The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd (9f Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for Sale some good young stock. ThorougE-hred bul‘l' and for service (m the px-qxxxises. Remohlled,nudnawly furnishad throughout 0 no ohhe most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yuuge Street. Every modern cou- veuience Sungle rooms for commercial travellers. Auldenlsmppiug place for riding or driving psrcies.bicycliscs. or farmers going Murracuz-uiug from market. Electric cars pus thodoor Liveryincouuectiun Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Calls by day and nig‘ HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C.. Iss'uer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. NOTARY PUBLIC, PALMER HO USE RICHMOND HILL. TERMS 51200 PER DAY ‘V. C. SAVAGE - JOHN R. CAMPBELL, DB. WM. RUSERS, Dentist. Room 12, 121 Victoria, St. Toronto. Best ï¬tting teach. also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. hate resident phvsxciAn at Western Rupituls,‘l‘orouto Will he in Richmond I Hill eve-[y Z and 3rd \Vednesday during June, July and August Ofllce, next dmn- north of Stand- ard Bank. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"6.30 2L. m. to 5 p. m. DR. ARNOLD DTXJmSON, Dentist, AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. VETERINARY SURGEON THURSDAY MORNING VOL. XXVII. SUNNYSIDE FARM Want your mousï¬lche or beard Ibeauflful brown or rich black? Use [Ayeré PEEESQZZE’E Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"S to 10 a. RICHMOND HILL M. TEE 5‘ VETERINARY SURGEON Thornhill. $1 per annum, in advance 49f,- ‘UI'. BUSINESS CARDS DR. E. J. STUBBS, F . M c @1112 gtihml [8 PUBLISHED EVERY . SANDERSDN, Church and Cm-ltou Sts., Tut-unto, COMMISSIONER IN THE Eamon 6: 311T ctcriuary tended‘to. D. G. GOODERHAM. Proprietor afl‘tdiml. StolOam;12t02pm 7m8um. mum. Pnonnmron MAHON. “ht promptly ab- _Hill ever lst, hog kept and Grace Prop ‘. m. A Black Silk Necktie Bow. with pvzul brunch. Sunday evening. in Richmond Hill. Th9 ï¬nder will uhlige by leaving at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. LUESDAY, AUG. 9, 1904 LicensedAnctioneertor the Counties of York and All sales of farm stock, M2, at- tendod to on the shortest notice and rennonable rates. Mortgaaonnu bailifl sales attended to. Residenceï¬touflvflle Out Vaughan Council. Licens e Auctioneer to: the County at York, re- apeettully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales nttmded on the shortest notice and at. reasonaberates. P. O.addrees King A good brick house in the \‘illuge of Maple, the home of the late J. (1. Mc- Quarrie. There is half an acre nf land, n. pretty lawn in from and a quantity of fruit trees, a very desirable resi- deuce. The next meeting of the Council of €110 Munici- palicv of Vaugth will be held in ‘he Town Hall. Venom, on Undertaken d: Embnlmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. Licunsed Auctioneers for the County of Salea‘ttended to on shortest noticeand I sonablerateu Patronagesolieited J T Saigeon. Maple Licenseu Auctioneer {or the County of York. Goods sold on consignment General sales 01 3:00 etc promptly attended to at reasonable rat-es Residence Uninnviue G R GouIdmg, Newton Brook.azen( (or the album .kuau ABIBB Auroranfliceâ€"Removed to the old post Ofliea one door west of the entrance to the Gamma Bank Newmarket omceâ€"Jl‘hree doors south of the past orï¬ce T HERBERT LENNDX, G STV Monmn. Monev to loan on land and chute] mortgages at lowest rates A ...... -1327.â€" J AS. NEWTON Barristers, Solicitors. etc TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 mnnd St. “’estJ’Vesley Buildi (Methodist Book Room,) '1 _ H)an Mr. Cook Barristers , Solicitors. Notaï¬es, 86C. Hume Life‘ Building (formerly Free- hold Lnnn Bldg. ). 00:. Adelaide & Victoria, St.s.. Toronto. G G S Lindsey. K C A G F Lawrence W Ridout Wadsworth ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN RIIIJLS LIBERAL Ofï¬ce Barristers and Solicitors MONEY TO LOAN AT 5% Lindsey. Lawrence & W adsworth, COOK & m WRIGHT BROS -_- 1â€"" vuv run: at bedtimé. sugar-coated, mild, certain. They cure constipation. Em: ’°°" V. Mun. fl.“ TheLdosp is ongjust one p1†1geon. J K McEweu. Maple Weston Salgcon a McEwen. 'm- } Exmuturs‘ ‘BICQUARRIE Maple. N'I'O OFFICE: N0. 33 Richâ€" d St. “’estJ’Vesley Buildings, ethodist Book Room,) To- rnntn. mk will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. Apply!) l). G. BLOUGH.‘ To Rent LOST. N. B. Smllh. flee, Richmond Hill on Suburdavs. . Plentice. Aurora. “1pm $tmfl. “In Essentials, Unity,- in RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST, 11 1904 J B MACLEAN. Clerk STV Magma", Phono Main 2984 hewxbnrket f York. ‘ rea- . W'heu lust year the Dominion Ex- hibition was held in Toronto, peo le did not hesitate to say it would he if. ï¬eultto maintain the. high staude then Set. The Executive, however. have fully grasped the situation, and. ,by liheral expenditure in the right ldirection, have succeeded in making , such mrangements that. as a matter -' of fact, the Exhibition this yearnvhich E has been named the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition of Toronto. hids fair to ‘exceed all others. Not only is it al- [xeady apparent that every building y will he ï¬lled to the utmost. but ar- rangements have been made for bring- j ing out from Great Britain the famous lBlack \Vntch Band, which Willgive ‘ three concerts daily on the grounds: fut the production of u magniï¬cent spectacle. entitled “The Siege of Luck- now"; for the appenrance in front of l grand stand of the greatest array of talent ever seen out of doors. And these are only a few of the attractions, to see. which the low price of admis- sion. namely. up quarter, that; has al- . ways prevailed will continue. 1‘ TORONTO’S GREAT EXHIBITION. Every party of our nmde-to-measure suits. cont. vest and punts. shows the artists touch in the make up and regular $20.00 suits we are selling fox- $16.00. Arkmson & Switzer. Gen. Stnï¬â€™nrd. a farm hand. employ- ed by F. C. \Velton. was killed at 5 o‘clock \Vednesday afternoon at :L threshing on the farm of Levi '1‘. \Val- tnn, nem- the Village of Kettlehy. Hm was climbing into a. mnw to start pitching. pulling himself up by ubruce of the barn frame-work, and was near the topnf the barn. when the brace gave way‘ and he fell head first into the cylinder of the threshing machine, which was running at full speed. He was instantly killed, the cylinder lacerating the bend and shoulders. Deceased had been out, from Ireland a few years. On rindtinn 6f Alex. MacMurchy, cnuncil adjourned to meet at Temper- ance Hall, Kettleby, August, 27, 1904. By-law closing up n pnrtion of the highway running hetWeen the villages of Schthei-g and Lluydtnwn in the township of King and known as the Schmnherg and Llnydtowu R1 ad, and the opening up and establishing as a. public highway 2:. road in lieu of the portion closed up. Received its sever- al readings and passqd. Armiuuge â€" McMurchy â€" That the following be paid the sum nppusile their name being amount due them for the H'Pction of wire fvncvs :â€"A. B. \Volls, $7.12; Wm. McDonald. $3.60; E. Atkins, $3.36; J. T. Smith, $3.00; R. \V. Phillips, $5.52; J. H. \Vells. $4.56. F. E. Jacksbn, 19 loaasugI-avel‘ . . l 90 \Vm. Crawford, snow shovelling l 62 '1‘. Davis. gx-nvelling and grading 96 66 Alex. Davis, operatin grader .. 89 90 J. M. Davis. road we“, etc .. .. 10 75 The. Council in Committee of the i \thle on Bills, Mr. McMurchy in the I chair, when the following were order- Pd to he paid :â€" Joseph Billings,mnnth‘s salary..$33 33, J. BIL-Carroll, bridge (in con. 12. .399 35 R. Kelly. reps. to bridges, etc . . 56 85 Scott. Buvuir, cutting thistles. .. 7 20 , A. G. Nirol, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . 21 60 Edward Archibald, grin-ailing . .135 50 l“. E. Jackson, Inad work . . . . . . 39 ()0 ‘ Wm. Jewitt, “ “ . . . . . . 3 04 ' Ed. Marshall. cutting thistles. . . ll 10 .A. B. \Vells, road word . . . . . . . . . . 117 60 J. McCullum, operating grader. 11 00 S. Jamiestm, road work . . . . . . 39 57 J. '1‘. Curtis, gruvelling . . . . . . . . 213 58 T. W. King, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 70 Clayton Davis, cutting thistles.. 5 25 A. Hambleum, reps. to fountain 9 30 John T. Curtis, reps. to bridge. 32 56 S. H. Lundy, advertising by-law 8 61 A. E. Taylor, preparing by-law.. 16 25 W. J. Badger, team on grader . . 1 25 Jae. Gillies, " ‘- .. 1 25 T. \V. Lennox, lumber. etc .. .. 60 05 Geo. Norman, road work . . . . . . 16 85 Frank Lloyd. team on grader .. 6 00 Geo. \Valker. road work. .. . .. . 43 30 \Vilmer Brodie, “ . . . . . . . . ll 75 John Black, “ . . . . . . . . 13 35 T. H. Shropshire, " . . . . . . . . 9 37 W. H. Sharpe, " . . . . , . . . 12 00 Luke Gibbons, “ . . . . . . . . 39 75 Martin Dew. " .. . . , . . 14 75 Ed. Webster. gravelling . . . . . . . . 14 00 W. J. Reilly, wad work . . . . . . . . 10 50 Jas. Morning, “ .. .. ..112 85 E. Hollingshead. roadwork, etc.. 55 (J5 ' R. S. Cook, “ " 95 55 Roht. Bryan, “ “ 15 75 John Rae, “ “ 7 50k \Vm. Porter, reps. to bridge. . .. 40 87 l Fred Graham. gravelling . . . . . . 21 00 I Milton Glaliam, “ . 43 31 Mary Heacuck, snow shovelling. 1 50 Roband VVickens, road w01k.. . . 6 18 James Bell, " . 10 00 C. Stung, dynamiting gravel _pit 4 99 13131 The abovv Council met at Watson's Hnnsw, Luch Erin. on Saturday, July 30, 1904. Memhersall present; reeve in the chair. Minutes of last, meeting read and cunï¬x-nwd. King Township Council Non-Essentials. Liberty; in all things, Charity.†6 00 43 30 11 75 13 35 9 37 12 ()0 39 75 14 75 14 00 10 50 112 85 55 05 95 55 15 75 7 50 A somewhat serious accident occur- red at. the demonstration in hunm- nf Private Perry. in Turunto. Tuesday evaning. The crowd in their enthu- siasm to get near the champion, was unnnanugeahle. The temporary plat- form, with ’n hundred or more penple thereon, suddenly collapse-(Land suures were thrmvn in :L sprawling heap on the ground. Several women fainted. and there were several casualties, but. fortunately, none very serious. One man had his leg broken belmv thP knee, and three boys had sprained ankles, or lucemted limbs. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Crosby of Union- ville, on Tuesday celebrated the ï¬ftieth anniversary of their mur- riage. The. guests were. conï¬ned al- most exclusively to the family and a few initimate friends. Mr. and Mrs, Crosby were the recipients nf a num- ber of appropriate testimonials. Four years ago the Sons of England Society excluded those- engaged in the manufacture or salv of intoxicating liquors from the beneï¬ciary depart.- ment. The Supreme Lodge yesterday repealed that, clause so that those in the trade can now insurein tlw society at an increased or “hazardous†rate. Miss Bessie Brine. accompanied by her friend Miss Hopkins, both of Syra- cuse, made a short visit; with Mrs. Bert. Hopper. Mrs. H. Stump of Toronto. also made a visit: with her sister Mrs. Bert. Hopper. The Queen’s Own Band gave a musical programme in Bond Lake Park yesterday afternoon, but owing to the heavy rain the entertainment; for the evening was withdrawn. Mr. C. Savage was acting baudnmster. Mr. Isaac Crosby and Master Holmes Crosby left Fliday on a. two \veoks' trip to New York City and other places, coming home by way of Silvm' Cxevk. Mrs. Crnshy will visit friends in Toronto during the two weeks. Mrs. Hicks of Thornton 8 out last week with her daughter, 1V. 1's. T. B. Ludfm'd. Mrs. Milligzm and Mrs. Taylor also spent a few days with their sister, Mrs. Ludford. Mr. Colin J. Stalker. Svcretary of the Btu-tram Engine VVm‘ks, accom- panied by his little snn, Colin Holmes Stalker, spmt Saturday with Miss Hamilton at Elgin Mills. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Innes and three children of Port Elgin are here to sprznd the month of August, with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie 1111193 and other rela- tives. MI'S. F. J. Johnston. Miss Switzer and Misses Olive and Hazel Switzor we-nt tn Mendmvvalu Friday to spend ten days with relatives in that place. Mrs. Williams and children, Toron- to. are making a visit with Mrs. H. F. Hopper. Mr. \Villiums also spent over Sunday with the family here, Bohcaygnn Independpntâ€"Miss F. M. Brown of Richmond Hill. formerly of the school staff here, is visiting her friend, Miss Cox-a Thompson. Mr. John Grant of Miohignn,U.S.A.. accompanied by his daughter Rev. Mary Woodward. madp a, short, visit with his brother, Mr. Jesse Grunt. Mr. W. Riley and two little ters of Syracuse, N. Y., are spend a week with relatives. Mrs. A. J. Hume and Miss \Vinni- fred Hume are spending H. couple of weeks with relatives in the city. Mrs. Alex. Moodie and Mr. G. Maudie have gone to spend :1. week or ten days with relatives at St. Mary's. Miss L. Wilson of Newmarket, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. A] Sande-rson. Mrs. Charles nggntt of Toronto, spenta few days last week with her cuusin, Mrs. Bert. Hopper. Miss Radcliffe of Toronto spent over Sunday with M rs. Morris and her daughter, Mrs. Moutrose. Misses M. and M. E. McDonald Toronto, spent, a few days last week with Mrs. S. M. Brown. Miss Annie Brown, Toronto Junc- tion, is visiting this Week with her brother, Mr. S. M. Brown. Mr. F. Redditt of Barrie, is spvndinfz the Week at his mother’s home here. Mr. Charles’Pulmer of Chicago IS spending a few weeks with his father. Miss Isabel McMillan of Dundavs, spent the past, week with Miss Gert- rude Grant. PERSONALS. dz! ugh- here to For all such women Dr. Pierce’s Fa- vorite Prescription holds out the gros- I pect of perfect and permanent healt , by 3 the cure of the womanly diseases which weaken women. It establishes regular- ity, dries weakening drains, heals inflam- mation and IKceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong , and sick women well. I “ I am well now and. enjoying better health } than ever before in > Dr. Pierce's Plank -Pdlcts regular: the bowels. The dealer who 03ers I substitute for “Favorite Prescription" dou so to gain the little more proï¬tyqid on the sale of less meritorious medicinel. Hie proï¬t is your loss, therefore «94» go substitute. "It gives me pleuure to let you know of the' great beneï¬t received from Dr. Pierce'l medi. cine: and the advice which you so kindly sent." writes Mrs. Bertie Purker, of Bonham. Funnin Co.. Texas. "I took your 'anorile Prelcrip‘ tion.‘ ' Golden Medical Discovery'lnd ‘ Pleasant Pellets,’ and followed our advice regardin the 'Lotion Tablets.’ and’lm cured. I had en treated to difl'erent doctors and npent one hun- dred dol are for treatment and medicine, but received very little relief. 1 have only spent seventeen dollars and ï¬fty cents for your med i- cine and it has cured me in three or four months of ulceration and falling of uterul. I sufl'ercd severe misery in my back. also irregular period %. Had bearing-down in lower portion of body and great pain all through my body. Pnin in uterus was very severe. Had mothering Ipciil. breath was very short all the time. had pain in stomach‘ pain in my thighs. pain in breast. 3150 between my shoulders. Bowel: eonin ted. I am well now and en'oyin better henlt than ever before in my who 2 lie. An: ha py to tell you that I was cured by your ood “Rice Ind good medi- cines. the ‘Pevorite eacri tion.‘ ‘Golden Med- ical Discov _‘ 'Pleaunt elletn' Ind ‘Lotion Tablets.’ 1‘ ese medicines cured me And will cure others also." Boots and Shoes»-Â¥VP sell the well- knowu Imperial shoe. Goodyear welt- ed. Dougulas at $3. Our special water proof, leather lined calf-skin boot; for men at $3 has given the best of satisâ€" faction and is fully guaranteed bv us. Naughtnn Bros., Elgln Mills. That is the statement of a woman who‘ had never been well until she was made well by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescnption. There are a great many other women in like case. They have always been sufferers from disease. They have never known the joy of perfed health. Monday’s dailies reported the safe arrival in port of the steamship that carried Messrs. F. and J. McUunughy across the ncean. Before sailing from New York the father and son spent two days with Mr. Hugh McConughy in Boston. my Whole life.†Full stock bvst Canadian reï¬ned sugar. Paris lump, powdered, extra! grunulatvd. icing and yellow and a. big $‘s wurth given notwithstanding the recent; sharp advances in price. Atkinson Sc Swntzer. The G. N. W. Cnmpnny have made :u'mngeuwnts with the Marconi Telex graph Company to accept Wireless messagps from all G. N. W. Oflices for any of the Allan Line Steamships. The rate is $2 for the ï¬rst ten words. and 12 cents for every additional wmd. \Ve can make to your measure and gum-aan satisfaction. 3. ï¬ne hlm-k wm-stéd suit, with cutaway mmning coat. and just save you $4.00 on the transaction by us. Atkinson & Swit- zer. Toronto gave a warm welcmnp Tues-- day evening to Private S. J. Perrvy formerly of F Company, Royal Grena- diers. on his return from England where he won the King‘s prize at Bisley. The prize winner was the recipient 0f many handsome and \‘al- uuhle presents. Terms to Suit purchaser. Write us Lo-‘ day about any or all stacks. For Saleâ€"600 Aurora Com. IO cts.; 900 Iran Kin Ext“, 8 ($3.; 1000 Viznaga, cts.; 500U. 0. Oil. 8.; eta; 5000 Canadian Osage Petroleum, 6!, cts. Wantedâ€"Every person interested in' Mining and Oil Stocks Ln write us fm'woekly price list. Sent free on application. Guaranteeâ€"“’9 guarantee all stocks? sold by us to he Treasury stock and we will have it; transferred into any name (in-- sired before asking for pay- ment. DOUGLA& LACEY STOCKS Invest. Exchange Co. SPECTATOR BUILDING, HAMILTON. c. H. ROUTLIFFE, Mgr. [Single copies, 3 cts. News N ones. No, 6