VOL. XXVII. UBERRL‘ PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND 1mm, ONT. @3113 'by telephone from Richmond ' Hill charged to me. T. F. MUMAHON, Best, ï¬ttin 'EHURSDAY MORNING Calls by day and night promptly at- tended to. ’ HIGH COU RT OF jUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Remo lailedaurluewly furnished throuahnnt n as of the most :nnvenienc and cumiortab‘m hotels on Yonge Sireet. Every modem cou- vsuieum Stszle rooms for commexcml tmvsllers. Auidealstohping place !or riding or driving .nrties.bicyclist.s. or framers going ham-ramming fmm market. Electric cars pass the door Livery; u; ouuactixm J. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON - RICHMOND HILL JOHN R. CAMPBELL, NOTARY PUBLIC, “'ill be PALME 1% HO U SE . RICHMOND HILL. Two wwll-hmd young Shorthm‘n fwsh mllch C(flVS for sale; ï¬rst and second calves: from registered stuck. 15-3w TERMS $1.00 PER DAY \V. C. SAVAGE - Lot 32. 2nd Gun. Vaughan, contain- ing 200 acres, is to rent, fur a. (ex-m of yea“; 101.5. vnomfiï¬ mm aks he rgw n aeavy, and keep ‘ Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And ' Aggie; to grayflhair, Sold for ï¬fty years. 1"" OCï¬'ie Hours $1 per annum, in advance. “ 00560 Hours )0 {I} DR- LOG-AN, Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores gglor to gray hair. Spld fog ï¬fty years. "mmmwmnwfï¬ Cur. C VETERINARY SURGEON, rl‘liol'nhill. Farm to Rent. BUSINESS CARDS ï¬tting teeth, also replating lowest, prices. Good work. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Maple, Ont. FOR SALE DR. WM. ROGERS, I) autism. u 12, 12S Victoria St. Toronto. @Ew giibemi IS PUBLISHED EVE . Toronto, in Richmond Hill-on \Ved aesday of (‘iUJh week. a, next drmr north of Stand- ard Bank. Eamon & Pnoeamrog COMMISSIONEB IN THE h u rch accessor nu Dr. Slaiey.) aï¬cte mediml. N. J. SMELLIE. Apply to AT THE to 10 m. m.,l to 9.301"; (0911.113. . 59mm. md Carlton Sts Hmer D. BOYLE. 1.. ll] Cuucoul P. O. Richmond Hill tn 5 p. m Pro 53 at ‘Licanae Auctionee‘r to: the County otYork, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and'friendly influence sales amended on the sLortest notice and at reusougbemtes. P. O.u.ddress King Licensed Auctioneer for thé Couhhy of York. Goods sold on consignment General h’a‘iee 01 shot; etc promptly attended to at reasonable rates Residence Uuionville G R Gauldmg, Newton Breakagenkfor the A LAM" “J T Suigewn. : . Maple Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: N0. 433 Richâ€" mond \Vest.\Vvsley Buildings, (Methodist, Bonk Ronny) T0- mntn. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday ' :L‘ftm-Iioon of each week. - Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest runes Aurora ofï¬ceâ€"Removed to the old post ofï¬o.’ one door west of the entrance to the Ontarm Bunk ' Newmarket oiï¬ce-Three doors south of the past: olï¬oe 'I‘ Emmmz'r LENNOX. G STV MORGAN, Antone. Newmarket above Licensed Auctioneers torthe County of York. Snlesatceuded to on shortestnotic eand a. restâ€" enablerabeu Patronageaolici’eed H0 Licensed Auctionesrfor the Counties sf York and Ontm-lo Allsales of farm stoqk, «’0, at.- tended to on the shortest notioe‘and reasonable ratem Mortgageamlbaiï¬ï¬ series attended' to. ï¬esidenceï¬touï¬vifle Ont LENNOX & MORGAN HIa‘IHTfl‘DND HILL & THORNHILL 5-4 m TORONTO. VEGETABLE SICILIAN A Local Salesman fm- RICHMOND IIILL and surrounding territory to represent Newest varieties, and specialties in Hardy Fruits. Small Fruits and Shrubs, Orlmnmntals, and Rimes. A permanent. situatiull, and leu'itm'y r9- suned for the light man. Pay week- ly. hundsmne outï¬t, fl-Pe. “VVl-ite fur pm ticulzu-s, and send 25 cents for (Illl‘ packet] micruscu‘pe, just. the thing to use in exmuin’mg trees and plants for insects. STONE & WELLINGTON, JAS. NEWTON “ CANADA’S GREAThST ISSUER MARRiAGE LICENSES, REAGENT BIIIJLS umo Life Bniiding (formerly Fre bold [man Bldg). Cm. Adelaide &, Victuriu $15.. Tumnto. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond .Hill on. Satan 1-dews. . Undertake-'5 & Embalmors, flair Renewal E. gamma aï¬aï¬â€™ï¬ï¬ Eï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬‚a, urge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Lindsey. Lawrence 34 W adsworth. Eaxristers,Solicitors, Notaries, &:c. my Life Bniiding (fOX'mOI'IV F MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. 155 Elm STRR rue-r. Toncmo aouommodation to quash. Boud,$l verday :u'rislcrs and solicitors. 00K &'JOHNSTON Saigeon (‘1 McEwc’n. WRIGHT BROS WANTED. daey.K C \\‘ EWBILL NURSERU-ZS, (over Emotion-es») I. 3!. Pl entice, E). G. BLflUGIl, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER '2 N. E. Smith. arth “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity." “55mm. NURSERIES.†Phone Main 2984 J K McEwen, Weston ONTARIO. Newï¬narket :“ree-‘ Mr. A. Campbell’s Able Address Notwithstanding the ruin, the Mn- sunic Hall was full to the doors Fri- day evening last, when a. public meet. ing Was held in the interests of Mr. Arch. Campbell, the Liberal candidate for Centre York for the coming elec- tion. The audience contained a fair sprinkling of lELdiQS- who m‘anifested as much interest, inthe questions dis- cussed as did the men. 4 ' Mr. M. Naughton, president; of the riding was chair-mun, and before the proceedings opened he invited Mr. \V..H. ,Pugsley or- his represenmtiVe to come forward so that; arrangements could be made as to time. MI’. Pugs- ley, 'hoWeVer, was nub'presenb, nor any perSUn on his behalf. ‘1' n lilii. Arch. Uamphi-ll ex.-M. P., was then‘intioduced. He expi'eSsed re« gret that Mr. Pugsley, his opponent in this contest, did not see ï¬t, to at- tend this meeting held in his own vil- lage. He proposed holding a seriesnuf joint meetin ‘ but Mr. Pugsloy deâ€" clined, and' though his opponent or his representative had been invited to all his meetings, they had not so far taken part in any yet held. Mr. Campbell, in taking up the various questions said he had a pleasant. story to tell. He went briefly over the. record of the Laurier Government during the past eight years, a. record of which eVery Uanadiun' should be proud. It matters not whether the party in power is known by the nam'e Liberal or Conservative, but it is most iinpoitant that those at the head of a,"- fairs should give. us clean and pro- gressive government. In 1878 many Liberals recorded their votes for (Jon- servative candidates believing that the olicy they were advocating was In the interest of the country, and in 1896 unmy lifeâ€"long Conservatiws voted with the Liberals because they agreed with the latter in the questions then before the. electors. 'l'o-day it was not a question between himself‘ and Mr. Pugsley, the question for the. electors to decide is whether they are satisï¬ed with the kind of government of'the past eight years. ' For himself, Mr. Campbell was prepared to prove that the record of the Gotermnent was eminently satisfactory, and that the progress of the Country was al most phenomenal, whereas Mr. Pugs- ley maintained that the-government was wrong, and ifrhe were sent to ()t- tawa. he would do what he could to turn them out. Mr. Pugsley was pleased to refer to the recent changes made in this county as “the infamous geri-yniander of the County of York.†The [speaker was . prepared to Show there was no gerrymander, but that the redistribution was per- fectly fair to both political parties. In 1882 the Conservatives interfered with County boundaries wherever they could do so with advantage to their party, but the Liberals did not interfere with county‘ boundaries. For example, the (JonSei-vatives tool; the township of W’hitchurch out of the County of York and pIaCed‘ it in \Vest Ontario, boasting that they “hived the Grits†in that constituency. (-nch riding is about (3un- Fnruwrly ' \Vesb York had 53,000, {1'th 30,000 of which was in the city of Tux-anti; Centre York is now a purely rural mmstituepcy, consisting of four town- ships. Markham, Vaughan. SCHIburn and Etubiuuke. and the Villages. uf| Richmond Hill, \Voudbridge and Markham. ‘ l Mr. Campbell then showed by ï¬gures that the trade of this cmmtry was in- creasing by leaps and bnunds, increas- ing from $239,000.00) in 1896 to $467,- 000,000 in thB. Dsposits in the banks had also greatly increased. and there ‘wus plosperity on wer hand. I‘here wasa large snr lus, notwithstanding that. duties had Elem) reduced in muny llllt‘S, and binder twine and seen-ml other articles bud been plum-d on the free list. The Government did not he- Here in tinkering at the tariff every sessiun as their opponents had done, «bun infm-nmtiun hum manufacturels and others was now being obtained, nnd there would be a revision at the next sesaflun of Parliament. Euthe lust distribution 21 cmnuiittee of seven. consisting of four Libgeriils and three Conservatives. did- the work and so satisfzictnrily was it done that there was a division in only ï¬ve counties. The Uunsr’rvatrives. or Cun- servzitive members (If the Cmnmitteeâ€" Messrs. Borden, Huggarb and Monk,â€" did not raise a single objection alx-uL the diiisiuns of the' County uf York. In the present diatrifmtiuu both sides Were culibulted‘ th‘l'eus in the former distribution undei the Conservatises the. Liberals knew unthing about the measure until it Wus laid on the table. As the. three Yurks now stand Lhe‘populutinn in with riding is about equal. Fnune-rly \Vesb York had 53,000, ath 30,000 of which was in the city of Tornntr, AN EXCELLENT MEETING Public Meeting Mr. Campbell referred to the excel- lent. showing in the P. 0. de nu'tment and other departments an’ gave a clear statement relative in the cost of the proposed continental railway. The‘ railway across the continent would he built by a company, but the Government would guar- antee the bonds and pay the in- terest on part, of the road which would amount altogether to about $13,000, 000 to he paid by this country. The speaker compared this agwement with the agreement; made years ago in building the C. l’. R. At that- time the Conservative Government, paid the company $25,000,000 in cash. gare them 25;000,U00 acres of land, exempt- vd- their rolling stock from taxes, their lands to be free for 20vears. Mr. Omnphell pointed out that the members of the Government was free flUln scandal, the farmers were reap- ing theirjnst reward. manufactureis were doing well.‘an(1 there is pros er- ity everywhere“ Mr. Campbell as ed the electors to Weigh Well the ‘polic of the Government as compared‘ wit ' that of the Opposition. and if they h'e- liei‘e‘d that, the Liberals had given us a wiseadminism'ation to Vvote for him on the 3rd of November. ‘ A vote’of thanks was tendered the (Elwin-mam; Chet-rs were given for the King, Sir \ViIfrid 'Lmu-ier and Mr. Campbell, and the meeting closed. . The \Vest York and Vau'gha'n 'Ag'ri- cultural Society hold a. most success- ful fair at \Yoodbridge \Vednesdziy and Thursday nf last. week. Many of the exhihics in†cattle, horses and other departments were creditable. and the attendance on the closing 'day was very large. About 300 people uf both sexvs attended the banquet Thursday evening. President \V. Ellerl)y pre- sided and proposed the first man " The King,†which was duly honored. Mr. T. F. VVullnce, in mpnsing the toast, “Canada.†said tgub the most important quesLiun in Canada» to-dny was Whvthct we are to have a railway- mvm-d Guvernment or a. Government; ‘11-. A. T. Ort-h, President: of the Vaughan Agricultumd Society. Dr"- used the toast, nf "Agriculturva $airyiug,†which was responded m by Mr. Thompson Porter and Mr. John Gardhouse. Mr. St. John. M. P. R, was the ï¬rst. to reply. He devdtod his time in pi'aise of Canada. and Canadians, and the great resources of this comitrv. He alsu spoke of the necessity 1m- pul-ity in national us well as in (lo- mestic affairs. He estimated that at, nineteen liushbls an acre oneâ€"fourth of the 171,000,000 acres of cultivable land in the West, would pruduce 812,250,000 bushels of wheat, which wuuld feed 30,0J0,000 people in Canada and give England all the wheat she wanted. L Mr. \V. H. Pugsley said nothing could stop the development of Canada. which he lu-lieved Would ,remain pen-t of the British Empire. "‘ However,“ he added. “ it, Would be well not Lu g0 hugely into the uutlmlal development. because we might have to touch upon smuuthiug that Would not be right at, an agricultural dinm-r.f’ ' ‘owned railway; fen‘vd the latter. 'Mr. W'. J. Hill, whn‘waxs received with cheers, contented himself with congratulating the management on thesnccess of the Fair, and adding: ‘1’ Everybody knows we are on the eve uf an election. I think Ilnu‘e too much sense to enter into the realm of politics." “Iaui nut‘s'orry,†he. Went (m. “ut- the present. moment, that we have had as Premier of this ruuntry a, great, French-Canadian. Ido not fullmv the Lihcuaalpnrty; I was nut brought, up that Way ; but I have learned to humu- and respect the great) mun whuyhns been frir eight years Premier of Gun- ada. It has been in the interests uf Canada. that. for the time being at least, We have had as the chief Min- isterof State a French-Caumdiun. It' 3's a good thing for Gn‘nadu that these two races should learn to respect and honor each othex; and Lu 1'01th each other’s leadership. I believe this mjln has done a great deal to heal the (lib ferences and unite the twu races in this country. Fur that I honor him as well as for the noble character whit-Irma bears. and the nuble place he :u‘mvod‘himself a. Conservative, re- gretted the unavoidable absence of Mr. Arch. Campbell and of Mn, A. T. Hunter, “a. vm-y hriHizmt. young man who has enteH-(I the ï¬eld against. Mr. Gslerr,"and‘uneuf the most interest- ing speakers in the city. Mr. Skenns said politics was in the air, and penple did not wish Lo hear anything else. as well 215‘ for the noble character which he bears. and the nublo place he holds in this country’s history." MI. Skeans tlwn alluded to the imyul‘tance of the trmxspm'tajun questwn. Hmd without declaring himself uskvd Lhnt the two leaders give it their best con- sideration. Special value in gmund fresh to your order at 250., 30c. and 40¢. II». and in Green Rio Coffee at 10c. 1h. Atkinson & Swnzer. ME; W. A. Skr Woodbridge Fair and" Banquet. ans of Tm-nrito, who u. Cunscrvntive, re- u'oidnble absence of '0): 7, 1904 himself he plie- Miss Frith is staying at Follidt‘n Lodge for H. bin)!" Lime. Miss Ruse Law. Tmontn, is spand- ing a week with her pin-exits, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Law. Mrs. Cnnmbs : Nowmarket, spc Newton Bmwn. Mr. Frank Mt'Donald left Monday to take a position in the Standard Bank at Stuutfville. Miss May Abraham of Tni‘nnbu. was the guest.nf hex- frie-ml. Miss Oumrie Brown, on VVt-dnesduy. - Mrs. (Ron) Campbell spent a few days in Toronto, the gcwst of her niece, Mrs. J. A. M. Armstrong. ‘Mr. W. Frith and Mr. L. Brown. students at St. Andrew’s ()ullz-ge,spent Saturday (LL Fuulden Lodge. Mr. \Vilfm‘d Clark. postmaster" at Elvhn, Lincoln‘ county. spent; Friday with his uncle, Mr. T. F. McMuhun. , Miss Lamth of Quebec. visited her cousin. Miss Unml‘rie Brown. nu her rotuni from St. Lnuis and idle fur west. ' Miss Ritber and Miss “Wu-new nf Tn- 11mm : also Miss Eva MiHm-of Aurmn, were visiting at. Mrs. Pethick’s over Sunday. - _ Mr. Kenneth MCRHP. who is uttvnd- ing Tm-qntn University, Spent Sunday at the Parsonage, the guest of Mr. George Campbell. Miss Ivy Newton. a, nurse in the \Vestern Hospital.~'1‘0rnnt0. came up the latter part; of the week to spvud a. few days at her home here. Miss Beulah Brydon is home from Lowe-ll, 31.1%., after spending ï¬ve months with her aunt, Mrs. John Storey. ShereturnPd home by way of Montreal, where she. spent a. week with hex cousin Mr. John Ness. Miss Emily Campbell has returnvd hn‘me‘nfter spending thp suman in Musknku and Parry Sound, the gut-st, of the Misses Hut-vie and Mickie. The earth has nourished us through un- known ages of human existence. Is it not true that the earth supplies us with every- thing that we really require for existence ? Have you ever thought that it is probable that the earth supplies us with the means to keep our bodily vigor, our health, if we only knew it? The animals know by in- stinct what is good for them and will search until they ï¬nd in some plant what they need for correcting indigestion or constipa- tion. etc. is it, therefore, not possible that there are roots and herbs supplied by nature which will cure the diseases that afflict human kind? That is why Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. Y., has such faith in his"Med- ieal Discovery." Years ago, when he was in general and active practice, he found that a, combination of certain herbs and roots made into an alterative extract, with- out the use of alcohol, would always put the stomach into a healthy condition, nonr- ish the tissues, feed the blood and nerves and put healthy tone into the whole system. Dr. Piéigce’s Golden Medica1 Discovery ï¬ssures the Iost flesh by curing diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition and enabling the perfect di- gestion and assimilation of food from which flesh and strength are made. 850. per Foot. A}! Kinds of Emple= meats Repaired "W. Mager, Prop. "I was all run down. very nervous. and suf- fered terrib from stomach Ilrouble, .which the doctor's. (yronounced indigeshon.†writes Mn. “‘m. Morey. of Marshall, Mich. "I doctored for a Year without permanent relief, “In ad- vised By a friend to try Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Med- ical Discovery, and after the use of nine homes I was cured., I can heartily recommend the 'Golden Medical Discovery’ to any one suffer- ing from stomach trouble. My husband was also greatly beneï¬ted by its use.†3139? flag '3' To gain knowledge of your own bodyâ€"in sickness and healthâ€"send for me Peo le's Common Sense Medical Adviser. A ook of 1008 pages. :36? yrcents in stamps for aper-cuvexeé, pr. 50 stamps for cloth- ound copy. Address Dr. R. .V. Pierce, 66; Main Street. Buï¬â€˜alo. N. Y. What The Earth Produces. PERSONALS. [Single copies, 3 cts. Manda to (u‘dvr at md little daughter of tut Saturday with M rs. To PATENT flood Ideas may he seemed by our aid. Address, THE °"ENI RECORD. Banlmm. Md. mugas 17