Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Aug 1904, p. 4

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The proceedings in the House of Commons a few days ago were pleasantly varied by the presentw tion of a resolution expressive of the esteem in which Lord and Lady Minto are held, and expressing re- gret at the necessity of their early departure from Canada. The ad. dress was moved by Sir Wilfred Lam'ier in one oi his hummineg “Keep both hands on the Union “ Jack,?’ are said to have been Lord Dundonald’s closing words at Mont- real. They might have been omit- ted. They were unnecessary, and they savor of what is cheap and theatrical. The Union Jack is not involved in the present controversy. The chief danger to the Union Jack in this country is from political denia- gogues who use the flag either to screen their own rascalities or to stir up the prejudices of the unthinking. .â€"Woodstock Express. Canada can get good advertising abroad by publishing to the world the facts that her trade has grown from $239,000,000 in 1896, to $470,- 000,000 in 1903, and the deposits in the banks from $183,000,000 to $23,000,000. No other country in the world can show the same rate of growth in the same period. “ In the four and a half years dur- ing which that quarantine was in force we only sent to the United States 3,762 head of cattle at a valu- ation of $52,000, in round numbers. What did this government d0 ? The Hon. Sydney A. Fisher, the practical busineSslike intelligent farmer who was placed at the head of the De- partment of Agriculture, 3. man who knew what this country demanded, a man who understood what the farmers wanted, a man who realized the responsibility of his position, imâ€" mediately set himself to work to effect a remedy. With the Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture in the Province of Ontario, he went to,Washingt0n and there, like busi- ness men, they brought this matter to the attention of the American government, the state of affairs was i explained and by bringing their business ability to bear upon the authorities at Washington, they se- cured the iemnval of this quarantine that had proved so disastrous to the interests of the farmers of Canada. What was the result in the next four and a half years ? In the next four and a. half years after the quarantine was removed instead of sending 3,762 head of cattle to the United States, we sent no less than 349,393 at a valuation not of $52,000, but at a valuation, getting it back in good Canadian money, of no less than $5,329,000. Will any man say that that was not one act which contrib- uted largely to the welfare of the great agricultural classes of this country? Ever since, the export- ation to the United States of our cat- tle has been going on. We have a great many cattle that we cannot send across the ocean. It does not pay to send them 3,000 miles to market. We find that in the great cities in the United States, such as New York and Boston, where there are millions and millions of people,a market for these cattle, and the re- sult is that the farmers of this country Sent in, four and a half years after these quarantine restrictions were re- moved, no less than 349,000 head of cattle at a valuation of $5.3 29,000.” In a. recent speech on the budget delivered in the House of Commons, Mr. Arch. Campbell, M. P. for West York, showed conclusively that the present Government had done much to benefit the farmers in this country. The following paragraph taken from Ilansard, relates to the quarantine of Canadian cattle, before and after the Laurier Government came into power : .Changoâ€" World's Dispensary Madical Aasoc': Changeâ€"J. 0. Ayer a Co. .Changoâ€"The Busull Hardware Co {like fiiheral. RICHMOND HILL. August 11, 1904 New Advertisements. CATTLE QUARANTINE. For other particulars call at the Bank. General Banking Business Transacted. Received in Suvings‘ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed nt, HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. Money Lonned on Farmers” Sale holes. Blank Note Forms Supplied Frce. Strade from Kleinburg rm or about the 9th of July, 1904, a dark imn grey Bronchu horse mlt. Branded on let side \V. S. Mane clipped. Stands about; 14% hands high. Any person giving information re- garding his whereabouts will he suit- ably rewarded. RICHARD FARR. Good one hundred acre farm for sale, on Yonge Street, about nine miles from ’1‘01't_)_1_1t0_. Agplyjo STANDARD BANK Of Canada RICHMOND HILL A First-Class Nine-Rnomed House with g of an acre- uf land. Guod stone foundation and cellar. Situated on Yonge street, Richmund Hill. Apply to A secondhand Light; VVugnn in good repair. FOR SALE â€"() Râ€" TO RENT an set, dark spotted dug, city tag 1577. $5.00 reward. The export trade for Canadian and American fall apples will be some- l What restricted, but owing to the better quality of our apples they will still have the preference in the European markets. There will be the necessity, however, of rigidly ex- cluding all second quality fruit. Fall fruit of {list-class quality will in all probability bring a fair price, but it is almost certain that second quality fruit will not bring much, if any- thing, over the cost of marketing. The supply of good winter stock of apples suitable for the British market during the months of January, Feb- ruary and March is not excessive? and it seems reasonable to expect l that the demand will be almost equal to that of last year. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. moans Tabules cure liver troubles. ijans Tabnles cure dizziness. HOUND LOST Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable nn demand. graceful speeches, and seconded by Mr. R. L. Bordon in an address feli- citiously expressed and no less warm in its appreciation of the Governor General. Capital Rest A good Farm fur- sule on easy terms. Apply to PROUDFOOT, DUNCAN & CO. FGR SALE J. W. OSBORNE. For Sale. For Sale. 3.1 â€" $1,000,000 - $1,000,000 DEPFSITS LOST. \V. E. \VILEY, C. FARROVV, , 8 Edwaud St., Toronto. Apply to H. F. HOPPER. MISS HUNTER, Richmond Hill. L10ydt(l\Vll, Ont. Kleinhurg. AGENT. FONTHILL NURSERIES, 5-4m (over 800 acles.) TORONTO. - ~ ONTA] Ripans, Tabules cue cox-91d uvet. Newest varieties, and specialties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits and Shrubs. Ornamentals, and Roses. A permanent situation, and territory re- served fur the right man. Puy week- ly, hundsmne outfit free. \Vrite for particulars, and send 25 cents for our pocket. microscnpe, just the thing,' m use in examining trees and plants for insects. STONE & WELLINGTON, “ CANADA’S GREATEST Parties wishing to breed lute Colts should not fail to see the above Stal- lions. 3-10 A Local Salesman fm- RICHMOND HILL and surrounding territory to represent 3-6 RED WATTIE. terms to insure $11. PURE GOLD, terms to insure $10. Washing of all kinds done. Goods sent to Eglinton on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week. Returned the following day. All work done by hand. T0 HGRSEMENE BED WATTIE, THIRD DAY OF AUGUST,1904,nt 10.30 o’clocka. m, to hearand deter- mine the severul complaints of erwrs and omissions in the Vuters' List, of the Municipality of Richmond Hill, for 1904. All persons having business Court are required to attend said time and place. Dated the 8th day of August, LEE CHUNG E NOTICE is here-by given that a Court, will he hvld, pursuant to the “Voters” List Act.” by 'his Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of ank. at Richmond Hill. in the Court, Room, on Vthgf’I‘SVEUTY- RIUHMOND HILL. COURT OF REVISION One way tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold. but each person purchasing will be furnishâ€" ed with acoupon on which. after such poi-am] has been hi1 ed at Winnipeg to Work as n {mm laborer, but not, later than August 313b. 1904. free transportation will be given the holder iron] Winnipeg to any Canadian Pacific station in Manitoba. or Assiniboiu, West or Southwest. or Northwest. of Winnipeg. but not beyond Muuse an Estevan or Yorkton. For pamyhlet and a.” particulars and tickets apply to any Canadian Pacific agent. C-7 A.H. Nobman. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent. l‘orouto The Celebrated Clydesdale Stallion From all stubiuns on C. P. R. Toronto Cur. Meadowvnle.(iuvlph City and north. and uh slations oulines 0! G. 'l‘. R... Toronto to Snxum, and North. excepting north or Canlwoll .)un(~., aNd nanh 01 Toronto on North Bay section on AUGUST 23rd. Moose J aw Estevan 8a Yorkton Will be run to stations on Can. Pac. in Manitoba and Afisiuibniu. West. South-west, and Nnrth- west 0! Winnipeg as iar as SUMMIT HOUSE STABLES, Oak - Ridges, Farm Laborers Wants d. FARM LABORERS EXCURSIONS Good house and one acre of land for sale. PURE GOLD, and the Noted Trotting Stallion, E LAUNDRY l RICHMOND HILL. House For Sale WANTED. M. TEEFY‘. Clex-k of the said Municipality Apply to MRS. C. H. KEFFER, Until next season. Will stand at The LEE CHUNG. NURSERIES.” Lnrne Block. ONTARIO. Maple. at 1904. the the We Are Losing Mmey 5ESQQQ9QSQ$®§Q$aSQ®$Q§®G© METROPOLITAN STORE P. G. SAVAGE £2 San ' ®$®é§®§® 290 Woodward Ave., CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKLETS FREE. Llsl of Questions sent for Home Treatment. DR. SPNNEV 8: $9. :LQQD »; DR. SPINNEY. Founder of Dr. Spinney & Co. AGENTS FOR nonfefiarafinn life Wasigm Mamamiie waicminian York Muiual [madam Buamnfiee ck ALccident Co. Also Pianos and Organs NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES Livery in Connection. Fresh Groceries and Provisions Kept always. Ice-Cream Parlor open daily. Pic-Nic and other gatherings supplied with Ice-Cream on shortest notice. A Dollar ofl" the price of each size is the reduction we have made, as follows : 12 inch cut, reg. $3 50, for $2.50 ; I4 inch cut, reg. $3.75. for $2.75; 16 inch cut, reg. $4.00, for $3.00. Fully Warranted is every machine. They are made by one of the best makers and are thoroughly reliable. The Reason is this: we have too many on handâ€"we need the warehouse space they oc- cupy and would rather sell them at a'loss now than carry them over. tlll next season. are ciearing them out just now. on Lawn Mowers at the prices at which we BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. The Russill Hardware Co. T. B. LIIDFQRD, Prep. Don’t Miss this Money-saving chance. 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. We carry a complete line of 15f a&©®©9®9a&e&©$¢aeg _ If your blood has been poisoned with any hereditary or an- gmred disease you are never safe untH the virus is emdicntegi mm the system. Don't trust to family doctors, tent medl- cinrs. blood pufifiers. mercury and potash. etc. ey will now er cure youâ€"though they may helpyoutcmporaril . Have you blqtches. eruptions. running sores. bone pams, itc iness of the skm. sore throat, falling out of the hair. dyspeptic stomach, weak heartâ€"We can cure you. YOU GAH PM AFTER WE! ARE QUEER. Our VITALIZED TREATMENT is the result of 39 years experience in the treatment of thousands of Blood Diseases. 1! we fail in curing youI you need not pay us a cent. We Cure Nervous Debility. Blood Diseases. Varico- cele and Strictures. (without operation). Sexual Weak- ness. Urinary. Kidney and Bladder Diseases. CURED TO STAY CURED. Detroit, Mich.

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