Tm: LIBERAL and the \Vpekly Globe with in four [mgr illnsh-nt-d oditinn mu] many other :Ilh‘fll'LiVP features will he- sé-nt, fun†this data m L119 end nf tho ya“? for Fifty Ct-nts. Don’t delay whvn an offer like the above is presented. Mrs. M. Butth relief. of tho late ‘Unpt. Button. dim] at; Pulimllville on Tuesday. the sec-«Ind of August. Der «tensed was in her 87th year. Thtvr- ment in Buttunville to-day at 2 p. m., from tlu1 home of her daughter, Mrs. James Elliott. A ï¬m'ty of cnnhactms were in the village a. few days ago mud \ve-nt over the plhposed line of the Jamst Buy Railway. which will puss through or nenl-this village“ T111149 of the, head surveyms also went uver the line again on Monday, The Board of Education me-t Mon- day evening and engaged as First, Assistant, for the) High School, Mr. R. T. Andrews, Paish-y. in plac9 of Mr. Jennings. resigned. Mr. Andrmvs was afterwards Cnmnmnicatvd with by telephone and accepted the posi- tinn. 'l‘lm sidenlk ht'(\\'l and Elgin Mills is much to th satin-{:10 lrinns. :Iml Ilvighhms genvl'nlIv for “nu-king so hard in sawing hvr fm-nitnw at “w l-mu-nt ï¬re at, Mr. Gen. Ihvhinson‘s Jmusm Th0 Mo‘tn'npnlitnn Railway did u hem'v'r'lny‘s wwk ml Monday. Tumm- tn‘s Civic Holiday. Many of H19 [ms- sengPI-sspn-nt tho :Iftc-I-nmm and vvvn- ing nt Bond Lake PHI'k. Mr. Thomas vaell received the painful news yestvrday that his little (laughter. Ada. ï¬v yems of age, had been hunted to death. The accident occurled over a store in Penetang- nishenenwhere the child lived with her mother. it. is zer. Gent‘s soft felt hats the latest nnhhy shapes: a} ï¬t ‘i'm- every hmd and :1 shape fox every face. Atkinson & Switzer. ' Rememl-m- tho Im- (‘rn-am Sm'ml to he- given on Mr. Anms \Vrighlfe lawn to- mm-I-nw (Friday) m‘u-ning from 7 to 10 u‘clm‘k. under the auspices of flu- I‘Ipwm'th League. ‘ A large number of our (-itizens nt- tonded a. bmn raising on the farm nf Mr. Harvev Appleton, (En-rvillo. on Munday. The nmson wnrk was dum- by Mr. Juhn Clafl’ey. and the flu-une- work by Mr. Frank Unsgrnvv. Quarterly I'oliginus services will he held in the church at Victnriu Square next Sunday vnmmenuing at. 10.30. No service will he hold in the Method- ist church here in me morning. but the usual sot-vino will mke pluce in the m‘ening. Tho Quarterly B(I:ll'(l for the circuit. will meet. tlw following Monday t-vening in the body 0‘ the church hex-e. 'I‘hP Int? Gt-rv. Chm-Hun. (If Yurk 'l‘ttwnship. whn dim] timc ago. left an estate of $1: The Globe at: Tuesday stutnd among its personal items that Dr. Logan of Mane. has cmnpleteiy recovered from the attack of typhnid fever. duxing which he was :u patient at the Tm-(mto General Hospital. “"0 hu\'_(- Cummnn Sonsu shit-N for 100 cmnnmn cents. ' Atkinsnn & Swit- 7.0312 Mrs. N. Slim-v dosirm to thank. tin-pug}: Vbhis mmlium. itlw ï¬re hriquv I’m-ties in thv Villngv fur ï¬lling up lmv plnv plivd by applying at Ofï¬ce. The next, entertaimnont in Bnnd Lake Park will he held Saturday of this wee-k. nfternmm amd evening. The- Ruynl Grenadier Gumds Band, with tlwir snlnists, hurl) \‘ncnl und in- stmmuntnl. will furnish music. RP- turn fare from Richmond Hill, 25 cunts. includng ndmissinn to park. The company advertises nino sm'vices’ from Toronto between 1 and '7 p. m. @1112 322%ch English malt \‘ilwmn'. XXX white win Vim-gar. XXX fruit Vim-gar, XXX whit-9 grape- vinegnr. and all sizesufhest fruit, jars in stock. At- kinson & Switzux‘. “"8 must, thank Mr. R. B. Teefy for a copy of the Stockton Daily Indv- pendent. giving an :lccuunt of tho- life and death of the late ex~Muyor J. )1. “79.151! of that inly. Dvceuswl was :mnthernf those Canadians who was vminvntly snccvsflul in the United Stun-s. and left. lwhind him an hnnnr- vd name. A wife and three d-Iughters survivuh‘un. His estate is estimated tn be worth from $500,000 to $650,000. \Vlmdhridgn Ann-m. on [In Saturday. by a wag Ynur hat'is Seen from afar: SPF that. is worth Seeing. Atkinson 3: Swit- RICHMUND HILL, August. 4. 1904 I.J()(j AIJN. zuv lllfltl'h. t0, the satisfaction Invrnssn tvnm (1I'fV‘Hh’ll grmuuls wt" (‘10 fuynwr. score of 13 Ln 2, 'in u 'r-n tho Villagv luring ‘rvpniyed quiringmrth .us run I'm sup- THE LIBERAL (If $12.(100 [run-r. short, pedes- Muand Mrs. J. H. Sander-Son at tended the funeral 0f Mrs. George Clarke in Barrie. on Sutulduy. and [remained in that town till Munday. Deceuwd who was formerly Miss Alice Myers, died in Jamestown, N. Y. the previous \\'eduesday. Inrlu, \u-ll watt-rm desirable property. $10,000. ‘Nnughtun Buns. have purchased lots :34 and 55. 1513.00". Markham. Yhngu street. um- mile nurth uf Elgin Mills. l-untnin'iug 198 nun-vs more or less. lhu farm of the late \\'m. “Tight. This is an excellent. grain uml stuck farm, \u-ll wan-rod, and is u must, (1 in" Me property. The price is The two pHpt-rs. Tuna LIHEIIAI, Tlu- MnnLh-ul Family Ht‘l‘illll \Ve-ekly Star. will he SPIIL to address from thisdnte tn the ï¬ January fur GU cunts. Send urd: this nï¬â€˜iuv. Miss Dean Hf Kew Beach, is the guest of Miss Ellstuu. Mr. \Vm. Stevenson spent a. few days with his friends Mr. and Mls. John Savage of “Sunny HillnFax-m." Miss Taylor of Dllllll\'iâ€l-‘,Sp(-‘IIL from SuLm-dny Lill Monday with Mr. & Mrs. l. (husby. Miss Sterling leaves today to spend a mouth' with her sister, Mrs. Mnckie, in Atlantic City. Examine the ,ï¬ne- \vursteds and twee-{ls that we will mnke to your measure and save ynu dwllan's; we guarantee ï¬t, style, trimmings and wurkmunship. The suits luuk good, they feel gnnd, and they are guml. Atkinson k Switzer. Mr. Wm. H. S. Salvage spent Mon- day with his parents in, “Sunny Hill Farm.†Mr. and ï¬lls. Kaiser, Toruntn. spent from Snmu'dny till Monday with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pethick. and. Mrs. F. J: Pethick. Dr. and Mrs. Blaker of \Vinnipeg, are visiting Mrs. Amos. \Vx-ight and other relatives. Miss Irene McLean of u guest“of Miss Laura "Lew-Hands.†Miss Margaret Kyle of Tm-outn, is making a visit. with her aunt, Mls. Gr. \Viley. Miss Bessie Ruhinsnn of Buffalo, is spending n few weeks with her friend Miss Anqu Kerswill. Mr. Will Campbell 0f Tnledn, is making a. visit. with his parents at. the Parsmmge. Mrs. H. Bell of Scarlmm, spent :0. week with her grandumthvr, Mrs. Sterling, and returned yestelduy. Mrs. W. A. Sanderson went, to New- murket yesterday to spend a few days with her sister. Mrs. “’ilson. Mrs. M. Thcmpson and her daugh- ter Flossie, uf 'l‘uruntn, Vspent, Manda with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Smith. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. James Drury. Tun-0n- to, speutuVel- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barker. Master Percy Hill left Thursday, to spend part of his holidays with relu- Lives Ell Everett. Rem-e San-age stalked Thursday on :lLl-ip to CleVelund, Ulmthauu, Blon- heim and other places. Mrs. F. L. Muntmse of Camden. New Jersey, is here Lu spend a, cuuple of months will) her mother. Mn. Mum-is. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings left Friday for the city 0f Uhutham where the farmer has secured 1L pusitiun in the Cullegjabe Institute. LINEâ€"At Mamemn the 25th otJulv.u sun to .ur. and Mrs. w. R. LiLe. Mrs. J. T. Suigeon of Maple, spent M'Rlildily and 'luesduy with Mrs. D. Hill. Miss Kyle and Miss Gertrude Kylv, spent yestelday nfternuuu and eve-u- iug with M l'. and Mrs. G. \Vih-y. Mrs. R. See and Miss L. Harrison of Toronto, and Mrs. Gesell of New York, spent Monday wich Mrs. Wm. qul‘isun. Miss Jennie (Junk (If Hal‘nilton. and Miss Lulu HowuL Thamesville. made it visit from Saturday t-ill Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Sims. Mr. G. R. Klinck,uf Viclm-iuSqume, A student at the Ontario Agricultural Uullege. has returm-(I In Guelph after spending n wetk with his father. Mr. '1‘. \\'. Klinck. Mrs. M. Mnrtsun. Miss Olive Mort- son and Mrs. J. P. Glass went. on the Pliuce Edward Old Boys Excursion. Prince Edwmd Cuunty, and return- ed Tuesday. Our stock is fully assorted in all (lepeu‘tments with best, quality of gnmls. Them! are no hettl-r values uhtuiuuhl» than we are pu-palvd to give. Atkinson & Switzer. H A MILTON VISITORS (‘ILUBBING RATE PERSONALS. “I R'I HS. tn the ï¬rst, «If Send ul'dvrs tn Tm‘onto, is Duncan :Lt and and any SUWER NEGHTS Royal Grenadier Guards Band HUT TEA AND COFFEE, CAKESAND SANDWICHES ï¬rst-class Meals. The Daly Specialty Company. Special car service and spe- cial excursion rates on the Metropolitan Rail-way. From Richmond Hill and return, adults 25c. ; children, 150. For Particulars and programs. Eorrect anyit'e’rid'ency' to, constipa- tion with small doses of Ayer’a Plus. Dr. McGnhey'l Kidney a Cough Powders for all Acqu Aï¬ertiom of the throat and lungs, with as Distemper. etr‘. For Iwelling and stacking of ‘he h-ga, the result of hard driving. Kidney Trouble. in: . one dnsc win when. Ind one box will can. Price, 30k. Cures Henna. Chronic Cough. and all Chronic Ange: ï¬rms n! the Throat and Lungs. Thl' only medium†In the world «hut will am the above diuom. makinzlhr unimalsoundin wind and useful tohisowucr. Pricedlé‘l August 6. 190â€"1 “ I have found thgt Ayer’s Cherry Peceonl is the best medicine I can prelcrlbe for bron- cthu. influenza, coughs. and hard coldn." M. Lonnun, M.D., Ithaca. N. Y. 25c..50c.. 91.00. J. O. AYE“ OO.‘ Lowell. Man All drumflus. WEDNESDAY, Don’t tr cheap cough medi- cines. et the best Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. What a record it has, sixty years of cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn’t use. it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Ta bules cure nausea Ripans Tabules cure natulonon Ripans Tnbules cure torpld liver. Queen’s Own Band â€"-ANI)â€" BOND LAKE THE Next Week’s Entertainment May be had In: Grounds, also Afton-mum and Evening Cherry 3ectoral Afternoon and Evening, Aug". 10th DR. MCGAHEY MEDICINE 00.. lh-Ilvlvllle. Ull- KYLE’S Br. Mocahey’s Elite Vaudeville Acts. â€"â€"ANDâ€" To PATENT floor! ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md. For Broken. Winded HORSES BURE see bills ï¬eave Guaranteed to cure Distmupvr, Epizuntic, Coughs, Colds and broken wind in horses. The Prm‘im'e is full uf Distempm- among hnrs‘r-s and many vuluublv anim- als an- being ruins-r1 by being neglects-(l, which nfn-n causes broke-n wind. I YORKSHIRE UOUGH and HIVE CURE immediately stops the disease and y cure: the cough. Yorkshire Stock Food Used and x-ecnmmended by leading Vetornuries and Stockmen, always gives satisfaction because it, makes all kinds of stuck thrive. Gentle-memâ€"I can struneg recom- mend Ym-kshiw Stock Fund for hnrsws and cattle nut. uf condition. Ihuve l'e-connuended it: in my px-uctine for twenty years and consider it is the premier stock fund in the market. Sold in Richmond Hill by George McDonald, Harness-maker, and at Tnmntu by n «U; K ,.;'..\J ATKiNSfl & swam. Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure SUCCESS ! Business is Brisk W @ï¬nncmmm 3mm mmm e >432? +owoooow++m¢w+¢o+o++¢ Every day more people are learning what sort of a store We have here and the hum of SUCCESS sounds on every side. No business grows permanently without deserving 1t and our growth is one of the strongest proofs of our wurthiness. This business did not grow by chance. The Goods and Prices have done a lot. For every proï¬table investment A Suit of cut-to-order Clothes that; we price saving you from $4 to $5 on the artists touch in the make-up and i we tell you about, axdozen await silence. ++++++++++++++++++++4~+++v2»:- Briefly stated facts and and-plainly printed ï¬gures, backed up with the goods and polite attention, best tell the story of Success. Thos. McCunnPll, V. S. Agricultural Drggg All-wool French Delane in spot stripes at 25c. per yard. Women‘s black sateen skirts at; E and $1.35. Men’s ï¬ne fancy dress shirts at; $1.25. Opaque window shades, complete with rollers 250., 35c., 45c. and 60c. each. OOO¢N§¢O¢O¢§O§§§N§O+HO§ April 4m, 1900. Pariies requiring cement, English or Canadian, Port- land or Hydraulic, for all kinds of work, walls' floors, silos, write or call and get our prices before purchasing else- where. We guarantee it to be ï¬rst class in every particu- lar. A. .Tohnston & (30.. JACBB EYER &. SUN Richmond Hili Town to, -Gemem- â€"- WE QUOTE __ -nggi~'ts. 171 King St East, Toronto. Opposite Clyde Hotel. With Us ! Soul-1mm Tp. Dun P. 0. February 12th. 1904. GPntlman,â€"â€"\Ve have used York- shire- Slack led fur yvnl-s and kumv from experience that it is far superim- to any “the-r stuck food in the markc-t, it is a grand fund fm' stock ufmny kind especially cattle and hogs. \Ve fwd it regularly. Farmers in our locality all endorse it. in spots, flowers and we offer to make at he suit will Show the 1 is sure to please. 800., $1, $1.25 750., $1, and David Duncan 6; Sons. spring you 1n