BRITISH Hill REUURDS'VCURE THE MUST NON-STOP RUN FROM LONDON TO PLYMOUTH. English Railways Rivalry Time Reduction â€" Mail Train‘s Speed. v in record in railroad tram-lâ€" ling has been est-.iblishcd I‘y the (trial Western llnilmul Ill Uri-zit lfximin. On July 1 a rn:l|.t: rou- Hop daily train S"! .icv: was estab- lished between the London at Pnddington and Plymouth. The distance is 216 miles, and the “Corâ€" ni>hfnan Limited Express" is scheduâ€" led to over the journey in each direcâ€" tion in 265 minutes without. a single stop. This supplies an average. speed of 55.69 miles for the journey, This} therefore, constitutes the longest nomstop railroad run in the world. LONG lllCLll RECORD. 1% 01' since the year 1896 this rnil« road has retained such a nonâ€"stop rtr'ord, for in that year the railroad company initiated a through nonâ€" stop train from London to lixeter. 194 miles, covered in 3 hours it) minutes. During: the subsequent ,H‘DJ‘S. however, this run has been increased to 3 hours 30 minutes, Cqual to an average speed of 51.7 miles per hour. in the recently in- augurated run, however, the. time between these tw0 points has been Still further reduced by 5 minutes, increasing thereby the average speed -\ new lto 56.7 miles per hour. Hitherto lthis railroad has not been able to make the journey a nonâ€"stop one beyond Exeter, owing to the absence' of the water troug‘hs between the tracks from which to replenish the engine's water supply. Now, how- ever, a trough has been laid down at Starcross, betWeen Exeter and Plymouth. Furthermore, the coal capacity of the engine has been conâ€" siderably increased, and larger lu- bricating boxes have been sup- plied, so that the oil boxes can con- tain a sufï¬cient supply for the entire journey. NOT YET AT LIMIT. Meritorious though this run of 2416 miles in 265 minutes is, yet, if the, necessity arises, the speed can be} considerably accelerated. This fact? was demonstrated on May 9th last, with the Nerth German Lloyd liner ‘Kronprinz Wilhelm. On this occasion the train covered the distance of, 2‘16} miles from the dock at Ply- mouth to Paddington in the remarkâ€" ably short time of 3 hours 4-6 min- utes. The run, however, Was not a nonâ€"stop, as a mail van was deâ€" tatched and engines changed at Bris- tol, necessitating a halt of 3 min~| Utes-43 seconds, which stop, howâ€" ever, was included in’ the time of the. casion was 65.49 miles per hour for the whole journey, and the last 36 miles of the run to Paddington \vas .Covered at the rate of 79.17 miles per hour. On the occasion of the trial run of the “Cornishman Limitâ€" ed Express,†8. new record was made betwéen London and Bath, the 107 miles being completed in 102 minâ€" utes. The road, although not so level as that between Camden and Atlantic City, is yet comparatively easy, but after leaving Exeter the road beâ€" comes more difl‘icult. Especially so is the last 52 miles into Plymouth, the track abounding in stih‘ gradi- cuts, of 1 in 40, with numerous sharp curves, which militate considerably against fast traVelling. SOME NOTABLE RUNS. There is strenuous friendly rivalry at present existing among the vari- ous English railroad companies to establish non-stop records. The Lon- don and North-western Railroad is contemplating the establishment of 8. terminus ‘ I; EXTREME GASES ‘STONE IN THE KIDNEYS CAN- l NOT STAND BEFORE DODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS. Mr. S. A. Cassidy, Permanently Cured After Years of Ottawa, of Suffering by the Great Cana- dian Kidney Remedy. Ottawa, ()nt., Aug. lJâ€"(Special). â€"â€"\\'hile all Canada l\Il(I“'S that ,Dodd's Kidney l'ills are the standard jremedy for all Kidney (‘muplnints it may surprise some people to know they cure such extreme cases lStone in the Kidneys. Yet that what they have done right here Ottawa. Mr. S. A. Czissiily. the mun cured, us in :is the well~known proprietor of the llijou Hotel on .lelcult‘ street, and in an interview he says: “My friends all know that I have been .i .unrtj. r 10 Stone in the l§ltllli‘)< for years. They know that besides consulting ,the best doctors in the city and tryâ€" 1in}; every medicine I could think of I was unable. to get better. “Sometime ago a friend told me llodd's Kidney Pills would cure me. As a last resort I tried them and they have cured me. "I could not imagine more severe snll'ering than one endures who has Stone in the Kidneys and I feel the greatest gratitude to Dodd's Kidney Pills." If the disease is of the. kidneys or from the kidneys Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure it. prestige. Several of the through northern expresses cover the journey every day between Grantham and London, 105 miles, without a stop. Their present longest. non-stop run is between Wakeï¬eld and London, 1753 miles, in 3 hours 10 minutes, an avâ€" erave speed of 55.5 miles per hour. Owing to the institution by the Mid- land Railroad of a through express between London and Leeds. the Great Northern, which also serves the latter town, is instituting a sim- ilar service, the .1851} miles to be covered in 195 minutes an average speed of 57.07 miles per hour. POWERFUL ENGINES. The Great Northern Railroad also proposes considerable accelerations in connection with the East Coast exâ€" presses. For this purpose mammoth powerful engines have been conâ€" structed. These are designed by the railroad engineer, are of the Com- pound “Atlantic†class, and repre- sent the limit of the dimensions of a locomotive of the normal type in Great Britain. They have been speciâ€" ally designed to work the East Coast route express trains kt a speed varyâ€" ing from 55 to 60 miles. per hour, with loads of from 380 to 400 tons behind the tender. The special feature of this type of engine is the length and circunu‘erâ€"l ence of the boiler. The inside diaâ€" ‘metcr of the boiler is 5 feet 6 inches, and the length of the tubes, reprew senting the distance between the smoke-box and the ï¬reâ€"box, 16 feet 3 inches. The heating surface furnishâ€" ed by the tubes aggregates 2,800 square feet, while that of the ï¬re- bOX supplies about another 200 square feet. The working stem presâ€" sure is about 185 pounds per square inch. The two outside cyclinders measure 18 inches in diameter by 24- inch stroke, .and‘the diameter of the four driving coupled wheels is 6 feet 8 inches. The length of the engine and tender is 58yfeet over all, and through nonâ€"stop service between London and Carlisle, a distance of 299} miles. They have already made such a run with a "special," which covered the journey in 5 hours and 43 minutes, an average speed of 51 miles per hour. With their latest type of engines, however, this rail- roid company could considerably in- crease this speed if desired. On the occasion of the Postal Congress at Glasgow last year, the train contain- ing the delegates, and representing a weight of 450 tons, was hauled ovar the 4014} miles between the two cities. both on the outward and reâ€" turn journeys, without. a stop, in 6 hours and 6 hours 5 minutes respecâ€" tively. at average speeds of 66.9 miles and 66 miles per hour. MAIL TRAINS’ SPEED. Already the boat trains running from Liverpool to London in conâ€" nection with the incoming American mails. three of four times a week, cover the 192 miles in 3 hours 45 minutes, on average speed of 51 miles per hour. Other notable longâ€"dis- tance nonâ€"stop runs on this system include Wigan to Willescen. 188.} miles, in 3 hours ~11 minutes, averâ€" ‘ their combinedv weight in working order is 110 tons. _â€"_+- MALA_Y ‘ SUPERSTITION. Believe the Crocodile Is a. Spirit of the Water. Along the Malacca Straits the Ma.- lays still believe that many beasts, are sacred, and they are particularly impressed with the belief that the crocodile is a spirit of the water. Therefore, these ugly monsters are not only extraner plentiful there, but they are so daring that they make most of the waterways dan~ gerous even for persons in boats. The Englishmen who dwell in t-hat‘ part of the country declare that†hardly a week passes without the killing of a native by a crocodile. The brute swims slowly along behind the rude, flimsy canoes and dugouts used there and suddenly switches his terrible tail around in such a way as to sweep the man out of the boat into the water. Here and there along the banks of the black rivers “ill be seen strips age speed 51.1 miles per hour: Lonâ€" don to Stockport, 183 miles, in 3 hours 18 minutes, speed 55.4 miles per hour; London to Chester, 7‘.) miles. in hours 33 minutes, speed 50.4 miles per hour. The Midland Railroad also have inaugurated several noteworthy long nonâ€"stop suns. The record is that recently instituted lienxeen London and Leeds. 198 miles, in 3 hours 4:") minutes. speed 52.3 miles per hour. ' The lreat Northern Railroad, which for many years has been con- ;sidered the crack fast railroad of 1Great Britain, but. which has since 'lost its reputation in this respect, is also completing arrangements whereâ€" ,by it will be able to regain its lost -O I fruit of white cloth and baskets full of and rice, attached to trees or sum-lings close to the water. These lure ollermgs made. by the nat1ves to lsome crocodile that has his haunt ljust under the bunk. L .\'o\\' and then, however, a croco- dilo becomes so ferocious and kills Ft) .muny persons tliu! men the superâ€" stitious natives feel it necessm'y [U Lli>lluicll him. 'l‘hen they use an inâ€" genious and curious n-ethod. They make a small bamboo tuft about lthree feet square. and to this ‘uttach u long role. made of ltluru'l}â€" lplented cotton. .\t the end l> a ,huge hook, to the shank of which ’they tie a live chicken, l They set the chicken on fluid shove it out into the the raft stream. the)" ._.. Sunlight Soap will not injun; ,your blankets or harden them. lt ‘will make them soft, white and tleecy. ,The poor fowl cacltles and screams, “wing to release itself from the line; “ \\ho . The 3 ; lthis attracts the crocodile, ldarts at it and gulps it donn. inext moment the raft bobs below the ï¬llrlnce. ’l‘lu' Villagers the of follow course lthe raft as it goes (ln\\n stream. and “ art/60 70’14/ ,. i‘ after A day or two. ulu-n the (-rucoâ€" ‘ “ "lile has \veuried himself tliornughlv ,by his struggles. the“, paddle out null llinul it. in. The crocodile t‘t\lllt“~' ashore without much lltfllllllt", and is ,l.illed with ease. ‘ it is very rare. for a crocodile to Iescape once, he has swallowed the bait~ for the book goes deep into his stomach and the looFcLV-pletatl‘tl rope is So soft. that the brule's teeth have no effect on it. __.._¢._.____. Among prizes recently gimp by the Leicestershire Agricultural Society is one. of the carter who has worked longest in the same employ without returning home intoxicated while. charge of his team. 11) . â€"- Deafness Cannot Be Cured by 1065“ applications, as they cannot renCh the diseased portion of the ear. There in only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this tube is inâ€" flamed you have, a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is gin- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its norm- al condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are causâ€" ed by Catarrh, which is nothing but. an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by cat- arrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars. free. ' j“. .l. (‘III'lNlilY & CO†Toledo, H. Sold by all ,llrugg’ists, 75c. Take llall's Family Pills patiou. for constiâ€" ._’.._. A German chemist removes the nic- otine from tobacco by steeping the leaves in a solution of tannic acid. The tobacco is then treated with a decoction of mnrjoram to improve its flavor. I was Cured Goitre by MINARD' of painful S LTNIDIENT. UYARD McMULLIN. Chatham, ()nt. ~ I was Cured of Inflammation by MINARD'S LINJMENT. MR9. \V. W. JOHNSON. Walsh, Ont. I was Cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMICN’T. J. 11. BAILEY. “‘nrksdale, Ont. There are fortyâ€"eight words in the pies. For Over Sixty Years Mas. Wmstow’s Soormuo SYRUP has been and by millions of mothers (or their children while teaching 11 soothes the child, softens the gums. allays pain. cure: wind colic, regulates the Nomad: and bowels. and is the best remedy for Diarrhea»). Twenty-hm cents a bottlt. Sold b'drugglsts throughout the world. Be sure and ankle: " Mus. WiusLo W's Soornmo SYRUP." 22â€"0J "My daughter is absolutely too young to marry,†snorted old Goldâ€" rick. "Well," replied the dejected suitor, “what would you say to my taking her marriage dowry now and waiting a few years for the girl?" ï¬lms mam urea (lililliil In. coils. TOYS FROM STREETâ€"PAVING. An ingenious use has been found for the diSCaided wood blocks with which the London streets are paved. Sever- al toy manufacturers now purchase all these blocks which are not damâ€" aged in the process of being torn up, for the pLIrpOSe of making cheap toys out of them. Owing" to the fact that the raw material is purchased so cheaply the home manufacturers are in a position to undersell conâ€" siderably the foreign competitors. want: . m English language which have two. distinct pronunciations. " Bow,†“tear,†“invalid†are the best exam- » ,THE , Potatoâ€"call’oult , Let us have your consignment of P. :3. [ions 8. cc. Mom 4.... CAN BE r . inn“ . VAI- ‘u m; L9 W41 5% WW % 149 W â€"_____, ,M (Zaw [may USEAâ€" “ISLAND CITY†HOUSE AND FLOOR PAENTS Will Dry in 8 Hours. on sale at all Hardware Dealers. r‘al, Toronto, Vancouver. ry, Eggs, BUitéï¬lEï¬e? any of these articles and we will 00, get you good prices. DAWSON COMMISSION Cor. Went Mgr-kc! an lelted d Oolho'no I}... TORONTO. HAD IN EPaiis, Wash Easins, Miik Pans. &c Any ï¬rst-Clams Grocar O‘n Supply You. INSIST ON GETTING ED DY’S- Bucuhunur~ UNLOADHNG OUTFIT Works well both on stacks and in barns, unloads all kinds of hay and grain either 4...“? A _, 3 loose orin sheaves. v; .1 ux‘ez.‘ ..~. “ Send forcatalogue to 1LT. BUCHANAN & C0 ., Ingersoll,0ut. MEDICAL CONVENTION. Delegates to the Medical Associa- tion at Vancouver can return through San 1"fnncisco, Los Augeles, Salt Lake City, Denver and the “World’s Fair†St. Louis, by purchasing tick- ets sold to San Francisco, account Knights Templar meeting. Tickets on sale from August 15th to September 9th, good for until October 23rd, with stopover privileges in each direction. This is an open rate to the public, as tickâ€" cts are not sold on the certificate ‘plun, The rate from Toronto will be $70.25. Correspondingly low rates from other points. Tickets can be purchased going via Vancou- ver, returning through above cities, or vice versa. By writing H. F. Carter, Traveling Passenger Agent, Union Paciï¬c Rail- road, 14 James Building, Toronto, Ont., he will give you full informa- tion. Beware of the man who freely gives advice. He probably wants to get rid of it. Mlnard's Llnimeni Cures Colds. etc. M Bronchitis is the most fatal dis- ease in England, next consumption, and then heart disease, pneumonia, and searlatina. Level-'3 Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectâ€" ant Soap Powder is better than other powders. as it is both soap and disinfectant. f Paper gloves and stockings are now made. When finished ‘they closely -resemble wool in appearance. ,.â€" Mind's Liniment Cums Emil heria. MATlUMO NIAl; DRINKS. , They are trying very hard in the ilfnited States to make people, get ,‘murried by depurtnn-n: nl edict, ‘illul14ll with what success as yet one ldoes not know. One instance of this llnuduble design is reported from Ilesi 1n the chief post- in- '.\loines, in lOWiI. lollice a notice has been set up lfilrllllllg :vll whom it may lthut "in future married land more Ilill'ilt'lll‘ll’lj.’ ill.» with lchildrvn, will receive lll‘flllli‘litlll Soonâ€"V ier than those who are Unmarried." iTlie postmaster .l .w thi- "l‘cl'z'vs llinl lnouncement is nude on instructions‘ 1from thw lil'll‘_‘.'_l T‘osi (Mike at i\\'.ishincton .znl i.) .rz'cordnn with till) wishvs of l’i'midx-nt Roosevelt. ‘ ()n s we .‘f the "Hills of 9?. "mm - ‘. hum) i‘.»iui:"i~i 21. b‘ - ,. ll.",'l.‘l}' 131mm. . .i bi: xvii-St'ope. .\s a mat- ‘ti ‘ of lil'“, lew'opes were rot in- ‘,i'-"‘--Il till our two year; ufier C01- ,umbus was born. lst) Eli FOLUl'il ’ CUIH'Cl‘ll ' "2:;plo_\‘r-s, 1 tillâ€" , argaret’s lCollege, Toronto. Re-open Sept. I2th. A highâ€"class residential and day school for girls. Modern equipment. Specialists of European training and of the highest. academic and profes- sionul standing in evcrv department iof Work. Foe booklet apply to MRS. lGICOliGE DICKSON, Lady Princi- pal: GEORGE 'DICKSON, M.A., Di- rector (late Principal Upper Canada College). ominion Line Steamships MONTREAL T0 LIVERPOOL. ‘m’Modei-ate Rate Serviceum Second cabin pagscngers batched in Lest accommoâ€" (llticn on the simmer at the lrw rite of $40 to Liverpool. or 8-12.50 to Lonlon. 'l‘hii'd cla to Ltvv rponl, London, Glasgow or Quecnst \vn'SlS. . For all particulars apply to local agents. or DOMINION LINE OFFICES, 41 King St. 15.. T.l‘OlliO, 17 5t. Suuazneun 3%., Montreal OR SALE â€" BRITISH' COLUMBIA l farms. I’cmberton & Son. Real Es- tate, Financml and Insurance Agents. have for sale in this fruitful and beau- ,tiful country, some carefully selected lfiLlIlIS at reasonable prices. Send ad- dress and receive particulars, Pemberâ€" ton x: Son, is I-‘ort street, Victoria, ill. 0., agents for Sun Fire Ofï¬ce, North British d; Mercantile Insurance Co.. Sun Life Assurance Co., The Anglican IS§nod of B. C. Dyelng l cleanlng! For the vary but undyou work to LII “ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINIl 00.†Inn! to: an“ In your son. or and (he... Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa, Quon Mrs. Stayathomoâ€"“I told my cook the other evening to get things mix- ed for the cake lwas going to make.†Mrs. Gadaboutskyâ€"“Did she do it?" Mrs. Stuyathomoâ€"“Yes; she had some. things mixed all right.†Mrs. Gadaboutskyâ€""What ware they?" Mrs. Stayathomeâ€""My instructions.†, I I I (Hillard: Lllllllltlll Elias llltlfllilillll. Automatic machines, to be called "EVerybody'S Doctor.†are to be placed in the boulevards and princi- pal thoroughfares of Brussels, By putting a penny in the. Slot one Will be. able to obtain a. remedy and also the prescription for such ailments as sick headache, cold, lumbago, and , toothache. l i A Summer Cough is the hardest. kind to get rid of and the most dangerous kind to neglect. will cure you quickly and surelyâ€"stop t'n: fever, strengthen the lungs and make you well again. At all druzgiits, 25c, 50c and 81.00 a. bottle. wt m