» that Port JAPS LOSE _...._.,__. _. ' 10,000 MEN Fierce Battle Saidjfflave Been Fought on A despatch from St. Petersburg says: A telegram from Chefoo, dat- ed Aug. 7, says that according to Chinese information a fierce battle was fought on the land side of Port Arthur Aug. 5. The Japanese are reported to have been repulsed with great loss, the killed alone being es-l timated at 10,000, while the Busâ€" sians lost about 1,000. The telegram says that; Lieut.â€" Gen. Stoesscl was personally in com- mand, and that the conduct of the Russian troops was splendid. DRIVEN BACK INTO HARBOR. A despatch from Tokio says: Adâ€" miral Togo reports that at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon the Japanese torâ€" pedoâ€"boat Oboro reconnoitred the entrance of Port Ailliur, \‘t'hili- tiny were (1:â€" gaged in this work fourteen torpedoâ€" boat destroyers: rushed out of the port. When they (intro within range of the Japanese boats they separatâ€" ed, four going west. three east, and. seven sduth, and attempted to enâ€" velop the Japanese destroyers. Forty minutes later the Japanese, at a range of three miles, exchanged a hot ï¬re with the three Russian boats that had steamed to the cast. The Russians turned when near Hsienshâ€" eng, and the Japanese drove them back to the entrance of Port Arthur. The Japanese destroyer Inazuma ar- rived shortly after 5 o‘clock, and the three boats attacked the remaining eleven Russian boats and drove, them back into Port Arthur. Admiral Togo praises the bravery of the ofâ€" ï¬cers and crews of the Akobono. Oboro and Inaxuma in frustrating the designs of the Russians against great odds. WELL PROVISIONED. A despatch to the Echo de Paris from St. Petersburg says that the Ministry of War has been informed Arthur has received a fresh supply of ammunition by sea, showing that the blockade is incomâ€" plete.‘ The St. Pctcrsburg corres- pondent of the Journal says that the French Embassy there has received good news from the French naval at- tache at Port Arthur, who says there are sufï¬cient provisions in the place. Milk and eggs are abundant. The general health is satisfactory. NEAR MAIN DEFENCES. The London Times' correspondent at Tokio, under date of Aug. 7, says that there are unofï¬cial reports ‘there that the Japanese have captured commanding positions north and northâ€"east of Port Arthur eta dis: tance of 2,750 yards from the"main line of Russian defences. MUTILATION OF DEAD. A despatch from Tokio says: Gen. 0in reports that the. Russian gun- boat Sivoutch, which was in the Liao River, was blown up by the Russians just before they evacuated Newâ€"Chwang. Her armament went down with her. . Gen. Kuroki reports that at Kushuâ€" lintz and Yangbu he captured eight oflicers and 260 men, unwounded, and buried eight ofï¬cers and 506 men. He specially reports that detailed medical examinations of the bodies of ï¬ve scouts found at different placâ€" es in the Sainuitsza region show that, they were mutilated after being dis.- abled. The face and neck of one man had been skinned and the left eyelid removed while the man was amt.- «.5â€" DETAILS or FIGHTINGL . Detailed reports reaching the Rus- sian War Ofï¬ce from Gen. Kouropat- kin’s generals show that the Russian losses July 30, July 31 and Aug. 1 did not exceed 4,000. The Japanese are believed to have lost at least an equal number. From a. comprehensive review of the fighting obtained it appears.that most of the Russian losses were susâ€" tained on the Saiinatsza roadl and between Siinouchcng and Hai-Cheng. The two divisions of the, late Gen. Kellor's corps did not make a seriâ€" ous resistance at the \‘angse Pass, falling back on Linnâ€"(liansinn, with Searcely any casualties. Similarily Gen. Stakclbcrg's and (Jen. Varmiâ€" lbaiieff's troops retired upon Anâ€" ,sllanslian, halfâ€"way between Ilaiâ€" .Cheng and Linoâ€"Yang, without heavy lighting or loss. The grentcst number of casualties .was sustained by Gen. I‘Icrschelmann, who, with the Ninth European I)i-' «vision, held Pass, on the Sniimztsza road. The ï¬ghting there was of the most desâ€"‘ per-ate and bloody character. A single : regiment lust ‘25 per cent, or 500 men, before they withdrew toward Anping. Another point where mast stubborn resistance was made was at Xanga Pass. a position between Simouchâ€" eng and llaiâ€"Chcng, which was hold by Gen. ’lnssnlitch, who had been placed in command or a newly- formcd corps. including the first division, belonging to the Tenth European corps and two Siberian battalions, altogether 13,000 destroyers Akebono and; Kuchiatzu and Yusliu. Thier ' 111011. I Satu rd ay _. -.- {(len. 7.a.<:salitch's misfortune at the iYalu River was duplicated, owing to ltht- superiority of the Japanese arâ€" ‘tillery. lie was making a splendid fight, until he Ithat the Japanese gunners Were en- lfiluding his batteries. It appears that Zzissnlitch in this case was not 'to blame. 'l'hc ‘(lcn Ziii‘oiilmiclf had received orders lto retire had not yet. reached him, lwuh his own orders for withdrawn] iof the Russian support of the right, and consequently be allowed the dope . take up a new position,‘ anese to suddenly unmask batteries, nnd GYM“ lwbclm the, llussinn gunners, who ‘niaile desperate. efforts to remove ‘1lieii' pieces. but were compelled to 'lluve six of them behind. ‘3 VICTORY A COSTLY ONE. According to a. detailed report reâ€" ,ceived al. Tokio front Gen. Kuroki, one of the heaviest reverses which bcfoll the enemy during the engageâ€" ment at Yushulintzu, on July Slst. was at l‘ycnling, ï¬ve miles south of .Yushulintxu, where our detachment turned the flank of the retreating Russians. “Our detachment consistâ€" ed of three infantry regiments, with four guns, which ï¬red on the Whole lines of the enemy at a. distance of from 200 to 1,000 metres. On the afternoon of the same day the Busâ€" sians approached the scene of the battleï¬eld with a Red Cross flag for carrying away their wounded, which We permitted, stopping our fire.†A second despatch reads as follows: â€"“Gen, Oku sends the following ad- ditional report concerning the at- tack of last Sunday on Tumuchingzâ€" " ‘Our casualties in this engageâ€" ment reached 860, of which 194 were killed and 666 wounded. We buried with due honor about 700 of the enemy’s dead. ’We captured six ï¬eld guns, many rifles, shells, and large quantities of flour, barley, ammuniâ€" Ition, etc. " 'Gen. Kuroki reports that our casualties in the engagement of Yu- shulintzu and Yangtzuling reached 946, including 40 ofï¬cers. The eneâ€" my’s casualties are estimated at 2,â€" _000 at least. We captured eight jofliCOi‘s, 149 men, two field guns, imany rifles, tents, shells and several lother things.’ " WHAT TOKIO EXPECTS . A dcspatch from Berlin says :â€"The National Zeitung prints a telegram from Tokio, stating that there are ï¬ve Jananese divisions before Port Arthur, part of them within three and a half miles of the fortress, and that there are altogether 20 Japanâ€" ese .diVisions in Manchuria. ‘The telegram says that Tokio is ex- pecting the fall of Port Arthur and ‘ the‘capitulation of Gen. Kouropatkin - on the same day. ‘THE RETREAT GENERAL. A despatch from Tokio to the Lonâ€" don Times says it is expected that the Russians will make their next “stand at Alishansha‘n, but there are indications of a general retreat to rMukden. MORTALITY FROM HEAT. A despatch from Chefoo says that the heat in Corea and Manchuria. is unbearable.- The mortality among the Japanese troops is 20 per cent. Among the Russians it is worse. over 25 per cent. BRAVE JAPANESE. A despatch' to the London Daily Telegraph from St. Petersburg says that the Ministry of War is in pos- session of information that, although several thousand Russians have fal- len in the recent engagements at Port Atthur, there is no immediate danger of the fall of the fortress. [The forts on the northern and north- western front are almost all held by the Russians, who dealt terrible deâ€" *s.tr,hction upon the Japanese in their recent attacks.' The Japanese adâ€" vanced like beings heedless of death :and insensiblc to pain. They Were linowed down like grass. I i "he Chefoo correspondent of the . Daily Telegraph says that the Japan- lcso positions at Port Arthur are ex~ lposed to the ï¬re. of the. forts, and liliat the besiegors must either ad- i Vance or evacuate the positions. l RUSSIAXS ARE IMPROVING. The correspondent of the London Times at in dcspatch dutcd , Tuesday. says 2â€"- ‘. Suudu) '25 action demonstrated an intâ€"- proveiucnt in the enemy's method 01 rifle tlrc and concealman trenches. .Tliorc was. howmcr, lit) t-tloi't to SCI‘L’L‘H tllc artillery. The latter held a conspicuous Japanese guns in range and weighl, but failed to employ indirect lire. ,'l‘lic enemy's cbcs defended the right flank tenac- iously, making the Japanese athuncc impossible and causing about 41H) casualties. The Russian losses in 'tllls‘ portion of the engagement were small. l I â€"â€" R 'SSIAN CREDIT. ’ A correspondent of the London Times in Russia says :â€"The ï¬rst cfâ€" suddcnly discovered . information thutw Kuroki's headquarters, inl inl’nntr) in triple tt‘cnâ€"i ,felt on Russian credit at home. which was already considerably shakâ€" en. Many important orders for mil- itary stores are not bcing paid fer in ready money, but by bills payable two years from date. Moreover, al- though the amount of paper money issued is stated otlicially to be not more than £12.00tLpUll, it is bclicvâ€" ed the sum is three or four times larger. Russian credit at home and abroad is based entirely upon the presence of a large gold reserve, and the Government. is sparing no effort moment it begins to flow out the nu- tionnl credit will collapse. It is illâ€" ready (let-lured doubtful if the, imâ€" perial Bank will discount bills on ithe Nijni Novogorod Fair this your. fns it, has always glory uncertain, and the bank wishes ilo run no risks. NY-ZW RI'SSIXN LOAN. A despnlch to the l.ondon1“..\'- 'i‘eh-urnpli ('o. from St. Says ‘if is rumored that concluded negotiations bunkers for a large :clinnge l’etersburg lllussin has i with German ilonu, which will itinuc the war indefinitely. RUSSIAN PR1 SO NERS. A despntcli to the London Times (lignation in Japan at Russia's per- sistent neglect to observe the rules of The Hague convention in regard to supplying information about prisâ€" oners. The Japanese from the outâ€" set of the war have been scrupulousâ€" ly careful to convey to the Russians through the French Minister every possible detail concerning prisoners taken by them. But to this day, in spite of frequent enquiries about the prisoners taken during the «third attempt to seal up Port Arthur, the Russians have maintained complete silence. This cannot be due to ' lack of opportunity to communicate with the Japanese, as Russia. has just applied to Japan for recognition of two additional hospital ships at Port Arthur. R USSIAN BRUTALITY. The London Times has the followâ€" ing on Thursday from Vienna :â€"â€"An unfavorable impression has been created here by accounts of the con- duct of the Vladivostock squadron towards the Japanese transport I-Ii- tachi Maru, which it sunk in June. It‘ appears that instead of sinking the transport with a torpedo or a few large calibre shells between the wind and water line, the Russian vessels gradually approached their prey, and for wellâ€"nigh three hours massacred the Japanese soldiers by an. incessant ï¬re from their quick- ï¬re and machine guns at short range 0f thirtyâ€"seven survivors rescued by a. Japanese ï¬shing boat only three were' unwounded. RUSSIANS STARVING. A despatch .from Rome says: The Liao-Yang correspondent of the news- paper Giornale D‘Italia asserts that conditions among the Russians at the front are disastrous. The soldiers he says, are dying of hunger.‘ After a. march, lasting 48 hours, they were, given nothing but a piece of sugar. They have no bread and no meat. Provision trains arrive at long inâ€" tervals only. “Undei these condi- ti oops is truly heroic." WINTER QUARTERS. A despatch from St. Petersburg says; According to a. message re- ceived from Harbin, Gen. Kouropat- kin has ordered the removal from that place of all useless civilians, in order to provide the greatest pos- sible accommodation of Winter quar- ters for the Russian army. â€"â€"â€" TO RESUME ITS RAIDS. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: The Vladivostock squadron will recoal and resume its raids at once, with full authority to sink ships under the Russian laws upon marine seizures and prizes as they now stand. The Government ,has sustained those laws, which do not recognize any distinction? between contraband that. is ,on board an enâ€" emy's or contraband on board a neuâ€" tral ship. In either case the ship may be sunk at the discretion of the officer who makes the seizure. ‘ nUssiA PAYS I’ROMPTLY. A dcspatch from Liverpool says: IThe owners of the British Collier Foxton Hall, which was detained at il’ort Arthur from the time of the 1tirst attack made by the Japanese 1 i l t l {until early in March, and which sufâ€"‘ ’fcred damage duringr her detention, thrive received compensation from the lilussian Government, The speedy of the claim by Russia gratified shipâ€"owners | settlement ,has greatly lhei‘c. l ___._._+._~_~ l2,000 NUNS SEEK WORK. Closing of Convents Forces Them to Apply for Work. .1 Paris! the past ft-w advantage over the‘ dcspatch saiyszâ€"lluring “(‘clxs it is estimated that 12,0110 nuns lime applied at ‘burcous in vnrimls parts of France for (inflict;th work in any capacity. They explain that by the closing of the convents~ by order of the Urnâ€" I‘t‘lllllL‘llt they are homeless and penni- less. to keep the gold in the country. 'l‘hei done, for c\‘er.v-‘ lthing in the business world is nowl enable her to ('ouâ€"‘ from 'l‘okio says there is much ill-1 tions,†he adds, “the work of thet lfects of the war are beginning to bellTï¬E ï¬rm: No. 1 Northern. REPORTS FROM THE LEADING o TRADE CENTRES . lPrices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. Toronto, Aug. 9.â€"Whm1»0nltiri-i “(I all 5".) to 9551' mist or west. No ‘2 spring wheat is nominal at 3‘? to cast. Manitoba wheat is higher. 3N0, 1 Northern sold at $1.111), No. ".3 1Northern at 0.93 and No. :3 Northâ€" lcrn tit. illigc, (icol'einn lSnv ports. iflrinding in ll‘:1!l:-ll. piii-cs are or 1above those quott‘d. (hitsâ€"No. 2 while is ‘32:}; west, and “Re low frciu’hts iNew York. No. I while, 311‘ east. 'iund No. 23 at 513.14: earl. ‘ Hurleyâ€"No. ‘3 Ipuiteri n' 4‘3 to ,’1‘.2.[.(' middle fi‘eio'lils. No. 3 v\t‘.’u. {/llc, and No. .‘l of 3.9 to Si‘fllr, midâ€" dle freights. l Ileneâ€"No, :3 shipping pens nominal int (30 to file mm or misl, (‘ol'nâ€"Xo. Ii Aumriczm ipmtoii '11 l to, and {\o, 3: mixed at. 581‘. (‘11114- ldion corn scarce and firm at. 471' west. Ryeâ€"The. market. is (hill, with prices nominal at 5â€." to 59c east. l I<'lourâ€"â€"Ninely per cent. patents are quoted at $3.80 rest. for export. in buyers' sacks Straight rollers of special brands ‘for domestic trade quoted {1.12 354.25 to $4.40 in bbls. Manitoba flours Itare firm; N0. 1 patents, $5; No. 12 patents, $4.70, and strong bakers' $4.60 on track, Toronto. quoted at $13, and shorts at $16.50 to $17. Manitoba, bran in sacks, $17 and shorts at $18. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Dried applesâ€"Trade continues dull, and prices nominal at 3 to 33c per lb. Evaporated apples, 6’; to 7c per 1b Beansâ€"Prime beans are quoted at $1.25 to $1.30, and handâ€"picde at $1.35 to $1.40. Hopsâ€"The market is unchanged at 28 to 30c, according to quality. Honeyâ€"The market is quiet at 7 to 7lc per 1b. Hayâ€"Timothy is quoted at $8 to $9.25 on track, the latter for No. 1. Strawâ€"The market is quiet, with prices unchanged at $5.50 to $5 on track, Toronto. ' Potatoesâ€"The market is quiet. with sales of new at 99c to $1 per ‘bushel. They are quoted at $2.73 to $3 per bbl. Poultryâ€"Spring chickens. 15 to 16c per 1b.; yearlings, 0 to 10¢ per 1b.; ducks, 10 to 11c oer lb. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Buttermâ€"Finest l-lb. rolls, 131» to ‘14gc; ordinary to choice large rolls. 12 to 1350; low to medium grades, 9 to 11c; creamei‘y prints, 17 to 18c; solids. 15 to 161,0. Egg â€"-Case lots are selling at 165 to 17c per dozen: seconds. 14 to 15c. Chooserâ€"The market is quiet, with prices unchanged at 8&- to 9c, the latter for twins I-IOG I’RODUC’ ‘3. Bacon, longr clear, 72- to Sc per lb. in case lots; mess pork. 31:3 to $15.- 50; '10., short cut, 817 to $17.50. Smoked Meatsâ€"Hams, light to 'medium. 12 to 12%,c; :lo., heavy, 11 to Ill-c; rolls, 9c; shoulders, 83c; backs, 18 to 132w; breakfast bacon, 12:3 to 13c. Lardâ€"Tierces, 7c; tubs, 7ic; pails, 7éc. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, 'Aug. 9.â€"There was noth- ing new in the way of cables on oats and exporters still valued No._ 2 mixed at 37c afloat. No. 3 oats are now held at 37§c store, No. 2 being held at 38§c. steady at 70.§c afloat Montreal; No. 2 barley, 491m; No. 3 extra, 481R; No. 3, 47c; and No. 2 rye, 62c. Flourâ€"Winter wheat 10 $4.90; straight rollers, $4.60 to $4.70; straight rollers, in bags. $2.20 to $2.25; the Mills Co. quote as Household, $5, and per barrel. Feedâ€"Manitoba bran, in to $17.50 per ton: Ontario bran, in bulk, $15 to 816; $17; mouillie, $26 to 828 per Provisionsâ€"Heavy Canadian cut pork, $17.50 to 318: light short cut, $17 to $17.50; backs, $17.50: American backs, $20; compound ton. rendered, S; to 9gc; 13.1,c: .85.?5 to 8.3.8."). (Theemrâ€"Untario, ’73 to 73c; best (lulu-r. 7-} to Tie. nggsâ€"Selectnicw laid, 18 to 18; 2, I25 to 13c. l l l llT; Lo 1730; Western dairy, 13:.- to 141'. , __._.._ I’NITICD SIA'l‘I‘IS MARK l'I'l‘S. , Milwaukee, Aug. 0,â€"Wlicntâ€"No. 1 Northern, 31.0."; No. 2 Nort} $41.04; new, September, 832 to be aslleli. Nyeâ€"No. l, ‘lc_\â€"â€"No. 2. JG": sum} ‘Cornâ€"Xo. Ll, 31 to SLc; Scplculliul', o. to 37:0 liltl 5}: 'ti -).i<.’. Minneapolis, Aug. 0,â€"ll'l‘ent-â€".erâ€" ltcml‘cr. ‘Julc: lit-r nber, tlflï¬c; 11:1), ‘04: to 943c; No. 1 ha! i, 31.0 5: 1N0, 1 Northein, 51.04;; No. 2 Not“ tlieln. g1.02;. llui'fulu, August 9 .â€"Flourâ€"â€"l“irm. \‘o. 2 while and red “illlcl' are quolâ€"; NRC cost, and goose m 7., m Tilly follow [1110“ ed at 58er to 59c on track. ’l‘oroiiâ€"‘ to $3.85 enst or: Milll‘eedâ€"At outside points bran is; Peasâ€"â€"Are about Ogilï¬e F1011." vious records, of 205,271 net £0,110“ 9â€"1205“! Of this vast volume of freight 4,817.4 (rlenera, $4.70 203 tons passed through the Ameri_, bags, $15.50 to $16.50; shorts. $17 “101’â€- $16 "O‘heavy, 3.578.685 tons being Short ‘interesting feature of C} straight gathered candied. lï¬ï¬c; No. llutterâ€"li'ancy l grades, 153.1,~ to 18.14:: ordinary finest. hornâ€"Strong; No. 2 yellow, 13%; No. 2 corn. 57c. Oatsâ€"Unch fled: No. 2 while, 44AC; No. 2 mix‘ it‘d. lit. (‘unul Heightsâ€"Steady. l Ll VF. STOCK MA RK lC'I‘. Toronto. Aug. 9,â€"Trade in butch- ‘ers' (‘ultle showed a marked illlpl‘nvo- llli‘lll at the Western Cattle Market muddy. and under the influence of an ,u-tm.» and sustained demand all the oft-rings were disposed by noon. Ex- pmters' cattle were sold with a ntr iiivnsure of activity. but their values (lid not ndvnnre: indeed, the. tone \\'2l.\ weak in sympathy with the conâ€" illlllll‘fl depression abroad. Owing to WHO liberal supply of lulubs, their ‘xnluos declined about 50 cents each, ,uhili- hogs went up in points. The quotations were as follows:â€" “0st butchers' sold at $1.10 to Rlljlmfnir to good lambs, R125 to Ski“, medium loads, 31 to 55123: infuiion $3.30 to $1; rough rows. 5‘2 1‘. to H323. . llxpoit bulls were worth $21.75 ll) 91- per i-wt., and export, cows, $3.77.:- to $1 The following quotations prevailml sfoclwrs:â€"Hlii)l't~ Hop rump-w, 1 gm n.5,, sign m r41.- 73; fivmlcrs. Luna to 1,100 lbs., $1: ,ltl to 2141.60; feeders, Rim to 1,000 ,llis, $3..th to ‘34: stock calves, 1100 to 700 lllS., $3.25 to 33 7:1 for choice, and ._ .. $13 for common. Trade in sheep was active, at the following figures:â€"â€"I'lx1‘lort ewes, $3.- ,75 to $1; books, 33 to $3.25; culls, to 3: each: lambs, $4.50 to $5 per cwt. Calves sold at 4 to Sc per 1b., and $2 to $10 each. Milch cows were quoted at $30 to $50 each. The, prices of hogs were 10 cents higher. We quotaâ€"Select, 160 to 200 lbs, 95.50; fats and lights, $5.< 25 per cwt. 1for ft-eriv-rs :lllll -â€"+ GREATEST BATILESHIPS. Latest British Cruisers Also Larg- est Ever Built. ‘ A London despatch says :â€"â€"The dc» tails given in the House of Commons last. week as to the ship-building programme of the British Govern- [ment for the present year. show that the two new battleships of the Lord Nelson class will be truly worthy their great, name. Their batteries are such as never before have been put into any lighting ship, lon a disi'ilaccincnt of 16,500 tons, or 15010113 larger than the. previous largest. They will carry loui‘tecn big armor-piercingr guns. The advantage in the new ships ilies in their greater number of 9.2 inch guns. This weapon is the most powerful in existence, ï¬ring a 380â€" pound shell two or three times a. minute, and driVing it through thir- ty-five inches of iron. It is more powerful than any gun of smaller. type mounted ' in foreign battleships. The four 12â€"inch'guns fire BBQâ€"pound: shells through some four feet of iron. The four new armored cruisers are; cruisers built for the' the largest British or any other navy. They, are to be known as the Minotaur class. and will steam twentyâ€"three lknots. They displace 14,600 tons leach, or 400 tons more than the. ilrake class. They will carry four 9.2-inch guns each, of the same type as those in the Lord Nelson class, and ten of the new 7.5â€"inch lguns, which ï¬re four 2(J0â€"pound shells ,a lninute through more than two feet of iron. Both the cruisers and battleships will beyond comparison be the best vessels of their class afloat. The six, new ships will represent a. capital of $40,000,000. .____.+-__, $00 CANAL TRAFFIC. Previous Records for Freight Have Been Broken. A Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., de- spatch says zâ€"July broke all pre- records for freight traffic canals at the “Soo.†vious through the patents- 34-75 During July 5,609,079 tons of freight. was recorded, an increase over 'Aug. ust last year, which held all pre- tons.; can Canal, and 719,876 through the. Canadian. The movement of iron ore was also taken 1down from the head of the lakes. ‘An. the statistical record of passen- 4 report lies in the American ml {o‘crs since it shows how few tourists clear fat 7' ' lard, (it to ~ .- ~ - ~ ’ ' 7c; Canadian lard, as; to Tic: licttlcilson “1th “mum loam. hunts, 13 to bacon, 113 to 13v: fresh killed “Tum fol. the season thus far is 16,- nbuttoir hogs, 57.75 to 58; live liogï¬ U28 behind that of last year are traveling this year as in compar- ’l‘he record month was 9,245 pas- both ways. The for the last isnngers traveling . -â€"â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"«- HOW HE cor HIS FENCING Used Telegraph Wiresâ€"Could Not ‘ See the Messages: A Galveston. Texas, despatch says: Thy. poles and wires of the South- v. ostern Telegraph and Telephone l‘ompen}: and the Western Union ’l'e’rg‘nph Company were cut lost; v'iek for a considerable distance in 0 VENUS, between Laredo and Sun Antonio, and late. on Tuesday after- 11' on a Mexican was arrested in con- nection with the cutting. 11:: said that he had watched the wires for 3. ions: time. but had never sw-n any- thin;r go over them, and, as he needâ€" nd wire and poles for fencing, he concluded to make use of the ap-. parcntly useless equipment, also to be remarkable for size, being~