Last Satuidayafternnnn and even- ing were pleasantly spent at this place, when attractive rngmumnes were given by the Roya Grenadier Guards Band. assisted by several nnted musical artists. Themany selections played by the hand were thoroughly enjoyed, probably none more than “Albion,†in which are introduced catchy English. Irish and Scutch airs. ThelUth Royal Quartette sang well, and were heartilv encored. The Arnlitage sisteis delighted the plea:- ure seekers in the sailor’s hurupipe, the Irish jig and Scottish dances. The entertainment in the evening cm . eluded with an exhibition ofnmring pictures. 'l‘hi-reavas a. large ermvd'if Mr. M. Teefy recoived messages fmm Father Paint, and Quebec. fmui his sun, Rev. Father Teefy, who sailed by Steamship Lake Manituhu. on the 4th inst. Rev. Father Teefy who is taking the trip lmping to beneï¬t his health will gu tn Vichy. in France. noted for its mineral springs. He will ulsn visit. Rome. and will go to England. Ire- land and Scotland before returning home. i‘isiturs, especially in the eFening. Lightning um along a Metropolitan wire shortly after 12 o‘clock yesterday mum and burned the lights out 0p- posite the \Vniting Room. The dis- charge of atmospheric electricity was accumpanied by a vivid flush of light; and there was a. loud peal uf thunder. A unmberof small boys in the hand stand seemed to be reminded just then that it was time to go home to dinner. Posters have been distributed an- nnuncing the entertainment for Bund Lake Park next Saturday afternoon and evening. The, main attraction will be the 48th Highlanders Band with their pipe-rs and dancers. and they will be assisted by the Gnurlay Bros. Unmedy 00.. under the direction (If the Kyle Amusmnent Company. Tuesday's W'm-id contained tho list of appointments for the year made by the Grand Master of the Masonic Order. The list includes the names of Mr. Frank Smith, Edgvlvy. appoint- ed Assistant Grand Director of Cem- monies, and Mr. T. F. McMahon, a Grand Steward. A Cnmt of Revision to hear and de- termine any complaints of errors and omissions in the Vutm's’ List in the municipality of Richmond Hill will he held by His Hnnm- Judge Mnl'gan. in the court room here. un Tuesday, the 23rd of August, at, the hour of 10.30 a. n1. An auction sale of 10 fresh milch cows and a number of springers and feedels will he held at Hughes’ hntel, Thornhill, next Saturday. commencing at 1 o’clock, A credit of Lhree months‘ will be given. Saligeon & Mc- Ewen. auctiuneers. At a meeting of the Quarterly Bum-d of the Mcthodist Church held Mon- duy evening, a resolution was carried giving the pastm-s a week's holidays. A supply will be got for Sunday, let inst. Specialâ€"Lard in 20 11). lots at 8c., 30 lbs. brown sugar fol $1‘ 6 lbs. prunes 25c., 3 cans good salmon 25¢, 4 pack- uges of best seeded raisins fm- 250., 3 packages Quaker uats 25c. Naughtun Bros., Elgiu Mills< Rev. F. Elliott. of the 2nd (‘nncps- sion of Markham. is improvng his 'hnuse by building it uuubhvr storey higher and also building an addition. He will also rte-shingle the roof. Mr. Thomas Ludfmfl was. :1 few days Hgâ€, suddenly called to the bud- side of it sister. Mrs. Fred. Allison. who is seriously ill at, her home at, Newton Brnok. Mrs. Sarah Fim-hvlh-x- of [)nllzu'. died Frirlnv 5th August. in hvr 76th year. Into-r11)an tuuk plump in the Lutheran Church cemetery. Buttonâ€" villv, last Sunday. Ml'.E.J.Cuble has erected :1, windmill at the Mognffin Huuse. Uuk Ridgvs, and water \viil ho pumpx-d through pipPs into the rooms of the hum-l. ThPAIien Lnbm' Bill pnssvd :1 f('\V daysagu in the Hnnso nf (Jumnmns wns yesterday thrown out by the Senate. Very Close quututinus hen- fm- best. American and Canadian nil in quan- tities and host pun- lard in pails. AL- kinsmn & Switzvl. For pickling pun-poses very best pure spicvs an this stm'e is tln- place Quality and price right. Switzer. For Intost w of THE LXRER. Satisfaction every package sun A: Switzm‘ The anti-Hun I’m-k yesta-rduy by the Qm-en‘ Duly Spwinlly Er-unnmy waits nn evch buyer here. Atkinson & Switzer. huu't Rirhmrmd, Nu. 70-16. A. 0. 17., will mot-t Friday evening of this work. @112 i’iï¬ibcrai. RICHMOND HILL, August, 11. 1904 140(7 AL‘lls-i. BOND LAKE. runnwnt in Bond Luke 1y nftm-nonn was given «1‘s Own Bum] and the by Company. m- have read inside page A L. purposes you nt-ed the spices and vine-gum and In- pluce Lu get. Iht‘"). ice right. Atkinsnn & is wrapped up with in this slm-u. Atkiu- \Vc will send THE \VEEKLY SUN from now to lst january, 1905. in combination with THE LIBERAL for 50 cents. Fall Term Opens Sept. 6th. A High Grade Unmmercial School. Strictly ï¬rst-class in all departments. Magniï¬cent, catalogue free. \Vx-ite for one. Corner Yonge and Alexander Sts. We study tastes and fashions. At- kinson & Switzer. A consignment of books has been ‘ forwarded to the purchasing commit,- tee of the Public Library, frum the Library Supply Company. The com- mittee- :Ire examining the books sent | an approval, and will rptnrn those not I required for the Library. lug picnic tickets. Admission to grounds, adults, 25 cents: children, 15 cents. Cal-s will leave Tom)an at 9.40,11.30a. m., and 1.30. 2.40. 3.15. 3.40, 5.40 and 7.45 p. m. Collins’ orchestra. will be in attendance. Din- ner and ten will he served on the grounds. A good time may he looked forward to. The annual picnicjn aid of the R. C. Church. Richmond Hill. will be held in Bond Lake- PuI-k, \Vednesdny, Aug- List 24. S ccial excursion cams will run fl om fornnto. Newman-ket and Schmnherg to Bmul Lake. and i-edumd rates from all points on the Metropoli- tan and Schomberg & Aurora Railway will be given. Boating and other amusements available for those hold- ing picnic tickets. Admission to grounds. adults 95 nonfu~ philapnn You’ll ï¬nd nothing- newet 0r neater than those men’s ï¬ne cnlo'I-ed zephyr shixts at $1.25 at Atkinson & Switzer’s. There was a. very good uttenance at the Ice Cream Social held in MI". Amos VVI'ight’s lawn Fi-idav evening in aid of the Epwm-th League. the 1'?- ceipts being something over $19.00. No nicer spot. could have been selected for the social. The grounds are large. and the stately trees and small shrubs added to the effect of the decorations which consisted of hunting, Uhincsc lanterns, etc. The enjoyable pro- gram included selections from Miss M. E. Harrison’s gramophone, songs by Miss Lorine Wright, song by Mr. Douglas Derry, a piano solo by Miss Millie Trench and recitations by Miss M. E. McDonald, Toronto. M/M/ TORONTO OW Saturday‘s illustrated Globe contain- ed a phoLogI-avelu' of the house in Richmond Hill from which Colonel Moodie rode,on the night of the 4th of December, 1837 to meet his death by u rebel shot, neau'Lhe old Montgomery tzwel-n. It, was built in 1820. and. though ll wooden building. is still pluctically the same, in appearance as it was then. This histmic structule is at present occupied by Messrs. \V. & J. Nicol. THE LIBERAL and the \Veekly Globe with its fnur page illusti-zitud edition and many other attractive features will he sent from this date to the end of the year for Fifty ants. Don’t, delay when an offer like the above is presented. Proï¬tsm'e on their Vauuuon here. Atkinson & Switzer. Lm-d Elgin Camp, S. O. S., No. 106. will hnld their annual picnic at Lake VVHCUX on Saturday, Aug. 27th. Ripans Tabules cure binousness. Ripans Tabulen. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabulea cure flatulence. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service Tm: Sign has ren- dcred him in a public way. It was due to the action of THE SC); in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that thé law relating to cattle guards. drainage across rail- ways, and farm ï¬res caused by railway locomotives has been amended. Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. ‘Gucss work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-to-date farâ€" mers. THE Sux’s market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. By rcading‘ THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper. you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. Farming Far Pmï¬â€˜t. TORONTO, ONT. ICE CREAM SOCIAL. W. J. ELLIOTT, A SOLDIER’S HOME. R. C. PICNIC. 0. S. PICNIC. PRINCIPAL. ‘ To PITEIT Good ldaa: mny be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, Baltimore. Id. . Cum Havel. Chronic Cough. Ind all Chroni‘c‘An'e'o noun 0! the 'l'hrou and Luau. Thu only medlgme .m 1119 world (but will cum the show Queue, mnym lue mum-hound in wind tad useful whisowner. Pnco. L60 {ordl Acute Afloat-ion- of th- thron .nd lungs. Iuchn Diuemper. etc. For Iwellininnd stocking d the legs. (he ruult o! bud driving. idney 'I‘rou In. em. and dune will when. sud one box will cure. Price. 50c. pnhxpanh‘ey'l‘mdpqy a Cong); Powdgrs BUNK A: 00.. of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN eon-l tinue to am as Solicitors fur Patents. Caveats 'I‘nde} Marks. Co yrlxhta for the United States. unndn. England. glint». demany. etc. Hund Book about P5899. we? tree.- ..Thlnr-aw new: experigpce: Patents obtained through MUNN & CO. are :10th lathe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. the largest. best...“ most widely circulated scientiï¬c paper. £1203 year Weekly. Splendid engravings and lamenting In. “on. bpeclmen copy of the ï¬cleudfle Amer. lent. free. Address MUNN a; .‘0. Scum-Ina mm Dulce. 231 Broadway. Nan York. For Particulars and programs. Special car service and spe- cial excursion rates on the Metropolitan Railway. From Richmond Hill and return, adults 25c. ; children, I5c. PATEN?S ï¬rst-Glass Meals. HUT TEA AND COFFEE, CAKES AND SANDWICHES Great Comic Show. One Long Laugh. Dancers and Pipers, â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€" Gourlay Bros. Comedy Company. 48m High: SWMER NIGHTS DANCING IN PAVILION. August 13, 1904 THI on. hymn-«2y MEDICINE co.. Short Hair flair Vigor Mm. J. Hiivii'ii'édmdo Spring-.0010. bogus. f o. Anruï¬fco†n I I. owe . an. or w BOND LAKE Aye I‘S " My hnlr mod to be very Ihort. But After using Ayer‘l Hllr V1 or I Ihon time I: began $313!“. 5114 no! tough)"; Incjgeljopu. Th5 seem. a Iplenflld r {livto initiutei Biting almmt witty-rut‘my hag}? hair food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is the only May be had on Grounds, also Afternoon and Evening, landers Band, KYLE’S flemplvlno. Onl- for Irokem Winded HORSES GURE fleave see bills Guaranteed to cure Distemper, Epiznotic, Coughs, Colds and broken wind in horses. The Province is full of Distemper among horses and many valuable anim- als are being ruined by bein neglected, which often causes broken wind. YORKSHIRE CUUGH and H VE CURE immediately stops the disease and cures the cough. Sold in Richmond Hill by George McDonald, Harness-maker. and at. Toronto by Gentlemenâ€"I can strongly recom- mend Yorkshire Stuck Fuod for horses and cattle out of condition. I have recommended it. in my practice for twenty years and consider it is the premier stock food in the market. Used and recommended by leading Vetemaries nnd Stockmen, always gives satisfaction because it, makes all kinds of stock thrive. Yorkshire Stock Food Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure A Suit of cut-to-order Clothes that we price saving you from $4 to $5 on the artists touch in the make-up and i +++++++++++++++++++++++++4. Briefly stated facts and plainly printed ï¬gures, backed up with the geods and polite attention, best tell the story of Success. “00906me Every day more people are learning what sort of a store we have here and tlte hum of SUCCESS sounds on every side. No business grows permanently without deserving 1t and our growth is one of the strongest proois of our Worthiness. This business did not grow by chance. The Goods and Prices have done a lot. For every proï¬table investment we tell you about, a dozen await you in silence. Business is Brisk Thos. McConnell, V. S. Agricultural Drnggists. 171 King St East, Toronto. Opposite Clyde Hotel. J. A. .Tohnston & (30.. MKENSUN & SWITZEH. All-wool French Delane in spots, flo stripes at 25¢. per yard. Women’s black sateen skirts at 800., and $1.35. Men‘s ï¬ne fancy dress shirts at 750‘ $1.25. Opaque window shades, complete rollers 250., 350., 45c. and 60c. Toronto. April 4th, 1900. lar. Parties requiring cement, English or Canadian, Port- land or Hydraulic, for all kinds of work, walls floors, silos, write or call and get our prices before purchasing else- where. We guarantee It to be ï¬rst class in every particu- JABGB EYER & SUN Richmond Hill -Gement- â€"- WE QUOTE -â€" With Us ! Scurboro T . Don P. 0. Fe )ruary 12th, 190-1. Gentlemen,â€"VVe have used York- shire Sluck Fond for years and khow r from experience that, it is feu- superior I to any ()tht‘l' stuck food in the market. | it is a grand food for stock ofuny kind 'especiully catth and hogs. We feed it. regularly. Farmers in our locality I all endorse it. a, complete with spring :. and 600. each. that we offer to make at 55 on the suit will show the up and is sure to please. Spots, flowers and 80a, $1, $1.25 David Duncan 8: Sons. 1-, $1, and