That the Liberal Government {ound a deï¬cit of $781,142 in the- ?ost Ofï¬ce Department, and have turned this deï¬cit into a surplus of $292,702, while at the same time re- ducing the domestic postage rate from three cents to two cents, inaug- hrating p‘enny postage to Britain, and greatly increasing the number of post ofï¬ces and the pay of country postmasters. Announcement was made in the flatin papers Friday morning that Parliament was dissolved, and that the General Eieetio'ns would be held on Thursday, the 3rd of November. The relative strength of the two political parties, therefore, will be known four weeks from to-day. 'Ir‘here is no reason why the contest should he bitter. Both leaders are gentlemen, and command the respect of bed) Liberals and Conservatives alike. The government will stand or fall on its ovvn merits, and‘ as its record has been wonderfully good there is every reason to think that it will win by a. large majority. Be- fore the Liberals assumed control of :tii‘airs in 1896 there was strife. jeal- ousy and distrust among classes and ereeds, but this has all disappeared, and there is industrial development and prosperity in every part of the Dominion. That the country has been so pros- ‘perous under the Liberals that; the assets of banks increased in the seven Yie'ars of Liberal rule by $325,862,- ‘366, and increased during the eight- een years of Conservative rule by only $140,649,622. The above are only a few of the points the electors are asked not to forget That the exports of Canada in- creased during the Consei'Vative re- gime by o'rily forty-two million dol- lars, and that they increased during the Liberal regime by one hundred and four million dollars. That in the eighteen years of Con- servative rule this trade increased only $66,000,000, and that in the seven years of Liberal rule it in- creased $228,000,000. A p‘ai’nphiet has been issued show- ing the progress that Canada has inade under the Liberal Govern- ment. The electors are asked to re- member that percentage of taxation has been reduced thirteen per cent. That during the eight years†ad- ministration the public debt has not increased one dollar, whereas durii g the eighteen years the Conservatives were in power they increased the debt by the shin uf $118,000,000. That from 1896 to 1903. under the Liberal Government, the trade of Canada has increased from {3230,- 025,360 to $467,064,685. Change-World's Diapeusnry Mudicnl Assoc'n Changeâ€".113. Ayer 62 Co. ('hnngeâ€"‘I‘be Rusam Hurdwatb Co Changeâ€"Jerry SmiLh Uhan-ge-J A Johnston &Co Vaughan COunuilâ€"J B McLean Loscâ€"H C Kiunee Foundâ€"Liberal (mice For Sulaâ€"Henry \Vxlsun RiCHMOND HILL. October 6, 1904 Név‘v Advertisements. CANADA'S PROG RESS. THE CONTEST. usincss career, \Vil’l run on custom work dining Sep- tember three days only, namely :â€" Tuesduy, Sept. 20 and Monday and Tuesday. 26 and 27 of the last week, and will run ï¬rst four days of each Week during October and November up to and including Nov. 17, 1904. As is well known we make raw cider, hailed cider. apple. butter and jelly all from your own apples whileyou wait. Cider can be boiled to any thickness. Jelly apples should be Well ripened and two-thirds sweet. Parties wish- ing apple butter should keep theii peeling apples separate from the cider apples. \Ve expect to buy a quantity of cider apples (from customers only.) As we have now. after many improve- ments, a capacity of about 3,000 gals. of cider boiled into jelly and apple butter, per day, we hope to give our customeis quicker work and better satisfaction than ever. Customers are respectfully requested to do business on the above mentioned days as we live a. distance from the factory and custmneis cmning any other day Would ï¬nd it very inconvenient. As will he noticed,the. business has chang- ed hands. however. we still intend to take the best of care to please every customer. as the senior member of the present ï¬rm is H. \Vinger. formerly of \Vinger ans. So we hope to see all our old Cllahnnm's back again this season as usual. with as many more as possible. Thanking the general public for past favors. vg'e solicit a. contin- uance'of the same In the future. 61y Ttursday.Oct.20â€"Credit ï¬ve of farm stuck. implements and household furniture. on Int 13, con. 3, Scarboro. the property of T1105. Ormrod. Sale at 12 o'clock Lunch provided. Twelve mcmhs' credit. J. H. Prentice, aur-b. A High Grade Commercial School. SLriclL ï¬rst-class in all departments. 'Mregnitcent catalngm: free. \Vr-i‘te 953'?"6ne. Unmet- Yunge and Alexander Sts. Dairy farmers can increase their proï¬ts by feeding Molasses Stuck Food. Cost, you $16.00 per ton. 900. pm- cwt. H. L. Bl-een, 4-1 Cottingham St, Toronto. 12-15 Wednesday. Oct. 12â€"Crerlil; sale of farm stock, implements. etc.. on lot 15. con. 6, Markham. the propelty oiJacob H. Rose.» Sale at l u'cluck sharp. Twelve mouths'credit. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. Friduv. Oct. l4â€"Ctedit sale of 24 acres of standing timber‘ mnsbly hardwood, ell lots 21 and 22.001: 7, Markham. the property of Mrs. McKay. Sale at 1 o'clock. Twelve months credit. »J. H. Prentice. nut-tioneer. Saturday. Oct, 15â€"Aucbiun sale of farm stock, implements, etc., near Bradford, the 'properLy of John Rogers. Sale at: 1 n’clock. Terms, 12 mos. Sargeon & McEwen, :uxrts. Wadnésdaylmt. lOâ€"Ixuporuant credit sale of thoroughbred Jersey cattle. l'rmasbal‘ horses, registered Yorkshire hone. white P:ymomh Rock 10w). implmneuts, furniture, etc.. on Am: 27. con. 2, Scarboro, Agmcourt the property of ThosKeuuedy. Sale at 1 o’clock. Lunch pro- vided. 12 more. credit. J. H. Prentice. Auct. NutP the following clubbing mtos THE LIBERAL and \Vovkly Gluhu to Jun. 1, (16 . . . . . $ 1 THE LIBERAL and \Vm-kly Mail, #30 Jun. 1; '06 . . . , . 1 THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe, (me your. York On. 3 THE LXBERAL and Daily Mail one year. Ymk (In. 3 THE LIBERAL and Daily Wm Id to Jun. 1 ’06 . . . . . 3 UIDER & JELLY MILL TORONTO, ONT. \‘ Students admitted at; WANTED-chkly. Iew [lelsnns tn reprv§8nt 10m: csmblx‘sbor] whuwmle nnuaa nmnug retail merchants mu] ngeutS‘ Y-m-al Lerntory of tow cnuxxtiek SIS salary and expanses yvnvi weeklv. Expense money advanced. Commission extra. Permanent: enpnpmvnt. Rnsineas successful. Previous experiouue nah wentiul. Enr‘low: self-addressed envelope. Address. SUPERIN TENDENT ’lnAvELEns,325 Dem-born 8b.. Chica- Desperate fighting still goes on in the neighborhood of Port Arthur, and the loss of life is, terrible. The Japs have distinguished themselves by in- vincible courage, and the Russians entrenched behind the fortiï¬cations have _also shown the most stubborn resistance. The besirgors are men who do not know what failure means, and the besieged realize that the military honor of their country is in their keeping. The fortress is doomed to fall, but the great sacri- ï¬ce of life may yet be appalling be- fore the ï¬nal struggle. Is it not sur- prising that such butchery can be carried on in the boasted light of the 20th century ? g ‘ Emom. wwï¬l/z/fl the appointment of 1m “Slur g man to a seal; in the 1).)miniun inet would giro greater sutirt'z at the present time. Ripans Tabules. ‘3 mam: ’ ftz‘hules cure nausea Ripans 'I‘ijules cure torbid liver. Rmaus Tabmes cure liver troubles. Ripans Tiwlcs cure flatulence. W! J. ELLIOTT. Sale Regisnér. Edgely H. Winger 8c Son. Club Rates. PRINCIP. any time AL. lotion nLIe 3. 50 1.80 Pullirng Sub-Divisions Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the Municipality of Vaughan, at; Sullivan’s Hotvl. Pine Grave, on Thursday. October 13th, 1904, at, 10 (I’clmtk u. m. Somewhere in Richmond Hlll, or on the Patterson side-line leading to the ï¬fth concession of Vaughan, on m- almut Friday, the 30th of Sept, WIN, a. purse containing :1 sum (If money, The ï¬nder will please leave the same with the owner. Notice is hm-ehy given that a Court will he held pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ List Act, by His Honor, Judge Morgan, Judge of the County Court of the County of Ynl'k, at the Masonic Hull, Maplv. on _“’ednosday, October 12th. at 10 o'clock a. m., to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in Pulling Suh- Divisinns Nos. 1, 2. 3 and 4 of the Voters’ List of the Municipality of Vaughan for 1904; and the several compluir’lt5‘(I§_f:l'{‘().l's aniomissions in an;- 14-2 One ï¬rst-class Berkshire Brood Sow, due to pig on Ib‘th October. weight 360 lbs. She has raised 4 litters of 11 eadh. Also 15 young pigs, four weeks 'old. They are a nice 1th, of Chester \Vhites. Apply to \V. A. HARVEY. Ln‘skny, Out: 01- Lot-3%, 5th 6011. Vaughan. Court of Revision All persons having business at the Vuurt are required to attend at the mid time and place. . Dated this 28th day 701’ Sept, 1904. Tun-I've young pigs. 6 weeks old, on lot 27, 2nd con. Vaughan. Vaughan Council. On Centre Street. between the Tnm~ p9ranc9 Hall and Mrs. \Vouds‘, a parcel of narrow black elastic. Owner H‘My‘hnve the same bv call- ing ht T3713 Lm'réRAL Ofï¬cv. The next meeting of the Councilof the Munici‘ pnlity of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Vellore, on Be sure and write for it, 11' you mi ‘_ tending any Clege_ 3k 0! a... \Vill be phased to send the pros- p( ctus uf his splvndid sclmai’ m any person interested in practical edu- cation. It is a gondzst‘nry. Well told, nbuut a good schmul with a staff of SIXTEEN regular members. the ï¬nest equipment tn he found, and givingthe most thorough course of training for young men and worm-n who desire to quulify for good busi- ness pasitinns. WV. H. SHALVV , MUNICIPALITY OF VAUGHAN. OCTOBER 11,- 1904 of Toronto. Students admitteï¬ any time. 0F THE VOTERS’ LIST Clm H. C. KINNEE‘. Richmond Hill High th001. For Sale For Sale Principal of the LO 8 k nf the said Municipality 23th day of Sept, 1904. J. B. MACLEAN. H ENR Y W ILSON. at 10 a. r11 mgin Mills E J B MACLEAN. Clerk 8 D52“. $PENNE? £5 ï¬g}. Did you see t ing Machines chased these Now is the time 1 null I n n n A n 1 $®f§§§6§§> WARNING SiGNALSâ€"Ncrwusncss. bashfuineas. poor mem- 6ry';pimp1es on the face; aching; buck. cold feet mu] hands. 1:0 ambition or energy. tin-d mornings, paor appetite, sympathetic dreams at night. ms of depression. morose and sunen temper. restless and suspicious. specks before the eyes, desire for soli- tude, inability to ï¬x the attention, etc. YOU HAVE NERVOL‘S DEBXLITY. Don‘t neglect it. It is oulya step to paralysis or complelc loss of manhood. No matter the causeâ€"whether indis- creemessin youth.cxcesties in manhood or business worries; OUR VITALIZED TREATMENT WILL CURE YOU. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED. OUR VITAL}zab'rxummmx'r WILL CURE YOU. DR‘ SP'NNEV' Founder of YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED. Dr. Splnnetho. We Cure Varicocele. Stricmrea. Blood and Skin Diaoaeaa, Prostaiio Troub- lee. Urinary. Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultatlon Free. Questwn Lst Sent Free For Home Treatmcnt. wamï¬ @EflEEEEY Now is the time to invest; in one and save a few dollars. Call ' and inspect. these before looking elsewhere as they are good bargains. I Fresh Groceries and Provisions K6: Did you see the exhibit of NEW WILLIAMS’ Sew- ing Machines at the Exhibition ? \Ve have pur- chased these and will offer tb'em at a; Very low igure for cash. LiVery in Connection All kinds of Insurance will have prompt attention. IceCrea m gat} R SMME £2 Sm: METR A Guaranteed Range.â€"~A broad guarantee is given with every range. You’ll be delight- ed with a Pandora Range. We are head- quarters for them. An Economical Rangeâ€"TM scientiï¬c con- struction of the ï¬re box and oven enable an immense amount of work to be done with a very small consumption of fuel. A Handsome Rangeâ€"It is acknowledged to be the haudsomest range on sale to-day. The Most improved Rangeâ€"It is the very latest range to be placed on the market. A careful study of the faults and defects 0‘ other ranges has made this one a most per. feet range. A few second hand mathincs in good working BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBB GBEED '58 $153?! SHRED The Russill Hardware Co. 290 WUODWARD AVE, DETROIT, INCH. WWWWWa Ask your neighbor how we do business. Agent for PIANOS AND ORGâ€"ANS. 126 EAST KING STREET, TGRONTO. . B. gunman, Pmp. )CIIU -\Ve carr a. com 1: late \ Y I) order for practically nothing. GPOLETAN STQRE E 101' open daily. Pic-Nic and other gs Supplied with Ice-Cream , . on :11 rrtest notice. $Qï¬Â®$§f§§§¥éï¬Â®ï¬Â§ï¬‚€i SQSWWQQSQSQ m “ï¬bre-753.93%“ always.