(-375 hr Mr. and M! SH!) and Miss glwnt over Sm 3V9 don‘t (’Xpl‘l‘L u patronage hut. um I Atkinson & Switzvr. Miss (ix-singer “Fran-Hutu, i< S] ing hm- hniidnys \\ uh in r uu-thn H. F. IIupp- r. Miss Frith of is tho guvsl. Hf “FUUIdPH Lud; “'0 dnn‘ all We knn insnn & Sv Mr. Mm Larvae of Mr. and M Mrs. Sham-1’s tzlkvs place at hm hill. Tuesday. the nulice on mm‘du-x Unnkstown Advvvnh- â€" Glass uf Riohmuml Hill, w (4f his l’n-nHu-r, R. \V. GI day and Mundny. An organist. \\':Il)l(‘(l in {he Soc :ulx-t. (m m Mrs. .600. 'J‘H-Ju‘h, and Miss mun nf East 'lmwnln, spy-n24 day \V'iHl I'vlulivvs in Hal: \3 returned Mnnduy. Dr. Sisley. Inn-1y of Maple. has 10- uutr-d ‘in Calgary, 01;» (.f L110 smart tnwusiu Lhc North-“fest. The Dr. writes that, ho is Well pleased with [1w appearance of the place. There will be :m :mntiun sale nl' fresh milch cows, springm's feud- ors and stncvkvrs at thv Palmer House this Mum-noun. cnmmvncing at 2 o’clock. Suigeun and McExvan, auc- limeels. v The \V. O. 'I‘. U. will meet at the home ‘nf Mrs. Switzer on Tuesday evening next at 7.30 o‘clock. As‘ arrangements for the Cu. Convention will bemmlo it. is requested that all mt-mbers be fresent. The garments (1f the maule-to-meas- lu-e suit-s we are nifvling possess that chicund stylishness svén only in the )l'odnctviunsof the very lwst tailors. 'e would like to measure you for a suit. Atkinson & Switzs-r. Rev. Thus. Cfllnpht‘ll n‘i†preach sermonson Lhe Dlllidillk circuit, next Sunday. Mr. Cumphvll’s services; will be taken by Evangelist, Hathaway, who will preach in the Methodist church here Sunday evening. Boots and shnesâ€"Bc'fme purchasing elsewhere see our \\'utor-prm>f bonl- fur men which We fully guarantee. \Vo also carry a cvmplete stack of men’s lu-zu‘y fulI and winter footwear, from the factories of the host. makers in the Dominion, Boys’ and girls’ schuol hunts of every description always in stock. Naughtun 131-05., Elgiu Mills. Mr. C. II. Ellslun 0f the Dominion House. stepped on il. nail which mm through his shoe and pierced the snlv nf his fnut, the laHex-pzu-t of lust, week. The font was much swollen and the patient had to remain ill-doors for sevâ€" eral days, but. he is now able to wear his shoe again. A Harvest, Thanksgiving service will he held in Trinity Chm-ch. Thumhill. on Thursday. September 29, cummenc- ing alt 8 o’clock p. m. Rev. Canon Dixon of Tm-nnln, will be the preach- er. Special music will be provided by the chair. A collection will he made which Will he devoted to the remun- tinn of the chm-oh. Jackson Bros. of Maple. bored 90 foetlust wuok (In the farm of Peter Jones. lot 30,3111 con. Vaughan. and gut; water, which ruse to within six feet of the surfucv. Mr. Jones pur- poses t-l‘ectinga windmill. The same ï¬rm box-ed fur Mr. D. Burns and got water at, 70 feet, which ruse to Within ten feet of the surface. Rxcnmmn Hm», Svan-zulwl The \Vilkinsun Plow ‘10.. through their agent Mr. H. A. Nichnlls will u mute one of their famous Great. estern Manure Spreadm-s on Lhu farm of Mr. James Baker near Can-- ville nu Friday afternoon of this week. Farmers interostul in this new dew-l- opment in machinery should nut miss theopportunfly of seeing it, at work. All are welcmnï¬ This '5 i1 . The “'eekly Mail and Empire will be sent from this date to the end of theyem‘for 15 cents. 01- new sub- scribers will get the )aper from the Ewesent (lute to the endI of next year for $1.00. Yearly subscribers also got the populur al'tngmvure. "The Vic- tm-iu. Cruss,†or “Atlas of Canada. and Continents (If the \Vm‘ld." Leave your subscriptiun at, THE LIBERAL .Ol'ï¬ce. Miss ( Foulden doling l' imads in 14(361 :KFAE‘S THE \VEEKLY MAIL. tho I M x-s TRINITY CHURCH. DO NOT MISS IT! mini: U-(lg L n1" \\' IS BI 111mm: . itzvh GOOD \VELLS. I'SH m1 HM Zéï¬ryai. )I‘_'l‘0mnm. is: spnnd~ Mastvvn ‘ him 11 of u'n nil Millinm-y Opvnia :hnw hmuw, Thur Ilh nf Outohm'. S< or and Mr. sw-nl. Suud :1 mm- I'kins with [0 gv‘t ( try tn shy“ ri in] n-ir .UIOWH 1t) \Vilhm lu-n'd n11 u'm-ks \vi Newmurkvt r~lmldm Pun-mud", lyhutly‘ We it Albert ,he guesi on Sun- ldl'l' is chum-.1". \Vll ‘umnm, Brownâ€" 39 m [901 Sun ith of (minus uhd driu «classvs nt' lmrsw minute, 2.30 and culllvsls. hlll'IHt,’ gt-ntlvmnn’s turn list if yo ht-fm-o Mr. ch inst. J \vifu lull-red instilling 1m cr’s n-t-sidu-m mum‘s up heh Haunrs (my momflg. dmme Mrs. K}; with a “ï¬n-11ng and was fined $5 [mm-1| unthng rgniu in {his pl \vovk 1hr dmt only duughtt-r the curly ugv () Because-(L whu Mrs. M. H: attacked [l' with dipl! the (“SPHS( warning. in 1h:- R. Unrmul was :1 f." with hvr tï¬â€˜iU'hf her :Il-quuintmu puinml 10 lawn-n cast. npnn the m mrbh is rumm‘t-d wry rnlpidly by the (tuning and elevating machine drawn by three l‘.e;|xy»(]laugl)b teams and npu-zltcrl by the foreman and thre-e :lssiw'mts, Dm ing the week the men have hvon at \vm-k un the 3rd cum-os- siml (-f \Yllitl-huruh, through the fill’nISUf Ge-nrgoSmith‘ Seth Smith. Arthur Allean and Thomas Forrester. \Vd umlerstzlnd that, satisfactory mu mngeuwnts have been made hetwvon the ('(Impnny and the uwners l'PlilliVC tn the right nf Way, and the purchase price of the land crossed by the rail- way track. The tents will prnhnhly he pitched same ï¬ve miles south of then-present location in about, three weeks. Dow Mrs. “My Huihvny i: Many [n uph- vim with muvh intent in use is modern An inn-195Lng thanksgiving Fer-v \‘ice was held in the Church of Eng- land of this place, Thursday evening lust. ’l‘hechurch wusneatlv and ap- propriately decoruth with flowers, vines, grain and fiuity. The pzlsbnr. Rev. John Gibson, was assisted "by Rev. Canon Swevny, of St. Phillip’s Church, Toronto, who gave an able address from the words “Let every- body that hath breath praise thv Lord.†Rev. Mr. Swoeny pointed out passngvs showing that the bible- was :1 hunk of prayer and a hank of praise. I-Ie reï¬ned to the many h-mpnrnl blessings vouchsufed to US, and puint- 9d nut Lho impurmnce of looking for- wurd to spiritual blessings which will hvgrunted those who are faithful tn the and. The chair, with Miss A. Kerswill :xs mgunist, sung several up- prnpniatvsolcctkms, and Miss Smart contributed n 3010. The Ct-nncil mot Sept. 15: present the l‘Qt‘Vt’. Councillors Glass, Innes. Paulin and Trench. Minutes of lust meeting l'k‘nd and up 9129?“.- . I The follnwing accounts wm'e rend :~ Putt-r501) Munufucturing Co . . . .3471 82 J. Startup. work on sidewalks. . 30 7:3 H. Blunt-hard, “()l‘k nu streets. 15 ()0 Michael Bms., tentning etc . . . . . . 63 53 Ontuiin Paving Brick Cu. . . . . . . 6 05 Innes»â€"Trenchâ€"â€"Thub tlm 'Ireasurm- do pay the nhme ilCCliuntS.â€"()HI‘I'll"‘d. P21uliuâ€"lnm-sâ€"Thnt whereas many of the i-utepayms of the village have cmnplainvd that trees in smne 0f the public streets are injm-inus to the road, dwvlling houses :md uther prop- erty, and this council believes that the complaints in some instances have. been well founded and thel‘ofme doth authorize the reeve to give instruc- tions to have the trees in the streets of the Village trimmed 0r rmnnved, as the Council is (if the npiuinn that Sllcll trees are detrimental to health and in- jui-inus tq propvrtv.fâ€"Cu‘rriedz WANTEDâ€"Quickly, few persons in represent long established who]: sale house among u bail man-hunts and agents. Local iernmry of (ew counties. :18 salary and expenses paid weellv. Expense money advanced. Commission extra. Permanent engnment‘ Business succesuul. Previous experience not essential. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Addnss. BCPEBLV- TENDENT '1‘nnm.mm,335 Dearborn St C. he.- so. i 33-24 This Mr DI ED [N “'t- H‘LIH'L (‘oml FIN “‘HS 21 p 1‘ L\ .\1 ES' BA Y RA] [AVA Y Village Councfl. Iil‘ fll' BOLTO N FA 1 R. Ki I‘l't Ln Imu‘ m l‘(-‘(‘0l'(l this amt]; uf (kn-mu] Ulnil‘vy. m-r of Mr. John ()laifoy. at gm nf 14 yours, 11 months. u'hu had Mien living with ‘mingwuy. Uninnville. was wom-ly pult of last \w-vk [hm-in, nnrl succumth In a about. 3 u'cl.u:k Tuosd:.y le rmnuins were intvn-vd U. UnnwLu-y, Thm-nhill. SzlquHl'itP in this villngv Piu'hCl‘S. her plnynmlvs and ntuncm, .md many will 1w warn of tin» grout iii-flirtiun ye sun-rowing relatives. Lin! MARY’S CHURCH. \\‘hi( will 7th m I); xkluml laid a complaint l‘vvl'y, .l. R. thatcn the svle Blunt-hind and his hlnsphu-nn-ns and grossly gungu In her at tho fm-m- H! I work an the Jnmm‘ is I:()\\' mule-1- way ivw thv \Vlwk own-y thy m est. The ' nuwhinm-y m and upâ€"tn-dutv. and (-d very rapidly by the 1w hvld (m \lenvs- 5'] 2.4â€]. Particular- ‘e hum}: «WNW! for rs in the (lifl’fl'cnt . thv gx-m'n trut. 3 hen-fur-ull spa-vding and szulxllP horses. om. lzuly (h'n'vr, Me. i: svnd ynu a prize m .1 card. h is getting h 1w held (In “'11 v1 Zflh. I’m-Lit: \VARNED M. TEEFY, 010) k. 151‘ [I Y F, h‘ m mg Lhe Hm (I was dismissed ansoph Blanch- mfls. It is to be kind will occur street. the (us:- und Mr. Sum 51- came P. John :(-.Tuvx- Lhe evi‘ AR. Ht Nd the Sarsaparllla by keeping the bowels regular with Ayer’s Plus. -=~'::5.102va , ONT. V A High Grade Cmnmelcinl School. Strictly first-class in all departmvnts. Magniï¬r-vnt catnlugm- fruv. \Vritv for «me. Cm'ncr Yunge and Alexander Sis. Shudents admitted at Jami in'ï¬me A nice cozy hnuse. 7 01- 8 rooms, nice garden. \Vould pny cash. Apply 13 LIBERAL OFFICE. Containing 150 acres more or less. This is one of the hast, farms in the Township of Markham situated on the 8th cnu.. near Markham Village. Firsticlalss clay luum, 10 nm-es fall “'hvat. in. 20 notes seeded dmvn. and the farm is in :L guud state (If cultiva- tion. Good hank burn, windâ€"mill, ï¬rst-class ln'iuk bunso. 20 acres of limbex-ed pasture land, wle fvnced, drained, and plenty of gum] water on the farm. For further particular: and terms apply to To be Too Late 2 " Returnln from the Cuban w", 1 mm a orfoct wrec . Mg blood wns bad. and my saith was gone. ut a few bottles of Ayer‘a Sanapsmla coTiplemly cured me." C. Doxaum. Scranton, Pa. moo a homo. ' J. 03. Ann (:0. All drums,“ ; a..- 1 ‘1". MM: 13-14 Sarsapariiia Impurc blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then boils. pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv- ousness, depression. If the stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for 60 years. .Cheap watches cannot be re- lied upon for correct. time. Don‘t run chances of being in time for your train, but carry a IIampdc-n (adjusted) watch and have the comfort of knowing what; time it. is. impure Bleed :JERRY : SMHTH, : The quickest way for :1 ynnng man to work up to a high posi- tiun in the business world has prm‘vd, in thousamb of cases, to he by the slcuographic route: The-domand fm‘ mule stem)- gmphers cannot be ï¬lled. It is n ï¬elgl of great possilfilities. Let us givv 3:0“ ll'lUl't‘, information uhuur. this special wm k, in when M: :u-v spec-mints. Farm for Sale. Practical Watchmaker. \Vl-ite for catnlogun, 01' visit the school. Price $18.00 to $55.00. WANTED W. J. ELLIOTT. ELFIOTT / - 9WW/fl/é/2’4 JOHN H, PRENTKTE, DELEELQ for Auctioneer, Uniuuvilie P, O, Yorkshire gtook Feed. Usvd and recommended by leading Veternnries and Stockmen, always gives satisfaction because it makes all kinds nf stuck thrive. Guaranteed to cure Distmnpor, Epiznntic, Coughs, Colds and - hmkon “ind in hul'st'S. The Province is full of Distcmpvr among horses and many valuable unim- nls are being ruined by being noglectn-d, which nfton causes hmkvn wind. YORKSHIRE CUL‘GH and HIVE CURE immediately stops the dist-use and cures the cough. Gentlmnen.â€"I can strung] recom- mend Yurkshiru Stuck Food {Yn- 1‘10st and cattle out uf condition. Ihnve recommended it in my practice for {Weuty years and consider it; is the prank-r stuck {and in the market. Sold in Richmond Hill by George McDonald, Harnessâ€"maker, and at. Toronto by km: ‘ jacmcgm Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure fl. Thos. McConnell. V, S. Agricultural Druggists. 171 King St. East, Toronto. Opposite Clyde Hqtel. . A. Johnston S: 00.. Toronto, April 4th, 1900. If you require Heating Stoves of any kind for coal or wood, Ranges for coal or wood, it Would be to your in- terest to call and see our dis- play of stoves of all kinds and latest stylesâ€"Just arrivedâ€"â€" All stoves guaranteed by us to give ï¬rst-class satisfaction or no sale. 1M EYER & 8W Rieizmnnd ï¬ill Ea arising mmï¬mmmcmmmcï¬g February 12th, 1904. GvntImm-n,â€"\Ve have used York- shire Stock Fund fur yours amd know from experience that, it, is far superior to any other stock food in the market. it is a grand food for stock of any kind especially cattle and hogs. \Ve feed it, regularly. Farmers in our chulity all endorse it. ‘ ScurhorrLTp. Dau‘id Duncan & Sons. m