Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Oct 1904, p. 5

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eight full pages in four calm-s, making this number the richest, in illustration ever published in Canada. The price -will he 50 cents, the same as last ypar. As only a. limited number will be printed thuse who wish one or more .cc-pies should lvuve their orders at once. For several years past thp full issue. of Ulnistmns Globes has been disposed of in a- day 01‘ two after they navel-e put on the market. Orders taken mt. IRE LIBERAL Ofijce. NOVEMBER SUCCESS. -The ophning page of the Nuvembm- “Success” brings to mind the fact that Thanksgiving is once umrn roiling round, and that we must prvparo-i'um the fvsiive tm key. Sti-irkland \V. (iillilan, the president, vi the Amari- :C:m‘ Hmnn-ists. mntrihntes a. pol-In 10 this page in "Success" whirl) con- tains a certain delicate lHIlllnl‘ that, will put all \vlm read it in gum] spirits. It, leads (II) to better things in the mag» uzine, amnng which we find an article. entitled “The Presidency.” analyzing the principal presidential candidates, by Alfl'l‘d Hem-y Lewis whose cam- paign writings have been very notice- able this year. ' The Christmas Globe will he issued about the usual time. It. will include four supplementary plates. and pruni- ises to he an excellent numlwr. Mr. Norman Duncan, the popular young Canadian author, has contributed one of his splendid stories, and in addition to this there will be several other stories. including the Winners 121 the Christmas Globe Prize Gompvtitinn, A...) -__ __,-I We have the leading breakfast foods in stock zâ€"Omngt‘ Meat. Force, Shred- ded \Vhent Biscuit, Triscuit, Cream of Wheat. Mull. Breakfast Fond,Gr:Ipe 'Nuts, Quaker Outs, Banner Oats, Til- sun’s Outs, etc. Atkinson & Switzex‘. “,qu A .114; \Jtnu prlnuuu, and several original articles and poems written specially for this number. In addition to the. numerous illustra- “.098. in black and white, LhPl‘e will he Nomination of candidates for Centro ‘Xm'k electiun wili take place-1n Viol M'- in Hall. Thm-uhill. I'm-day (Thursday), from 12 (u 2 o’clock. Mr. R. A. Masim of Markham is the Returning Olficer. After tho nomination ud- dmsses will he giwn by the mmdiduU-s wlm’will discuss lhv political questinns of the day. Vich-izi Hull will duuht- ‘(Ws be "lXEd Lo its utmost capacity \Vo mm 50ft fell h.- ns they 1m loss in; inked this :l‘ltsnamm DIED IN PARKDALE. Mr. James \V. Funwivk. nf 224 Dunn avenue. Parkduio. died Mondav. aged 63 years. after an illness uf mun-e than a. month. He loans .1 wife and three children. Mr. Fonwick \mspruprielm- of the Pal-kduh- Flu-nave Cumpany. and was a mmnhm- of tho I’nrkdule Presbyterian Church. Deceased Was fm'uaf’rly a hmuk-kvvper in the Putter- sen works at, Putter-sun. Just to hand at Atkinsnn & Switzm-‘s =1 s'pandid lot of fancy finnnelette made ‘in Britain,"direct import}. Special .value. ~ Mr. John Hornet-(lied at; the 11mm- 01‘ his snn-in-lmv, va. F. Elli<»(l., SH’" and concession uf MmM in. Monday. The old gentleman was 5.3murs nfugv. and was confined tn his hadhvn wm‘Ls previous to his (1m! h. Interan [on]; lace in the Dunknrd cvnwtm-y, Horm- ey. His wife sin-\ives him, also his .maly child, Mrs. Elliott. urpnsos. ' 9ft. H. Perhaps you did not, roulizn the fact by Inst “’99le nd. tlmt We are selling ‘all implvmems at cusL but such is thv case. \Vummt have 100m fur “thru- pqrpnsos. A few of the bargains still Ready hm-v nut fl all taste-s. Ready, a but for nil packers. zer. Protracted Svrvir‘vs :u-v nnw in } grass at. the Dunknrd Chm-0h Gtu'inley, and will he continue-d unnther we k. The brethren assisted in the Work by Rev. R. J. Znnk of Iowa. Yes. you m'f'd not, go may rightahtire for the host. Alli. Swiecer. NOMINATION AT THORNIIILL Mr. F. J. Pethink on Friday of last week said tn Mr. Jzunvs of Thm-nhill. n. ‘s‘vry handsnme Mason & Risch piano, stylu. 4!. in mahogany case. Th? (fie-dim} rpmms wiii 1w rpm-ix- at Mr. Jerry Smith‘s nt‘fiuo Thursd evening. the 3rd of Nnvomhvr. Residents in the vicinity and Eliznhe-th streets :lI‘P an eet lump. 'Mr. JOSSP Hudgins hns pm't‘hnSI-‘(l bhv- Summit flute-l. Oak Ridgr-s. from Mr. D. w. Mvgnffin. A bargain in time is dnuhly n bur :nin. Atkinson & Switzer-~ THE CHRISTMAS G LOBE‘ Rxcammo HILL, October 2'7. 1901 H. A. Nichnlls In: fiihsraiflpfls: NOTIC DIED 0N MONIEAY snynf nui- mvn’s stuff and 1ts,they wmu' ju<c as well Ik. Atkmson & Switzvr. r0 m-t fur one tnate hut fm Ready. not for unc pnckpt E THIS FACT. 'I‘V‘IOPS nro nnw in pro- Dunkard Chm-ch at will he continued for Th9 brethren are Atkinson SwiL are to .‘zrwn‘s As- mmp valued champinm ml plowing Inn of Mr. on Friday, my further Atkinson & Cc-ntre Council met on October 25. All the mémhers present. " Minutes of the 14th of October read and confirmed. Pursuant, to n. resolution passed at the lastameeting of the council, the petition of Mr. S. M. Brown and 31 other ratepayers. with a plan attachâ€" ed, relating to the clearing of'enow from the sidewalks of the village, was taken into consideration. Mr.’BrmVn addressed the round] in reference to the prayer of the petition. Moved by Mr. Glass. seConded by Mr, Trench. that the clerk is hereby requested to have it hy-luw prepared to amend those parts of Byâ€"Law No. 52 relating to the clearing of snow umL ice from the village sidewalks, and to provide for a more efficient. keeping of the sidewalksâ€"us indicated by said plan anti cmnpnsedmf plank. asphalt or other materialâ€"clear of snow and. ire-or other obstruction during the winter season.â€"C:wr‘ied. Mover} by Mr. Paulin, secnmled by Mr. Trench. that. a committee Cour posed of the. Reeve and Councillors limes and Paulin he appointed to us- sist the clerk in preparing said hy-luw. «Cari-ind. Moved hy Mr. ‘Innes, -senonded'hy Mr. Paulin. that the lamp at. the corner of Elizabeth and Centre street west be taken over by this council and attended to as are other street lamps of the village.â€"Carried. The council adjourned. .0ur made-toâ€"meusm'e snfts nre s< annstructed that. they hang easily :mc gl-ucvfully, the cunt fits mound thl neck. across and on top of Lb: shouldvrs and under the arms. Le us nwnsure you for a fine fall suit Atkinson & Switzer. VlCl.Hl‘i.'L Square, Misses Jinnings and Bul'nhmn. Patterson, Miss Rumble. Short addn-‘sses \vm-e given by an. .1. Gibson and Rev. J. A. Grant. who were fullmvod by Rev. A. C. Miles, ugk-nt fur the Society. The cth-clinn .‘unuunted to $5.55. A. E. S\vitzm, J. Flu-yl '1. Newton. ' Onllvctors \Vt‘l'e upwinted as fol» lows :â€" _ ' ‘ Richmond Hill, west side, Misses Maudie um] Switzmu ' Richmond HilL east side, Misses Mc~ Cunaghy and liaise. Hmdfm-d. Mksos Ethel Banker and Lam-:1 Lvek. Wpok. There was a gnud attvendancv, and the meeting thrunghout, was pal-- ticnlarly interesting and lwlpful. The chair was taken by the Pl-vsidont. Rev. T. Campbell, and after singing by the Pongrvgatiun, Row. John Gil)â€" son read a. portion of scripture, and Rev. J. A. Grant, offered prayer. After a few remarks by the chairman the report: of the Sec’y-Tl-eas. was madam! the election of officers re- sulted as follows :â€" Px-esident‘, Rev. '1‘. Glfixp‘hel]. Vice-President, \V. Imws. Svu’yâ€"TI-vas” W. A. \Vicight: Depositary. T. F. McMahon. Directors, A. vatnn, J. H. Sander- son. J. H. Brydnn. '1‘. H. Trench. .l. everything hitinn is to shit. Atki: lungnageand how he fare-(l tllt'l'e in wartime. Thore- are some rare photo- graphs with this :lrticlP. The editor gives his impressions of Canada‘s dis- play at St. Louis. and they crrtuinly are not in harmony with the average opinion of nthor writers. This too is illnstrutml profusely. There- is :I shut hintrvry of the (z‘rrz-liarlier Guards, tho oldest, rvginwnt in th British Army. with some more exrellentillustrations. The Canadian Cvlehrity of ths- month is Mr. Robert Mr-ighvu, annlher man who has curved his way to promi- nence- hy native courage and ability. Thor? are splnndid put-traits of Sir \Vilfrid an-ivr and Mr. Borden, of Earl Gray and Lady Gray. and a new put-bruit of Marshall Saunders. The stories are worihv of thy nnnxhurw Suits that fit have “tone,” The annual mr‘eting of the Upper Canada Branch BthPSnciPty was held in the basement of jhe Presbyterian Church \Veduesdny evening of last Weak. There was a gnud attendance, and pmix American ( ing. Thei are oxcvpti W ntex-s. u a selfisu] British T \vm'kt-d his London, 11 L. \va and allow fm throw rings tective (:lninm nut go nver tf it is smm-whn was n R‘nmv nl David Roberts Pnlice Cum-t nt’ Dete‘ctiw‘ Gwen of Chance at, Ll]! and had 130 in addition outfit. The “'0 offv r “'ethey’ BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING "Ely: ed Llu SUIIH'WINIL d'ifl’it: :1 game uf t‘hant offer to m:th 3w yuur measure but fit, that ave. shapely, that Mme," not one dvtnil neglected, hing guaranteed, and mu- am- is to mmsurn gym] for a. nice full Atkixwon & Switzer. Village Councu are splnndid portraits of Sir ian-ier and Mr. Borden, of my :1 nd Lady Gray. and a new t of Marshall Saunders. The are worthy of the number. a of thumf‘. But there was gum] chance for those who game tn lose their mnnoy. )hm-ts was clmrgpd in the rt ut Tux-mitt) Junction, hy h-vem with running a :une at, the ’VVwmdbridge ‘nir. pay a fine 1.? $90 ififd Costs, to tho- cnnfiscnlirm of his I method :idnp[(‘d by Rob- pin bank notes to the wall furumv'sr-eking youths to s m'c‘r the pins. The dc- nod that, the rings could thp pins. Fur this launn Jul/difficult“) 8P8 how it Mincvl Meat, 100.. FINED $20. M. TEEFL Clank. T. H. Trench, J uryl '1. Newton. appainted as fol ts nre so easily and mum! the p of the Two-good fax-ms to rent and one for sale. containing one 01- tm) hundred acres. Wheat, in, some ploughing done. Apply at once to ' MISS HUNTER, M. NAUGHTON, A. F. “'ILSOH. 01' his representative invited to be present and address the meetiggs. UNIONVILLE. . . .Thursday. Oct. HIGHLAND CREEK, Friday. Oct SCARBORO JUNC'N, Saturday, " ISLINGTON. . .. Monday, Oct. MIMICO . . . . . . . . . . 'l‘uPsduy, Nov. Eli-3L3?" the Govemment Candidate will address the Electms of Centre Yurk at Public Meetings, as fUHUWS : GOD SAVE THE KING. ‘ Public Meetings. CENTRE YORK 250. Al Ayer’s'fii'lliéfilfigrgase the activity ol the liver. and thus ald recovery, HnRNEnâ€"Near Richmond H ill. on Monday Oct. ‘24. John hornet. aged 75 years. CHARLTONâ€" At ’l‘horuhin. Tuesday. Oct. 25, Edward Charlton. aged 40 years, 5 mm] ths. Imermantin Thornhill. cemetery, this after noon at; 2.30. Cnooxâ€"Kmnvâ€"At the home of the bride's father, on Wednesdav, October 19, 1904, by Rev. W. N‘ Chautler. George Reeve Cl‘tvok. 4w) Mabel Louise, daughter of Wm Kit-bye.“ of Vaughn-n Township Bunts and ShoPs~Gront sale of odds and ends of men’s. wmrwn‘s and chil- dren’s hunts. We can save yxm money. Men‘s 'wnrkin 'hnnts. all sizes, from the best. nm We, and are fully guaranteed. Naughtnn Bros.. Elgin Mills. fir. A. Bampheii. dew, Anxinusly looking, deal-01195, for ynu This lovely hm]. so young and fair, Called hPuce by earthly dmnn, Cnllvd to Show how swm-t :1 'finwer In Paradise would bloom. Safe with the angels. whiter than snmv, “Witching fm'dmu- ones waiting lwlnw, Sweet, luving darling. light, uf the home. Lnnking for loved ones. beckoning come. Bright as «he sunshine. nuro as Hm CHAIR TAKEN AT 7.30 P. M SLINEYaâ€"I'n (raving me-mn: Virginia. beloved daughtw- nnd Elizabeth Sliney, dird 1993. agvd Zyeurs 9 months To Rent or Sell "For 40 years I hue do ended on Ayers Cherry Pectonx for con; 3 and colds. I know it gent! ltrenzthem weak lungs." Ba. - . A. ROBINSON, Saline, Mich. deal to you. Follow your doctor’s advice and take Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. Take 'cold easily? Throat tender? Lungs weak-P .Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a great Cherry Pectoral MR. W. H. PUGSLEY we” 31.00. PRIDE OF THE HOME the sunshine. pure as the MARRIAGES‘ In Memoriam. DEATHS quydtowu, Ont. Secly C. Y. ‘y of H910)! K'Niohulua Oct. 25th, J; 31 'rYURKSHIRE STOCK FOOD ‘W’holesale and retail druggiste. Snvcossm‘ to C. D. Danipl & Co. and ,Miller 6; Co. 171 KING ST. E., TORONTO, OPP. CLYDE HOTE This is only :1 partial cut price list Chases Ointment 38c Ayer’s Hair Vigor 65c Aver’s Chen-y Pectqral‘ZO, ~10 and 65c Norway Pine Syrup 180 Pagp’s En§lish Cough Syrup large bottle 25c Gray’s Syrup Red SpuxceGum 18c Hagyard’s Pectnrul Balsam 18c Pure ‘Dmgs, Medicines é. Condition Powders AT CUT-RATE PRICES. Remember we sell everything at wholesale prices, and can save you from JO to Zfisperxeutulgy dealing with us. ‘ +++~x~ ++++++++++++++++++++é~+%a‘~+ Maw: i «1M+++++++++~M~++++M~++¢+++M+++++++++ .++++++++, v+++++++4 Next; i++++l T++++++ ‘H ++++++++++++é J. A. JOHNSTON 8c 00., +++++++++++++++++++M‘ @fimmmmzm ATKINSON 86 SWITZER There’s good value back of every bargain. We want your money of course~â€"we never oflered you better inducements to épend it here. single purchase. Fine Fancy Worsted, or Blue or Black V Suit, made ,to your mensute fur $15.00. price for this quality, $18.50. Heavy 30 inch \Vx-apperette, 10c. yard. Heavy 14) inch \Vrnppr-I-ette. 15c. yard. Ladies; Hygeian Vests, 25, 30, 40. 50, 756. an‘ Men’s Fine W001 Fleeced Underwear. $1.20 Men’s Fine Color-Pd Shh-m An 7.1.. m .._,n m Glance over or no sale. JAWS EVER &, 3%! Riclgmena Hill If you require Heating Stoves of any kind for coal or wood, Ranges for-coal or wood, it wqud be to your in- terest to Call and see our dis- play of stoves of all kinds and latest stylesâ€"Just arrivedâ€"â€" All stoves guaranteed by us to give firstâ€"class satisfaction ior 25c Kendall‘s szu‘in Cure 75c for 25c Pages English Spavin Gui 8 $1 1 and Turpentine Pure Oil of Tar Mustang Heave Cure 2'30 Emulsion Cnd- Lin-r Oil lnrge bnt. 250 c Pages ECZPma Ointment 400.,guzu-am’d “1‘20, ~10 and 65c Minard’s Liniment 15c 18c Omega Oil 40c gh Syrup large Burdock and Sarsapm-illn 65c \Varm-r’s Safe Cure 65c rliceGlzm 18c Yorkshire Stock Food is for sale l~y lalsam 18c Gvo. McDonald, harness-maker cut price list. TVe sell everything nL cut rate prices and you save monoy by dealing with us. '6U Inch Wrapperette, 10c. yard. ' 14) inch \Vrnppe-rette. 15c. yard. fiHyge-ian Vests, 25, 30, 40. 50, 75 Fine W001 Fleeced Underwear ‘ Fine Colored Shirts, 50, 75c., £1 E Heating ‘ The oidvmliable Stock Food so well and favor. .aK Dâ€"ably known bv the {armeraof Ontarin. it is a e: nbegp. pigs andpogltry in a. flue healthy condition. ++M++++++ H s-z-M+-z~+ ¢§§§§¢§6§§§§§§§§ ¢§§§fi§§§§¢§§§§§¢ a fact that you can verify in §§Q§6§4¢§# Emmmxm: the prices shown here : ~2~*2+++++¢M+$+++++++%%+%+§++~F +++++ -z~+~:«:-++~s- blue or Black Venetian nsure fur $15.00. Usual «Fa +++++++++~z~++++£§~+ Sc. and $1. $1.20 suit. and $1.25. +++~§~§+4~3 nblets rPfieipts for cond healthy abuhiciénf. : and g1ossy cone. ‘ coldu, heaven or astm-ia and Eng I . W %5 +4-1- Q -:~. + V++. 1.... :3; ~H

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