z -~A .L‘L ,, .Dentist; $1 per annum, in advance] “1n Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1.904 1...â€... l' aiii' 7 Keep the bowels regular. And the great medicineâ€" . ., v’“ . 15Wâ€: OGKINGHAM’S DYE lmmormocimoï¬zhmuooownunuanm -Waiit your moustache bea ‘Ibeautitul brown or rich black P Use M _ 5‘?“ mat. . i l “ one gallon! †* IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Home Life Building (formerly Frec- ‘ 1 i r l r 1 - 1‘ -’ RIC M: AH O N. I hold Loan shim. Cor. Adelaide & Eamon & Pmpmmon. Victoria Sis. Tor-onto. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on CABDé_ Saturday's. " ' COOK & JOHNSTON HT“ d’ï¬lcaitnt‘ I: Banisters, Solicitors, etc. DR. LOGâ€"AN, ITORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- ‘ g , mond SI. “TestflVesley Buildinr's, (su"’0“s°â€Â° Dr‘smey') (Methodist Book Room.) To: PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ’ ronto. Maple, Ont. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday omce Hoursâ€"8 to 10 a. m.,1 to 2.30 p. in. here}. “ G (‘2 S l.indscy.K C A G F Lawrence W ltidout Wadsworth Lindsey, Lawrence 8. W adsworth, Barridez's,Solicitors. Notaries, 85:. Phone Main 2984 dâ€" afternoon of each week. 7 to 9 p. in. NIQNEY T0 LOAN [LT 5.x. heutal. .J..._.._,__ JAS. N EVVTON DB ISSUERMARRIAGE LICENSES, ' D..m.... ' sleeveless Room 12, 124 Victoria. St. Toronto. LENNOX & MORGAN, Best. ï¬tting teeth. also replating, at . Barristers and Solicnors. lowest prices. Good work. , 'DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, lowest rates inrornoflice~Removed to the old post ofï¬ce one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Brink Newmurkct ofï¬ceâ€"Three 'p.)si.oi‘lice ' m - '1‘ HERBERT Lnusox, G STV MORGAN, Aurore. Newmsrket J. H. Prentice. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Goods sold on Consignment General sales oi ntoe. etc promptly attended to at reesonnoli rates Residence TTiiionville G R. Gouluiug, Newton Brookegohlfor the * above goers south of the ‘Cor. Church and Carlton Sts., ‘ Toronto, Will be in Richmond Hill on Wed- nesday of each week. Office, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 m. ».Ilr.._c. HAROLD CL‘ARK’S’O‘ DE N TIS‘I‘, 4301'. Bloor and Yonge, Toronto. Thornhill 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays. . dimmer}; ‘ “v. J T Suigeon, J Mclilweb, Maple Weston Saigcon a; McEvvcrI. Licensed Auctioneers for the Conntgioi York: Sulesctteiided to. on shortestuotic‘ennd c. roe.- ounblerates Patronsgesolicited I). G. BLOUGII, Licens e Auctioneer for the County 01 York, re» spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the shortest notice and nt.:ensona.berates. P.O.n.ddress King JOHN R. CAMPBELL. N. E. Smith, LicensedAuctioneei-forthe Counties of York and Ontario Allsules of farm stock, 6m, cit- VETERINARY SURGEON, Tllorlllllll‘ tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Mortgagenndbai’lifl sales attended to. Calls by telephone from Richmond Residencevsmmvine 0“ Hill charged to me. ’ ’ J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL .Ualls by day and night promptly at- tended to. #:‘e'éeimwrxirss ts?» i" i»: WRIGHT BRO S, (ludortakers a: Embalmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Alarge stock of Funeral Eurnishiqgs, kept at both places. .1. .5-7. r _ M- FEEW- WANTE'E n I counrssrcxusru run HILL d 1. t .t v ‘ ‘ an surrouncing erri cry HlGH COJRTOP JUST‘ICE,&C- to represent RICHMOND HILL POST creme. NURSERI ES.†“*ï¬ Newest varieties, and specialties in " E R HOUSE Shrubs, Oruanientnls, and Roses. A permanent situation, and territory re- Remodelladnuid newly furnished throughout I ly, handsome outfit free. write for ~ no or the mostcouvenient and cemmrtub‘el particulars, and send 25 cents for our veniance S n )le rooms for commercial . . , travellers. {healscoppmg place for riding . use u; examining trees and plants for insec s. tobrreturnlng from market. Electric cars pass the door Livery no cnnection FONTHILL NURSERIES, W. C. SAVAGE - 5-4m (over 800 acres.) .NOTA RY PUBLIC, __ A Local Salesman for RICHMOND ‘Issuer of Marriage Licenses. “ CANADA’S GREATEST Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits and RICHMO ND HILL ‘ I served for the right man. Pav week- Otelsan YOURS SW36â€- EWI‘Y mOdem °°"‘ pocket. microscope, just the thing to .nrdrivingpsrtias,bicyclists. or farmers going STONE & WELLINGTON, TERMS $1.00 PER DAY TORONTO, - - ONTARIO. Prop “Farm to Rent. Lot 32. 2nd Vaughan, contain- :ing 200 acres, 18 to rent for a. term of E. Lenoâ€. snares seem... years. Applg t;OYLE 158 Ema ITBBBT EAST. Toncx'l‘o ' , ’ , Bestsccommodction to guestl. Board.81 10 t. f. Richmond Hill. pcrduy Centre York. Nomination for Little enthusiasm was manifested at the nomination meeting held at Thnrnhill last Thursday, and the at- tendance was small in comparison to that of previous nominations. There has been less excilement in the con- test probably from the f-ict that. Mr. Pugsley, the Conservative candidate, has held no public meetings, but is making a house to house canvass. Mr. R. A. Mason, the. returning ofï¬cer, received the, nomination papers for the. two candidates, Mr. Arch. Campbell, ex-M.l?‘., and Mr. \V. H. l’ugsley, being the only gentlemen nominated. AS soon as the formal proceedings closed the returning ofï¬câ€" l‘l’ retired, and a. public meeting was held, Mr. M. Naughton acting as chairman. Mr. Arch. Campbell was ï¬rst; calch upon to give an account of his stew- ardship, and referred to the. removal of quarantine on cattle, entering the United States and the provision of piopercold-storage facilities as illus- trationsqï¬the manner in which the Liberal Government had promoted the interests of the agricultural com- munity. The interests of the work- iugmen had also been conserved by legislation providing for the pay- ment of fan- wz‘gcs on Government contracts, in the appointment of Con- ciliation Boards, and in other respects. Mr. Campbell characterized as mis< leading Mr. Borden's statement that the country was paying nine- teuths the cost. of tin: ~(lrand Tinnk Paciï¬c, and pointed out that. the country would own the eastern divis- ion for all time, and held a mortgage upon the whole road. including the rolling stock, as security i'm the guar- antee. Fora payment of $14,500,000 the government has secured the con stl'uctiml of n. ll'illlSHHlillll‘llllll line upon Canadian soil, and provision was made for control of the rules. and that, all freight not routed by the shipper must go to Canadian ports, the com- pany being bound to provide shipping to take it thence to its destination. An example of how Canadian industry would be stimulated by the construc- tion of the road .was furnished by the order for locomotives, amounting to $400,000, recently placed with the Kingston Locomotive \Vorks. and he. hopedmhe Canada. Foundi-v Company, would also beneï¬t from the demand thus created. He declared himself, in view of the experience with the Iiitercoloninl Railway, as opposed to Government operation of the Trans- continental Railway. Mr. W. H. Pugsley declined to be' held responsibleeéther for the sins of the Conservative Government eight years ago or of the present Govern- ment, and declared himself to be an Independent. He attributed his pres- ence in the contest to two causes : be- cause he disapproved of the gerry- mander by which East. and \Vest York, with Yonge street as a dividing line, were wiped out, and South and Centre York substituted, and because Centre York being an agricultural riding, should be represented by a farmer. Centre York had been carv- ed out in order to give Mr. Campbell a safe seat. He was not, he said, pre- pared to condemn all that the present Government had done, and Would not if elected, supp01t all that Mi. Borden advocated, but would do his own thinking. Upon the railway question he was utterly unable to arrive at any conclusion owing to the. divergent opinions concerning the cost. How- ever, if the country was to pay nine- tenths of the cost, then the people should own the road. " a. «revision of the tariff upon market g garden .produce. Mr. Campbell, in reply, claimed to know as much about farming as his opponent, and suggested that. Mr. Pugsley was one of the. kind of Inde- pendents "who had never approved of or supported {mything a Liberal Government did, although he had sat dumb when-the Conservative Govern- ment gerrymandered North York, in order to make it a. Conservative seat, by taking in Gwillimhury from Siincoe and placing \Vhitchurch in West Ontario." He explained that the re- distribution of last. year was made by a committee composed of members of the Government party and of the 0p- ositiou, and that no objection had een raised to the division of York county. For himself he had neither appeared before the committee nor ap- proached any of its members upon the sub'ect. He reiterated his previous declaration in favor of a revision of the tariff along the lines suggested by the market gardeners. which be ex- pected to see made at the next session. The meeting closed with cheers .for the candidates. w WANTEDâ€"Quickly, few persons to represent long estnblisbedyvholesnle house among retail ' merchants and agents. .Locnl territory of few‘ counties. 318 salary and expenses paid weekly. .1»; e also favored I Footprints on The Sands. By A Banker. \Vbat n. thrill of exultatian, a. thrill . almost of ccstacy, courses through the | veins, as, in the full enjoyment of health and strength the pedestrian take a long walk overthe hard, dryl sand of the. glorious iron-bound Eng~1 liin coast. Shm-cwards the beetliugl cliil's tower upwards to the azure sky ; here a great convulsion of nature has rent and torn these munitions of rocks, scattering mighty fragments which lie in wild Confusion, a vast pile of jagged, iriegular crags and boulders; and here a .l‘old, upi'ciu-ed escarpment of rocks jutting out, it vastuatui-al goyne, right on to the. sea. Seawards the long curling waves ,voll rhi-thmically towards the shore, breaking in musical cadence on those hard sands, and the breeze is eddying wisps of Spindrift midst the foam h it by the receding bieakers; while the delicious, fi'ugiaiit aioma. of the sea gladdeiis and iiivigm-ates. And as he proceeds amidst these nature-fanned surroundings, from time to time footprints in the sands give rise to along reverie, and he fain indulges in an idyll of the imaginaâ€" tion. Here are the apparently weary and uncertain footsteps of a. man whose life has piobably been a failuie, and who is weighed down by a thou- sand cares and troubles. Here the strong, Iii-in tread of one in the prime of his vigour. who, too. has evidently felt the exhilaration of the glorious scene, for at times those fontpiints Show that he can scarce refrain from bounding and vaulting along that sparkling sea-lmi'dercd sand. And here are the footsteps of two, Close together, doubtless those of an :LIï¬ancvd couple, who perhaps thiilled through and through with the rapture and-burning ardoui- of an impassioned devotion, which thi-obs and pulsates through the innermost recesses of their very souls, and enchains them in the halcyon bonds of a rant and allâ€" trustful affection, have plighted their solemn troth each to theother. and are looking forward with arneiit hope to the days when, hand in hand to- gether, they will ï¬ght. the battle of life, and share ,all its many joys and all its sorrows. And in the reveries 0f the iiiiagingitiim the sympathetic hope courses through the mind that those fond anticipations will be realiz- ed, and that when the bloom of youth has ripened into the maturity of later years, they will be able to look back- ward down the chequered vista of life, retracing their footsteps (in the sands of time, and see a retrospect of ever constant affection and esteem, and of unvai-ying happiness and content. And if they live the life of the righteous, and if the Saviour of the world, who or the bitter cross made expiation for their sins, istheir Friend and their Protector, surely goodness and mercy shall follow them all the days of their life; and in the Great Hereafter they will together explore the glories of Paradise, and will hasten to proffer their IOVe and their devotion to him who bore the punishment due to them. Q.»â€" Our stock was never better assorted and values never were better thin now. Our ambition is to satisfy you every time you buy here. Atkinson JSC Switzer. t‘ï¬â€"fl Headford '- A series of revival services are being held in the church hcie. They are conducted by Itcv. T. Campbell and Mr. Petbick of Richmond Hill. Mr. J. Clark of Toronto, spent part. of last week here. Miss A. Thomas of Hope, and Mr. Malloy of Testou. visited at the home of Mr. Jos. Coulisky last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mantle spent over Sunday at. Uxbi-idge. MISSCS Lida and Maude Holmkay spent from Friday until Monday with the Misses \Vebb of Kettleby. Mr. R. Bovnton and Miss Lillie ,Dennie, Victoria Square, were guests of Miss Gertie Bond Sunday. Mrs. Morton is visiting Mrs. Soules present. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw of Dollar, spent at Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark. Miss Margaret Henricks, Miss E. Hillier and Mr. Mackay of Toronto, drove out and spent Sunday with Miss Laura Cmuisky. \Ve are pleased to see that Mr. Fred. Johnson is able to be out again. We are all linking forward to the re-opening of the church, which we hope will take place soon. They have commenced to work at. it this week. Sunday being Quarterly Meeting at Richmond Hill, the morning service will be Withdrawn here. There will be service in the evening at 7 o’clock. Mr. Edward McMillan is away at present attending the funeral of his mother, who died at her home near Expense money advanced. Commission extra. I Unionville on Sunday, Permanent engngment. ‘ Previous experience not essential. sell-addressed envelope. Address, Scrum): rnsnss'r Tnsvsuaus. 325 Dearbcrn St. Chica- I go, 12-23 Business successful. I Enclose. ‘ Mr. Edward Elson of Toronto, spent his vacation at his old home. Hendfmd was visited last week by an electric battery. 9 News N otes. Norman Taylor of Sutton. about 13 years of age, was accidentally shut. and lsillcd by his companion, Hilliard Millnrdmï¬n Saturday. '1 llu l\\ n buys had just returned {mm a rabbit hunt. and not getting any game. they (Ii-cid- ed to discharge their guns in Ibc :iii'. \Vlii‘ii Millard raisml his gun it, ac~ cidcutally discharged, the shut siiik- lug Taylor on the uch and shoulder. The boy died almost lllllllL‘lllllU‘ly. Our made-toâ€"mensure Sillglu-bl't‘nsl i-d Facque suit. has best gi'adcol'liiiiug, slronglysewu. put lllgl‘lllt‘l‘ w as in €‘llS".l‘(‘ ,guuil service, and hold lhx-ir shape. 7:31) quote a line bin:- in black chi'viut at $16, :I. regular $10.1] slut. Atkinson 6c Swilzm‘. The ï¬rst Provincial l’i'uit.‘ FlU‘V‘cl‘ and Honey Exhibition will IH' held at. :Tl‘l'lllltn (in November l3, bi, IT, IN" and 10. iu the (il'nliltl‘ links. t'liuiw-li Silid'l». A number of important llll‘4 [- ings will be held in connection \\ill1 (hi-exhibition. These will lllt'lllilv a. mass meeting ill the evening i-I' the that day. the annual iuci-l‘iiiguflher Cniuiin Fruit (irmvcis‘ Association. :i convention of delegates film) the Pin- vinr-iril llorticulluiul ï¬nch-tics. u galli- oriiigof Fariui-is‘ Institute \vuiluis, etc. 'l‘hI-scliii-i-tbgs which \vill [(‘X- [end over scvcxal days, Will be ud~ dressed by WelHiIioun au!liorilics from various parts of Canada and the United Htales. Special programs are bring prepared and will be \\l4li'l_\' dis- tributcd. ()iic chooses because of lll‘l('l‘~~ll‘.i‘. other regardless of ll. lloih gi‘I \uiui- for their money hK'l'v, lu't‘zlllsc \v" sci- to tbul below we iant’l {lit-goods. Ab kiiimii & Switzci‘. A distinctive feature of the I: view of Rm‘iiwvs for NUVl’lllllL‘l’ is the \‘l-l ics of sk'li'lii-s of men of the hour. includ- ing,r articles on Mr. .b ll‘l All l‘lt y and Mr. James Bryce. who Ill't' now \isil- lug,r the contim lit; on C(‘Illlll'llHlt'l' Booth Tucker, (if the Salvation ;\I my, whose work in America is just no» 1 ing, and on the late I". A. Bui'tlioldi, the (Insignci- of the statue of 7 7 erty†in New York Harbor. Herman Rosenthal writes on “ Prince Mirsky, Russia's new Minister of (he lilti'iiinr,":md Mr, V“: 51“. Strutl I'llll- i'l'ilHJI‘S .iii interesting (diameter Sketch (If Llll’tl Grey. llie lll‘\\ (luv- ernor-anvral of Canada. Mr. HI: .iil‘s article is followed by two otlin-r (‘uii- udiuu papers of exceptional illll rusti- “Thi- 'I‘ii-nd of Political Ail'uiis in Canada," apropos of the llniiiiiiimi elections, by Miss Agnes (‘. lï¬llll. Hllil “ “'iwtern Canada in 1901-," by (I‘II('()< (lOIP M. kingppcn. The closing plumes of the Presidential campaign, Hw- dc- \'elopiiwiits in the Iliisso-anunwse war. and other topics of the llhll‘ are. . LllS(‘ll\‘\'r’(l in the editorial department, “ The. Pl’l'gll’S‘J of the. \Vorld." We try to make our goods and our priCes full of interest to you. Atkin- son .\' ~Hvitzei'. The ï¬rst lesson that the young girl has of womanhood is usually a sinful one. She learns to know what he ache men , and backache, and aomet men is and y ‘bome down by this new experience of life. All the pain and misery which young girls commonly experience at such a time may, in almost every instance, be entirely revented or cured by the use of Doctor ierce’s Favorite Prescription. It estab- lishes regularity It tones up the general health, and cures headache, backache, nervousness and other consequences of womanly weakness or disease. The anxious mother of the family often- times carrigs the whole burden of responsi- bility so far as the home medication of common ailments of that-girls or boys are concerned. The cost of e doctor’s visits in very often much too great. At such times the mother is Invited to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., {or medical advice, which is given free. Correspond- ence is held strictly conï¬dential. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases md weaknesses peculiar to women ever nained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Tierce’s Favorite Prescription now feel mlly warranted in ofl'ering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Pro- lapsus, or Falling of Wom , which they cannot cure. All the Worl '5 Dispense Medical Association, Proprietors, of Bu - {310, N. Y., ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. " Your wonderful medicine, 'Pcvoritn inscrip- tion,‘ has he] d me greatlyJ time of Eufl'eh 1.11%," .wrlrel 7n. Mints erg t, 0! Edwards, In . “Last winter I was unab c to do my work, as to be conï¬ned in February, and a lady in Tilinois wrote and told me about your medicine. I used three bottles 0! ‘Favorite Prescdplicn,‘ and will say I had the easiest and sickest con- ï¬nement I ever had. Had three hildren be fore. and would suffer from twenty-four to thirty- six hours before birth, but this time onl two hours. Have a ï¬ne baby girl and she is the most health one of all. I am still using tho ' Favorite Prescription' as a tonic."