Bunchllodand newly furnished throughout One of the most x'nuveuient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every madam cun- veni-mxe SL-xule rooms for couznlercml travajlgrs. mileulstoppingplace (or ri-liug or clnvmg pmrï¬oSJJiu-yclists, or farmer: going tnnr‘M-u-‘uivu rrn'n market. Emm'ic cars pass the door Livury i n - ouuectiun PALMER HO U SE RICHMOND HILL. TERMS smo PER DAY ‘W.C.S.\VAGE - )0 t. f. alas by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. ‘Lnt 32. 2nd Con. Vaughan. contain- ing 200 "cm-s, Is to rent for a term of years. I. H. SANDERSON; VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL 1mus by day and night promptly at- tended to. aoxmsswmzam'mn HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. ssuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND EILL POST OFFICE. Our. Church and Carlton Sts., Toronto, fill be in Richmond Hill on \Ved ‘ nesda‘y (If each week. Oflice, next dum- north of Stand- m‘d Bunk. Ofï¬ce Hours-43.30 3.. m. to 5 p. m. UHN R. CAMPBELL! {OTA RY PUBLIC, st ï¬tting lmvest R. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Dentist. ' AT THE ‘ERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE Ayemé Wk $1 per annum, in advance.] 001cc Hoursâ€"8 to 10 a. )0le 12, 121 Victoria. St. Toronto. Vant your moustache or heard b'eautmn brown or rich black? Use VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornlaill. Farm to Rent. w M. ’I‘EEFS’. .XXVII. IS PUBLISHED EVE-BY URSDAY MO R NING DR. E. J. S'I‘UBBS, BUSINE F. RI 0 PHYSIC BR. Wffl. ROQERS 1):?11tisst. EICHMOND HILL l‘oro duo EDITOR & (Successor to Dr. Sisle in) 3mm SICIAN AND SURGEON, Maple, Ont. wettreinaxy teeth. also replating, at prices. Good work. s‘ Apply to ncimu a: Western and Gm genial. ‘Ecdiml. olf!am;12t02pm QC, - D Paormm‘oa M AH O N. D. BOYLE, m.,1 to 2.30 p.111 Richmond Hill. ONT License Auctioneer (or the County of York, re- speethflly soliqits your patronage and friensiiy influence sales atcpnded on the sLortest noticb and at: reasonabemtes. Randal-ass King Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 LicensedAnch’onearfnr the Counties of York and Ontano All sales of farm stock, kc, at.- teuded to on the shortest notice and reasonable mteq. Mortgngnamtbuiliï¬' sales attended 4:0. Residencesmuflville Out Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. salesttteuded to on shortesgpqï¬qand a. m- Annywï¬_-z_‘. n above J T Saigeon, Maple JAS. N EWTON Barristers and Solicitors. Mouev to loan on land andchutbel nhnrtnnnc . “.uyo Auroraoï¬iceâ€"Reiï¬Ã©;;«1 to the old post 013143.: one door west of the entrance to the Ontano Bunk Newmarket (miceâ€"Three doors south of the lust ou'ice T HERBERT Lnxxox, G STV Moi-«mu 5. II. P: entice. Licensed Aucbinuesr for the County of York. Goods sohl on consignment General sale: 01 stoc etc promptlv attendee to at reasonablc rates Residence Uninnville G R Guuldmg, Newton Brook.agenl {or the o hnvn Hump Life Building (fol-molly hold Luau BRIE). Cm. Adolui LENNQX & MORGAN Mr. Cook will be aif in afternoon of e. RICHMOND HILL & THGR-NHIIL , , _ _ _ v. _- - .u-I v HIT! 610.0! 930063le 03 LP. WOW onablerates Pairenagesolxcxtléd A Local Salesman far I HILL and surrounding to rem-agent TORONTO. vâ€"w "1 Aurora Newmmrket Newest varieties, and SpN'inities in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits and Shrubs, Ornnnmntnls. and Rnses. A permanent situnliun. and territory H’- sorved fur the xighc mun. Pay wee-k- ly, handsome outï¬t free. \Vrite for particulars. and send 25 cents for our puckot, micrnï¬cnpo, just. the thing to use in examining trees and plants fur insects. STONE & WELLINGTON, “ CANADA’S GREATEST ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E 14(%KI\T 311141.455 ViL‘LnrinSts†'I LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Rich Swan'de mnnd St. “’6 (Methodist (Ind eruakers & Eartha lm N's. E. ngam Gï¬ï¬â€™gE ï¬Ã©ï¬â€˜ï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬‚o, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. COOK & JUHNSTEW Sugar-coated, eas to take, mild in action. hey cure constipation, bili'ousness, sick-heady. '7Ai3391 “£153.: 158 Ema um: EAST. TORONTO aocommodnhon Soguosu. Board,81 Derday -ge stock of Funeral meishings kept at both placw. ut. Wauuwm'th VVRIGET BROS 1geon. J R Mcï¬wen. Maple Weston Snigeou a; fllcEwon. WANTED. ,FONTBILL NURSERIES, (over 800 acres.) ste: s D. G. BLflUGEl, W adsworth, N. 15:. 51mm. RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1904. Solicitors, Notaries, 350. lowest, 11655 “ï¬cgazl. SEJVF-sloy Buildings Bonk Romn,) T0- l-ontn. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." at Maple on Thursday of each week. {(155133 E awreme r1 chattel mortgages at -LA_ hmond Hill on :. Adoluvido & 'm-untn. NURSERIES.†Phono Main 2984 RICHMOND WWII- Lex-x-itm‘y ONTARIO. §3 Rir‘h- ‘roe The Toronto Star a few evenings ago referred to the radical (‘hange made in the ridings of York County by the Redisti-ihnï¬nn Act of last, ses- sion, and stated that, if. the municipal- ities making up the present, York lid- inws gave the same nmjoritios us they dig at, the lust, general election, they would on the 3rd of annghc-i- return twn Lihmnls' and one Cmmvl'vntive with the following niajm ities: South York. Conservative, 6.34. Uuntre Yul-k, Liberal. 303. an'th York. Libvml, 540. The fullmving are the votes pull (1 in 1900 in those municipalitius which now make Centre Yin-1k : Etobicnkc . . . . . Markham . . , . . . . Scan-born . . . Vaughan . . . . . ‘ Mmkham Villug Richmond Hill . \Vestml .. .. . W'oodln-idge The annual anniversary gervices of Can-ville Methulist Church will be held on Sunday, Oct. 23. Sermons will he preached 11y R951. J. T. Mun-is of Toronto. A ï¬ne new Estey organ has recently been placed in our church, which adds u-x-y much to the plezwure of the Sun day services. The people of this com- munity are to he commends-d for thw:I hearty manner in which they united their efforts as soon as Lhe need for an .m- -m was realized. Mrs. Ongh of H011 returned home uf sister, Mrs. .1413. B Farm.†Mr. M. J. Boatty< his cousin, Miss M. l Flnwvr sex-vices were held in Can-- ville Methodist; Church on Sunday, Sept. 24. In the Mfterunnn a pm mm of music and (‘XOH'iSPS \vus rem and by the nu-mhors (If the Sunday School, and in the evening Mr. Pelhick of Richmond Hill,ndd1-ossed the children. The chmch was beautifully decorated with flowers for the occasion. TheEm/mth League hold :1 social on Mun ayex'ening of [mat week. A short programme was given and re- freshments served. ML. Roy Kirby occupied the chair. Mr. M. J. Boatty of Fergus, visits-d his cousin, Miss M. Hearty. Inst WPf'k. Mr. and Mrs. H. Blake of Toronto, are spending a short time at, the resir dence of Mr. “7. Blake. Rev. F, L. Farewell was :1 guest at “ The Elms,†the residence of Mr. \V. Cook, last wwk. Mr.‘ Gen. \Villiamson of Toronto, visited with friends in [his vicinity on Sunday. Rani). B. Jeffrey spent last wevk at his hmne at Buwmauville. Our sidewalk is certainly in need of 19 nirin many places, hat its plenty wng enough. DI". \V. T. Kirby of the “Son,†Michigan. spent pnth (-f last week with friends here. He has sold out his practice, and with his wife and daugh- tor ul'poses sailing on Nov. 5th fur Lnn on, England.whel'e he will con- tinue his studiea in garnedj-iuine. Mr. 0. T. 'Hezzelwmxd and faunin m'e‘lenving this week for Davenpul't. where they :n‘v going [.0 reside. Mr. Pollock uf Nuuuu has purchased a share in the mill pmpeuy, and with his famin mm‘ed here iasl’. week. Miss M. Bentty spent Saturday , and Sunday with Mrs. Uhantlex' of Maple. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cook of Diam- Park, Visited at Mr. \Vm. Cook‘s last Week. After {pleasant visit-I'LL) Ottawa and other places. Rev. \V. .zmd Mrs. Buck returned «ll-(W19 last week. VMr. Uuméi-nn McNaughton h-ft on Saturday to attend Trinity University, 'l‘uruntn. ~‘h-Ilzr51'1d Mrs. Edgar Bone and Mr. Piercey of Teslmx. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. \V. Home on Sunï¬ay. II. Class -â€"- Gladys Bull, Georgie Robinson, heme (kapmzm. Senior Part ILâ€"Nathau Chnpxmm. Junior Pas-t H.â€"â€".‘Nel!ie Pa 9. I’m-t I.â€"(!B) Amy Bali. \ ’eULugwn Mnnkmnn, Stemmm Page. Violet ()nsely. Ellswurth \Veldrick: (A) Rus- sel Mnnkmzm. Georgie Lnngstaï¬. Lorne “Vldrick. "J'dfï¬kfr’iï¬folassl. Tummy Rnhin- sun. qurengo Gmyieg'lnuu, Alice Page, Rnhhie {haven-y. Pleasure, proï¬t and comfort, by lnuliug at. Atkinson & Switzor's. The Three Yorks. Langstaï¬ Carrvi lle Maple )lland Lnndiag, has ufter “siting 1191- Bukel', " MourWOOd 2, 533 Li \ ). 376 746 6'25 101 (ii 108 47 466 U“. 433 50,2 444 111 92 ‘ Muxwvllvs. \Vatsnn. â€" Plaintiffs’ la.ng sued in hm promissm'y notes l$96.58. but did not know terms of ‘ agreement. Judgment for defendth with costs. Frost 8: “Mod vs. Buwvs.~â€"Adj0m~n- ed to next com-b which will he on 1 Saturday. the 26th of Novmnhvr. Bar- ix'islvrs present who had vases were 1 T. H. Lennnx. '1‘. M. Higgins and T. J. j \Vuodcouk. Special meeting of Village Council at. the call of the reove, hold on the 29th of Septmnlwr. Present: Reeve Savage. and Coun- eillnrs (llasa. lnnvs and Paulin. Senior Pan-t I.-â€"Agnes McNaughton, \Vilhm-t Burkett, Roy W'ilson, John (Greenwood. Junior Part. Lâ€"Elmer Burkett. Gar- ï¬eld Farr, Mzu'y Greenwood, Robhip “7911912 Molasses Stock Food is the cheapf'st, cattlennd stuck feed in the market. A1) experiment; conducted by _the Michigan Expprimental Station (l9- torminr-s the vfePding value of dry Bvet, Pulp to be about equal to corn. Price $15.00 per ton in hulk. H. L. Breen, 41 Cottingham Street, To- rontu. 12-15 Bm-ristm- F. J. Roche actod as dvpu- tv judge at Division Com-t here Tues- day. in the absence of Judge Mini-gun. The cases tried were as fullnws :â€" Dvan vs. Risohrough-Plainbiffsue d for $10 us breach of Contract in not (11-. Iivering 1L steer pumhnsed from de- fendant. Judgment for $1.20 and “’ntsnn vs. Irelandâ€"Claim far .338 for hi1 ing of clover th-esher and 1mm of a leather belt, The defendant had paid into court $20 prm‘imls to trial. Judgmgnt fur and emu-t costs onh'. l ‘ Junior Thirdâ€"Ethel “’ilson, Muriel Kinneo, Delhi. Hesp. Senior Semndâ€"-J use-pl) Bishop,Fond Fm 1-, Bel-tic Puma-baugh, Lizzie \Vhite. V Junior Secondâ€"Alma, Hewgill, Bart.- lpy Fan-1', Laura. Murray, Ruby Hewâ€" gill. costs. Report of S. S. No. 9, Vaughan, for thv month of Septemher: Fnurth Classâ€"Archie Cameron and Roy McDonald. equ-ni. Svnior Third â€" Elsie Pnteuhaugh. Eisit- Jarrett, Mary Cameron, [Forrest Bishop. V Part Secondâ€"Laura “’atsnn. Humid ‘Vilsun. Dimultl McNaughton. Viulu Jarrett. Ours is :1 nice. new and nifty stock. Atkinson & Switzer. Six “71’le ed Lam-in is billed to speak in Turnntu Friday. the 14th inst. A High Sé‘honl Cmmnencmuem. con- cert, will be held in, Aurora on the 21st inst. Mr. J. Ross Rnlwrtï¬m has offal-ed his cullectinn of pictures uf Toronto to the city. \Vv can. who trade Switzer. The T. H. & B. Railway shnpsnl Humiltu}; null-e (leernyed hy fire, with a lot nf cars and other property. Loss aver $30,000. The Earl and Cuuntsss of Minto pur- puse visiting Tumnm UH the lULh. 11th and 12th of Nun-thu prior m their departum for England. There is u likelihnod of the III-Hand rivvr being dredged so that n ('unnl will he npvm-d fl-nm Luke Silucruc tn Newman-hut and Aurora. mes 15er Railway Uumpauy to m eahm'e Committee in reference 0 mutter tnentimwd in his letter F 28th of Svptemhenâ€"Curried. The council suljougngg. Village Councu. ANNIE MCCLURE, Teacher, News Notes. will and do please thnse with us. Atkinsuu «K: Court Cases». Vellore M. TEEFY, Clerk. _ "A. creditor of the Canada VVonllen Mills Company is seeking to sot. aside the sale of the company‘s assets to \V. D. Lung of Hamilton. on the ground that the price. $253,000. is tun low. Mr. Peter Ryan has declined to 11.1- lmv his nmnn to go hvfure the South Tmontn Liberal convention. Sir \Villimn Vm'nnn qu'cnurt. the English Lihmnl lends-r, dit-d suddenly at his home in Oxfnrdshire, Saturday morning. Great value now at Atkinson S: Switzer‘s in men’s heavy socks. hoavy working shirts, and undershirts and drawers. Mr. J. E. Minus, science master of the Barrie Collegiate for the past, twelvl‘ years, has resigth to :iccopt A. position as Principal of Tiilsonburg High School. A true bill has been found against the Tux-unto Railway Company for en- dangering the lives of citizens by un- lawfully omitting to equip thvir cars with proper and sufï¬cient, fenders, etc. The second bridge on Yunge Street, above Aurora, is to he l‘l-‘lH-‘\Vt‘d. It is a small ht-idgv of 24 fuet spun, and will he rebuilt with steel and (‘IInCI'PtP flum- thus making N. goml perumnolnt Cun- struction. Massey Hall was packed Tu .evening the occasion of u moetin dressed by Mr. R. L. Burden, the sex-vntive leader. The meeting also addressed by Messrs. E. B. I J. P. W'hitnoy and G. E. Foster. Tho senior Inornsse championship was settlvd at Guelph 0n Satmduy whon the Brnntfnrd team defeated thr- Tecumsohs of Toronto by a score of 13 to 0. Branbfm-d has yet to play Oyiljia, winners in districts 2 and 3. Mr. Onwthra Muluck has offm'od $100,010 to build, equip and furnish nu Ontario patient departnwnt. in con- ner:tinn with the Tm-unto General Hnspital’, and the offer has been ac- cepted hy the trustees. VVnodhridge journeyed to Owen Sound on Frlduy to playthe return lacrosse match. The mateh ended 4-3 in fawn-0f Owen Sound, but; \Vnud- bridge captured the round, ‘as ‘hey had a. margin of 5 goals from the previnus lnutch. VVoodbx-idge are now in the ï¬nals. The Conservatives of West Peter-- hm'o hn-re decided not to put a candi- date in the ï¬eld for the Commnm, and the ï¬ght will be left to Mr. Hall, the straight Liberal. and MI. Mc*\VilIiams, the Indepf‘ndent Libel-a]. The riding giVPS a normal Conservmive majority 0f 320. Sarah J., only daughter of Mrs. JM. Ash. was on the 21d, ult. married tn Lewis R. Gillham of King. The nun-- x-iage was solonmized at the residuum: of the bride’s mother by Rev. Mr. Burns. The young couple left; on a. trip to Grand Rapids, Mich. “I enjoyed good health until about two years ago when Inotieed my bank began to ache free quently; it becnmejau and lame. and headache soon added to m ' misery- also found that my general health dunluishe . I became thin and weak and nervous. having severe pains at regu- lar intervals." writes Mrs. Augustus Emory. Treasurer New Century Club. 34 Dean Street (Roxbury), Boston. Mass. She continues: "M work which before hod,seemed an easy tas noon seemed like 3 Japan" burden. I deddeï¬ to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which several of my friends praised so highly. I felt relief within a week. my a petite came back. the pains gradually decregse and I en'oyed sound sleep. Within fourteen weeks I hm Completely recoveted In health. I seemed built up anew, my pulse, a in}: had been weak became nor- ;nal, and new lite animated my entire being. gladly endorse your medicine." . ‘ Doctor Fierce’s Favorite Prescription restores weak and sick women to sound health, by curing the local womanly dis- eases which are generally responsxble for the failure of the general health. A wom- , “,A.e__.: :.‘ L..- «we... an's entire being is centered in her Worn- Aanly nature. When the delicate womanly organism is attacked by disease; when there is irregularin ora disagreeable drain; when inflammation burns and ulcers gnaw the general health will reflect the progress of disease, in increasing weakness. nerv- ousness, backache, headache, loss of appe- tite and sleepleasuess. So sure of it is the World’s Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo, N. Y.. pro- prietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescfip~ tion, that they oï¬'u' $500 reward {or women who caunm be cured of Lcucorrhen. Fe- male weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of “’omb. All they ask is a {air and reasona- ble trial of their means of cure. 1):. Pictce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate pup ltomach, liver and bow-ch, [Single copies, 3 cts. : packed Tunsdny n nf at meeting ad- » Burden, the Gun- The meeting \vnq No. 1.1, Usler