COWS FOR DAI It \"MEN . The cow for the dairyman, says I“. H Scribner, is the one that can make the most profit in milk. butter or cheese for the feed consumed, Just. what breed does not matter so much. It depends entirely upon the disposi- tion, taste and education of the. dairyman. There are some people Who are naturally fitted to take hold of special purpose dairy cattle and make a success with them, while others require a fitting before they will be successful and perhaps never‘ will reach the that some do. The man who is progressive enough to get started along some dairy line of breeding, has born or created in him something of the next. essential element to good dairying, and that is good feeding. To be a good breed- er, then, is to be a good feeder, and state of perfection on the other hand. to be a feeder isl to be a good breeder. The two are inseparable. One cannot exist to the highest point of perfection without the other. The well bred animal in the hands of a poor feeder is a far‘ Worse proposition than the poorly bred one in the hands of a good feedâ€" l er. If. has been my ill fortune to do some judging of the dairy breeds at fairs, and T have. judged them all from the standpoint of the dairyman. The cow wins, that, in my judginth could bring in the most money with the least cost. It is often said that the dairyman does not need to look so closely afâ€" ter some of the fancy points of breeding. This is true in a measure. but I think toâ€"day the two classes. the breeder and the dairyman, are more alike than they have ever been before: the breeder giving in to some of the. more nonâ€"eSSi-ntial points and the. dairyman who is looking out for his best interests and for the best. products from his cows has his eye out to a large. number of the so~ called fancy points, which, after all. contribute something to the make- up of A FIRST-CLASS DAIRY COW. In looking;r over many of the reports from men who have been through the country, I ï¬nd that the dairynian who has tried to improve the stock by introducing into his herd a thor~ oughbred sire of some of the distinct dairy breeds is the one who has reaâ€" lized the most. profit every time. I Want dairymen to have the best cows and if I speak of the special purpose dairy cow and do it. forcibly it is because I believe the dairymun who is doing anything short. of this is not living up to the full possibilities of his business. ’ As I travel through the country and see the condition stock is in and how they are. cared for and the feeds used, 1 am inclined to think that perhaps there is a place for the comâ€" mon, or dual purpose cow, until such a time as he shall turn over a new leaf, "Quit his meanness,†as Sam Jones says, and improve his ways of feeding and caring for his stock. I have been in places in winter where cows are kept out of doors all winter, with a run in the corn field, a. little poor hay and the straw stack for shelter. Would the strict- ly dairy cow be able to do business under theseconditions'? She might possibly survive, but the idea of profit would be entirely'out of the question, for it would take at least the best half of the summer for her to pull body and soul together, and by that time she would have got all out of the notion of giving much milk. Dairy type is not an accident, and there is good sense in every point of make up. In the matter of judging in "wiry cow there is nothingr so rcâ€" li:.f.l«‘ as the milk scale and the llabrr ‘cock tesler. but a prospective buyer .in some cases, or if bulge in the show .rinu. must have a way ijudginp, and he must the abili- (piitikei' (:5 ha \'e (y to Ferment/e at a szluncr- lhe sigms‘ .which have pron-n to be the evidence ,of the true dairy type. ; invariably the leading characteris- ‘tics of a good dairy cow are :1 gstrong development of stomach and .‘uddcr: not overdeveloped, but enough :to indicate ability and do a lot of igood hard work, large, miltl and prominent eyes: broad forehead, ibroad nlumle and wide nostrils: the ‘wi-dpe shape of the body; as intilcaté ('(l by plenty of room. for heart and ilungs: um] general .‘imieamnce. The dairy cow bred to yield all that .is not absolutely necessary to her ,suppnri in the milk poi]. and if anyâ€" jone will follow these indications they will not go far Wrong in their se- ‘loction. Tine matter of persistency ‘Which we consider one of the essenti- jal poinis. is prnbablv a matter of 'edncation as well as heredity. l ' m..- l PlC-l'lIN FLOORS. l.“ ‘ The first .(if every lllrilish and sty is lloard most important part the floor. says the of Agriculture Jourâ€" Inal. and (-\‘I'l‘y ellort should be made. is f to see that satisfacf ory. this in all respects men if the rest of the building: has to suffer a little. Swine' ,can keep healthy and grow fat in a. poor house if the floor is well made. but there is great danger of their pining and fallingr sick on a cold. ‘damp floor, even if they have, a magâ€" nificent I‘ml over their heads. A 'broken floor in which puddles or rain . 'wafer or urine can lie. is a breeding {place for sickness and parasites ofi .all sorts; mm'eovcr. it gixies the pig] ‘a chance of rooting. which he will ,be prompt to use. often not. stopping . ‘until nearly the whole of the floor is upturned. The floor. therefore. must1 be made of some hard substance. which is not brittle, and does not i100 readily break up. The best ma- terial for this purpose is concrete or I’mtland cement, though a useful ifloor can also be made with a mixâ€" ture of tar and gravel, stamped and :rammed into a solid block. Care .must. however. be taken in this case 3not to let it be exposed too long to the sun's rays, lest the tar melt .and make the whole. surface soft. lBricks cannot. be recommended unless .they are new and unbroken, and aref llaid in cement at least six inches' deep, and even then they are liable |to chip and crack, which is a great. idisadvantnge as puddles are sure to come. Stone flags are bad, as the 'manure sinks in between the joints, Land makes the soil underneath iniâ€" :pure and stinking. while wooden :fioors. unless inoveable are wholly to he condoman as dangerous and misâ€" :Chlk'VOllS in the. last degree, concrete, wherefore, should be used I WHEltEVER PossIB LE. I l v i The preparation of such a. floor is .Wcll within the means of every workâ€" bnan who eains enough to afford to buy a! pig. and it is not difï¬cult to ‘make. It should be laid with a ‘gentle-slope toward the front of the sly. and it. is advisable to mqu the. ltop of the outer court lower than fthC‘ bottom of the slope in the inner 'court by about two inches. lwill thus he a small step between the 'two courts, which will enable drainâ€" age water to fall with a rush, and lrun away more rapidly. The object lot this is to secure dryness under .foot, for the pig, but it helps to keep Stlie floor from splitting or breakingr Lanny. Small channels should also he {made in the cement before it. is hardâ€" lened. and theFe should run diagonalâ€" Ely, in parrallel lines, not cutting,r iacross each other in the way that is y.teimed crow-hatching. These diagâ€" fonals or sloping lines should run lfl‘Olll right to left in the inner court. "Before leaving this subject, it is as Well to emphasize this pointâ€"the slope of the floor should not be so iRun Down But of Sorts and Suffered from Pains Discouraged an and Aches and was d Despondentâ€"Madei Strong and Well by DR. CHASE’S NERVE FOOD When the nervous system becomes exhausted there is suffering of both mind and body. Even the pains and aches are not. so hard to endure as the spells of blues and the gloo’niy iorebodings. New hope and confidence come with the use of Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food. By supplying an abundance of rich. red blood it Cl‘f't‘tlt's and instils new vigor into body and mind, permanently welcoming weak- ness and disc-use. Miss Minnie J. Sweet. Coilingâ€" (vood Corner, (‘um'nerland County. N. S.. Wl‘itesiâ€"“I used ï¬ve boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food last winter. and it did me more good than any medicine I ever took. It is difï¬cult to describe my case, but I felt all run down and out of sorts. I had new nerve force' gheadache and backache and dull pains -through the lungs. I was so dis- ;couragcd that I didn't seem to care lwhat bet-mne of me. "I hadn't finished the ï¬rst box of Dr_ t‘hase's Nerve l-‘ootl before I felt . a lot better, and it continued to build me up until I became strong, .und well and was restored to good .Ilt‘ltltll and >l'lf‘lts. As I was once. icured of a severe case of kidney dis- lease by Di. Chases Kidneyâ€"Liver ll‘ills I can strongly recommend tllt‘sr‘ 1two great preparations." l'r. Chase’s Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, six boxes for $2.50, at. all .dealers. or Fldmanson, Bates ti: Co.,. Toronto. To protect you against imitations, the portrait and signaâ€" ll]!‘(- of Dr. A. W. Chase. the famous! receipt book author, are on every ‘box. ‘SUL‘UESS 'people. There I lgrcnt as to make if \llpg-e.';._ lest the pi *s,‘ on l'll'll‘l-‘i‘ e H l.l lllull' fowl, should hurt ilu-uiw-lw‘s :ll..l for the some Huh-On 1].] --m.‘. we of the cement belku-ri ‘ln- \'li.|lilll'l‘i should be left slight]; rough. . sincre \ll'l‘l-TS, Sheep. to fatten will and :‘endib should he, fell twice a duyâ€"nmrumg and night. i To a certain extent the hwalfh oi lshep areas the quality as Well (is the. quantity of the food producer]. There is no stock usually kept on the farm so easin and cheaply as sheep. )llXil'lg .1 little oil meal with ,ground grain will usually lessen ma- terially the. liability to consiipalion ,in sheep. ‘ Sheep generally improve lnnd .too many are not kept in an acre. ‘As soon as the lambs will eat, lground oats mixed with bran is fubout the best food that can he giv- -en them. When Weaucd the ram lambs should lbe separated, as they not only do lmuch better, but their. management ‘should be a little different. The, ram lambs should have a little grain to push them along. The ewe lambs generally seem to keep in a better condition than the rain lambs, and if on good pasture rarely require glflln rations. if l _.,._.____ WHEN SICKNESS COMES. ‘Dr. Williams Pink Pills Should be Used to Bring Back Health. Sickness comes, sooner or later the life of e\eryone,. Many who in for ‘years have enjoyed the best of health are suddenly sci'led with some one of ithe numerous ills of life. Most of the ills! result from an impoverished condition of the blood; thus if the blood is enriched the trouble will ‘disappear. That is why Dr. Wilâ€" liams Pink I‘ills have had a. greater than any other medicine in world in curing sick and ailing These pills actually make .ucw. rich, red blood, strengthen every nerve in the body and in this way make people well and strong. Mr. Alphonee Lacoussiere, wellâ€" known young farmer of St. Leon, Que, proves the truth of these state- ments. He says :â€"â€"“Ab0ut a, year ithe :1 ago my blood gradually became im- poverished. I was weak, nervous, and generally run down. Then sudâ€" denly my trouble was aggravated by pains in my kidneys and bladder, and day by day I grew so much worse that finally I was unable to rise without aid. I consulted doc- tors, but any relief I obtained from their medicine was only temporary and I began to despair of ever belng well again. One day I read an ar- ticle in a newspaper praising Dr. Williams Pink Pills and I decided to try them. I got six boxes and beâ€" fore they were all gone my condition was so greatly improved that I knew I had at last found a medicine to cure me. 1 continued the use of the pills for a while longer, and every symptom of my trouble was gone, and l have since enjoyed the- best of health. I think, so much of Dr. Wilâ€" ‘linnis I’ink l’ills that I am never without them in the house.†It is because Dr. Williams Pink lPlllS make new blood that they cure .such diseases as anaemia. rheumaâ€" ltism, kidney and liver troubles, neur- algia, indigestion andall. other ail- ments due to poor blood. But you must get the genuine bearing the full name "Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills for Pale People†on the wrapper around every box. Sold by medicine dealers everywhere or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 :cine Co., Brockville, Ont. _§.______ SUNDAY IN TOWN. I. The sun is misty yellow and the sky is hazy blue, And the chimeâ€"bells qualntly, Near and deeply, fair and faintly, Each one following its fellow in an echo clear and true. ’ Through the streets, cleanâ€"swept for leisure, Many feet make haste toward plea.â€" sure, ‘ And the sound is as the rustling the leaves in paths we knew. ‘How I wish I were aâ€"walking in the , Autumn woods with yon! ring out of y H. ,Oh, the fragrance ofthe hollows’ that . the little brooks ran through! Oh. the scarlet maples burning Like a torch at every turning, .011 the way my spirit follows in a . dream forever new,â€" ‘ Where from quiet. distant mea- } dows, Illm bvneath the mountain shadows, ‘Cmne the clank of swinging cowâ€"bells , down the. softest, wind that bleW. Oh, I wish I wet-eiarwalking-in the l Autumn woods with you! III'. have had our fill of roving where springr blossoms bound the view. We lime played in young Romances, Danced tho nymphâ€"andâ€"shepherd dances; Now the Summer of our loving glows and throbs about 104). In our eye the light yet vernal, '- our hearts the ï¬re eternal And when time has touched the branches and our roseâ€"leaf days are few, We HS 5011‘, it's then I'd still‘ be Walking in ling," life's Autumn woods with you. ~Caroline Duer, in the August Scrib- ner's by addressing the Dr. Williams Motif-,- f ' THE JAPANESE SOLDIER. Causes of Their Good Health in Time of War. \s the Japan use sol.iiei's live‘ crinulinl i'ulinxz'iiiiinufcl} lliln ll.e ' of lllf' country. often twenty of more sit-rpm]; snle ll) side on unis lll small badlyâ€"ventilaletl rooms with U‘l'll lows ill the rooms. it is s1 rprising that they do not mu ill in l‘il‘gz' filiiiilxui’s. i ' e same cuntfiiions would kill oli ,(‘ausasian troops by the score: for not only lluS all this (forum and .\]anchu:ian rounHy blen scourng .wifh pv'sfiln-Illiul diseases peculiar to the lCusf. from time to lime. but ‘llll- pnople, knowingr noth.n_u of" medl~ cine, disinfection, necessin for isolaâ€" Lion and sanitary measures. follow none of them. so that their Houses lshould be filled with as many bull» ll'ul germs as they are known to be lwith predatory insects visible to the inaked eye. ('erfainly we must. as- :sume that Japanese troops are less jsusceptible to the attacks of the lllflf'llll than the men of western coun- ‘tries, in order to explain their freeâ€" ‘dom from contagious disease. up to lthis time, but there may possibly be [advanced some other reasons tending to show why they are so unusually scourge~free for an army living in ltlll‘ ï¬eld. To begin with. their diet is exâ€" tremely plain and simple. consisting ,as it does of rice. salt lish, and unâ€" l . .sweetened tea, with now and then a small amount of tinned beef, fresh beef, chickens and eggs thrown in as ‘luxuries. Their food is in no Way different from what they are accusâ€" tomes to. and it is prepared, cooked, and served exactly as it is at home. In opposition to this. other civilized armies immediately begin living on highlyâ€"concentrated and heating foods in the field. Lacking variety and craving the. things they are accusâ€" tomed to at home, they drink large quantities of lyeâ€"strong coffee, and gorge themselves with hard-tack, bacon. stringy canned beef, and jam. and, in consequence, bring on a whole train of stomach and intestinal trouâ€" bles, and, by general loss of tenacity in the system, open the door for worse diseases. Again, we ï¬nd the Japanese soldi- er furnished with a metal bottle, in place of a water canteen, which perâ€" mits him to boil his water easily. That he always does this is hardly probable, but, in View of the fact that the Japanese prefer hot water to coldâ€"when they are in camp or stop by the wayside for a long wait, they will always be found sipping hot water from their alluminum drinkingâ€"cupsâ€"it may be safely said that they run much less risk of conâ€" tracting disease from the water they drink than the average army. Of course, what they like more than anything else as a beverage is a very weak (lecoction of plain kot green tea, and betwoen the damage done to the stomach by half a dozen tiny cups of weak tea and a quart of inky black coffee, there can be no comparison. The fact should not be lost sight of that the Japanese soldier. by 'his preference for hot drinks, never chills JUST ONE DAY. From the Slugger Brought out a Fact. Free time I was a coffee an Iowa woman, "I had spells with my ‘heart. smothering spells, headache, stomach trouble, liver and kidney ,trouble. 1 did not know for years what made me have those spells. 1 would frequently sink away as though my last hour had come, “For 27 years I suffered thus and “During the drinker,†says was nervous, I thought I would at the table. “This went on until about two years ago, when one day I did not use any coffee and I noticed I was so nervous and told my husband about it. He had been telling me that it; might be the coffee. but I said ‘No, I have been drinking cofâ€" fee all my life. and it cannot be.’ But after this I thought I would try and do without it and drink hot water. I did this for several days, surely die sit ting Went to drinking collee and as soon .as I began coffee again I was nervâ€" lous again. This proved that it was the coffee that caused my troubles. “We had tried Postum, but had ‘not made it right and did not like it, but now I decider] to give it anâ€" .other trial I read the directions .on the package carefully and made it. after these. directions and it \Tus‘ ‘simply delicious, so we quit Coffee for good and the results are Wonderâ€" .ful. Before. 1 could not sleep, but now I go to bed and sleep sound. ‘am not a bit nervous now, but work hard and can walk miles. Nervous headaches are done. my heart clot-s not bother me any more like it did land I don't liflh- any of the, smothâ€" ering spells uml would you believe lit‘.’ 1 am getting 1'21]. We drink :Postum now and nothing else and leven my husband's headaches have disappeared: we both sleep sound land healthy now and that’s a. bless- Name HiVen by l’ostum Co., 'Battlc Creek, )Iich‘. Look for the book, "The Road to chllville" in each package, («'0 ‘but got tired of the hot water andl “ms. ‘AJJ. ‘l CHILDHOOD DANG f How the Heavy Death rate Among tliilclren Play be Reduced. The «lenih l'.|il‘ ullllllltf infants and with}: children luring the hut neu- flu-i is simply appalling. For ex- ‘umple, ll] tin» nit‘\ of \lonlrenl alone in one wit-k. the death of one hunâ€" fired and s'i\' llllllll’l‘ll was recorded. Most of flu-w 12mith were due to stomach and bone] fiouhles, which fare always ulurmiuu'l) preuill-nf dur- iing the lint weather. and most, if not all. of lllt'.‘~‘l' pref-inns llllll' lives .iuieht have been saved. if the moth- ‘er had at hand a safe and simple re~ :uelly to check the trouble at the outset. As a life saver among inâ€" huts and young children. Baby's ()wn 'l‘ablels should he kept in e\ cry Minnie. 'l‘hese Tablets prevent and cure diarrhoea. dysentery, cholera inâ€" lfanfuni and all forms of stomach ;trouble. If little ones are given ,the 'l‘uhlels occasionally they will. prevent these troubles and keep the. children health}. The 'I‘ublcts cost only 2.") cents a box, and a box of Baby's Own 'l‘ablets in the home may save a little life. They are. guaranteed to contain no opiate or harmful drug, and may be given .with safety and advantage to a new ‘born babe or well 'rl'nuu ehiltl. If your dealer does not keep the Tan lets, send the price to the Dr. “'ilâ€" liums Medicine ("o., Ilrockville. Ont. Inn-t] a box will be sent you by niail' post paid. his stomach when he is overâ€"healed' ant] perspiring. and this. in itself, makes for a. better general physical condition than that of the soldier who feverishly drinks large quantities of cold water from every spring, creek, and pond along the wayside. Taking; possession of large towns by American and British troops always increases the number on the sick re- port with a jump. because these solâ€" diers are prone to look generously upon the flowing bowl. and their seâ€" lections of beverages which cheer are usually those of the. most ï¬ery qual~. ity obtainable. The Japanese soldiâ€" er, on the contrary, seldom imbibes anything except his mildly alcoholic sake, which. it is true. does intoxi- cate. if taken in large quantities, but] whose after effects are not apparentâ€" ly a general disarrangement of the internal functions. -._+ MINIATURE WATCHES. Theatrical Manager Who Is Fondl L of Baby Chronometers. A ring, worn by a theatrical man- ager, boasts in place of a diamond, a miniature chronometer about. the size of a five cent piece. The dial is of blue enamel, the hands of gold‘ and fine as a hair. Fond of baby. watches, this same gentleman has one. little larger than that on his) finger, set in the form of a cravat. pin. Also, a set of six silver bub-v tons on an elaborate waistcoat, have» each in the centre a perfect timepiece that requires winding weekly. Whenever a certain worthy orders a new hat, he sees that a. metal case is ï¬rmly fixed to the lining of the crown. Within this case, a watchâ€" a quaintthing without ring attach- mentâ€"is deposited. and always carâ€" ried there. An ordinary watch is worn in the pocket, the other being .too valuable to exhibit in public. Wearing.r a we'oden arm, a peculiar individual adorns that member by carrying a chronometer screwed to it. The Watch has a gold case with a flattened rim, through holes in ‘which the screws are d1:iven. As it winds up on the face, clock~fashion, there is no necessity to remove it. y A famous pugilist received from an .Itltll‘nlf‘cl‘ a wonderful bell. of satin and! [sequins fringed with hundreds of, isilver tassels. A’ medallion of loath-f er forms the front. in which a watch‘ used bottles of medicine. enough to ,l-S ï¬xed_lhis gurgeuus girdle being. 80‘; “p a drug Store’fcal’smes and .‘Iportetl when the. owner appears in: pills and everything I heard of. public. . Spent his Of money, In“ I was SiCkl Several 'lerriors owned by a lady m‘afly all the “ma Sometimes I fancier ban.- leather collars, in which was so nervous I could not hold a tiny nickel watches are held. Whm' plate in my hands; and other times the creatures “andâ€. abroad, the: cause much curiosity,‘and on sen-11d occasions the collars ha“: been exit .off the dogs' necks. On the watchâ€"guard worn by, a Society gentleman is a‘ tassel of go]â€" den chains, to each of which a, Wee watch it attached. There are no fewer than ten of these, varying in sin: from Sixpence to a shilling; the ‘gold cases of some enhancing the lbeauty of enamel in the others. Quite in little fortune. is embraced in the .iairy-like bumlle. the backs beiu': studded with diamonds and pearls ll. lth'e form of the. wearer's monograi... A Russian noble always wemm heavy silver clasps to fasten his bur-.- sable overcoats, a watch occupyi .the ends of each clasp. As ion. fasteners are 'employml. eight walker. ‘gracc the front of the coat, with an effect more striking than ornamental. ___W,_+____ WIFE FOR $1.50. Wives in ’l‘nnganyika are considered a luxury. and even in Zululand they ‘cost from. 1.30 to $500: but on thu 'l'ulfgunylkzi Plateau om: can be had for live or goats. (in..- goat utpiiils 10 cents to 2 cents, there- one wife. equals $1.30 at the sf); .3 in re mos]. To prove to you that Dr. Chase's Ointment. ls acerta‘c. and absolute cure for c and every form of itch ! Pllï¬g ‘ bleedingand protrudin p'. i x, i the manufacturershavc guaranteed it. as ten timonials in the dailylpress and ask your neinh ,. born what: they think ofit. You can use it ani‘. get your mone back if not cured. 60¢ a box. a! all dealers or DMANSON,BATE8 8c Co.,'I‘oronl.o. Dr. Chase’s Ointment