“’enreunw prepared to sell thick goods at, thin prices. Atkinson & Switzer. The above. is the title of the new premium picture to be gireu with that rent pu er, the Family Hen-aidqu Veekly ‘tar 0f Mnntrcul. this season. It. is said to be a. gem, by far the most expensive and lwuuliful the-y have ever isaued. All who pay a year’s subscription (one dullm') to the Family Herald and \Vee-kly Star, grb 5:: copy of the picture frve. Family Herald subscribers me this year in greater luck than ever. “The Prim-ms at “'nrk" alone is worth a gtmd deal nit-r0 than what is ilSde‘lséfl’ Lhe veur‘s subscription 3 ml the pici‘mrv. ' A meeting of the Richmond Hill .Higlechc-ul Punt-hall Assnciatihu was ‘held last Friday wheuwghe following uï¬icers were electvd :â€" ‘ Plesvidehtw Mr. Andrews. Secretary; Stair McMahon. Treasurer, Edmud Nellt'h‘. Captain, Lorne Perkins. Cu‘stodian, Erlng Gibsun. .PLEASE SETTLE. \Ve are enclosing, in THE LIBERAL ’this Week, a large number 01" iU'CflJLB‘f‘S for subscriptiuns. As this is a tiï¬le’ï¬f year when bills for coal, taxes, insmu ance and many other things must he paid we trust that those whn receive their accounts will settle promptly either by u remittance m- by calling wt the oï¬icv. Du not wait for a, second iemindoi- that you are in arrears. Stove pipe from 50. up MC. 6: Manson’s. “'9 "NHL so“. people mast, buy, and we musthe suLisï¬ed with small prufils. Atkinson & Switzcr. The Daily Glan is Inukng a special campaign offer to intending subscribâ€" -ei~s. For the sum of 2.5 cents The Daily Globe will he Sent, for two months. _'J‘his offer is open till the lSthinst. 'A similarufferis made by The Mail and Empire. «Nu pm'son should be Without. “ d-(Lilypupm'dnr- ing the election campaign. Subscrip- tions for the above. papers taken at Tim LIBERAL Olï¬ce. “'e have received a recent copy of :the Stockton Evening Mail which cuntainsan interesting desmiptinn of the new San Joaquin Valley Bank into which the 051cc force has just moved. Aphutogmvrur giving a. front View shows that, the magniï¬cent, structure is four stories high. and is built of s'mdst-one and granite. Hun. J. M. Welsh, formerly 0f Thornhili. was president of Lha hunk when k9 died a few month ago, and Mr. R. B. ’l‘eefy, son of our eslvcenwd postmaster, is head cashiervin the institutinn. Pacronts should 1:905: an (‘yv on their childï¬lu as svveral nf the youngsters lmveu.lmhitof getting on lempnlâ€" ilnn'curs. and playing abnut the switch near the \vuiï¬ingrunm. It is to he hvped that no serious accidont will occur, but then: have been a numhex't-f narmw escapes. The can- lumds _should also be strict, and not :lllUW the children to take privileges around the curs. Muirh cut-inns information is emâ€" bodied in an article vulntlml “ \tht lhe l’vuple mud in China," which is contributed In the ()clnlwr number «11' 4:! 9 Review of Revimvs by Ml. Chung Yuw Tong. The article fun-ms (me of a series dualng with the current rendâ€" ing habits of l‘m-eign nutimmlities ihut is umv running in the Review of Ho- views. Mr. \Vm. Hutchinson shnwvd us ye-stmdny :1 brnuvh heavily laden with ‘hlnckhul‘l'il‘s of dvlicirms ï¬mnr. The 5th nf Octnlwr is 1:1th in the season for ‘p ckng this kind (If lruit. \Vm) Tln- Tnmntn Dally Culltuivivd silh- Ivy phulpglun'vurs of MI (hrlervutive wmdi: Yul-k, and Mr. A. .1. (-ml candidate in Sun Jinn-(inn, fur David Lluyd, Yul-k. at the 'mwt 131'. R. A. Musnn (If Mulklmm has been nppuiutml thnrning Ofï¬cer fun†Cram-e Ym-k : M l'. Pour-r Ellis, Toronto M-n ii « (1.1)“ Mr. F. J. 1% suld :l \‘pry hu Mason 81. Risvh t-un. Brock A\‘( A new p..sL of on Yunge Stun-Ll The new “flit-v wii mum: of Armilug. “THE PRINCESS AT \‘v'ORKS’ \V e Gum] strong buy wanted Village hrvml is up to 12 cents Full ('lnthing at full mm A: Swilzur‘s. RICHMOND HILL, Or-mhvr 6‘ l; f) (3‘ Axllkï¬ wdny is lhe Rm khum Fair. Au xpuctud tn-qurr want tn» sell! you : Atkinmn x“: Switzm FOOTBALL CLUB. SPECIAL OFFER. ,fur Smith Ymk nyd, Nou‘mulkrt. the cunning: Foam J. Pvlhick n few days agn -y llnndsume walnut pinzm, stoves ( uflico -L nvnr wiil he .‘I tn Mr. J. H , TON)!th h)" shit . J. Andvr innbh Yul'k full kinds. (. SUI]. svennd (1:1) Au immvns [Il'l'.l\V, the ing prices has III-t" known ll‘ :md . M r. fm- North lcloctinns. Road i l (ill Apply tn Monday 1904 (If the ('l'lflvd 10>.ng III‘IH nt At- DI‘IIC ‘rl In Hid not thy bving E'vn'y. . Hector Edgar . VValLei' Scott . Jusvph Elliott; Otto James . . Edna. McNair , \Villie Schmidt Sessieï¬ngex‘s . Wylie Carleton Stella. Murphy Jean Topper. . . Huzvl Smith . Advliu “’inch . Nellie Brown . D‘nbglus Cunper Lloyd Suules Edith Perry . . . L11") :1 Robinson Lam-'4'Ricbax-dsnu Mm-tqn Gibson Hzlze‘l \Velsh’ Erlin Gibson .. . . Jeaniï¬oyle . Chas. Hopper .. Edward Palmer .. \‘Van'en Page . . . Arthur Bull . . . . . . Fred Campbell Annie Kerswgll Nora. McMahon Franklin Jackes . Marguerite Br)er Hum} Switrzvl' .. Gun-not Dickensnu Jessie Morgan ‘ Frank MrDonuld Maggie ('kwsgmve Jennie Clark .. . Emily Boyle . . . . , . Many Gm'mun .... Geo; Tapper . . ‘ . . Almeï¬a Ulubine .‘ Georgie Brown (Hurt-nee Kinnee“ Donald Atkinson MyrrhI Klinck , .. Ale‘x. McGonag'ny VVi‘liie Lawson . . . Japanese social {ind x'eliginus‘life; Mr. Ewun’s illustrated summary of Our- I-vnt, events abroad; and short stories by Guy (is Muupassnnt, ‘V‘llliam Hulâ€" luwuy and Eloise Day. The coloured folding map and cnlnured frnntispiece add much to the value of this 140th iSSIIe 0f the Canadian Magazine. HIGH SCHOOE R'EébRT. The fallowing is the report for Sopm-mher for and lst forms, tit-Hui 4 ported : Lorne Pyrkins Frwi '1‘. Graham Credie contrasts the earning power of the further with that of the ï¬sherman. Amqu the general featun's (\f the issue are Mr. Bradley's beautiful de- scription of “The Death of \anfe;" Mr. VVi(:hr~1r"s 'xI'lnminati'n-g picture of census perin 15:91â€"11? 9113 \‘01uuu-Snï¬: not the ï¬rst. Ill-0M1 \i&' which has yet hem) 173C. Bullu Cnula. in}; on “M Canada in enthusinsx U‘iotic 11‘? upon thu 1 district, at St. Gem-go’s Lnd ï¬rst and anvn Hts.. on Fri‘ of this walk. The. Inn-thrown "mud Lndgv will take :ulv the rmr'usinn and pay a flntl to St. George’s on lhe sunle ill M PRES I?" “7. Bl'('. H G. M. nf Tm'nnt‘ A. F. & A. 31., :1 hundsmns set, to his rank. [)1 district. at Sb. (1 (lt'nH’ nu-nt ('(‘ilN‘t‘t insnn The house and lot ( Streetlwlnnging tn the late Mrs. Stuckdnlv was Linn sztvlduy. hy Mr. Mr. Frank E. Sims was t cation nn Mdmlny it was decidod to Lake up lhn quvslinn of the re-ongngo- lnent uf (mu-hols at. the. next meet-imp; of [he- Bum-d. Mrs. Thomas L]( in Ann-urn tun-IV \V nng 73 yours. be invalid for several past Ei hty pupils are in attendance at- lhc. Iigh School. \Vhilu the glee-took :\_t :1 meeting of the Board of Edu- ï¬ \'( TI 5’. Hr“. H. A. N 1f Tm'nnto East L' A. M.. will he sums set, of 10; rank, by the. f, at St. (hwrgv’ Id Queen Sts.. 0 week. The. hr: Lndgv will ml: \V PROG RESS N UMBER. DFED - gre‘rt‘ admn I‘H'Pnt years I in the bread: fu roguln 1' feat [he Octal“: FORM III. FORM II. Tutti. n 489 :19?†.. 413 Sun .. 406 L , .. . 398 ‘g'ny .. 382 n . . . . . 375 ll 300 all .. . . 351 m .. .. 350 FORM ENTATION. Lloyd (“I'd I will Tutti?! . 314 . 307 . 280 . 253 lot on Richmond tn the Anxth of the Iv was suld by unc- ly Mr. J. T. Suigvon. Tutu]. . 445 . 416 . 403 ‘vdnosdny morning, (rt-:Isvd hnd hpon :In yours. and fur the as (fnllï¬lll'd to her AURORA. Nicholls, P. Ist, Distrivt Nu 246 229 217 210 303 203 2( )3 2A )l) 189 113 2‘25 2H 211 67 251 334 321 308 527‘ 271 378 369 3-12 310 1(56 J. hu-Lhi'en 01" \110 3 Lndgv, Bath- 1 Friday night ‘thwn of Rirlr a advantage of flntvrnul visit. same night. PM ;u l i hm: umï¬nvd to ho:- ]mu‘c the rosi- Fridny. Intor- comt-tm-y. De- of Mrs. Hutch- uf Mrs. Isaac {tux-es are nut her Canadian High School the 3rd, 2nd not being re- he at s, P. D. D. ivt Nu. 11:1. ‘ntvd with pertaining ran M“ \110 Per Cent 79 Per Cent her home \lyvl‘ 41 '70 63 0‘3 38 72 (S-L 'J r- a 59m +4-+++$++++++++M+W~ï¬++++ Yesterday’s dailies gave a list of those students who had just complet- ed matriculation in arts at the Toron- to University. The name of V’VaILr-‘I- G. Frisby, of the R. H. H. S. was am 0 mg the“ numbe r. Rev. F. Elliott, has been conï¬ned to his house the past week or two. He l‘illl a sliver into his hand, and blond poisoning was the result. The doctor was able. however. to localize the tronhlv, and Mr. Elliott hopes soon to be out again. Mr. D. LynetL, President of the Riclnmmd Hi1} and Yonge Street Ag- ricultnm’l Society. has been appointed a, judge on cattle and pigs for the Sclmmherg Fair. ' Miss Florence Lloyd of Aurora. spent, a few days with Miss L. Mc- Mahon and returnvd Friday. Mrs. E. McMahon also spent Thursday with her daughter at the home of Mr. T. F. McMahon. ~2‘$Â¥+$++M++M+++++++++++++ M1-.J. Mulcuhy, grandson of Post- master'l‘wfy. who was called to the bar a few Weeks ago, has vntvred the law firm of Mr. Gunn in the town of Qrilliu. Mr. F. J.‘ Johnston. B. A.. late Science Master in the Ox-illia Colleg- iate Institut‘v. commencul dutiPs last, Monday in Toronto Junction Colle‘g» into Institute. were the guvsts nf Mrs. Brown’s ln'ulher, Mr. L. Lehman, lust \vevk. Cnukstmvn Ad1'omtu.â€"Mrs. “7. H. Glass of Richmond Hill, spent a few days during the past week with her daughter. Mrs. \V. E. Stoddarc, 1191-9. Mr. Geo. C. Robinson of Tmmntn. lube- vditnr of the Presbyterian Review. visited his uncle. MI".I);1\'id Rolwiusonmf this village on Saturday of last week. Ncwmnrkvt, Express-Honda.â€" nnd Mrs“. S. Brown of Richmond were the guvsts of Mrs. Br ln'nlhsu', Mr. L. LL-hmun. last we: Mrs. J. W. Ellinbt of vamnrket. spontu few days in the village and was the guest of Mrs. Isaac Crushy. Misses Ella and Lizzie \Vidvumn of Gm-mk-y, spent \\'('dnvxduy with thin- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mr. Jacob Colmr and Mi:s B. Culver nf Hospolvr, paid a. short visit. to Mr. and Mrs. J. Eyor. Miss Grace \Vilev, Toronto, spent over Sunday with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wialey. Mr. John Rogers of Tht-rnhill, was jung on light, hm'ses at Scarler Fair lust, Thï¬rsday. Mr. Josh. Homer is in Toronto serving as n jut-yum". Mrs. Saunders Hf Toronto,- spent a few days at Mrs. J. Eva-'5. Mr. \V. H. Pugslpy utvtvndvd the Scnrbmu Fair on Thursday las-t. Mrs. J. H. “’olstvnlwlm hf Peter- hm‘n. is visiting her sistvrvin-law, Mrs. D. Hill. Miss Cluil-mnnt, nf vavnhurst. is a guest, of the Misses Campbell utthc Pmsunugl‘. 9 Many other advnntngvs p"- (‘nliur tn this school are explain- ml in (my catnlnglw. \Vl-ite for it. It. is free. 1521 of your home. pleased with :1 souvenir patterns in s o u v relatives will be much goods. The cast, which And other pretty Snnvenirs. JERRY SMITH, Visitingr friends and I have some choice Practical Wauclmmker. mere trifle :â€" Fancy Inksï¬anrls Curd Trays ........ Piu (my; . , haykinlbi‘uga ... A SUITABLE GIFT PERSONALS Hill, Mr. grand preparation for keeniughoraes, cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry in a flue healthy condition. It. Inn-reams their flash, vurs life and umibiun m than: and gym them a. sled: and. glossy com. YORKSHIRE COLGH AND HEAVE CURE. guaranteed to cure any case 1-! coughs, c-oldu, h: ave! ur I r. ken wxnd. ur the ulnar etfects m influenzuor epiznotic. Price 500. Your receipts for condition [ pnwders put up prompzly Irum pme drugs a: wholesale prices. ~ l Salts 3c 1b., 10 lhs for 25:: Rudwuy’s RPHt'f17C Sulphur 3c “1., 10 lbs £01451: Stuart’s DyspepsizL‘TahIets Sic Snltpeu-e, pure, 2 lbs fm- 25c Davies Pain Killvr 18 ’ Glaulwr Salts 3c 8)., 10 lbs for 25¢ Pvt-mm 75c Cuaturin 256 ' Dr \Villiums.Piuk Pills 300... 3&9:- 89 \V & R Butter Color 160 1 Electric ()il 2 bottles 101-251: Kendall’s Spuvin Cure 75c ' Carter’s Liver Pills 2 for 25¢ Pagvs English Spavin Cuxe $1 E Chafgs Syrup Linseed and ’l‘ax-penbine Rum Oil 9t: Tm- “'hnic Chnws Ointmr‘nt 390 Ayer‘s Hair Vigm‘ 65c Ayer‘s Cherry Pact-oral 20, 40 and 651: Nm-way Pine Syrup 13c Page’s English Cough Syrup huge YORKSHIRE S"! UCK FO0D~E Pure Drugs, Medicines 8: Condition Powders Remvmbm‘ we snll everything at wholesale prices, and can save ynu from 10 to 2.5 per cent. by dualiug wiLh us. '3'. #- ++++ +++++++%$+++~§u§+++++++ ++é+++++++++++M+M+¢++++ï¬t ++++++++++++++++-§ mine;- 5: Co. 171 Mia 51'. a, 'rouoxro, OPP. CLYDE HOTEL.‘ QKKX ;‘%m;mzmmmxmmmmmmmc§? é»+++++++~z-++++++++~z.++++++++ M++++++++++++++M +++++++++++++++++++++++++++~s-++~:-++.:~~:.+++++-:-~:-+a J. A. JOHNSTON & CO, ATKINSON 6c SWITZER. We will make to your measure, artistic- ally. everything guaranteed, a ï¬ne Black Serge Suit for $13 75; the usual charge for this quality is $17 00. Or a genuine Scotch Tweed Suit for $14.75, worth $18.50. We would like your order. ‘ just to hand, direct importation: New Ribbons, in black and colors. New Laces and Insertions to match. Lace Curtains, Velvets, Sateens, Art Muslins, Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings. New Scotch Tweed Suitings, New Serges in black and blue, new black and blue Venetian Suitings. We are prepared now to show all the latest in New Autumn Millinery, all that is recognized as newest and best by Dame Fashion for Fall 1904. The beauty and style of our models will certainly call for un- bounded praise and we can save you money on your purchase of ï¬rst-class stylish goods. ATKENSUN & SWiTZER. Iota mess EYER MW ‘Riï¬hmand Hill, or no sale. If you require Heating Stoves of any kind fqr coal or wood, Ranges for coal or wood, it Would be to your in- terest to call and See our dis~ play of stovesof arl’l kinds and latest stylesâ€"just arrivedâ€"'â€" All stoves guaranteed by us to give ï¬rst-ch55 satisfaction ~++++++M~z~ c 0 v o . +++$+++++++++ ++++++++++~P++ AT CUT-RATE PRICES. O¢M+§¢§§§¢¢Q§§ #OOOOOMOMOOQQ V¢M¢+M¢+ Sm-cécsm'r rat). I). Danivl & Co. mud Hugh Page’s Eczema Ointmvnt 400.,gnnrun Minard’s Linimvnt 15c Omega Oil 400 Bun-dunk and Snrszxpnrilla 65c \Vnnu-r’s Safe Cure 650 Yorkshire Stock Fund is for Sulnl Pagvs English Spavin Cuxe $1 Pure Oil of Tax- Must;th He-ave Cure 25c Emulsion Cod Livvr Oil large but L’t-rmm 75c \V & R Butter Color 181: Kendall’s Spnvin Cure 75c Eagvs Engliih Spavin Cux a.ny known bv the farmers of Ontarinifllrt" is h. I‘ba old reliable Stack Fm L1 so well and favor- Millinery @32fo +4 ,.;..