Leone PVR ngssinf; atzï¬ Until further not Biobmnud Hill P05 MORNL‘IG EVENING N. B.--Beuintured 0 least Fxltecn Mil mentioned hours L METROPOLITAN TIME .T_ABI.E Laue Richmoï¬d 11111 3.20, 3.30. 4,35. 5.30. Leave Newmarket7.30,9.15. 11.15 a. m.; 2. E 7.30 p. m. Leave Richmond HI“ 7. 8.10. 9.55, “.55 u. 2.40. 3.55. 4.55. 0.55.81!) p. m. POST OFFICE NOTICE Puasbytorinn UhUrCnâ€"‘Dulvluua m .. ... ...., 7 p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. I’myer meet; Wednesday evening. Roman Cathulic Churchâ€"Services on ï¬lter- unto Sundays at!) 11.111.5116 10.30 8.. m. Methodist Church-Services at 10380 a. m.. and p. m. Sunday Schnol at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"-Meets Mon- dav on or before full moon Com-n Richmond, A O Fâ€"Meets Second and ourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U WmMeets third Wednesday of each mpntb'fl ï¬Ã© n a June: ant-and and 10111151] Church of Eng Sundtw. n Campï¬lumj 0 Bâ€"Meens Wodnon‘lnv R '1‘ of Temperanceâ€"Meets of each mouth Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst 1 month Public L‘lhragy rmrl Rem] ; “AA...†month Public Llhrary and Hemline. Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Saturng evenings Enwort-h Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Friday. The undersigned begs to thank the pubiic for the gen~ erous patronage accorded him Gem! Blacksmith PATRONS I Steel Hag Truughs 350. per Foot. All Kinds of lmple= ments Repaired. W. Mager, Prop. The Next Sitting nf'Division Cmu‘l fox No. 3, County of York. will he held in the Court Room, RICHMOND HIL L DIVISiflN - GGURT. RICHMOND HILL ._.ON_. TUESDAY, OCT. 4, 1904 Horse- THE. â€"~ LIBERAL All Ii Botweun T create and u. y. esb ytarinn Churchâ€"Sex 11). Sunday School at ‘2. GEO. COWIE, Auyuuc m... a _. _ Qulckly uscertmn our opinion free wncmer uu invemlon is probably pntentnble. Commnnlcn- Hons smctly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent. free. Oldest unency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive nmjal notice. without. charge in the .-4. - _.. ..A- AAAL And hope§ ffjl' A handsomely illustrated enlutlon of any sclenum‘. year: fggr Lnoilm. $1. 81 700.3618roadway. Brunch omce. 6'5 1“ SL. \Vnsh Anyone 589g! I}? OFFICE *“srzé‘aatisfia‘ï¬msrï¬9992 Village DirectorY- kinds of Blacksmithmg Subscribe for CF() 1119 RICHMOND HlLL. Cmnmencinq at 10 n. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK GOING NUR‘ shoeing a specialty. al‘ed Letters um Minutes earlier rs (or closing. Made to order at 301m} quTH :lundâ€"-Sarvices at 3p ws fur a continuance of the same. tine 119.113 ,3: Oflice a CLOSES .435 5.45 5.80." 5.35 v a sketch and descri Linn may our opinion free w other an xbly pntentnble. Communion- lennal. Handbook on Pntgms â€"Services at 11 n. 111.. and at 2.30. I’myer meeting ï¬rst Monday of every rated :veekly. Largest dr- ennuc jmu-nnl. Terms. $3 a $1. Sold bylllecW8(‘f:\ler:~ 3 AT 7.30 TEEFY.I ;will be closed at the as follows:â€" 7.20. 9.40. i. “1.00 P. 10.30 A. In Newmutket‘ must be ier than second and Iomtb ï¬rst. Wednesday \Vnshmgton. ‘5. _C.' ll. r B. 11.30 1.111 P M ‘ostmuster 7111.20, 2.20. 8.00 6.15 handed L: dune. the N'éw’fllqu In. every above 3.15‘ SPEED Pleasure ! new joy. The cushion frame removes the last flame of jar- ring that worries .the rider the rigid frame in going Over rough places. The coaster brake saves the work 01 ped- aling and leaves the wheel to glide along itself. flew Fitted with the two latest invenâ€" tions that have made bicycling famously popular again. 'I'. F. McMahon, CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR 00., For Sale or Rent. Riding a new bicycle is 'TLIE QIBEESJQL. ' $1.00 I! A‘JV‘WEr Richmond Hill E. Lamaâ€. , “3&3 mwma, TORONTO. 1513 Hum rm}; xns'r. Toaox'ro scoommodncmn tonnes". Bond.$l vet day MORE More land 2 LIMITED, AGENT. HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier: Grainer and Paper- Hanger. E PARIS RESIDENCE. New Spring Goods, New Styles, New Prices, â€"â€" ATâ€" A. J. H U M E’SQ RICHARDSON HOUSE Every Accommodation for the trav- clling public. PARIS GREEN I Calls from a distance promptly attended to. W. A. Sandman DRUGGIST Our Paxis Green we guarantee pure and Full weight. DIAPIJE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. . HEWESON, For your new Suit you will ï¬nd In buying Paris Green buy the best, Tailor, Richmond Hill FREDBBIBK 033K. Prop rices right. GREEN E. RICHMOND HILL ’%;'i'~‘"4%.;Ԥ3§1~§ @flinhmum! Hill Harï¬waie Stare LIVERY “med ovor a) 16:33} 7 Emu: Hex. yonn not requerI. You Ive lllfled {no 11mm ‘ mmwmudeIum I?! ‘ ' ’ km x I. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros., June 11. 1903 Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. GOLD Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill Richmond Hill by lb. and key. In fact everything in the Tinwal‘e and Hardware lines. Repairing Promptly and Add. I" uddm but than too write Snnwn h Cn..Porunnd. Sidney“! receive free, full inlarmuion than: work which lhey cm do. Ind "v! at home.th will pny them from £5 to 0% per day. Some hnvo In a day Ehhu vex. young at old, Glynn! ed {rec Thu-o who It»! at an“ “AI-hm Allin-'4‘ COAL Nails, Nails ! WOOD Sells Barn-door Storm King, Halo, Louden's double-tread, Reliable, Lane’s, McKinney’s and Myer’s, Also,a1] kinds of Barn Hardware of the latest; make. Haying Tools, Scythes, Snaths, Forks; Rakes. Screen Doors and Windows all sizes and prices. Eavetroughing, Iron-rooï¬ng, Oil Stoves, Tinware, Gramteware. . 8!, E. MASON ‘ï¬i Macl’iue and g- Separator Oil A " CREAM SEPARATDRS. Neatly Done. No sound-headed 3mm asks to-day " Is it Cheap to buy the best hall’lioss ?" He knmvs, either because he’s‘ had (Hll‘ harness and learned its worth, 01- heu'msc 119% had some cheap stuff and learnvd itga \\'m'th]Pss-- noss. You can’t du better anywhere than here when buying harness. ‘ Now is theI time to see thut and Unlhrs are in shape fur 2 HARNESS SEASON iPIANUb AN_D URGANS Hangers of the following makes: The smack tune tuning Second-h: Reuairing of all kinds of needles for The Merchants’ Fire Insurance has the anesL mansâ€"Renew with us. Crown- life and endowment- policies, Get our terms. Teacher wanted fm- S. S. N0. 35; Mnlkhitm; smu- salary, cxperienct' and qualifications; applications rev ceived In July 22.; dutirs Lu commonerf Aug. 15. 1904. Address Chm;v T, Brodie, Headford P. 0. Digest n! Canadian Mercantile Laws F. J. PETHICK, RICHMOND HILL SINGER SEWING MACHINES FIRE AND LIFE Teacher Wanted Mason & Risch. Alst and l-epnn-mg. nd om-s for sale. mu" sulo. INSURANCE your Harries» prng wm-k. Oil und