The undersigned begs to thank the pubiic for the genâ€" erous patronage accorded him Eeneral Blacksmith Will run on custom work duiing Sap- Leuiher three days only, namely :â€" Tuesday, Sept. 20 and Monday and Tuesday. 26 and 27 of Lhe last week, and will run ï¬rst), four days of each week during October and November up to and including Nov. 1’7. 1904. As is well known we make raw cider. huiluél cider, apple butter and jelly all frmnE‘your nwn apples while- you Wait. Cider can be boiled to any thickness. Jelly? apples should be well ripe-nod and twp-thirds sweet. Parties wish- ing apple buttér should keep theii peeling apples separate from the cider appl 's. \Ve expect to buy a quantity 0 cl or apples (from oustnmers only.) As wie. have now. after many improve- ments, a capacity of about; 3,000 gals. of cider boiled into jelly and apple buttgr, per day, we hope logive our custtpiwrs quicker work and better satisactiun than ever. Customers are respectfully .1-equest.ed to do business otthchhore InenLioned days as we live a distance from‘the factory and cusuilneis coming any other 'day Would ï¬nd it, very inconvenient. As will lie unlicvd,the business has chang- ed 11* mls, however. we: still intend to Lake. the host. of care to please ovary uustl IUL’I‘. as the senior inemlwr of the pres nlvï¬rm is H. \Vinger, formerly of “finger Bras. Sn we hnpv to see all digur old customers back again this seashn as usual. with as many more as pussilnle. Thanking the goneial public for last favors. we solicit a contin- UH.le uf the same in the future. Friday. MN. 4 eto.,‘the propel House. luflnnul cash. Slliummd Wednesday. Nov. 9 stock and UllplelllBLM the prupmty of He) o'clock Terms. 11 m VVeduesduy, Nov 9- implumnuts and In Markham the proper Terms 11 months. J Wellnemlnv. o! the hue Wr Hale at 1 Sam Wednesday, cows. springer House yards. l three mum]. s Friday,1\uv Jâ€"Aucmou dairy cows near Torontu ; of Bowmme Bros. Turn]! Sgignpn @Mnlï¬wen, uucts ,m _ .V . ,._ _, Friday. Nov. â€"Aucltmr «mm of hotel ï¬vniture. eto.,me propeny of C. [L Ellsmu. Dmmuinn Housmmcbmuud nm. Sale 111. 1 o'clock. Terms, cash. Suiuaon dz ‘McEan. aunts. Tuesauy. Nomeâ€"Auction 3116 of farm stock and implements. on 10:31, mm 2. rear. King. the 2yqpey§y «1f .10}; nALl'oyu. ‘Ter 11 mos. Sale The east. half of Int, 23‘ 2nd cnn. Markham. containing one hundred acres is to rent. for a term hf )‘ezu's. "Iv-AVMLVI u Mpnday.()cb31â€"-Auctiou sale nfhorae.humess vehxoles and furniture at thr Lutheran Parson- 518, 4th con Vauubnu, the poverty of J KHiIty. Sale at 1. Terms 3 months. hmgeon 6: McEweJ, Harts Tue&1nv.Nr:v l-Auclion sale nf {my}; stock ,_u_A Alf persuns interested will please gave; u themselves nccm-dingly. Friday. Octzsâ€" Auction sale of farm stock. in: laments. etuJba pruperty of W H Burdekin, on at 22., con 3. West. ank, Mlle at l2. Lunch provided. 'I (511113.11 mos. Saigeun 6e McEwen. auctioneers, .. x,.__..- Is héj'elw given that :1 mteting of the Emu-.1] uf Licvuae C(umuissiuners for the East Riding of the County ufYox-k will be held on At the hour (If 11 o’clock :1. m.. at. the 0.1m.» Hotel, Tun-(mm, tuconsider the following transfer of tuveru license : Illu nu TueanY. Nov l-Auclion mm M {arm stock Ind implements on lot 3, 7th con King the uroperty of Jdm Willis. Turma 12 months. Sale at l. Suigeuu a \IcEwen,uucbs Tuesday.Nuv.1â€"Auccion halo of turn: stock um implements. on lat M. can. 3. Whibchurch. Frém Mrs. G. H. Ellslun, known as the Duminiou House, Richmond Hill, to Alba-t \Vm. Brown. Toronto. CIDER. & JELLY MILL 1.6.2, 1 License luspéch r Ullitlll\iut‘.. Oct. 17, 190}. Tuesday. Nu tun implemm Qh aprupelhyn B G. mungb. PATRONS I Liqimr Liganse ï¬st Public Notice 16-21 Alr‘kinds of‘Blacksmitmng done. GEO. COWIE, To Whom. It May Conccrn Wedflesday, Nov. 2, 1904, And 1hopes for .1 mntinuzmce ' of the same. '1‘() 11153 RICHMOND HILL. Sale Register. To Rent Edgely urn Lloyu. Terms, D. G. Blough. nautic H. Wingéi‘ & ‘Son. rehobmvaou. Tums. ll-mos. ALEX. RUSSELL Ier Ll Edwards. Sale at 1 mos. D. G. Blounh. nuct. 9â€"Cremt sale uf farm stock. furniture on lot 32.5w cun ‘erty of C W Shiver. Sale at 1 J H Preumce. much l). BOYLE. ‘ Aucbinu for) lot. 234 Richmond Hill. 11891" sale of farm con. 4. King Department of Public Works. Ottawa. October 18. 1904. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment. without authority from the De- partment, will not be paid fur it. Received in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. Money Loanod on Farmers" Sake Non-s. Blank Note I-‘mrms Supplied Free. General. Banking Business Transaated. For other particulars call at the Bank. A good brick huuse in the village of Maple, the hnme nf the late J. 0. Mc- Quarrie. There is half an acre of land, a. pretty lawn in front and a. quantity of fruit trees, a. very desirable resi- deuce. g" the. undersigned. and endm-snd ‘ endo-r fur Tm'untn Island Breakâ€" WHtel Extension," will be received at this ofï¬ce until Wednesday. Nuvvmber 2._15)U4. imzlusively, fur Llw consmnc- tion uf an extension Lathe Brenkwutm- 0!: South side of Tm'untn Island. City §EALED TENDERS addressed to 7N0tice is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, and amendments thereto, thatall creditm‘s and others having claims against the estate of the abm'c deceased, who died on or about the 1st day of September, '1904. are required to send by post pre- paid. or deliver to the undersigned, solicitm-for the executors of the last will and testament uf the said deceas- ed, on 01- before the lst day of No- vember. 1904, a statement in writing giving full particulars of their claims. their names and addresses and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, the same to be duly veriï¬ed by afï¬davit ur statutory declamtiun ; and take notice that after the said lst day of November. 190}, the executors of the said last will and testament of the said deceased will pmceed to distrib- ute the assets of the estate among the persons entitled thereto. having re- gard only tn the claims of which they shall have had notice. T. \V. W. EVANS. Sniicitm‘ for the ’ Executurs of the last will of Edw.u-d McKenzie, (1e ‘ 14-4 ceased. STANDARD BANK Miss 10 Greditors Lute of the Township of Markham, in ' the County of York. Gentle- man, deceased. Anyone sending a skelqh and descrlï¬tion may quickly nscerta‘n our opmion free w ether an 1 vention is probably patentuble. Communica- t obs strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents 383$ free. Oldest qgeucyfoisocurinng patents. AA __._l___ “ï¬nk-Etta. triiien EEFSE 1131â€"61111 gncKVrieceS’ve megialmtice, wityput. c Ege tn the_ Ahandsomely illustrated weekly. Largest clr- cnmtion of any scientiï¬c ournal. Terms. 83 a year: four moyths, $1. So :1 by all yewsdï¬nlen} MEINNT‘ECEEEEEFiééééiNEwerk Notice of withdrawal not neces- ‘ sary. All deposits payable on demand. Ca‘pital Rest; scientiï¬c Hmerican. IUIIII “UV. ' "u" Iul Branch omce. 625 F EL. ‘Vushinzton. D. C. Edward McKenzie, App! to G. \V. HIGH. or 1 Execut M. MCQULRRIE I Maple. RICHMOND HILL In the matter of the estate of OI" (Danada J'. W. OSBORNE. 5L1 $1,000,000 $1,000 000 DEPTJâ€"SITS To Rent 1 Executors, AG ENT. HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. w. HEWISON, RICHARDSON HOUSE is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, OVercoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL FALL AND WINTER A. J. HUME, My Stock of VVoolens for all the difference in the flavor, and COST NO MORE than im- pule spices. Our stock is com- plete; all fresh goods; and bought at a close ï¬gure; you get the beneï¬t. \Vnuld you like to try a new recipa? Some nuâ€" equalled (rues here. yours for the asking. Remember, if you want thp BEST results ynu must use PURE SPICES. Get them here. Isnt it-jnst what you wantâ€" Aromutic Blackberry Compound for diarrhea, dysentery, cholera morhus, cholic, cramps, and summer complaints. Nothing to equal it. Satisfaction or money refunded. w. A. Sandman DRUGGIST DIAPIJE. THOROUGHLY REFITT ED. FREDERICK BACK, Prop 1 Tailor, Richmond Hill SpECIAL 1N SPICES Th1 eshexs’ Coal on hand. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Biclnnond flill June 1], 1903 LIVERY GOAL 'Z‘LiE Llï¬ï¬‚fia‘lé 81.00 IN ADVANCE. Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. Stoveg am Michael Bros., Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill Richmsmï¬ an: Hardwaa’e 3m Repairing promptly and neatly done. Tinware, Stove-pipes, Elbows, Eave troughing, Iron Roofing“. and every- thing in the tin and hardware â€"â€" line. ~â€"â€" Also all kinds of G. & E. MASON WOOD And set them up for you right We Offer leading bargains. and back them up with quality. Persons weil up in Horse Goods buy of us because the)" know they’ll get the best. Those not for the same We are leading in Harness Goods because: The sweet tune Mason & Risch. A150 tuning and repuu-mg. Second-hand 0st fur sale. THE Repairing of all kinds of needles for The Merchants’ Fire Insurance has the imva ratesâ€"Renew with us. Crown life and endnwuient policies. Get our [vi-ms. Digest of Canadian Mercantile Laws. PIANUB AND URGANS F. J. PETHICK, RICHMOND HILL SINGER SEWING MACHIN ES FIRE AND LIFE Mlgéï¬g I S ubscribe tox- A LEADER Now is the time to get your furn- ace put in order before the busy time, and if you are thinkingr of puttingin a new furnace we can give you a price \Ve also sell all so well posted deal here reasonâ€"they feel safe. LIBERAL mw-hiuea sale. INSURANCE Oil and