On Tuesday. Oct. 19. ‘a gluon) was vcast uver our vicinity by the death (if :a highly esteemed and respeer 'Uhristiun character. Mrs. Julln Aty- ‘kinsnn. “'hile her illness was of a ï¬ngering natule, lasting about a year, 'hnpes of her recovery were entertain- ??d by her friends and family until a 'few hours refm-e her death. The 'great lass sustained hy the cammnnity in the death of mu- friend can scarcely l)l',l‘t’all21‘d. Although Sister At-kir. son has been a residenthere fax-the slim-t space uf nine years. thruugh her kindly and sympathetic disposition) she, fur-med many close ties with those with whom she came in contact. In the home she was an ideal wife and ’muthm'. a strength and conifnrt to her 'hnshand, and a wise enunsellnr and cnnï¬dnnte tn lu‘r childrvn. eight of whmn surviveâ€"ï¬ve sons anti “Shh-e danghtm‘s. On Friday ar'tm-mmn a large con- (nurse nf relatiVPs and friends fullnw- ed the remains to their last resting grluue in Maple cmuéteng, after which In spite n‘f the inclement weather last Friday evening, the, Masonic Hall was crm‘vded all the 'C’oncei-t given by the pupils and ex-pupils of the Puhlic School. ‘ Every number on the pm- gram wa‘s \K’t’fl x-endvn-ll and \Vul‘lllly uppluudvd. Tinx prover-(ls, amounting to $2.3, will he deuxm d to a library for the school. WANTEDâ€"chkly. flew persons 4m represent long: esmlxliuhed wholesale [muse among retail merchants and agents. Lm-al tenxtory 01' few cuuntiew {LS salurx nud expo-us s nujd “‘9ngan Expensemo‘ney advaucéfl. Cum fsa'inn ektm ,l'armunenn enmemeut. Business succesnm]. ‘I‘reviuua experience not essentiu]. Enclost‘; Fr-lfvmlnh'essed envelope. Adllress‘ SUPERIN 'TRN‘DEN'I Duran-2145.325 Dearboru Sn. Ch 11- The To‘ro‘nto News says 2â€"“ The Chatham Advance, the leading Con- serVative Organ in North'mnberland County, N, 13., which has stood by t’li‘e’party for many years, has come 323m; openly in ’su‘gport of Mr. W. S. ‘Léggie. the Liberal candidate in them $00nstitue‘m‘:y-. About one hundred and fm'ty guests assembled \Ve‘due’sda y afternoon of last Week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Kirby to “'itsts the man iugv of Rh irdu'ughtm- Mule Louise, to Mr. Ge uReeve Cl'ouk. The bright October suushhm made the day an ideal one, an the ceremony was pmforuwd on the lawn. Rev. \V. N. Ulmntler ni‘ï¬ci» :lting. The luidoxnmld «as Miss. Huzvl Kirby of Toronto. and Mr. J. E. Kirby leted as gmomsmun. After a sumptum‘ls dinner the nmvly-mul-ried cnuple left on the evening [rain for a shyâ€; trip to Toronto. '01“ staying away from the polls, they are voting to turn out a Government that has done more for Canada dur- ing the past eight years than any previous government did in twice that time. The Laurier Government is worthy of every support. Electors should keep in mind the fact that in votng against Liberal bandidates en the 3rd of November, '01“ staying away from the polls, they are voting to turn out a Government The Markham Sim Last week gave A map of what it styled “Gerry- mauderee Centre York.†The Sun says that the new constituency has (wen “fearfully and wonderfully made/’1 but the map does not bear out that argument. Centre York is barely a rural constituenCy, compris- ing the townships of Markham, Vaughan, Scarboro and Etobieoke, and the villages of Richmond Hill, Woodbridge and Markham. Surely this is “fairer to all concerned than the former riding of East and West York were with St. Matthew‘s Ward, Toronto, in the former and Parkdale in the latter. . Changeâ€"World's Dispensary Medical Assoc‘n Changeâ€"J. C. Ayer & Co. Clmngeâ€"‘J‘he Rnasxll Hardware Co (“wageâ€"Atkinson &‘s!\\'il&er "alumâ€"Kennedy Shorbhaud School Tu huntâ€"Miss Hunter Tl RICHMOND HILL. October 27, 1904 New Advertisements. Aw yï¬ihcrnl. Edgely Mame Address. Sumc'ms Dearborp Sc†Chica. -‘ 12-251 ian church here was a success. The morning service wasxrondncttfl by the Rev. Mr. Monntom', the afternoon and night; SEI‘VK'PS by tho Rev. D. ‘V. Best of Beaver-ton. whose yuuthful days were spent in this village. Many of any residonts went to hem- Sir “'ilfrid Lmu-iemxi: Peterhnm’. Electiun matters are very quiet in this lncnlity. \Ve hope. however. for the election of the Hon. Mr. Ayles- worth, who should he sent to repre- I sent the County of Duleham at Ottawa ! fur the nextflve years. I The anniversary nf the Presbyter- AApple picking is the .order of the a}. Expected visitors from the west have failed to put in an appearance. .Busim’ss before leasure may he the cause which nn oubt will be fully ex- plained on their arrival herq. '- Mr. A. P, McLean of Bv'tex-bnwngh s‘pm‘it one da‘y‘nt the‘pm‘e‘ntzil home. ‘ The zumuul met-ting of {He Bible Society Iwus bald in. Lh'v' Methodist Dhnrch here-1m the 18th Oct., 1904. The secretary rvpo'I-ted as hming he-m presvntzlt 49 meetings with one ex- ception. but ere are two ahead of him on the list, of ofï¬cers for Canada. The f:ilxnil_\"5f1TT1'. 335. Feb. Tum suf‘ fQI-ed‘ from tonsih'us. They are all re‘ emu-ring. 'Pht-nms Gang and his sist.N‘., Eliza. uroe‘rr "bangs of forty mus, have lvéelg hex-e fqi' _ "ge'fime, pasï¬ ï¬'isitin" ‘tbeï¬- relativ2=séind friénds; ‘Althougg residentsuf“ the United States. Unn- ar1:1.lhe home nf their childhmul. is dem- tn thnm and they can juin {wart- ilyin that grand song, “The Maple Leaf Forever.“ , " J- V ‘ Bg-utsand Shoes â€" Remm‘nlwr we can du 'h‘btlvr fur you in hunts and slumi‘ them you can do in Toronto. Men’s \vorkinz'h'oots from the best umkorsin ()nm’idu: children’s lmnls. bnys’ulid girls" SCJJUHL bums. Unuyf and see us. Nuughtg‘m ‘Bx'osq Elgin Mills. ‘ Ann-[1101‘ ’ raise Aubthex'thought to brighten cloudy days, . Another theme fur thankfulness and etvrnally. Lord Jesus, grant us all a Thee bear ; One more the crown of -| to WHU‘. One 1958 (m 9.111 11 ! Its.p;ti1),1ts sm-ruw and its toil to share; One less the pilgx-im’s daily cross In One more at; humeâ€" That hume where separation ~ammL be, That hmne where "sue are missed One more. at home! This is nut home. when“ cramped in earthly mould - ' Our sight. of Christ is dim, our love is cold ; Bub them. where face to face, we shall behold. One loss at hmm- ! One Voice of welcome hushed, and evernmre One farewell “'m-d unspoken, (m the slim? ' \th'e pal-ting cmm-s not, one soul landed 11101-9. One more in he..ven. ed pinup, But cleansed and saved and perfected by gnu-.9. One more in heaven. an impressive sol-vice Was hvld in Maple Methodist; Chum-h by her pastors. Revs. Chantlm- and Jeffrey. assisted byn former pflsbur, Rev. S. \V. I)v;1n.andRev. Mr. ‘mmphell of Richmond Hill. Ml. (*hnntler mod as a tvxt (by \vnr’dsvnfflni‘mthfln tn David : “And lhnn shalt, be missed because thy seat will be empty." The fullmving Verses made aver-y appropriate conclusiun to his dis- course: ,_ 0119 less at home! . The chm-mod circle hx'okmx ; u denrfncv Mlssed day by day From its accustnm- A VOTE FOR CAMPBELL p1 Hist I’olling’ ’J‘hnrsday. Novennber I vweï¬Ã© Mount Pleasant ONE LESS AT HOME. link on high 0m- smxls to Tu home and heaven Om: more in hem-en One more in heaven. Is hnme in heaven At home in hoavvn. At home in b( u‘en msmned souls place with P: (‘ENTRE YORK :'1DOMHNION ELECTION 1 90â€"1 K7013!) for A High Grade Commercial School. Strictly ï¬rstâ€"class in all departments. Magniï¬cent catalogue free. \Vrite for one. Corner Yonge and Alexander Sts. TQRONTO, ONT. \‘ Students admitted at The People’s Candidate, who is A farmer, and has been a resident of the Riding for 33 years, and fully understands "the wants of the farmers, and is a believer in Public Own‘er- ship; ' , _ fl anmwnn 010"!" Stuéxï¬x "Mail T0, is giving lhv very best mail 100nrsesobtainable. in all 'Cumme-r- c'ial subjects. including Advertising {Hid Illustrating. as'well as a special bgmrsu for _the CHARTERED AC- Canadian lmsilwss school. and any- thing it does is always Well dune. "=va a. member of its ï¬eld force is not convenient, anyone internsth in Correspondence Instruction may obtain a. copylof pmspectus on up- pli'cutinn t0 the ' ’ Correspondence Department BUSINESS UOLLEGE 0F TORON :COUNTA NT’S EXAMINATION. This college has'a cnutincntal rep- utation for thorough wnrk, and is we largest and best yepxrosengative Electors of Centre York F :mwwwwwmw AM H. PUGSLEY YONGE & GERRARD 8135.. TORONTO W-tfl. SHAW. - - Principal. The \V( T113 unprecedented demand for skillp'd sSvnngI-aphm‘s makes this \‘mrntinn the veljy best, for young [If-‘OPIP. Look into the matter at once. Our catalogue will give you much information. It, {six-co. 0hr \vm-k difl’vrs from that, of nthvr svhnols. W'e specialize on on:- thing.â€"the trniihg‘ï¬fsten- (igrnphors. ' In this particular work We are unequalled. N0 nthm- schrml does this one thing quite so satisfactoriully. T113 unprecedented demand The Government Candidate for the Dominion Parliament. Is a Vole for Laurier; For Progressive Government; For :1 Stable Tariff: The Speedy Development of Canada; And (he Strengthening of the Empire. W'. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL. V’ol e 1901‘ Hi 1] n \v n C EN T R A'L any time. apazu. § MENâ€™ï¬ EgEï¬ï¬ES E â€"v..v..‘ "nu-u M+m+mm++m+www++mm¢m+w++w++ §P_R;-_§P_“l‘;5.‘f‘“€EV 3‘ CO» There is seldom a day that we turn hnl consulted in were to have seen it in its early stages, me sufferer wo‘ saved considerable expense. This we consider isdue h the doctor who has previously treated lhc case; mex-cfc ferin from any disease or condition peculiar to men.< been issapoixlted-in not gcnjng a permanent cure cl! . 7 r 7 ~ 7 ~ . come to our oï¬ice {9}; pcqulmlï¬z‘iammnt 73 ‘2} m ’3 METRQPOLITAN 8" OR mm §§®<§®§§§Sï¬ï¬afliï¬ Fresh Groceries and Provisions Kept alwa \Ve carrv a comnlete Tim: m" Livery in Con nection Ice-Cream Parlor Open daily gatherings supplied w We cure NERVOUS DEBILIIx, VARIOC‘CELE, STRICTURES‘ BLOOD and SKIN diseases. PROSTATIG troublo‘s, BLADDER. KlDNEY and URINARY diseases. Question List Sent Free for Home Treatment. CONSULTATION FREE BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. T. B. LEEFQRQ â€"YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED e carry a complete line 0 gs supplied ivith Ice-Cream on sllnrtest notice. €‘MW-ï¬-MM+W®M+W4~++< ic-Nic and other W flï¬yߤ mp. 290 Wood- ward Ava., Dotroii. Mich. ï¬g? ‘2 ays.