Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Sep 1904, p. 7

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Those who desire to keep in touch with the world‘s progress and who wish to spend a. most pleasant and profitabm time sliould not fail to ca the largest and most col;.r.chen- Eire Exposition that has ever been 'nmvn as 8. "World's Fair" and now is the time to go. I The Grand Trunk have also installâ€" ed exhibits at the Eastern Canada ,Exposition held at Sherbrooke, Que. t the Canadian National Exhibition, oronto, and the Western Pennsylâ€" 'ania Exposition, Pittsburg, I’LL, all ow taking place. The Western Pen- nsylvania Exposition is one of the largest annual fairs held in the Unitâ€" ed States and lasts 46 days. The space occupied by the Grand Trunk is 3,000 feKt and it is estinmted that. not less than half u million people will visit the display. "World's Fair" will readily bring 11‘ iist of these places. Without :1 perâ€" sonal Visit no one has any concep- irtion of the magnitude, grandeur, ar- tistic beauty and greatness embodied in the 1240 acres that contain the displuys from every country in the unherse and embrace the acme of perfection and evolution of liberal arts and Science up to the twentieth century. To see this with cne's own eyes is worth years of study and is an education in itself. His Majesty's famous Grenadier i‘Band from England and renowned {throughout the British Empire open- ‘ed a six Woeks’ engagement at the Fair on August 29th and crowds surâ€" roundcd the stand applauding- lustily to every number. The nightpfi‘ect en the grounds with the buildings illu- minated with myriads of electric 'lights is beyond description, and ‘must be seen to be fully appreciat- ed. One noticeable feature of the Exposition is the facility for the economy of the visitor's time and ‘the saving of his strength that has ‘been provided. Gondolus, electric I’launches and boats traverse the two imiles oi lagoons which surround the [Main buildings and an intramural ,u'nilway reaches every part of the ‘grounds. Rolling chairs may be seâ€" cured for trips through the buildings Innd elsewhere. and large automo- biles with well informed Guides make trips throughout. the grounds. Meals can be secured on the grounds at reasonable rates from twentyâ€"five icents up to any price one likes to pay. The Grand Trunk Exhibit of the Forestry, Fish and Game Build- ing is nttracting much attention and the conccnsus of opinion is that it is the finest in the building. The many fine pictures of the fishing, hunting and summer resort districts in the Provinces of Ontario and Queâ€" ‘bec appeal to the sportsman and ‘tourist and the animated picture machines showing the “International Limited" and scenic pictures of difâ€" ferent. sections of the line holds the attention of visitors, bringing Can-‘ 'ada prominently before the people of the American continent. Interesting Gossip About Some Prominent People. The Ameor of Afghanistan was rery dull at bookâ€"learning when he Was a. boy, but had a natural gift for engineering and handicrafts; in fact, he became an expert black- smith, as he thought a. Prince ought to hm‘c a trade to full back upon lust as much as any of his subjects. ’l‘lie oldest civil and mechanical engineer in Ilio world who is still acâ€" tively engaged in pra’ctising his pro- fession is Mr. Charles Haynes Has- wcll. At the advanced age of ninetyâ€" fivc years Mr. Huswell continues rc~ gulnr Work. very l‘nruly’ missing 11 day irom his desk in the cingineorâ€" ing bureau of the Board of I'lstilnate nil Appointment of New York City. 1'. Lyman Gage. the Anterivan Cranire: rose from being assistâ€" Sarasato, the great violinist, was once asked the seeret of his success. “Six hours’ practice a day since I was twelve,” was his reply; which means that, he has fiddled for 100,- 000 hours since his early boyhood. HOWCVCI‘. this constant practice has i‘esulled in not; only fume but; for- tune, for lie makes something like $50,000 a your. In conversation with Mr. H. R. Charlton, of the Grand Trunk Rail- Nay System, who has just returned [tom the "World's Fair” at St. Louis, some interesting information Was gleaned regarding this largest of Expositions ever held. Many of the Eastern people, said Mr. Charlton, are under the impression that the temperature of St. Louis at this time of the year is unbearable and that the mercury reaches a high point. This impression is quite er- ,bz'oueoun and the average for the past Week shows 72 degrees. The days are pleasant and the evenings cool and comfortable. Thousands of peo- ple are now reaching St. Louis from all parts of the country and during the rest of the life of the Exhibition (December lst) hundreds of thou- sands will have visited this mam- moth undertaking. rl‘o avoid the crowds that will undoubtedly be there later all those wishing to see the Exposition to the best advanâ€" tage should go now before the ex- ceptional] large crowds are in eviâ€" dence. ’I‘ie attendance is' increasing every day and last Monday nearly 200,000 people passed through the gates. Another erroneous idea which seems to have gained ground is the rice charged for accommodation at. t. Louis, the rumor of which is un- warranted. Therc are hotels and private boarding houses which cater to the pockets of all classes and a; letter to the Information Bureau“; PERSONAL POINTERS. THE WORLD‘S FAIR. This is a most satisfactory result for the month. When King Edward was a little boy, a party of Ojibway Indians, who were given an audience bv Queen Victoria, caused him much amusement, and he ran about among them, pulling at their fringed legâ€" gings and examining their trappings without the slightest fear. One of the chiefs delighted him hugely by presenting him with an eagle's leaâ€" ther and a. bear's claw, and also made the little Prince, a pretty speech, describing him in true Red Indian fashion as “the Very big litâ€" tle White Father whose eyes are like the sky that' sees all things, and who is fat with goodness like a win- ter bear.” “Sir Frederick Holder, Speaker of the House of Representatives, preached twice in the Methodist Church, Golden Square, Bendigo, last Sunday." This item 01' news, exâ€" tracted from the latest Melbourne papers, may sound a little strange at this side of the world. but such announcements have long been familâ€" iar to Australian readers. Sir Fredâ€" erick was a Wesleyan preacher for many years in South Australia, of which colony he Was Premier when Federation was accomplished. He was elected the first Speaker of the NEARLY $8,000,000.00 The Accumulated Funds in the treasury of the Independent. Order of Forresters on the lst of August. 190-1, stands at $7,815,556.02. ()n the lst. of September they stand at $7,909,086.49. Showing an increase for month- of September of $03,- 530.47. At. the end of Octohor the Supreme Executive anticipates that the accuâ€" mulated funds will be very nearly the round $8,000,000.00. Members of the 1.01“. may in confidence 1‘0- commend the order to their friends since it is gathering a financial strength such as no other Society has. “I'd like to knoWâ€"" hean the littleâ€"Twoy. "Well, what would you like to know?" asked his mother. "I'd like to know why sweethroads haven’t any bread in ’0m, and swoctmeats haven't any meat in Commonwealth Parliament, and in- stead of resting on Sundays, like every other Speaker, he finds his way by tome of habit into some Method- ist pulpit. Sir John Jackson, who was not successful in Winning the seat at Davenport, England, has probably built more docks than any other contractor in the World. He is fifty- two, and a Yorkshireman; began his engineering career in the ’l‘yneside shops, and undertook his first Con- tract at tlie early age of twentyâ€" four. This was at Newcastle, and the work was so well done. that young, Jackson made a bid for the completion of the Queen’s Dock at Glasgow. He was then twentyâ€"five, and the work took three years. When it was finished his name was made, and thenceforward dock and harbor construction became the work of his life. Genial, unaffected. and imâ€" mensely rich, he is one of the most broadâ€"minded of men: and it speaks we]! of him that, though he {arer h'as fewer than 5,000 men at Work for him. he has never had a sirike. Daniel Viergc, who died recently in Paris and who was known as “the father of modern illustration," was a. Spaniard by birth. At the eighti- eth birthday celebration of Vicior Hugo he was stricken with paralysis which rendered his right side power less, but with rare courage and per- severance he trained his left han-‘d and continued to the 0nd to be at the head and front of modern illustra- tors. i The Sultan of Turkey cannot have ‘8. paitimlnrly Happy life. He is so afraid of poison that every dish and drinking vessel is covered wiih a. cloth and sealed. At any moment he may command one of his attend- ants to taste some portion, and a number of unfortunate pct animals are kept constantly at hand for the same purpose. Ho is fond of read- ing exciting, sensational novels, is a. good shot with rifle and pistol, plays the piano, and constantly has concerts, plays, and cinematograph performances to While away his lone- ly and unhappy h'on,rs. Faulty Kidneys. â€" Have you back- ache? Do you feel drowsy? Do your limbs fee) heavy? Uhve you frequent. headaches? Have you failing vision? Have you dizzy feeling? Are you dcâ€" prcsscd'? Is your skin dry? Have you a. tired feeling? Any of these sings prove kidney disease. Experience has proved thug "Sou’gh American Kidney M. Combes, the French Premier, is a doctor by profession, and still rah tains his old copper nameplate “Doc- tour Combos" on the front 'door of his house at Pons. Occasionally his medical services are asked by his old townspeople, and ho says ho ox- porionces more satisfaction in relievâ€" ing their pain than in winning a po- litical victory. His chief rocrmtion in Paris is said to be the study of foreign languages. Ho. is also ‘vory fond of cyclingâ€"a pastime, however. which he only engages in when stay- ing in the country. CD1 . ant in a village postâ€"office. He is a. great believer in rich men helping promising young lads, instead of founding huge buildings. Mr. Gage considers that the progress of the world is helped on much more by assisting a boy to finish his educa- tion at college then by spending: money in bricks and mortar. lure nuvor milsâ€"fl There is no sodaâ€"Water. Every pint of soda-Water contains two and a half pints of carbon dioxide, 8. gas. Thorofoxe, when you drink one pint of sodaâ€"water you really drink three and a. half pints. Gontlomen.â€"-While driving down a very steep hill last August. my horse stumbled and fell, cutting himself foarfully about the head and body. ] used MINAIHIS LINIMENT freely on him and in a few days lie was as Well as ever. "Mixs Gracie, may I have this lit- tle hand " “Oh, Mr. Spoonamore. this is soâ€"" “This littbe handful of ferns. 'ns :1 memento of our 'dcâ€" lightful Walk?" iAl] the Crimean veterans in receipt of small pensions, who are in neces- sitous circumstances, are now being granted special increases, provided that they were either wounded or discharged for disability, or are at pres-cut sufl'ering from a disability clearly due to their military service. Babies are often fed, or rather stewed, said Miss May Yates to the British Women's Temperance Associ- ation, on choose, fried fish. tinned . . D salmon, plcklcs, gm and beer. The Solicitorâ€""Don‘t you think $25,000 cash would be punishment enough for his breach of promise?" Tlin Aggrived Onoâ€"“No, indeed! I Want him to marrymm!" Thought It meant death sure.â€" Mrs. James McKim, of Dunn ville, OnL., says 01‘ her almost miracul- ous cure from heart disease by Dr. Agncw's Cure for the Ileart: “Until I beng taking this remedy l despaier or my life. I had heart failure and exâ€" treme prostrntlon. One (1059 gave me (ulck relief and one bottle cured me. ’llhc suli‘criug‘s 01' years were dispelled like ulugiC."-â€"3 A modern weapon In tho battle for healihaâ€" If disease has taken your citadel of health, the stom- ach, and is torturing you with indiges- tion, dyspepsia and nervous prostra- tion, South American Ngrvine is the weapon to drive the enemy from his sp'gngholr! "_ut the point or the bayon- Miss l’assayâ€""Yes, and when he proposed. I tncd hard not to lot liim road any encouragement In my face. but he did." Miss I‘eppcryâ€" “Ah! I suppose he could read he- twoeu the lines." Heâ€""Do you really believe ,ig’norâ€" ante is bliss?" Sheâ€""1 don't know. You seem to be happy.” Mm. Wmsx ow's Sou-mum san'r has been an! '1, millions of mohhrrs for Uneir children while teething. Itsnolhea the child. softens the gums. allay! pain. cures wind colic. regulates the fiwnmch and bowels. and is the bneremody for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a. bobble Sold erruggists throughout, the world. Be sure and “320: “Mm. Wmsww‘ssoorumu drama" 22â€"40 is why they aria the 0le foliEs' great- est friend. stronghold "at the point of the bayon- et," trench by trench. but swift. and sure, it always wins.â€"é Orland, 0nt., Sept. 19â€"'(Spccial)â€" Mr. Chester Loomis, an old and re- spected farmer living in this section, is spreading broadcast the good news that DodLl's Kidney Pills are a sum cure for the Lame Back and Kidney Disease so common among old people. Mr. Loomis says: “I am 76 years of age and smart and active as a boy and I give Dodd‘s Kidney Pills all the credit for it. Mlnard's Linlment Relieves Neuralgia And From a Used up Man Be Be- DIR. CHESTER LOOMIS TOOK DODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS. HE FEELS AS J. B. A. BEAUCIIEMIN Shorbrooke. came as Smart as a. Boy. Tor Over Sixty Years YOUNG AS EVER Some quite new and simple garments for babies have just been invented. They are in the shape of bags, open down the slwuflders and sleeves, and are fastened with small. unobtrusive buttons. To dress the baby, the garments are arranged in place, one over the other, the front portions turned down, and the baby laid inâ€"or onâ€"thexn. ~ Then the front. portions are turned to place, and his small kingship buttoned in- to full and complete garbing. The child is fresh, unwcaried, unix‘ritatod by much handling and turning, the little limbs are free to stretch, kick, twist, turn and grow us they will. Hoâ€""There is a limit thing, you know.” She the clock)â€"“Yes, oven can't lust for ever.” “He's employed by the railway company now, I understand?” “Yes; he has charge of the pumzle departâ€" ment." “The what?" “He makes out the timeâ€"tables!” “He's still employed by that big wholesale house. isn't he?" “No; I think he's in business for himself now. He used to take an hour for lunt-h, and now he only takes a bare In a London hospital tlicre is an inmate who is gradually turning black. In New York is a, negro who is turning white. lum-h, and now five minutes!" Via the Chicago and North Western Railway, every day from Sept. 15th to Oct. 15th, settlers one way second class tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in Utah, Montana. Nevada, Idaho. Oregon, Washington, California, also to Victoria, Van- couver, New Westminster, Rossland and other points in the Kootenay District. Correspondineg low rates from all points in Canada. Full particulars from nearest ticket agent or B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King Street, Toronto, Ont. The "Hospifial" stated that 2,289,- 578 patients are treated annually in London rhospitals and dispensarics. Two Years Abcd â€"â€""For eight years I suffered as no one ever did with rheu- mutism; for two years I lay in bed; could not. so much as feed myself. A friend recommended South American Rheumatic Cure. After three doses I could sit up. ’I‘o-day I am as strong as ever I wus."â€"Mrs. John Cook, 287 Clintin street, Toronto.â€"2 m [At us have your consignment of any of these article: and we will get you good prices. THE DAWSON COMMISSION 00. Um“ Minaid's Liniment for sale everywhen Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Applefi SET’I‘LERS LOW RATES WEST nard’s Liniment Cums Dandrufl. P. D. [JOBS & 60,, B'Iletl'eaI, Toronto, Vancouver, The E. . EDDY COMPANY, HULL, CANADA EDDY’S IMPERVIOUS SHEATHING PAPER Will every readcrof this enquiry “ Who Knows Anything About Banniger " Please dlop a line on the subject to WW mm. W. BHASE'S 0mm CURE 250- BAD] ES. IN BAGS Inuuu uunl. - n "V" I: sent direct to the diseased parts by tho Improved Blower. D Heals tho ulcers. clean the m passages. uops droppin In th- throat and manu‘y cure: Catarrh and ay Fover. Blowe: free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Cbaa Medium: 60.. Toronto and Bufl‘ah Who knows anything about “ BANNIGER ” 7 All Buyers, Sellers and Users of cor. what game: and oolbpmo an, ‘ronom'o‘ 9N Q9M§fij$SEQN cg, lelted Are interested in this question to every- lookinp: at this night ? Shiloh’s 7 @onsumption} When the Kaiser promised to in~ scribe on the flags of the Goc‘man troops. who are fighting the Heroes in South Africa, the names of the battles they Won he probably did not know that they had just. Won a fight at Otjihinamaporero. Miss Sarcasticâ€""I fairly dotc on our modern pamh-rs!" Mrs. Kitâ€" chenerâ€"“I can't see whom they are a bit better than the paperhung- e1~:l." figure Hicksâ€""Look at Sniggs flirting with the girls over there. I thought you said he was a woman-hater.” "Wicksâ€"“So he is, but the Woman he hates is not here.” Second cabin pmsengers berthed in belt accommo- dsticn on the manner at. the lbw raw or w to Liverpool. or 842.50 to LonYon. Third out! to L‘verpool.Landon, Glaagow or Quecnsh wn'SUJJ. For all particulars apply to local agents. or Catarrh for cured in a. f: James, of Scran been a. martyr years, constant Re-open Sept. l2th. A high-class residential and day school for girls. Modern equipment. Specialists of European training and o! the highest academic and profes~ slonal standing in every department~ of work. Foe booklet apply to MRS. GEORGE DICKSON, Lady Princi- pal; GEORGE 'DICKSON, M.A., Dl- rector (late Principal Upper Canada College). DOMINION LINE OFFICES. 41 King Sb. BL. 'l‘Jronto. 17 St. Sacrament. 35‘. Montreal BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. MONTREAL Ontarrh for twenty years and cured in a few days â€"Hnn. Gcorgo James, of Scranton. Pa.., says: “I have been a. martyr to Cntarrh for twenty years. constant. hawking, dropping In the throat and [min in the head. vary oflcnsive breath. I tried Dr. Agnow's L‘aLarrhuI Powder. The first applica- tion gave instant relief. After usmg a few bottles 1 was cured. 50 couLs.â€"1 Dominion Line Steamships MONTREAL To LIVERPOOL. mModerate Rate Service.“ St. Margaret’s College, Toronto. Clennlna Ind Curllnz and Kid Gloves cleaned That on be sent by poll. lo p" oz. the beat. pllco ll FEATHER DYEING Minard's liniment [lures Burns. etc. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 302 35c. 50¢. 21 LeRoy. N.Y.. Toronto. Can. b are $22,?“ is guaranteed to cure. If it doesn't benefit you, the drugglst will give you your money back. The harder you cough, the worse the cough gets. USE~â€"â€" “ISLAND CITY” HOUSE AND FLOOR PAINTS tn Sale at all Hardware Dalian "I’Dâ€"Ti 'ON 'iflSSI Wlll Dry In 8 Hours. .lfl 7272

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