Changeâ€"World’s I} Changeâ€"LU. layer Changeâ€"â€" @3112 gibsml. The ofï¬cers and directors of the Canadian National Exhibition are to be congratulated on the success of the great fair which closed Saturday night. Fortunately, the weather was favorable during the greater part of the two weeks the exhibition was in progress, and it is safe to say that the thousands of visitors who came from other countries returned home well satisï¬ed with what they saw and heard. A number of years ago pessimists pretended to prophesy that the Toronto Exhibition would not ‘maintain its interest. The ex- hibition just closed has been more successful than any of its predeces- sors. Hundreds of Americans were heard to say while at the fair that no state in the Union could present as great an exhibition as that held in Toronto last week. Indications point strongly to an early dissolution of Parliament, and it is probable that the General Election for the Dominion will take place this fall, not later than Novem~ ber. RICHMOND Owing to the death of one of the petitioners against the return of E. A. Dunlop, M. P. P. for North Ren- frew, the protest proceedings against him are stayed, and the trial will not likely come oil on the 27th inst. Mr. T. Herbert Lennox, Aurora, the petitioner in the protest against the election of Hon. E.J. Davis, M.P. P., North York, is recovering from a dangerous illness of typhoid fever. TIIE EXHIBITION A SUCCESS One of the favorite Tory cries is that, being a French Canadian, Sir Wilfrid Laurier takes no sort of in. terest in the Canadian militia, but would starve it to dead) if he could. The ï¬gures in the case do not war- The election trial is down for Sep tember 25, but I\Ir.Lennox’sill-hea1th may necessitate a postponement. rnnt this unfair imputation on the Premi'er.â€"â€"Fr0m 1868 to 1896 the thtal expenditure of all kinds on the militia was $43,750,000. This in- cluded the cost of repelling the second l‘enian attack andvsuppressing the hall‘brced insurrection in the North- Wust.-Fr0m 1897 to 1904 the ex- penditure was $23,805,000. There weie no extra outlays during this jeriocl.â€"â€""‘o compare tlze last seven Tory rule, 1889 to 1896, with the seven years of Liberal rule .11‘om 1837 to 1901, the ï¬gures are:â€" This may be cited as evidence of Liberal extravagance, if you like,buc it complctely disproves the charge that sir Wilfrid Laurier has purpose 1y neglected the militia. Tho lung mun-st hoing nt. lust bruughb Ln 3 close, the farmers of this neighhm-hond are busy these days Ihrvshing‘ qrniu either for themselves «I: tin-it .mighhuls. It. is not an un- unnmnn thing m 399 Hun-e or fun:- smnm lhrvshvrs at, work in tlw mil"- uud-u-qnmtm‘ hlurk. \Vith the ex- v “Minn uf \vlwnt. grain is turning nut well. 'l‘uet.1-Ilstees have mndv repairs to [ht-school 1101158 and fvncn, and that. public institution now presents a. creditable uppua 'HDCP. v-\u.. K . u . . . . ,r,, The municipal cnuucil have Msu made repairs at, their Township Hall. Many of the old weather hO‘dl‘dS thd ‘kr he renlmwd by a new (um-mud :1 new and substantial plntfm-m has lwon erected at the meL My. Lm'i Knitw- 01‘ \Vuodhxign. wlm paint9d 11w whnul house. has also the contract fur nu. painting? the hall. The had! “us erect- nl W434.) and is in a guhd state. uf The nmnicipul council made rep-Airs at, their Tow Many of the uld weather New Advertisements. ropuil Tory seven years . $12,352,000 Liberal seven years. 23,865,000 \y. nyL. .â€" v . The Russxll ngdwnre Co HILL. September 15, 1904 _â€" Diï¬pgusary Mudical Assoc‘n uuncik met here Tuesday Vellore $11,513,000 afternoon and got, through their busi- ness shortly after 8 o‘clock. Their ngx} mgeting will be held on the 11th of October. The position of grain-buyer has been secured by Mr. D. Burgvss and his‘ place at Mr. Bailey’s has been taken by Mr. C. Stephenson. Miss Banks. matron in the hospital at, Fort \Villiam. visited her friend Miss Robinson last, Friday. Mrs. (Rov.)\V. AiLken. of vacnstie, N. 13., and wiLe of an esteemed funnel- minister of St. Andrews‘ church. spent, last week wit. her sister Miss. Noble uf this place. . . 712.. 311:. J. Martin, a school in British C at, the home of Mr Miss McMillan of S( thepusb twn weeks Mrs. \V. J. ’l‘hnrburn. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn of Oukwood, are visiting at. Mr. N. Um-neil's. While guing home from school last Thursday evening, Norman, son of Mr. G. High haul the misfortune to full in getting over a fence and break Mr. G. High fall in getting his arm. Miss Lottie Jackson Falls and Mr. C. Jacks! Mich., visited their brothers and sisters hen Mr. \V. R. Line of t Miss Lottie Jackson of Niugnm Fullszmd Mr. O. Jucksnn of Rhodes. Mich., visited their parents and brothers and sisters here, lust week. Mr. \V. R. Line of this place left last Tuesday on a, flying visit to see his sister Mrs. J. DHius. of Uarslairs. Alberta. He expects to return in about, a week or so Ezéhibitior. lust. Thursday. 'Miss Maxwellof Richumnd Hill was the guest, uf Miss Annie \Vood lust- wee k. n S. H. Jeffrey of Toronto \‘isith revently with his brother Rev. U. B. Jeffrey at; " The Elms.†Miss Lizii; ‘Smith returned from Tot-onto 0n Mnnday after spendiuga few days with fliPlldS there. \Ve were pleased to see some of our friends from the south again on Sun- day. The exhibition is now oveI-so they need no longer fear. The members of Curr-ville Methodist Sunday School intend hold‘ing Flower Svrvices on Sunday, Sept: 18. Rev. W. N. Uhantler will give a talk to the children in the evening. Special music is being prepared for the oc- cusion. Miégeér-Etlirel Pattelson and Bessie Mellish spent Labor Day with friends in this vicinity. visit at “Moorwood Farm,†1 dence of her brother, Mr. Jas. The annual picnic of the ‘ The annual picnic of the Uau‘ville Methodist Sunday School W111 be heXd on Thursday afternoon on the beauti- ful grounds surrounding the church and school. _ A program nf games and races Vlms hemi zï¬'I-ungcd and t] e childeen and their friends are looking fol-ward to El pleasant; tune. Miss Ida Daw of Chicago spent, her vacation with her grandfather, Mr. M. Mortson. The Cider Mill at Marga-‘5 Foundry npmwd yesterday. During Sepbwnber it will\l)e open every \Vednesdny and Thursday, and every day during Oc- tober and November, exr‘ept \Vednes- day of each week. Mr. Magel- is disâ€" trihuting hills announcing as above. and he also udvextises sheet steel and galvanized iron hog troughs and points for all kinds of plows. Cumpluints having been made by mvmhers of the Fire Brigade tn the Chief that parties are in the habit, of onturing the ï¬remen! and taking there- from waterproof coats, boots, 9tc.. .‘helnnging exclusively to the Fire {Brigm1e.und sume of those articles { having gone astray. the Chief desix~ez~ I through the medium nf this paper to ! wan-n people. from doing so m th * fuun‘v us Hwy :11? liable to a ï¬ne of I imprisnnnmnt. No mm has any right i in the ï¬re hall except the inniwr. This fair which IS gvtting better every year, will he held on \Vodnesâ€" day, Sept. 27th and 28th. Particular- ly good prizes are being oï¬â€˜ered for teams and drivers in the different classes of horses, the green trot. 3 minute, 2.30 and free-for-nll speeding contests. hurdle and saddle horses. gentleman‘s turn-out, Indy drn'er, etc. The secretary will send you a prize list if you drop him 2L card. A Hurvast Thanksgiving Service will be held in the Chm-ch of England of this place this (Thursday) evening. commencing at 8 o’clock.“The stir-mun will be preached by Rev. Uanmi Sweeny, D. 1)., rector of St. Phillip's church. Toronto. Special music will he provided by the choir, and a CUHE‘C- Hon will be taken on behalf ()f the fund for the renovation of the church. Mr. \Vill. Bake-r visiced the Toronto “"014; (m the Mucke‘nzie 85 Mam Toronto Sudhnry Line, the Jnnu-s Buy Railway, hogan u wa miles to thv north east. of Richmond Hill yester- day. A large number uf men with wagons. scrapers and other imply» mentsmre prosecuting Llw work south- ward, and construction will he pushed mpidlv along. About 401wavy teams passed rln-mgh the Village (luring Monâ€" day, and pitched then-tents on a point. , .I_.‘ 0...! m.“ l‘vl|l|\llv nun-.5. --. r V. V passed tin-(ugh the Village during Mnnâ€" day, and pituhwl theirtents on a point. knnwn us the summit uu the 3rd cun- (3935101) uf \Vhitchurch. BUILDING THE RA 1 L\VAY Additional Loo: AT MAG ER’S MILL. BOLTON FAIR. Carrvi lle A “’ARNING. Maple teacher in an Indian )olumhia, is visiting 5.5}1. Dickout. fSonyu has spent :ks with her sister, 3:ch and t] e The North York County Fair will be held at, Newman-km, Tuesday. \Vvd- nesdaly and Thursday of next. Week. On \Vedncsday evening a high class vaudeville and operatth eutertainmmxt will he givmi in the Skating Rink. TUE \V E Lnt 32. 2nd Con. Vaughan, contain- ing 200 acres, 15 to rent, for a. term of YL‘Hl‘S. 10 t. f. cleared. Lot 60, rear lst mining 150 acre Part of Int 19, 3rd con. Markham, mnmining 72u01-es. more ()1 less, bhe estuu- of the late John Kelly, is to rent fur a term of years. The person renting will have the privilege of fall plqwing and putting in full wheat. ., A u A «7n \ n__,_,_.L.....~ A First-Class Nine-Rammed House with 20f an acre of lamd. Gnod stone foundation and cellar. Situated on Yonge street, Richmund Hill. .- Enos-G‘HOVE v1 Executm-s, E. J. FAHEY )Elgin Mills P. O 811 Winnipeg Mowbray 1 Deloraine l_ Souris ‘, Brandon J JESDAY, Sept. 20â€"Credit sale 0f .1 mu-lnnd of cattle, lot (5, can. 9. Markham, Box Gruve, the pi oper- ty of \V. A. Clark. Sale at one u'clnck sharp. Three Ixmnths‘ credit. J. H. Prenticv. uuct. YEDNESDAY. Sept. 21 4â€" Important auction sale of houses and lots; 20 good work horses. g. p., good for farm use; 8 heavy wagons and boxes, complete; 7 sets of heavy harness; buggy. cutter and numer- ousnther articles. the property of \V. J. Adarv, corner of Ossingtnn Ave. on Davenport Road. Sale at; 1 O'clock sharp on time? Terms, cash. Nureserve. J. H. Prentice. Lyieion Lenore Miniota Elgin Wawanesa nuctinnoa’l Binscarth Moosomin Arcola A 131ny to Farm to Rent. MUNN & Hum: toy} 8-11 ubhlUJ Farm to Rent flARVEST EXCURSIONS. 13 mm to Rent JEWM ARKET FAIR. Sale Heglsner- rea W. E. \VILEY, $30.00 Apply to Apply to T0 RENT () 331â€"â€" D. BOYLE. Richmond Hill. WM. HART. 1 Jefferson P. O. . g. p., good for avy wagons and 7 sets of hum-y utter and mum-r Regina Moose Jaw Kamsack Swan River Saskatoon 'Plilihmzmd Hill. 533.75 34.00 WW€M+WWWW€W+WWW+MM€~ * mmmfl There is seldom a day that we are not consulted in regard to a condition that. if we were to have seen it in its early stages. the sufl'erer would have been relieved. cured and saved considerable expense. his we consider isdue to lack of knowledge on the part of the doctor who has previously trented the case; therefore, we so to you. if you are suf- fering from any disease or condition peculiar to men. or if you ave been a victim and been dissapointed in not getting a pemanent cure elsewhere. we would as}: that you come to our oï¬ce for personal examination or write us for a Quesï¬on Blank for Home Treatment. We will explain to you OUR§YSTEM QF TREATMENT, which we have originated and developed after our whole life's experience in the treatment of special diseases of men. We will give you, FREE OF CHARGE. an honest and scientiï¬c o iuion of your case. If we ï¬nd you are incurable we will honestly tell you so. If we fin your case curable we will give you a written guarantee to cure you or refund you your money. We cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARiCOCELE, STRICTURES. BLOOD and SKIN diseases, PROSTATIO troubles, BLADDER, KIDNEY and URINARY diseases. Fresh Groceries and P Question List Sent Free for Home Treatment. CONSULTATION FREE. Livery in Connection METROPOLW Did you see the exhibit of NEW WILLIAMS’ Sew- ing Machines at the Exhibition ? We have pur- chased these and will offer them at a very low ï¬gure for cash. Now is the time to invest in one and save a few dollars. Call and inspect these before looking elsewhere as they are good bargains. E36 ï¬g ï¬AVAQE £2 S ce-Cream Parlor open (1 gatherings supplie on shorte BOOTS, SH . B. LEQ?§RE, Prep. YOU CAN PAY \NHEN CUREDâ€" \Ve carry a complete line of order for practically nothing. “IDES AND RUBBERS. a revisions Kept always. aily. PioNic and other d with Ice-Cream 5t notice. mflflï¬mff a5: F?» M good working @EE WW a?