Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Sep 1904, p. 4

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Fp'i'y. It is true it has recently been 'shoivn in the 'eo’urts tha‘t Crooked methods were used in electing some W’the Liberal members, but surer 'thc opposition oughtw-to be satisfied “With the work of the judges. The Ross Government has now only one 03.? a inajoricyflmt that isapoor reason to call upon the Lie‘ut. Governor to dismiss them altogether. During the few past weeks The T0- ronto World has contained a num- lher of clever cartoons, principally "directed against the Ross Govern- !n‘ent. No exception could be taken to many of the illustrations, cutting as they were in relation to members of the Ministry. Politicians gener- ally expect to give and'tz‘lkc severe 'ctfts. In fact if they cannot endure thrusts they had better keep clear of politics altogether. There is reason in all things, hon/ever. The cartoonâ€" ist in Tuesday‘s World overstepped ’the 'mark. He pictures Ontario as a man chained by both hands to the rock “ Sullivan,” a vulture represent- ing “ an unclean Government” tear- ing at his Vitals, with the Lieut. Governor, “Hercules Mortimer Clark" ‘e'oolly looking on, though having the power to use the royal prerogative and dismiss the ministers It is un- ‘i‘air to 'east insinuations upon the Egood name of our Lieut. GOvernor ‘who is not in a position to make re- majority. The Economist is hopeful ‘oflarge majorities for the Liberal candidates in North York and Centre York, with good chances for South York. We agree with the Econo- mist; that: the Laur'ier Government will be suétained,But "We do not think “it'v'vise to‘Count on la‘rgo majorities in the County of York. Many an dieclion is lost by over confidence. The Economist gives ifs opinion as ’to the. resin: in Centre York as fol- lows:â€" Changeâ€"World Changeâ€".110. A Changeâ€"’1 he R Court of Iiuviaiz Changeâ€"Jerry! Clmngeâ€"Kmrne The Markham Economist last week referred to the approaching General elections, and to the certain- "t‘y that; the Lauriel‘ Government would go back with an increased majority. The Economist is hopeful “ In Centre York there is no doubt that Mr. Campbell’irili have a large mnjorityâ€"somewhere about 500 or ’i‘OG. Mr. Campbell is anexceptio‘n ’nlly strong candidate, and personally popular, and with nearly twenty years' experience in parliament. He is chairman of one of the most im- portant committees in the House, and ’his prospects for a position in the cab- inet are more than bright. Mr. 'Phgsley, the Conservative candidate, :is an estimable gentleman, with a Kong experience in the County Coun- cil and is also populawpersonally and will no doubt pol‘i the Conservative vote. But the fact that if elected he 'Will have to sit "in the opposition ‘when he can do no good will weaken ‘his chances with the independent Vote." reliable Tris: Company than into =ithe harms Of some‘neiszhbor or friend. Elie flibcml. We have received a copy 0‘? “Sir. Ernest Henton's book. “The Trust Company Idea and its Development.“ and find in perusing it much useful as well as interesting information. 'fI‘he work contains a list of the Trust Companies in the United States. Can- 'ada, England and other countries, and there is much evidence to show i that good work has been done where- ! Chm Lon, portant committees in the House, and his prospects for a position in the cab- inet are more than bright. Mr. 'Ptigsley, the Conservative candidate, is an estimable gentleman, with a long experience in the County Coun- cil and is also popularkpersonnlly and will no doubt poll the Conservative vote. But the fact that if elected he Will have to sit in the opposition 'when he can do no good will weaken "his chances with the independent “vote.” .i ,\ pa, We have received a copy o‘i' hir. Ernest Hcaton's book. “The Trust Company Idea and its Development.” and find in perusing it much useful as well as interesting information. {The work contains a list of the Trust Companies in the United States. Can- ad'u, England and other countries, and there is much evidence to show that good work has been done where- ever they have been established. ‘It is often safer to put the winding up of a buSiness'ostate into the hands or Will run on custom work diningpSep- let'iiher ‘thr‘ee ‘d‘avs onlv, namely :â€" Tnesda'y, Sept. 20 and Monday and Tuesday. 26 and 27 of the. last week, and'will run first four days of each week during Oiitulitir and Novvilibcr up to midin‘clnding Nnv.‘1’7. 1904. As is well known we make raw cider, hailed cider, apple butter and jelly all from your own apples while you wait. Cider can be boiled to any thickness. Jelly apples should be well ripened and twu-tliirds sweet. Parties wish- ing apple butter should keep their peeling,app_les separate from the cider apples. we expect to buy a qunntity 'nt‘ cider apple‘s (from customers only.) As we have now. after many improve- ments, :1 capacity'n‘.’ about 3,000 gals. ‘uf cider heiletl inm jelly and apple butter. per ‘dn'v. ire-hope to give 0111' customers q'uiclier 'wor‘k and better i satisfaction than ever. Customers are respectfully requested to do‘hiisiness on the above mentioned days as we live a distance from the factory and cnstmnels Coming any other day wnuld find it Very iuenm'enient. As will he in)1iced.the3hnsincss has chang- edxl‘mmle"hmvevor. we still intend to {til-59 'tbe lust of care to please every I clistnmer. as the Senior member of the [present firm is H. \Vingex‘. formerly l of \Vinger Bros. So we hope to see all our old customers back again this Seasnn as usunl, with as many more as [fpnssihlm Thanking the gc-neial public I’inr past favors. we solicit a contin- RICHMOND HILL. September 29, 1904 New Arlvertisements. ELECTI‘O“)T FORECASTS. 3:11;; fifissxll Hufdware Co Ifigviaionâ€"J B MacLean Jerry Smith rm 0' Yum N A Harvey N'FAIR METHODS. ugm'n d: Swizzar ‘s Diqunanry Medical Aasoc'n ly S-finrthunsi School I‘mmce‘uf the saluPiNChe future. nitul‘e. con chairs. car; Terms â€"Fur arms in tw cash. Suigl‘ Wednes-m or fresh mi at the Palzm ’l‘exms 1} mm l‘ueada-v '( furnitu 1‘0. Corners. Sm Sale at l o'cl auctioneer. Court of Revisian Notice is hereby gi’fen that a Com-t will lie‘hvld pursuant to the Ontario Voters” List. Act, by His Honor, Judge Morgan, Judge of the County Com-t of the County of York, at the Linsnnic Hull. M:1pi(â€"‘,ull My, W 12.6», aL1{)u‘clm~k u. m., to hI-ul‘ and determine the several Complaints of errors and omissions in Polling Sub- Divisiuns NUS. '1,"Z. 3 and 4 of me Vutvem' List :of the Municipality ‘uf \Vednes house. in: housebou Mary Fm] Terms. to known on WedneSx implemeu pmyetty 1: sham T‘ auctionee: The latter may ménn well, but. he may lack that business judgman and tact; necessary in such imporLunt work. Mr. Ileaton's volume is for §a1e by all booksellers. Wpuuesulu‘v; lot on lilchmu Elizubobh ‘m Divisions NUS. 1,1. 3 and 4 of Lhé Votem' List iof the Municipality ‘uf Vahghnn fur 1904; and the several complaints uf errors and (mxirsiéms in Pulling Sub-Divisions NUSJS; 6. 711ml 80f the Municipality of Vaughan, at Sullivan‘s Hotel, Pine, vav, on Thursday, Gumbel- 13th, 1904, at 10 o’clock u. m. All persuus‘hxwing =busiwaS at the Cuurt are required to Miami at the 111d time 51nd plflef. mm & JELLY M Dated this 28th (1 ‘hmd In Francis MUNiCIPALlTY 0F VAUGHAN. OF THE VOTERS’ LIST '1‘“ eh’e-Lfioutbé' an: lay. Oct this 28th day of Svpt., 1904. J. B. MACLEAN, Clerk of the said Municigmlity :er House yards. Sme M 1 o'clock. mths. Saigem) & McEwen. aunts Oct. 4 -â€" Credit sale ox huusehuld lunksmitl: tools. rigs, Urm-rn's nrlmro. the property Robert. Sislev. :luck. 'l'ex'mslimos. J.E. Prentice. nud street,the pmp >ckclula; also the iating ofi shaves, uncera’ mols. etc. luusau‘nd lot one-L11 momhs. For hm rn & McEweu. nucts‘ , ()ub5â€"Auction sub 1 cmvs spriugms. yo r House yards. 32m tbs. Saigeon & Ma} Edgel‘y" ale Register. E. Wilmer 86 Son. tuxe. etc., tb 'uumhill. S: ‘f shle Club Rates. ble 1T0 lidâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, :1 lot 15. con 6, Markham. the H. Rake. Sale at 1 o'clock lutbs’cxedit. J. H. Prentice, 'â€"Auctiou tub; for prop J H Prentice. Auction sale 0 p mp erg) the h of: 3 pr huusehold bureaus. Sale n. rly fleet welve 1‘L loads t, etc , Hock. M e 50 ZL A’ chatelaiu» containing money. on Mill Stu-(9t. (» second concession of Van tween Mill Six-vet; and the P sidm-nad, (m m- uboub Thm let of Sept. The findor will be suitably h‘fv, leaving the same at One first-Chas Berkshire Brood Sow; due to pig nn hilh ()vtnlwr. Weight 300 lbs. She hns ruisod 4 lillms of 1'] each. A150 15 yunng pigs, four WUPkH 101d. Thuyare 21 nice lot, of Chvstur Mrs. S. Skater, Thomhfli, Alfiu’mfi fl‘ggeaaéngi Tuesday, (M. 4m fakes pleasure ‘in announcing her Autumn Opening of A cordial invitation is extended to all her friends to be present on that afternoon. 1214 ‘V 11 it: Anyone sending a skefch-m) descri He quickly ascertmn ourppininn - recfiv wet? vgnfi'olr isrprobnbly'pmentuhle. (‘omrr ft his.stfibtlyc0nfidentlal. Handbook on P Gilt free. 91995: ngm uring pan .. I». ~. Lot 32. 2nd (Jon. Vaughan. contain- mg 200 MCI'QS, is to flint for a term of years. 7'» guy» a... yachts. MT. Daiiy action of the bpwxalsis neces- sary. Ald nature wuth Ayer’s Pins. 10 t. f. Pac'e'flié tsiken lhrouizh n sling/ll notice, without. chnrq I; hnndsomnly {Hhstrnted weekiy 1.111729% c Qulotion of nny scientific journal. Terms. $1 wear: four mopths. $1. 8015- by unagcwsdenle 5'9"}: IOU! IDOHDDS. ?l~ DUHI’ If] an up MUNN 81 Sufismmdway- New Yflrk Branch Ofi‘we. 625 F 51.. Vv'ushmmom 0. C. W“ W cation. It. is a. good stony, well told‘ about :1 gnnd school with n stuff of SIXTEEN regular members. the finest equipment to be found. and giving the most thorough Sourse of training for ymlu men am} women who desire to qua ify for gotta busi- ness positions. Be sure and write (or it. if vou think at as. tending any College. The Ewan gag Hwé \ 'ill be phased to send the pros- pé ctus (If his splendid school to any per_snnix_1pgn-st9d in practical edu- ., ,n L 1,) §fi§é§§ii§¢z fimemm MILLINERY For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take AyerTs Cherry PectoraL Alwayske'ep a Mate of it in the houser We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors) “ I have used Ayer's Cherry New-an my family for 40 earn. It Is (he hast medloine in the world, know, for all throat and lung txoublos." Ripans Tabulea. Rlnans Tabules cure Hausa. 'Ripans Tnbules cure torpld live! VV. Ii. SPIAV‘V , Farm to. Rent. Cherry Pectorafi 16 W. A‘. ‘H'ARVEY. ()1- Lnt 34, 5th can of Toronto. Students admitted anytime. Will take Mace on ’THE L'IHERAL OFFH Val-e a nice Apply to For Sale LO 8 91-incipul nf the A pply. tn i121; VMunu charge in the D. BOYLE, Richmond Hill the Elgin Th ursdu‘y lughzm ht Elgin Mill iskuy, 0 'nughu m :Pntents ntents. . receive Wen rded sum ()1 (m “It that mam Heavy Rams $TREGYURE$ i655QéifififiéééfiééééflfiéfiQhfiééfifié‘éééfiééfi‘fivfivfifiéééifi gswwwnwwninwwa‘nwwwwwnnfligg $§>§®Q§§m DR. SPINNEY. Founder of Dr. Spinnay' & Co. Fresh Groceries and Provisions Kept always. Livery in Connection Did you Ree the exhibit of NEW WILLIAMS’ Sew- ing Machines at the Exhibition ? W's have pur- chased these and wirfl offer them as a very low ‘fi‘szure for cash. Now is the time to invest in one ‘and sa’w and inspect these before looking 0 are good bargains WWQEEMQQQSQSQQQfiQGQQT: Ice-Cream Parlor open daily. Pic-Nic and othe gatherings supplied with Ice-Cream on 511 ‘l'teSt norice. @; MIME & Sm RH kinds of Insurance WiH have prompt attention. METRQPOLITAN STORE BOOTS, SHOES AND REBBERS. A few second hand machines l-t suits any root, steep or flat, costs § the price of shingles, lasts longer, is fire-proof, anydne can put “it on, and the price per hun- dred square feet ~15 only Two Dollars». roots. MM is the best time to put them in good order, and by far the best ma‘texia? for The ‘pupose is Russill’s Ready Roofing, Don’t albw prejudice, or old 'fashioneé, ideas, to prevent yUu from using our Roofing. 'For- over twenty years it has successfully stoodfihe practical test of. wear and teat. *ha‘Ve shoWn the bad candfi’éon of a great many The Russ’ill Hardware Co. fi‘. 3. SQUBFQBE, Pmp. Ask your neighbor how We do business. Agent for PIANOS AND ORG-ANS. 126 EAST Ki‘Nfi STREET, TORON 290 wooowmo AVE.. DETROIT. 'MIé'H. order for practicde are abs< sue‘Ygd natural disappe surrouu returns cure yo‘ Stricturcs, 'fio matter “'llcl'e locatefl. are apt Yo involve the surrounding structures. If neglected or improperly treated. urethral stricture will produce distressin symptoms. Cut- ting, stretching and {can ingnre the old bmfimrous methods of treating \ll-i§ d1§fl§c‘ _ The strictly modern and original meth- ods employed by us are free from the horrors of sugge‘ry and are absolutely safe and harmless. The abnonnnl strict re tint sue’l'sdissolved and lenvcs‘thc channel free and clear. ll 9!:- xggturaldischargcs cease. any irritation or burnimz sensauon We Cure ‘Iaricocele. Brood and fikin Diseases. Nervous Debility. Strictures. Bladder. Kidney and Urinary Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE oueafion List For me0 Treatment Sent Free. SPENME arry a complete line of mldischm‘gcs censc. anv irritation or burning sensation wears. the Kidneys. Bladder. Prostate Gland and other Minding organs are strengthened and the blissof manhood 'ns. Our ABSORPTIVH TREATMENT will positively you. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED- @QfiSQfiQ’fi‘fiWSQSQ blu'tcly sh: issolved n ‘ dischargc ill producc‘distrcssin; cm in are the old but _ Th strictly modem re free from the hon 1d havmiess. The ab! caves-“the phanncl free 35:. any Irritation or ieys. Bladder, Prostnt ire strengthened and t v re a few dollars. Call elsewhere as they in good working nothing Cured To Stay Cured

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