Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1904, p. 8

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METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Between Toronto and Nowmurket. GOING NUBTH 1 11700 P R Crossing at 6. 7.30. 9.40. 11.30 n. m. 1.30, 2.10, 3.4.} 5.1.7. “100 p. 11). Leave R.chmoud 111118.211. 10.3011. 111.; 12.20. 2.20. 3.30. 4.11.3. (5.30, 8.3.i p. Lu. GOING BUU’I‘E Leave Newmarket7.30,9.15. 11.15 a. m.; 2. 3.15. 4.15.1115 7.31m. 11:. Leave Richmond mu 7. 8.10. 9.5.5, 11.55 a. 111.. 2:10. 5.55. 4 55.13.515.1110 p. 1:). POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice lluils will be closed at the ohmond Hill Post 01th as follows:â€" MORNING 8.00 EVENING ... 6.15 N. B.--Registnred Letters 1 inst be handed h] .tleast Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for 01051111?- OFFICE CLOSICS AT 7.30 P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Village Directory. Church 01' England-Bowie” at 3p. am. every Sunday. . Presbyterian Churchâ€" ' "l . m. Sunday School (it 1.10. w‘é dnesda ' evening. Roman éatholic Church »Sarvicas on alter. nde 5 Mi) 0.. m. and 10.30 a. m. nuhilztigdistychurcheâ€"Servirus at 10.80 11. 111.. and 1 1!. in. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer moetin Thursdayeveuiug. Richli’yiond Lodge. A F rind A M (lav on or before full moon Court Richmond, A 0 F fourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A O'U Wâ€"-Me of each month Camp EIELH,S O 8 Wednesday R T of Temperance of each month -Meote first Monday of every Rcrvicos at 11 n. 111.. und Prayer meeting â€"Meets Mon- â€"-Meet5 second and eta thiri Wednesday â€"Meets second and fourth -Mceis first Wednesday Fire Brigade month ‘ Public Library and Run. ling Room-Open Tuesday. and Suturduv evenings. Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Monday. 0â€"â€" The undersigned begs to thank the public Ior the gen- erous patronage accorded 111111 1181191111 3112113111111 And hopes for a continuance of the some. All kinds of Blucksmiihing done. Horse-shoeing a specialty. one. some. RICHMOND HILL. :Sieell’ltg Troughs 'Mudc to order at 350. per Foot. All Kinds of Imple= merits Repaired. W. Winger. Prop. RICHMOND HILL IIISIIII‘I__ Willi. The Next-Sitting of Division Conriim No. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room. 1111211110110 HILL _0.\'_ SATURDAY, NOV. 26, 1904 (Jommcnciuq at 10 u. in. T. F. MCMAEON (71.15111; 1 w ' Estray Notice Giulio. to the premises of the under- signed. lot H. con. 4. Vaughan. on or about thP first of August, 1901. at ewe and her loud). The owner 111in have sumo by prov- ing property and puying expenses. ALFRED LAHMER. 1214 3111111191 11111 The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of 1m proved Uhester whitehogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham ('l‘hornhill) has for sale some good young stock. 'l‘horoughdn-cd bull and hug kept for service on the premises. 1). G. GOODERHAM. {Qtâ€"- Proprietor Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of George Charlton, County of York. l‘l‘lil't'll former, dt‘cunsvd. Notice is hereby givcn. pursuant to the revised Siniutvs of Ontario (1397). Chapter 121) that :ill creditors and others halving (‘Inims against 1110 Estate of the ubovv (lvconsed. who div-d on or nbnut the 1811) day of Juno. 190-1. 111-0 required to send by post pro paid or to dolivor to Montgouwry. Ii‘le-ury i\' Montgonwi-y. Solicitors. Cnundu Life Bldg. Toronto. on or bc- forc tthS‘th (lny of Octolwr. 1004.11 stun-moot in writing,r givingr full pur- iit'ulnrs of lln-ir res )cvtive claims. their numcs 11nd “(11111-5505 and tho nuluru of the security. if any. held by [Ill‘lll and tukc notice thnt :lfl(‘l‘ the said 28111 dny of October 1001. the :1(1~ ministrutrix will procw-d to disirihutc the assets of the I‘Istnti‘ among the pill'li“5 entitled thl-rclo. having rcguid only to tho ('lninis of which she shall then huvc had notice. Montgomery, Henry & Montgomery, Solicitors tor Martha Charlton, Administrutrix. Dated this 2lst duyof Septcmlnvr.1901. To Rent A gold brick house in the village of Moplo. the home of the lute J. (1. Mc- thrric. There is half :1 11 acre of land. at prctty lawn in front and :1 quantity of fruit trees, a very desirable icsi- deuce. Apply to G. \V. HIGH. or i M. MCQUARRIE 1 so YEARS’ EXPERIENCE ' '> n; Executors, Maple. N. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description mny quickly nscertnin our opinion free whether an Invention is probably pntentnble. Communica- tlnns strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents cent free. Oldest agency for scouring patents. Patents taken llirriu h Munu & Co. receive medal notice. without 0 time in the Scientific nutrient. A handsomely illustrated weekly Lnrcest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms. $3 a yenr: four months. $1. Sold by all newetleolers. MUNN & Commie» New York Branch Office. 625 F St. “’nshimzion. '0. C. 3111191111 31111 Of Canada RICHMOND HILL I l I Capital $1.000.000 Rest $1,000 000 DEPOSITS Received in Savings” Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at HIGHEST BURRENT RATES. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Money Loaned on Farmers' Sale Notes. Biunk Note Forms Supplied Free. General Banking Engines Transacted. _ For other particulars call at the Bank. J'. W. OSBORNE. AGENT. Malice 11 1113111113 In the mutter of the estate of Edward McKenzie, Late of the Township of Markham. in the County of York. Geutlc~ ' mun. deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, and amendments thereto. thutull creditors and others hnving claims against the- estate of the above deceased, who died on or about the lst day of Scptember. 1904. are required to send by post preâ€" puid. or deliver to the undersigned, solicitor for the executors of the lust, will and testament of the, said decons- cd. on or before the 151: (luy of No- vember. 1514, n statement in writing giving full particulars of their claims. their mum-s and nddmsses and the nature of the security. if any. held by them. the some to be duly verified by xfl‘idnnt or statutory declaration ; nnd hike notice that 11ftcr the said lst day of November. 1904. the executors (if the said last will and testament ‘of the said deceased will p1 (lcvt‘d to distribâ€" ute thensscts of the. estate among the persons entitled thereto. having rc- gnrd only to the claims of which the v shall hnve had notice. ' T. \V. \V. EVANS. Solicitor for the Executoisof the lust will of Edward McKenzie. dc- 14-1 ceased. GU lhey can do. Imd live-t bomgthuvill pay than (roan 86 |o “per day. Some but tuned on: go in n a" Either ch. your or old. Cepitu In! roe-ind. You ere muted free Then when." u once ' an grandma: um: u! m 1m]- lounges All I m. I Held- Ire em with”: Ian write SumnlCo..Portlend. Mungvfll receive free, full luformntion about work which Runes Tabules cure dizziness. Into of the Township of York. in the ‘ ,, . .,.._ .. .5- "F “I; or“ 3% . a it" .3 .§" “: i" There 13 big if; profit, in rnising pould'y if‘ on go -uhoui it in 11.0 right “11y. Ilulfâ€" er? 111cm 11 res moon ‘5 ‘ “kg-.1"?- 0111): half-1m llld. 11 you 55 V _ ,' "7;.flik‘fii- ' _ )vould nt-l tho fullyrorlt 3;: I my... uni" 0111-0! Hus friiulul il('p.11‘liii-‘111(li’ your f, ‘ ‘ furnryou must “'Olk lilillul‘ lhu limb '1' > .‘k conditions: You can do lhi~ only when i" ~.!' ' ,. 5’0" 1130 11 (‘Inulnim Invululul‘ and " Broodci‘. “0 I’ll-SKINNY gllornnlno 11 to he 11 good 11111'1101‘ and \Vl'c-‘Pll it on the must libcml tcrins ever oifcrcd by any manufacturer. We will ship youâ€"freight prepaid by ueâ€"n Chatham incubator without one cent of cash from you until Oct.. 1904 5.. I . . ‘-‘ KHz-no. 2:21" We know of no offer we could mnke thnt would more thor- oughly prove our confidence and {11.11.11 init. If the Chat.- lmm Incubator is not all we claim for it you are not out one cent. can make them. “'0 haven‘t stiutcd in any 1 11111;; fluislu-d As tho rim-is you son. They nro bun! to Flour (“Imlhuzn Incubators om murlejusl us good no money And skill 1‘? The hidden purfs‘nrc {is strongly made and us \vc-Il . lthu hurch Itind of wouruud Hive 1110 very a: I. "yr. best of service, They embml mery ro \l improvcnivnt known in tin: manufactnru oi' lump ,5, bulors (‘ut out the coupon in tho ('01‘111‘1‘ of 1111s ml..orwmc yuuirnamu null mldrnwa :51 ‘ on npostalmrd mid mail 11. to l;.~4 for full mrtirulm-s of our oiior. Do it today. 1 ' " .. “film” m" 111. CAMPBELL FAN NINI: MILL C0., Limited ,5" a 5-- - p 90" DEPI’. 512 CHATHAM. our. {.91 - Cl‘lwIPBELL 1. MBUNECIK.|‘H‘-(»:n :1 math uliafarg‘nnd Bdooders. #7).- FAN NING 1- in! an .1 . .21. rm. Hr”; _-z.. llrhliiylwu. \Inu ; m it.i,\'nur4uivvr.ll1'; ~ .953? I 11111.1. C0- 11.» 11’ .< h 1m luvlws‘n' ( llrnilnm. 0111.. 11111141 W1} Linxlted 1x1 u i. Mi: Al.» 1.11m 1cm) -r3 1' a so < ~ r ‘ fllnlulirl t‘ulupbcll Fnhning Mills. ‘ U101 CHATfiAM' UhT' ffwwé DE! T. on ._ 1' r Please sxtrn'. ymv ill-unip- livc (‘n‘nlwil'ic orilv- ('hnih'iifl In! ulnt‘uqugeihor \vnh nIIEnF-ur mat-on :illout your spool} gift-r. .' whenly no cash will be paid until October. 1904. I‘. 0. A dth:: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IVM yrs! If ml'rtwy Sta/11m . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . - Address all letters to Chatham. Ont. "It SPECIAL 1N SPICES w 1131111319 this Do you want (but line flavor in your pickIl-s and catsin this year? If you do, use DRUG STORE SPIUES. They make :11] the dilfvroncc in (he flavor, and GUST I\'0 llIUllEihuu im- puie spices. Our stock is coin- ple’tv; all fl't'sll goods; and bought at a close figure; you gel; the benefit. \Vonld you like to try u new recipe? Some un- equallvd ours hero. yours for the asking. Remember. if you want tho BEST results you must use PURE SPIOES. Get them here. 1511 tit just what you want-â€" ‘ Avomutic Blackberry Compound 1 for diarrhva. dysentery, cholera Nowis the time togct youriurm ace put in order before the busy time, and if you are thinking of puttingin a new furnace we can give you a price We also sell all ‘innds of moihus, cholic, mumps, and I 1 summer complaints. {15;} Nothing to equal it. Kg} Sniisfnction or money refunded. 11. 13751111113111 DRUGGIST Stoves and. , Resigns And set them up for you right. Also all kinds of .4 d. w. 1â€"1 Saw 1 so N, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Tinwame. Stove-pipes. Elbows, Eave- troughing. Iron Roofing. and every- thing in the tin and hardware â€"â€" line. â€"â€" Repairing promptly and neatly done. 0. £4 E. MASON A trainer We are leading in Harness Goods because: We offer lending bargains and b:1ck them up with quality. Persons well up in Ilorso Goods buy of us because they know they’ll get the best. Those not so well posted deal here for the same reasonâ€"they feel safe. Subscribe for THE - LIBERAL pfl _____.___ -,,___ -_ n. A PIANUB Alli) URGINS :\1$l) FALL AND WINTER is now complete comprising \Vorsted . I 1 Black and Blue Twills. Scotch 'l‘weeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoating, etc. Low prices. 1 Coal and \lldoâ€"d Delivered. Prices Ric’ht. A. J. 11 U NI E, coon LIVERY Tailor, Richmond 11111 IN CONNECTION. ‘ Thicshers‘ Cool on hand. 110111111301 10131 Michael Bros. DIAP] .E. l . 11103011011 LY ammo. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. FREDERICK BACK. Prop1 Best quality. The swuot tone Mason (\‘fiis‘Ch. tuning and n-puiruig. Second-11:1an 011on for sulr. SINGER SEWING MACI‘IIN FS Beoniring of all kin-ii: m' umchiues, ()ihmd needles for tale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE The Moi-chants” Filfilnsurnnne has the . . lowest J'atosâ€" cm'“' with us. RIOI‘I‘IOIId {1111 Crown life and endowment policies. June 11. 1903 Get our terms. _ .. Digest of Canadian I‘lt‘l'i'illllllt’ ans, '1??? éwfime' F. J. PETHIGK, $1.00 In savanna. RICHMOND HILL I i

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