Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Aug 1904, p. 4

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8<tf 200 acres lwinq east halves of lots 31 :md35. in the 3rd mm. of Vaughan. For particulars apply to 'mg QEEML.‘ I‘JcUurtvr, ‘A. CuLLum. J. Laxtuu. Dr. Mth-ny. F. Hands, Mr. Cronnn. J. Guiune. Toronto; A. F. Tcefy, Chica- go: Mr. ()‘Keefe. Bustnn: John Mur- shull, Pine Grove: and many uthl‘S. The. water was pelfect for boating, and during flw nftel'nnon and evening many indulged in the dance in the pavilion. to excellent, music furnisth by Collins" orchestra. The Metropoli- tun Railway gélVe a good service dur- ing the day. VVEDNEHDAY, Aug. 31â€" Auction sale of driving mum. buggy, cutter, Imusehnld furniture, etc" at the residence. Uuium‘iile. l-he property 015 D1’.J.\Valsun. Sah- ut 1 o’clock shulp. No reserve us the Dr. is going to 'I‘umntu. Terms : driv- ing mun-u. buggy and cutter, 3 mnnlhs‘ credit; other goods, cash. J. H. Pronticv. uuct. 'WEDNESDAY, August 31 â€" Auvtinn sale of hnusnhnld furniture. etc.. :11”. his residence. Richnmnd Stl'f'l‘i, Richmond Hill. the property of L. Johnston. Sui» at 2 o'clock. Terms. mush. Suigoun & McEwen. auntimwei-s. E. Fx-ishy. Aurora; North Tumnw: )1: Badenach. P. Bailey The. R. 0. Picnic held at Bond Lake yesterday was a grand success. The weather was ideal, the crowd large, and the arrangements were carried out withouta hitch by a competent committee of ladies and gentlemen. The. pastor, Rev. Father McMahon. was most attentive to his friends, and many members of the congregation lent a. willing hand. Mr. John Naugh- ton collected the tickets at the gate, and Messrs. \V. COsgI-ove and T. Riley attended at the provision tent. Miss Alice Teefy, Miss Hennesey and Miss Haifey had charge of the re- freshment booth. Miss Mary Good and Miss Louie Lynett looked after the grab bags, and Miss Gei tie Lynett collected a large sum for a fruit cake, which was finally won by Mr. J. J. Ryan of Toronto. The greatest con- test of the day was between Miss Julia Lynett and Miss O’Leary, for a. silver tray presented by Mr. J. \V. Moyes, the latte! winning after a sharp contest. Among,r the prmninent persons flom a. distance might be mentioned Dean Egan, Barrie; Fathers Jet’fcott. Stayner; Carbery. Scholan g: Minehan, Toronto; \Vhitney, Newmarket; Hon. E. J Davis. Arch. Campbell. M. P., John Richardson. M.P.l’.; ‘xounty Council- lor l’ngsley. J. \V. Moyes, D. Roach, Nexiinnu-ket: J. \Vhilnster. “'. Ash, ” Keep both hands on the Union Jack.” The above sentence, the parting words of Lord Dundonald as he sailed from Montreal, appears in every issue of the Mail and Em- pire.. Such advice is unnecessary. It involves an insinuation that a part of Canada’s population is not loyal, and therefore needs watching. Such insinuations are both untruthful and unwise. Canadians are loyal to the British flag, and it is a shame that partizan prejudice runs so high as to misrepresent any class of our citizens. The loyalty cry as kept up in this country is mischievous, as it is annoying for patriotic citizens to be told that they are disbelieved and distrusted. If there is anything that could stagger a loyal man it is to be continually told that he is dis- credited in spite of his protestations to the contrary. 190 Experts who have visited the western fields all agree that the crop promises a splendid harvest, and the quality will be high. Rust may af- fect the later grain to a limited ex- tent, but if the fine weather contin- ues to the end of the harvest the farmers will get the finest wheat ei‘op Manitoba and the territories have ever had. Changeâ€"World's Dispensary Medical Assoc'n Changeâ€"J. O. Aye: & Cu. Clmugeâ€"‘l'he Russxll Hardware Co @112 iiiheml. 01' Farm to Rent. $1.00 IN ADVANCE. RICHMOND HILL. August 25, 1904 J. E. (ELIFBINE, to JAMES STEW'ART, New Advertisements. Sale Register. y, Aurora; Mayor Fisher. JI'OHLU; Majnr Loo, E. A. |. P. Bailey, E.Sullivnn, F. Maul, C-npt “’yatt. \V. A. , ‘A. CuLLzun. J. Laxtuu. Dr. F. Harris. Mr. (Ix-0mm. J. 'm-rmbl); A. F. Teefy, Chica- R. C. PICNIC. OaklRidges'P. O. ' ,_ To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, IRE 9"ENT RECORD, ; fialflmwe. M Election's are called uan to examine the said List, and if any omissions or any othPr errors are fnund then-in tn take immediate pl‘OCPedings to have the said errors curreeted according to law. nicipnl Elections: and that said List was FIRST POSTED UP at my office at, the Village of Maple on the FIF- TEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1904. and remains there fm- inspectinn. J. B. MACLEAN‘ Clerk of the said Municipality Datgdfithis 15th day of August. 1904. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in the Eighth and Ninth Sections of “The Vntm‘s‘ List. Act" the copies required by said See- Linns tn he sn Iransmittcd m' delivered uf the list made pursuant to said Act and amendments thereto. of all per- suns appmn‘ing by the last Revisml Assvssment Roll (If the said Municipal- ity tn be entitled to vote in the mid Munici :llity at Elt-ctiuns fmhnn-mhors of the lfogislative Assemluly and at Mn. nicipgd Elections: and that said List VAUGHAN, Voters’ List, 1904‘ Electors are called upon to examine tho said List and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate pruceedings to have lube said errors competed accuxding tn aw. C. H. STIVER, Clerk of said Municipality Dated this 15th day of August. 1904. 7-8 Notice is hereby given that l have transmitted or delix'eI-ed to the per- sons mentioned in the Eighth and Ninth Sections of “The Vntm-s’ List Act” the copies required by said Suc- tions to be so transmit-ted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act and amendmpnts thereto, of all per- sons appearing by the last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipal- ity to he entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the LPgislntive Assembly and at Mu- nicipal Elections; and that said List was FIRST POSTED UP at my Office at the Village, of Unionvilleiun the FIFTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST. 1994} and remain§tl30r9 for inspection. Voters’ List, 1904 {VIARKIJALEH Lat 60, rear lst con. Vaughan. taining 150 acres. more 01- less cleared. 8-10 Boarders Wanted. Municipality of the Township of We gave over Twelve humth young men and women :m uplift during the past your and are \vvll prepared to help as many mnro this year. Lot. us send you snnw particulars. \Vrite A training-scluml for stem:- zmphers. now open. Turm he- gins Sept}. 1st. Principalsbip of A. M. Kennedy. for ten years Principal with the Central Busi- ness College. Typewritng De- partment in charge of E. R. Shaw (sun nf \V. H. Shaw). Finest and most; cnnvenivnt school premisws in TurnnLU. 'l‘hw school for ‘hettm’ results. I’m-s $8 1). month. Get our catalogue. ‘V’ant A S '1‘ A 1? 'fi‘ ‘3 Municipality of the Township of High School Students preferred Apply 10 Box 397. Richmond Hill. Enter any ti me of Toronto. Farm to Rent W. H. SH AW. County of York. County of York. Apply to \VM. HART, Jelfersun I PRINCIPAL CHI]- All The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stook: ThorougB-bred bull' and hog kept, for service on t_he premisas. General Banking Business Transacted. For other particulars call at the Bunk. Money [loaned on l-‘nrmers‘ Sale hows. Blank Note I’m-ms Supplied Free. Reseived in Savings‘ Bank DPpart- ment and interest allowed at; HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. Parties wishing to breed late cults should not fail to see the above Stal- lions. 3-10 RED VVATTIE. torms to insure $11. PURE GOLD, terms to insure $10. T HGRSEMEN! Pupils are urged to be present on the 7" AA (L/‘pkdfiiny of opening. . \ I V x. ' ,1" «ROBTVSHA 7, B. A.. Principal. for second and third term. Good board can be had at reasonable rates. hut-H1 Mann wnfk will 1* takéfi up in ‘hflHifi‘JI Schmfl at \t‘he hbgijqg of the 05*» u. ‘ The fees are $4 for firwt, form. and $3 Pupils may select thA or Teachol-s’ The subjects taught are Mathematics, Science, History. the Languages. and Commerce. The Celebrated Clydesdale Stallion ' Notice of withdrawal not necesâ€" sary. All de-pnsits payable on demand. SUMMIT HOUSE STABLES, Oak â€" Ridges, HIGH SCHOOL RIB-OPENING. A First-Class Nine-Rnomod House with 30f an new of land. _ Gund stmw fuuudatinn and cellar. Situated on fuund'ntinn and cellar. Sitl Ynnge street. Richmond Hill Apply to SUNNYSIDE FARM PURE GOLD, Part of lot 19. 3rd tun. Markham, cunmining 7221cl‘es. num- ()1 less. the “slaw of the late .lulm Kelly. is to rent for a term of yours. The person renting will have the px-iVilege uf fnll plowing and putting in full wln-aL. \VM. UOSGROVE [ Exocutors. E. J. FAHEY J Elgin Mills P. 0. 8-11 Capital Rest The Richmond Hill High School m ,I‘Ym l'gi‘PI’an‘" o g .1 FOR SALE and the Noted Trotting Stallion, RICHMOND HILL “'ith a staff of three teachers 7%ng é’;”"a”964, ()1' Canada Farm to Rent J'. W. OSBORNE. J: H. SANDERSON, UnLil next season. 11 â€" $1,000,000 $1,000‘OOO DEPBEITS \Vill stand at The â€"()[€â€" I). G. GOODERHAM, Proprietor \V. E. \V I LICY WATTIE TO RENT 011'" Board of Ed. Richmond Hill EPUOI‘ 'ourse. ‘nm‘se. T. B. LfiDFQRD, Prep. @QflEfiQfififiQQ%fiQSQS§GQGQ§Q ‘ Buniedfiratqme Western Manama Nammflunmn : York Wual lamina Guarantee & liccident Co. 1' Also Pianos and Organs \IEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES P. Go MVAGE 82 Son _____ ,Wâ€" {FDA giaaeawem$®§®§me®awwe METRQPOLETAN STORE All business will have prompt attention. Infor- mation or Circulars will be supplied by asking lor same. Fresh Groceries and Provisions Kept always. we carry a complete line of Ice-Cream Parlor open daily. Pic-Nic an'd other gatherings supplied with Ice-Cream on shortest notice. pivcz‘y in Connection BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. The Russill Hardware CO. The very best time to repalr and re- entlre satisfaction. work toâ€"do, we will save you time, material and money and give you place your leaking roof is just now. Two Dollars. If you have got some of this kind of 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. price per hundred square feet is only proof, anyone can put it on and the

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