Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1904, p. 2

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"I heard," Philip continued, “that you wished to find my address. I haVE br_ough’t H7." 'A young groom, a. slim, small fol- low, hearing the horse scream, had thrown himself upon the big guards- man and given him such a pounding as he had never before enjoyed, gett- ing well punished himself in return. Mr. Algernon had to keep his bed for a. day or two; the servant was who never lost sight of him, and dismissed by Sir Claude, and hand- somely rewarded by Mr. Medwny, whose coachman he was at this pre- sent day. Philip had often envied that young groom the opportunity of punishing such a scoundrel. “Yet he must, be human," he thought, looking earnestly at the leadenâ€"eyed, broken creature with the full moist looso lips, the furtive glance, the pallid unwholesome face. and the traces of former longâ€"ruined comnliâ€" ness. He was certainly like Sir 'Arthur, and yet Sir Arthur was a. vigorous man, with fine presence and handsome, refined face. Could these be twin brothers? Could this stoop- ing skeleton with. the cadaverous lace and evil eye be his father? "Philip Randal, oh?" the man askâ€" ed, not rising nor offering his hand, “Am I?" he returned, with an unpleasant jest. “Well, what then? There’s nothing to be got out of me?" "So I did. But only to put the screw on those mean hounds, Arthur and Claud You’ve done me out of a certain income, you young dou- key," he grumbled, motiouing him to a seat. "So you've been through the ranks. you young dog, and climbed up to the proud eminence of captain in a line regiment, all oi your own bat. eh? Gad, it makes me sick to think of it; a selfâ€"made man is the benstliest thing on earth. To be sure. you ought to have done better with the Crimea and the Mutiny,” he continued, with a, vacuous air, as he reached with a shaking hand Left-er the decanter and poured out some of its contents, which he drank ofi. “Half that, my yonng cockerel," he added, setting the glass down emp- ty, "would stop your crowing for ever; the whole of it would settle five di‘agoous. Well, what do you want here?" he growled, in a hoarse, savage voice, as he suddenly .urned and bent his now glittering eyes upon his visitor's face. "To what am I indebted for the hon- or of this visit?” he added, Sarcas- ‘tically. “Sir,” He replied, "you are my father." “He must at least be human," he thought, when the door opened and revealed the stooping figure, .wrappcd 1005er in a. dressingâ€"gown, in an armchair between a. blazing fire and a breakfast table, on which stood a Hecnnter half full of a. dark liquid that was not Wine. He recalled, old, halfâ€"forgotten stories heard in boy- hood of "Mr. Algernon." There was one story of a horse which he had punished in so shocking a. manner that it was necessary to shoot it. Philip had never known what it is to loathe a. man until he set eyes on this battered hulk, yet he kept say- ing to himself, as he wondered what sort of a creature he might himself have become with this cruel and dis- aolute being's tutelage in place of Matthew Meade‘s he must, at least, be human; besides he know that his gentle young mother had once loved him. And when he thought of the bright promise of the man's yg-ith, his fall and degradation, the long misery his life had been with 1.0 earthly hope before him, a spasm oi awed pity caught his heart: “i c’nm'e," h; replied, with this great pity in his‘facc, "to see you. u ‘7‘7Y701‘1’171Vget nothing out ofrzne,” his amiable parent growled. his evil eyes shrinking before, _his son's. Mr. Ashwin was at home, but could not receive visitors; yet he sent in his card, thinking he would not be denied, and was shown in a first floor room looking on the street. “That beast, Arthur, doles me out two or three pitiful hundreds a, year, and I’ve not. a penny more, not a. penny," he whiued, with maudlin tears. “And that young cub, Claude with -a. commission in the Hussars, while my poor boy was left a, pauâ€" per's charity, and served in the ranks of a. line regiment. And I am 'he real hair, I am Sir Arthur; he is only Algernon. The cursed woman mixed us up in our cradles, and my old fool of a father couldn’t tell Dick from Harry. So he had us weighed, and because that beast, Arthur, was two ounCes heavier, they swore he was me; and then;- hc is enjoying my title Before many days Philip found himself on his way to the house whither he had tracked the opium eater. After a, fruitless errand there he learnt from the friendly maid when Mr. Ashwin was likely to be visible, and, timing his next visit accordingly, appeared soon after noon one day. This visit. was not a thing likely to make Ada. Maynard regret, he thought, with a thrill of deep and pure emotion. He could almost, hear her bidding him go, And yet he was farther from her than ever. _â€"-‘.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"v uwmmuWMbuml CHAPTER XXXVI. and patrimony. This is an in world. Philip. If all had their 1'} you would have been brought. u: the heir to u buronetcy and fine mics. and that nasty Arthur w L“..- 1”“- ‘\nr\/‘|V.nt‘: nl\r‘ flnr me many days Philip found If on his way to the house or he had tracked the opium After a, fruitless errand A DYING PRQMEE on. THE MISSING “Say half a, sovereign, you young idiot." rejoined his venerable par- ent; “the thing is good in its way. Them's sunshine in it. Where did I get it? Gad, how can I tell? I had drunk this bottled happinessâ€"no bliss like opium. boyâ€"I was back in the days whenâ€"beforeâ€"when I was young, and then in a window I saw the very spot where I first met poor Mary, the Very spot and the sunâ€" shineâ€"" His head sank forward, a haze gathered over his large eyes, his brain steeped in opium fumes; he maundered on about Mary Ashwin, blue skies, sunshine, nod freedom. "Lilies in her hands and heart, roses on her lips. Sweet roses! sweet Mary!” he muttered. dreamily. Philip roused him and insisted on his stirring his memory, and after some circumlocutlon and crossâ€"ex- amination, it came out that the shop was somewhere in the Strand, that it was a corner shop; the trades man's name was not forthcoming, but the particulars were quickly not- ed down by Philip. The old man sat half dazed by Philips impctuosity, gazing out into the street, his lower lip hanging and an imbecile expression on his wasted face. “Can’t keep it out of Still- bx‘ooke Mill,” he muttered, “can't keep it outâ€"it blotsâ€"it blots Macy's lace." It was the mill as seen from the bridge, iaithfully and lovingly paint- ed with finish and detail. There was warm sunshine, and light breezes stirred the Planetree and the great willow; there was the black wheel spurning the white spray; the pit,- eons sunned themselves on the roof; two silver swans sat placidly on the still water, and, what greatly touch- ed him. a man leant over the lower half of the door, looking out as Matthew used to do. “I would give my life to find the person who painted this," he exâ€" claimed, after a. long and silent scrur tiny of the picture. "What can't you keep out?" his son asked. "Don't ask, don't ask, 'don't let them tell you, Philip; don't believe them if they do. I didn’t do it. I didn’t do it,” he whimpcred piteousâ€" 1y. ‘mns duma $901100 euros mum” pouring out a, cup and handing him, “that laudanum was too strong. Drink it off quick." “Stillbrooke Mill," exclaimed Phil- ip, starting up and going toward a, sideâ€"table, where a mounted water- color stood on a miniature easel. “Ah, your old diggings! Capital drawing. Picked it up in a print shop the other day. What 'the deuce is the matter with the boy?” he udd- ed, as Philip took up the water-color with a trembling hand and examined it closely, finding the monogram, J. M., and the date, May, 1858, in the corner. He was easily persuaded, drank, and seemed after an effort to collect his bewildered wits. He regained his sneering air, gave Philip the we.- terâ€"color, and bade him go and trouble him no more. Philip put his card and address in a safe and conspicuous place, and asked him if he should change his mind, or be ill or lonely, to send for him. He had wished him egoodby, when the old gentleman called him back with a mysterious and troubled look. “For God’s sake, Philip,” he said, in a. low and terrified voice, “take care how you go down-stairs, and when you do get to the bottom shut your eyes and run for your life. What do you meanâ€"the most horriâ€" ble sightâ€"there's a dreadful, oh! such a, dreadful great. washerwoman in that comer!" He trembled like a leaf as he spoke, his face became clammy, and his eyes glittered wild- 1y. “There is plenty of life in you yet," Ph'ilip rejoined. "I shall be in England for some time longer, and I hope you will let me do anything I can for you in the meantime." “What can you do with your beg- garly pay and the miserable dole these beasts let you haVo?" returned the delightful old gentleman, quer- ulously. “I say, Philip," he added, "what an infernal fool you must be to mix yourself up with me! Now, what in the deVil's name did you think you could get out of me?" and patrimony. This is an unjust world. Philip. I! all had their rights you would have been brought up as the heir to o. baronetcy and fine es- tates. and that. nasty Arthur would have been transportedi and flogged, and put. in irons, and eaten his heart out, as a convict in that brutal coun- try, till he dragged his old Wornâ€"out, battered carcass home to live upon the n-iggardly doles of a, brute. I can’t, last much longer." he added, with a calculating air, "and you ought to be Sir Philip by this aay twelvomonth, at least." “Oh, it’s all right," Philip return- ed, readily. “she shun't do it any more. I'll turn her out of the corâ€" ner and drive her clean away." “Will you, though?" he asked wist- fully, and he seemed relieved anri spoke rational again. When Philip was gone he walked to and fro for some minutes, know- inp: that the unusually heavy dose of in her weakness with that mass of pitiless strength. She might even now be near. How easy it would be to disappear in such a. throng. He listened to the incessant trot-trot of lioofs and rumble of wheels, he reached the National Gallery, with some vague notion that it would be :1 likely place of resort for Jessie. He bought the remaining picture and left his name and address with the money, hoping that Jessie, if indeed it were she, would call again, and intending himself to call fre- quently on the chance of meeting her. Then he walked thoughtfully along the crowded pavement, feeling the vastness of the great town and the immensity of the hurrying, jostling tide of humanity pouring along in the two contrary and intersecting currents, continuous. apparently aim- less, and yet having a bewildering intensity of purpose. He stopped near a. shop out of the way, and lis- tened to the endless roar of the mighty lifeâ€"torrent thundering in per- petual reverberations along the Strand. That black moving mass was made up of human beings; hearts innumerable beat beneath the sombre clothing, and brains innumerable were throbbing and planning, calcu- lating and scheming, each a, little world of its own, and having its own separate mainspring. What aches and joys, what heroisms and Vilâ€" Jessie had wandered, striving to cope Philip soon reached the corner shop in the Strand, impatiently awaiting the printâ€"seller's leisure and examin- ing the few drawings and paintings with eager interest. The printâ€"seller hat] at first no recollection either of the picture or artist, but after some consideration and a little jogging of his memory by his assistant. he re- cognized the one and recalled the other. A tall, plainly dressed girl, with fair h'air, evidently fresh from the country. She was pale and very anxious. And very pretty, the as- sistant added. It was a long time ago. months ago. when first she came. She had sold only this one picture, though she had offered sev- eral. She used to call often at first, and seemed disappointed to find her pictures unsold. She was vexed at getting only ten shillings for the mill, and then took her drawings away lest they should spoil by ex- posure; but there was one left. Mr. Moore thought, and the assistant said it was still in the window; this Was true, and someone was even looking at it with despairing eyes. They had seen nothing of Miss Miller for some time. she had given her ad- dress, but it had no doubt long since gone to the waste paper has- ket. Ladies were always Worrying them to show drawings in their shop window. That was all he Could learn in answer to his close inquiries. v laudanum would overpower him it he sat still. "Little Philip." he muttered, “poor Mary's child, little Philip! No, no, I won’t drag Mary's eyes and her look, her pretty sturdy boy." Philip was right; the wretched Criminal was human; there was one pure spot in his heart. Mary hai given liim the only real happiness in his wretched life, though he had broken her heart. 'And he had been proud of the boy in a. rough Way. liked to play with him, to toss him, and feel his fair limbs. to teach him to lisp bad words, and square his baby fists at his father. He was proud of him. “Gad!” he said to himself. “blood always tells. I’m not ashamed to own him. And that beast Claude gets his title and csâ€" tntes, the brute!” 9.: my“.-. ____r __ And it seems that Admiral Kami- mura, does not stand alone in his opinion. More than one officer of rank has thus expressed himself, and but a few weeks ago an officer, ad- dressing hls men prior to an engage ment, impreSSed on them the folly of needlessly sacrificing their lives. "A man who is addi bacco habit," renmrket "will do anything i "Yes," rejoined will even travel The satisfaction that he lives to serve again does not dawn on them. To their minds there is but one glory for a Japanese soldier, the glory of dying; and many a. brave lad on his return has wished himself dead when first confronted by his relatives. After the first shock of seeing him alive, natural sentiments supersede feudal traditions and festivity runs high. The fatted calf is killed, snike flows freelyâ€"and the prodigal is for- given. 'I‘all poles surmounted by glittering tinsel balls stand outside the flux house from which banners and stren- mers float, bearing the name, regi- ment, branch of service and battles of the soldier. Despite his mistake of returning in sound health, instead of a fragment of flesh or bone in a tiny coffin, he becomes quite THE HERO OF THE HOUR. In connection with this attitude of the Japanese toward their soldiers, Admiral Kamimura's commendation of the efforts of the Russians to save life when the cruiser Tturik was sunk thrusts a. vital question to the front. Toâ€"day Japan is menaced by a. great danger in the eagerness with which her officers and men commit suicide to escape the disgrace of cap- ture or defeat. Mrs. Caseyâ€"- Malony's birthd prasinted her v Mrs. Murphyâ€"‘ The wives. mothers, brothers and children who shouted “Bunzai! wav- ed flags and cheered themselves hoarse, had already' taken a. last farewell of their soldiers. They have no expectation of ever again seeing them alive. It is a peculiar fact. but neverthe- less universally true, in Japan, that the safe return of one who has gone forth to fight is marked with great disfavo-r. No matter how many times he has acquitted himself hon- orably in battle, or performed deeds of daring, he still lives, and that de- mands apologies from his family and assurances that. despite this incrim- inating fact he served his Emperor loyally. It is the old Samurai spirit ‘burn- ing fiercely in the lighting men of toâ€"day, and in the minds of many hariâ€"kiri is incumbent upon them in tne name or! honor to avoid defeat or capture, without this spirit, which begets mighty deeds of daring and sublime fearlessness of death, Japâ€" anese soldiers might not be invincible Yet with every life thus needlessly sacrificed Japan's resources are by so much impaired. ‘ It. is defying public sentiment to take this ground. and the men who do so are pioneers of a new code. But as Japan throws ofi the shackles of feudalism and deals with problems of toâ€"day, she must admit that the causes for hariâ€"kiri have passed. The practice undoubtedly had its origin in fear of the consequences of defeat, when defeat meant fiendish torture of prisoners taken. Thus it was not strange that the Samurai never failed to reckon with possibly having to take his own llfe. But the time is‘ at hand when this custom, the survival of a barbarous age, must be swiftly annihilated in order that Japan may place herself in the foremoét. rank 6f civilizc tions. How Japan’s Soldiers Go to the Front. Unbroken waves of cheers from the direction of Shincbushi station on a, rec'ent night told that more fighting men were going to the front says a Tokio letter. It was the inst of a division from the far north. pity on Mary Rundal’s child: would Matthew Meade's b0 forsaken? Milt- thew Maude, who had shown such beautiful charity and love. In his gratitude there mingled a. strong hope that it would be given to him to find Matthew’s only child. Philip‘s leave expired, and be ex- changed into a, regiment stationed at Aldershot. Miss Clara Lonsdnle had with much pomp and circumstance of millinery and upholstery, become Marchioness o-f Bardexlcr; Algernon Medway had become half imbecile; and Claude Medway was gradually losing heart, when one day an un- expected adventure befcl him. But not on that. day or the next, or the next, did he find her, though he paced the Strand almost daily, and almost daily called at, the Cox'â€" ner shop. Claude Medwuy did the some. and _bo»th, acting in concert when ilcedful, did all that could he done to trace her. Advertisements were Carefully concocted and inserted in every newspaper, detectives emâ€" ployed, private inquiry agents con- sulted, likely and unlikely places searched. But the days went rm; they lengthened and became sunny and warm, the parks Were bright with spring foliage and spring crowds, gardens and windows were guy with blossom, and no further trace of Jessie was discovered. he put thy in it it THEY EXPECT TO DIE. (To be Continued.) the d 1. war 1 the l 015. a. Cabinet Pudding. â€" Cut fina one~qunrter of a. Cll‘pflll of candied Citron; take a quarter of a. cupful each of salmon. raisins and cleaned curmnts. VButter a. two quart pud- ding mold and sprinkle the bottom with the mixed fruits. Put in a. layer of broken stale cake, then sprinkle with :1 very little ground cloves and cinnamon. Alternate the cake, spice, and fruit until the mold is threeâ€"quarters full. Beat four eggs very thoroughly; add a. quart of milk heated until lukewarm, one- quartor of a. teaspooniul of button Pour this gently over the cake in the mold and let stand to swell for twenty minutes. Steam for an hour and a half. For the sauce, put half of a tumbler of jelly into a sauce pan; add one cupful oi boiling Watcl‘ and sufficient sugar to make pleas- antly sweet. the exact amount de- pending upon thc kind of jelly used. Bring to the boiling point; stir in a tenspoonful of corn starch dissolve”! in four tablespoonfuls of cold water. Continue stirring until the sauce is slightly thickened and clear, then draw to one side, where it will simmer for five minutes. Just be~ fore taking from the 'fire, add one large tablespoonful of butter. Portuguese Stuffed Egg Plant.â€" Wash a, large egg plant; drop it into boiling salted water; boil for ten minutes; drain and set aside until cold. Cut into halves, and from each scoop out the penter, leaving the walls a little less than an inch thick. Chop the pulp fine and ada to it one large green pepper, seeded. chopped fine, and cooked five minutes in one tablespoonful of butter. one medium sized onion. grated, one cup- Eul of drained tomato pulp (the igcsh tomatoes skinned, seeds removed. then chopped fine), one heaping cup‘ ful of dry bread crumbs and one- half of a cupful of chopped cold chicken. Season well with salt; re- fill each half with the mixture, heap- lng it, over the top. Sprinkle with a. tablespoonful of melted butter; place on a flat pan and bake in a. quick oven until tender. Serve on Corn Puffs.â€"-Score down the center of each' row of grains of six ears 0! corn; with a, dull knife press out the pulp. This should. measure one cup- t'ul and a. half. Add to this hall“ a. cupful of milk, the yolks of two eggs and half a teaspoonful of salt; then stir in one cupful and a. hall of pastry flour that has been sifted witli one rounding teaspoonful of baking powder. Fold in the well- bcaten whites and bake in greased gem pans in a moderate oven for twenty minutes. Foamy Fruit Sauce.-â€"-Peel and press through a. sieve suflicient ripe peaches to give oneâ€"half of a cupiul of pulp. Boil together for five min- utes one-half of a cup- ful of sugar and one cupi‘ul and a quarter of water; add one level tab- lespoonful of com starch dissolved in. cold water; stir until clear, and sim- mer for five minutes longer. Whip the whites of two eggs to a still froth. To the sauce add the peach. pulp, a pinch of salt and one drop of almond extract. Stir for a moâ€" ment more, then take from. the fire and pour slowly over the whipped whites, beating hard until evenly blended. Serve at once. ‘ a platter, and send with‘ it a. bowl of tomato sauce. Bean Roll.â€"Cook lima beans in boiling water until tender; press through a sieve; add salt and pep; per and a tablespoonful of butter to each pint of pulp. Stir in two eggs well beaten and sufiicient bread crumbsâ€"about half a cupfulâ€"to make the mixture thick enough to roll. Wrap in a. greased paper and at serv- ing-time bake for twenty minutes in a quick oven. Serve plain or with tomato sauce. To Cure :1 IImn.â€"Iloil together for half an hour six quarts of water. one-half pound of brown sugar, one ounce of sultnetcr. and two pounds of salt. Skim well and set aside until cold. then pour over the fresh hum. Let Stun'J for two weeks in a. cool place. then drain and wash well, Without wiping, roll it in bmn until thickly coated. Smoke with hickory chips for a. week, then. brush ofi’ the bran; wrap in brown paper and hang up until wanted. A very large ham should be smoked from ten days to two weeks. Oriental Wafersâ€"Spread rounds of graham bread first with butter and just a. touch of mustard, and be- tween each two slices this filling: Shop oneâ€"fourth of a. pound of can- died chei‘ries, one dozen nnsturtium stems, and four olives, one table- spoonful each of honey, orange ma!" maludc, and current jelly are added. and all thoroughly mixed together. A GQQQQQGQQGQéGQfiGQQQ‘EggM '39»;§’»»»»>»>>)5W About SELECTED RECIPES House the NIX sugar, one ‘d two pounds and set aside over the fresh 350 a cup of cucumbers or in

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