Considerable damage was done in the viliagre on hallowe’en. several fences were torn down in front of private residences, steps were torn up, signs were broken, and much annoyance was cati'sed many citizens. Unfortunately, a good deal of horse- }?l'ay is expected on I-Iallowe'en, but those who participate go too far.. If a certain element in Toronto and other places were given a free hand as they are here the destruction of property would be appalling. The police, however are always on‘ the alert, and this year there was little disturbance. We certainly think that our Village Council should make some provision for protecting proper» t-‘y on hallowe’en. {Fhe village has no constable employed, but surely a couple of dollars for a special eon stable would be money well spent. *The fruit growers of the province, according to a statement to be pub- lished in the November issue of The Canadian Horticulturist are much pleased at the action of the railway commission in appointing a special committee, including the President of the Ontario Fruit Growers’ As- sociation, to visit pointsginthe United States to see what measures have been adopted by the railroads and fruit growers across the border for the transportation of fruit. A special effort will be made by this commit- tee to see if a car can be found that vwill be suitable for the transporm tion of fruit during the fruit season End that the railroad will be able to use at other seasons, for other'pur- poses. The short season for shipping ï¬ruit has been the chief obstacle in the past to the supplying of properly ï¬tted ears for the trade. To change the administration at Ottawa at thepresent time would be like Committing commercial? and in: dustrial suicide. During the past eight years, the Liberal Government have reduced our taxes, increased the revenue, and lowered the Nation- nl debt. The North-West is ï¬lling up at-a most satisfactory rate, there- by broadening the market for home made goods, and there is a feeling of safety and security from one side of the Dominion to the other. The t‘raï¬is- is so great in the west that a second transcontinental railway isv'a‘n absolute necessity. To change the administration at the present time \\'ould'gre:\t1y endanger the prosper- ity of the countizy-n Chnnl Chum (‘lmn Gauu: Mr. Alex. Smith an (ix-Liberal ot'ganizel‘, predicts'a victory for the Laurier Government to-day. Let ei'ery good vote he polled. No Liberal who believes that the Gov- ernment has done well for Canada, should’stay away from the polls to- day. Let every doctor do his duty. The trouble between Great Britain andâ€"Russia over the deadly attack of ~2ussiaxxsllips on British ï¬shermen in the North Sea, seems to be over, for the present at least. The two coun- u'ies have decided to allow the un- fortunate aï¬â€˜uir to be settled by a commission. Note. the following THE LIBERAL and \V- TH E" L IKE Lxm THE Lm rm: Lmsn RICHMOND HILL. November 3, 1904 [asâ€"World's Dinpeus’hk‘yMadiha‘l Assoc'u lac-«L C. Ayer an 00. _ me â€"-'I‘he Russ)†Hardware Co mgrâ€"'1‘ H Lmlfnrd naeâ€"P. (1 Suvnne 6: Bon *Dl (flarkuon â€"Lih.<rn| ()fl‘lca bun (Juuncilâ€"J B McLean 41 B V Advertisement-s. RAL and Y Lu Jan Ru. and I (me S'L‘ (me year, York Co. {Al} and Daily Mail one year. Ymk~ Cn. AL and Daily “Yorld Club Ra Bibsrnifl tu Jam. 3) Rates. L\ n clubbing rates aekly Globe 1. 00 . . ‘ . . . eekly Mail, 1. ‘06 . . . ‘ . Glnhe, 1.80 3. 50 3. 50 The Rev. Professor Misenel' of Vic- tmlu Uuiversit‘y, will (D. V.) preach in the Methodist church, Richmond Hill, next Sunday morning and evenâ€" ing. The chm‘ch-gning public are very cm-diallv~invited, and those who do not go to church would he gladly welcmuvd by the pastor. Service at, 10.30and 7. By invitation about 60 of the friends in this village and vicmity attended a complimentary oyster supper at the Dominion Houselast evening, on the eve of the departure of the Ellston family for Toronto, after a residence here of about 10 years. After enjoy- ing the tempting refreshments, an interesting toastlist was carried out, Mr. J. W. Osborne acting as chair- man, and Mr. H. A. Nicholls assisting tas‘ toast-nmster.‘ “The Kingf’ was duly honored, after wliichmOnt‘ Host†was proposed in a neat speech by Mr. Nicholls. Mr. C. H. Ellston in re- sponding showed that he wus deeply affected by the sentiments expressed by the proposer of the toast. He wel- Comed all present, and on behalf of himself, his brother, his mother and sisters, thanked his friends for the. kindness shown them during the :years they have resided here. In re- Sponding to the toast, “The Dominion Parliament and Local Legislature,†Mr. Pugsley referred to the manly bearing and business capacity of Mr. C. H. Ellston, and predicted for him abright future. "Municipal Institu- tions brought. forth good speeches from Messrs. Teefy. C. Mason, T. H. Trench and J. P. Glass. Mr. Teefy said he felt our village was sustaining a loss by the change, and both him- self and his family had experienced the ohliging and neighborly kindness of theELlston family. ' The following toasts were also pro- posed and responded to: “Educa- tion,†by J. H. Sanderson, \V. H. Glubine, F. McConaghy. R.T.Andrews and T. A. Lainon; “Farming In- dustry,†by C. Marsh, \V. Vander- bur 11, G. Duncan, E. Dixon, J.Gruham, l). Steelegd. McLean and S. \Vil- cox; “Sports,†by T. F. McMahon. G. Sims, \V. E. \Viley, H. Sanderson, ’1‘. Ludl'ord, F. Burnett. F. Boyle, J. Nunghton. J. Glover and A. Glass; “The Ladies,“ by \V. \Vushington, D. ,McLean, M. Savage, R. Tyndall, J. ,El‘ills. 3-; Earner, J. Osborne and J‘. ‘lift. M‘r. md‘hï¬â€˜s. Cline andlittle (imith ter, Toronto Junction. spent overSun day with Mr. and Mrs. ‘. B. Ludfm'd. Miss Ouliahnn of Stockton, Culi- foi'nia. is spending in few days with Mr. and Mrs. Tevfy. ,_Mr. A‘sn. E. H‘urp and family of Brucebi-idge, have nmved into Mr. Amos \Vnght’s new huusu next, to Mr. J. Grant’s. Mr. \V. TVS'Lurc-y,‘ Miss" St‘nréy and little Miss Alice Stm‘éy spent Satur- day afternoon in the village with relu- tives and friends. Mr. and Miss Tet-fy attended Sppcinl Convocation of ’l‘urontu versity Monday 'nfLel-nonn, culls cnnter the Honorary degree of L. on the Rt. Hon. Jnn. Morley, M. Mrs. J. Sisley wh.) for some past. has been making her honw her daughter near Gult, is visi friends in the village, and is the g of MrsvSterling. Miss Comrie Brown and her fi-‘ienï¬â€˜; Miss Frith, were the guests of Mrs. Dickson 'at St. Margaret‘s Collegv over Friday night, and Saturday. Friday pveningbeing the celebration of Hul- Iowc’em" all appearing in fancy (-os- Inwc'e tu me. Mr. Rolph Vanda-burgh has taken 3;;pnsitinn in me 0. P. R. ofï¬cesth North Bay. Mrs. J. Brownlée has retl'lrnefl frhm Stratford, after H. week’s visit With a sister there. The f‘ posed .- Linn,†Gluhine Mr. Jnhn Hicksun of Square. is acting as a. jm-ym: routo. Mi". Ei-‘nes‘t Smith left a fer'ays ago tn take a. pnsltinn in the Bank of Commerce at Dundas. Mnnyof the speeches were bright and witty. The speakers acknowledg- ed Mr. C. EllsLun‘s tact, and skill as a manager in athletic Sports, and testi- ï¬â€˜bd that, the family had endeavored and succeeded in keeping a quiet and up-toduie hoiel. During the evening musical svlvctinns Were contributed by FL Sandi-ram). G. Champion, J. \V. Oslumae a mi A- :Glass. The gathm-ing broke up shortly be- fux-e 13 (felt-ck, after singing “Auld Mr; E. Nnrvis- of Toronto, spent \Vednvsday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ludford. Tho gatl: fun? 12. 0'1 Lzmg Synt Mrs. Ellm-hy spent a few days ro- cennly visiting with friends at Rich- mond Hill. Mrsï¬heppard of Newton Brook. is $3119 guest'ofher daughter, Mrs.Vante-r one: Rev. C. B. Jeï¬rey left on Tuesday of last week to spend a few Weeks at his home at Bowmanville. Miss How of Toronto. was the guest, of Mrs. \Vm: Cook at "The Elms’l over Sunday. y Vï¬iswsmEtrhél Patten-sun returned to Toronto on Monday after spending a cupple (if “Leeks at 11911101119 hex-q. _ 1,1 COM PLI MENTARY S UPPER. PERSO IV ALb Carrville [9y wha for some time‘ umkinghel- lionw with near Gult, is visiting village, and is the guest “’ood’ on Sund ;snn of Victoria. aJul-yumn in T0- attended the l ni- (] t0 I PENNYROYAL WAFE’RS.’ A-‘maid to do general housework in a. family of four. Hem‘y laundry- done out. Good wages. Applz __ Nothing “old style" here but L11: Welcome. Atkinson & Switzer. evenin _Rev. .1. T. Morris, of Ulmton Street ‘ liu‘m-h, Tm-‘nnto. preached \‘vry helpful and inspiring sermons. and ex- cellent mu>ic was rendered by the choir, assisted by Mrs. J. E. Hullings- head of Newman-km, and Miss Edith Bentty nf Tnumtn. Large congn-vgzt- timls attends-d at both services, and a liberal free-will offering was taken up. son, on Wvd m Weï¬k. Rev.J J. W. Dudgeon of Victoria gnllvge. Toronto, conducted tho svrvâ€" Ice in the chulch here on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. \Vood spent Sun- day with friends at Unionville. Anï¬iver'sary sex-vices of Cnrrvillp Methodist Church were held on Sun- day. Oct. 23. In the afternoon and eveninmRev. J.. T. Morris, of Clinton Miss Lucy Rmnmn s ent Sunday With friends My Kichmon Hxll.’ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hollingsli'bud of Newm'zn‘km'; ‘ \ï¬â€˜vrp guests .at. " Thu Elms " for a fmv dnye’ recently. Miss Jennie Buno and Mr. Raynnlds Bone visited with friends at, Testnn on Sunday. --- n ‘ ,n t1:...-n:.. 61y A High Grade Commercial School. Strictly ï¬rst-class in all departments. Magniï¬cent catalogue free. \Vrite for one. Corner Yunge and Alexander Sts. Study Bwaail TORONTO}- @53’!.*‘ Students admitted at ‘At Int-10, on Yonge. street, a lady’s p;_1.rassâ€"H.-. The finder- will kindly {Have the same at THE LIBERAL Oflice. Vaughan Council. The next meeting of thei-Cmmcil n! tha Munici- pality of Vaughan will be held in~ the Town Hall, Vellore, on WW The Well-k n o w n C E NT R A L BUSINESS COLLEGE OF TORON T0, is giving the very best mail courses obtainable, in all vGUHHDPY- cial subjects, including Advertising and Illustrating. as well as a special course for the CHARTERED AC- COUNTANT’S EXAMINATION. This college has a cuntinental 1-0p- utation for thorough work, and is the largest and best reprosentntivv Canadian business school, and any- thing it dogs'l's'u'llvays Wellâ€"(lune. IfEmemhor of its: ï¬eld fox-(‘9 is not convenient, anyone interesth in Correspondence Instruction may obtain a. copy of prospectus on up- plicntion to the Correspondence Department YONGE & GERRARD STS , 'l‘l 'POV 1‘!) W. H. SHAW. - - Principal. 18-3 NOVEMBER 8, 1904 W. J. ELLIDTT. W. J. VVILSON, 159 College St, Toronto. Wanted L'fo‘ixPIix A speciï¬c momth medicine for indie. to restore and regulate the monies; producing tree, healthy an} painless dluehamgu. No aches or puns on up much You used by over 30,000 luugg Elna-used wmuseagaln. lnvigomm. that) orguu. Buy or your druggbï¬â€˜ only those with our signature acm- tncoorlnbd. Avoid substitutes. Sealed min): mnuod 20 Bump. 21m Egg“ «1qu Bunny cam; LOST 28103.11] sduy J B MACLEAN , Clerk evening of In PRINCIPAL any time EEQGQzflQï¬WS @535 4. MM-+++M»++++++++++++++4~M e METROPOLITAN STORE ‘r++++++&+M++é~%§°++++i‘+++ ‘1â€? +++++++++++ ++++++$ ++++++ KS’LJVERYIN CONNECTTON. +++++++++++++++%++++++$++4§+++++++++++++++++++++++ 290 Woodward Ave., 9%§@®%QE§G§ CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKLET§ FREE. Llo: of Questions cent for Home Treatment. DR. SPINNEY 8: CG. DR. SPINNEY. Founder of Drwspinney & Co. ave alive in respect to-Lifu Insuraflse as iffs prdteetmn, and msisb on having the b elation Llfe Assoc1ati6ri. Weaihema‘mi ngmmï¬ï¬, is Russill’s Ready Roofing. Cbsts half the price of shingles, lasts longer, anyone can put? it on. Isâ€" rapidly repla_cing galanizcd iron, tin tar, gravel and shingle roofing, on account ofits lesser cost and greater durability. If properly applied and given ordinary care it will last as long as ï¬le building it covers stands. eluding all the necessary materials is only Two Dollars. GROCERIES, â€"SOLD ON LY B'Yâ€" The Russill ï¬ardware Co. B. mmmm, Prep. OYSTERS. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS. i‘26 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. The price perhundred square ieet, in- 1! your blood has been poisoned with any hereditaryyr ac- ?uired disease you are never safe until the Virus is eradncategl mm the system. Don't trust to family doctors, tent medl- cincs. blood puriï¬ers, mercury and potash, etc. cy will nev- er cure youâ€"though Lhcy may tapas,“ lempomril . Have you blotches, eruptions. running sores. ne puan it incss of the skin. sore throat. falling out of the hair, dyspeptic stomach. weak heartâ€"We can cure you. YOU GAP! PM; REFER mu ABE GURED- Our VITALIZED TREATMENT is the result of 39 year: experience in the treatment of thousands of Blood Discasas. l! we fn'gl in curing you. you need not pay us a cent. we Cure Nervous Debiiity. Blood Diseases. Varico- cele and Strictures. (withou‘ operation). Sexual \Veek- ness. Urinary. Kidney and Bladder Diseases. "LZSZVE’ZEVWESF WED PROVISIONS, ++++++~2~++~z«+-:a:~<.+.z‘+++++ wwwm Detroit, Mich.