+§%W+++MW$ METRQPQLHTAN STORE E, 1 his? 633 ï¬ï¬ï¬a$wa$Qmswasms®9®m There is seldom a day that we are not consulted in re r rd to a condition that. if we were to have seen it in its early Stages. the sulTercr woul have been relieved. cured and saved considerable expense. This we consider is due to lack of knowledge on the part oi the doctor who has previously treated the case; the! cfore. we say to you. if you are suf- feriu from any disease or condition peculiar to men. or if you have been a victim and been issapointed in not getting a permanent cure elsewhere, we. would ask that you come to our ofï¬ce for personal examination or write us for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. \Ve will cxxilain to you OUR SYSTEM QF TREATMENT. which we hm.‘ originated and develOpu after our whole life's experience in the treatment of specin‘ diseases of men. We will give you, FREE OF CHARGE. an honest and scientiï¬c o inlet of your case. If we find you are incurable we will honestly tell yon so. If we ï¬n you} case curable we will give you a written guarantee lo cure you or refund you your money $®$WQ®§©§Q§©SQSQS©GQ§ Q§$EA$E$ P. G. SAVAGE & Sm] Fresh Groceries and Provisions Kept always. Livery in Connection. Ice-Cream Parlor open daily. Pic-Nic and other gatherings supplied with lce-quam on shortest notice. A GEN TS FOR Soniedera’iianliie Wesiem Mercamiie Naiwicflflnien York mm: mm Quaraniee r dc Ikccident Co. Also Pianos and; Organs \IEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES â€"-YOU CAN'PAY WHEN CUREDâ€" We cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARECOCELE, STRICTURES, BLOOD and SKIN diseases, PROSTATIG troubles, BLADDER, KIDNEY and URINARY diseases. All business will have prompt attention. Infor- mation or Circulars will be supplied by asking lor same. Question List Sent Free for Home Treatmmt. CONSULTATION FEE You would not think him to be a very sen- sible man who would spend a thousand dollars for a magniï¬cent, pure blooded, thoroughbred horse and then ‘try to economize by feeding it on musty hay, foul water and other inferior and health destroying foods. Neither is it sensible for a man to invest his money in a splendid, up-to-date outï¬t of harvesting or other farm machinery and then try to economize by using cheap, low priced and inferior Lubricating Oils. ln Cylinder, Machine and Separator Oils. Innumerable tests, careful study, and a thorough knowledge of the composition Of lubricating materials, have enabled us to select the very best obtainable quality. We have made right prices by gallon or barrel. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. The Russill Hardware Co. T. B. LUQFERD, Prop. A '7‘??? , v (7“ ',u.> 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. We carry a complete line of ultcd in re i rd to a condition that. if we arcr woul havehcen relieved. cured and is due to lack of knowledge on the part of ;thv:lcforc. we say to you. if you are suf- omcu. orif you have been a victim and cure elsewhere, we would ask that you wrim us for a Question Blank for Home STEM OF TREATMENT. which w: have -. experience in the treatment of special CHARGE. an honest and sciemiï¬c o inion will lioncsily tall you_so._ If we ï¬n your 290 Wood- ward Ave., Detron. Mlch.