Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Nov 1904, p. 5

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r_'_, I . _ -1, ;.‘~‘.a‘i @111: A phonnm when you (11 “'Ul k. Mr. '1‘. B. Ludfm'd has a new bum-d drawing :ltLentiuu L0 hi§ business. The V‘Vunmn’s Missionary Sociz-ty {fill méel: M the hhme nf M rs. T. Hop- per this alfturnnon, Tbmsday, Nov. 3, at 3 o’clock. Every elector should pull his an9 (50-day for the candidate of his rhnico. Staying at, home on elm-[ion day is a pom- wny tn exercise one‘s franchise. An encounter took [)1 day betwwn (he Nicol . Glass Bums. of Elgin _Mi] he ventilated hére day. Mr. David Hill is impL-ming his rough-cast; residence by wvather bozu-ding it. This will add to the up» pom-unec- outside, and to comforts within." used on the Grand Trunk Railway Was taken up over the McLl‘DpnIitzlll line Sunday for use on the Aurora- Schomberg Railway. a. strong bah-ri-ur against cumpetiliun Atkinson & Swnzer. The force of perseverance conquers. This with the perpetqu stick-to-iL- n-euess of purpose has made 0111- Slow Dr. 0. Harold Clzu-ksnn, dentist. cur. Blnox- and Yonge Sts. Tunmtu, willvisit Thm‘nhill professionally 0n the 2nd and 3rd \Vednesduys of each m’unth. See card on another page. Quarterly religious services will be held in the Methodist; Church next finnday, commencing at 10.30. The business meeting of the Board will be held the following day at 3 o’clock. Mr. A. F. Wilson of Markham, has been appointed Financial Agent for Mr. Arch; Campbell, and Mr. H. A. Nicholls of Richmond Hill, for Mr. W, IL- Pugsley. at the Federal Election t‘ur Centre York. Mr. D. 0. Steele of this place, and Mr. R. Dixon of Victoria Square, have purchased from Mr. M. Manir the double house on Lhe west side of Yenge Street. The building is brick, and is a. most, desirable property. Mr. P. Rutledge of Oalc- Ridges, had his barn damaged by lightning a short time ago. The building was Insured in the Mercantile, and MI; Rutledge‘s claim for dzunages was promptly settled by the company through their agents, Messrs. P. G. Savage & Sun, The editor was shown a Swede Lur- nip a few days ago, ngn on the farm of Mr. Onmisky. 2nd (:01). Mark- ham, which Weighed 17 lbs. I‘be turnip measured 30 inches in circumâ€" ference and was almost globular. Mr. Comisky husu lau'ge crop of tin-nips andmamgulds. If the large boys who took the Eumpkins from the little girls on zillowe‘en Would stop to think, they would cume to the conclusion LhuL it was a. selfish action their part. Large boys and young men should endeavor mnmke children happy in tLeir'in- hocenb amusementsâ€"not to Illilkc t-hem unhappy. Anna Eva Fay has been the c11in attraction in Tor-unto the past week. That, talented lady is. surprising peo- ple by the clever answers she gives to many questions. Detective Rehurn zgskedthe question : " \Vherc are the Eaton diamonds ?” Miss Fay has 1-9- plied, but the detective does nut think it. wise to make her answer public at present. Mr. J. A. Monkma-n’, who lives a mile or two south of this village, was taking a. load of grain to the city ’MQSI‘hy morning when his wagng was struck by M. car at, the comer of Gerrard and Yonge streets. The rear wheel of his wagon was \vreuched off, but beyond that no damage was done. RfCHMflND HILL, November 3. Large bills are out, announcing the annual plowing match of King Plow- men‘s Association to be held on the farm of Mr. A. B. Wells, King City; on Friday, the 11511 November. There are eight; classes. and the successful competitors will receive liberal prizes. Lunch will he provided for plowmen on the field and a hot dinner will be served for all comers at Phillips’ Hotel. King City. The directors and all who are interested look forward to a. good match. Some people in this village appear to think that one hotel here is all that isreqnired. and are moving to have one of our public places closed. The boys on hallowe’en apparently thought, we should have one more than-‘we haveut present. On Monday nighta bar that had done service on special occasions here was erected in front of fihe Masonic Hall, and on it placed about fifty bottles, with a beer keg in the Centre. A sign was erected bear- n the words. “The New Method -tel, A. “'. Brown, Proprietor.” The bar was fittedup quite up-to-dute. and nothing seemed missing in the sutfit but the. bar-tender. passenger car which had been KING PLOW‘ING MATCH. 111\l IIA‘LLOVVE’EN CAPERS. 'ar'sted for gene: u] 'v. on another 1 aph fm‘ 39cents! 1w blw right, Licke the Nico} Bros. and fElgin Mills, which 1 here before a. J. P. Eiihvriu. ice on Snt‘nr houst 'I hat‘s 190-1 Auction Silll and other m" House {04mm in}; at. l (I’cluu The Quul-te the Richmond in the Mmhud day the 7le uf Atlas. for $1.( junction with Ur the BMW 1 sent fum for $1.1m. lo The Canadian 'l‘empemnce League are C(mglalulubing lholnselvvs on hav- ing secured lie-v. Sum Juncs, t-lfo famous preuchm- und lecturer. for their opening nmvting in Massey Hull, Toronto, on Sunday next. At 11 :mn. Mr. Jones will deliver the. annual sci-mun 0f the Ltmguc. and at 3 p. Ill. be will be the chief speaker at a. mass meeting. signalling the openng of the sixteenth annual guspel temperance campaign of the- h-ugue. A grand concert undm- the of the Public Library, Tlmrnl: be held in Victmjiu. Hall, on S gvening, the 12m inst. The f1 1alentedzu-tists have been on; Anna. Gordnn. entertainer ;~ (bu-pentler, humorist ; Lillie cornetist; A. B. Smith. burito Cruuey 131115., lmnjn Soloist: John Blumner as accompanist. 25 and15 cents. The Town Line Beef Association} held its annual meeting at the home i of Mr. “7m. “'alkingion town line. between Vaughan and King. on Tues- duy evening. The atfuir‘s of the us- sociution were 1", mid to‘ he a. very satisfactory condition. It has always heen the aim of the members to pro~‘ duce beef of the best quality, and this year they were eminently successful, the average weight of the beasts kili- ed being 551 lbs. The old otficers were ro-eloctod for another year, Mr. Alex. Cameron entering upon his 15th term of office. “hen the busi- messafi'uirs of the association had heen«duly attended to the members and their guests repaired to the spacious dining room where a sump- tuous repast had been provided by the good wives of the inenihers. Alter dinner music. recitations and speeches Were inrlulged in until the We snm’ hours of the morning, and it most en- joyable time spent together. Mr. “7 . \Vulkington made it most nc- cep ble chairman, and conducted a niusriiiteiestiiig program. Among the {speakers of the evening were Councillor'Junies Cameron. Rev. \V. (G. Huck, Mr. Riddell, N. \V. Malloy and the president, in fact every mem- her of the beef association responded to the call. The. burden of the speeches was entire satisfaction in the beef ,ring, prophetic of days to come. In ‘fact the members feel they are not surpaSSud by any beef ring in the province. If any beef ring disputes this point they. would like to hear from them. Einiilgtlie evening Mr. Hadwin jr., contributed a. recitation, :und Miss Campbell furnished musical selections. The members and their wives and guests separated after sing- Hadwin jl'., contributed and Miss Campbell fun) selections. The memb wives and guests separui ing “God Save the Liiug from this place, members of the hockey cluh, curling club and nther clubs with which the Ellstnn‘ brothers had liven connected, together with other friends, dvcidcd to show in a tangible niannm- their appreciation of the services peri’m‘med‘ in connectinn with various Sports. A cmnmittee’ was formed, and the subscribers mut at the Dominion House Tuesday eVen- ingund presented Charles and John Ellston each with 11 gold locket beau- tifully engraved and appropriately in- scribed. After a short lllllSlCill pro- gram, Mr. J. W. Osburne was called to the chair, and in a neat speech, stated the object, of the gathering; adding a few WUl'dS of conflnendutiun t6 the genial hosts. Hg then call- ed upon Mr. H. A. Nicholls to make the presentation. Mr. Nicholls was eloqueutr- in' his remarks» He When it; became known a couple (if weeks ugu that the Dominiun House was tn change hands, and that the Bum») family Were about to remove from this place. members of the ed upo‘}. Mr. H. AXNieholls to make the presentation. Mr. Nicholls was eloquent. irr his renrarksr He pointed out, as all present knew, that the sporting fraternity are losing able. helpers in the persons of C. H. and J. Ellston. During the ten years they have resided here they have always taken a great interest in furthering sports of all kinds. In hockey and lacrosse much of the success of past years was due tn the able manage- ment of the former, and the latter had always been an enthusiastic curler. In making the presentation Mr. Nicholls, on behalf" of those present. referred to the kindness of heart, the cheerful, happy disposition: of the recipients. and expressed :1 hope that success would fullmv ever member of the family. He hoped that the little gifts would always be a reminder of the good feeling which existed, and the happy da '5 spent to- gether. Each of the brat ers made a feeling: and appropriate reply; such- tnk‘ens were necessary to aSsCI-e Shem of the kinle feelings between them- selves and those assembled, neverthe- less t.hey were pleasud to accept, the marks of esteem, and would always value and prize the gifts presented. After again thanking the doners for their rememhrance all those present were invited to return with a number of other friends the following evening 90a complimentary farewell supper. The Mull and I 'emium this fit! \d the \led. SAM JONES NEXT SUNDAY Llu CONCERT AT THORN HILL illll BEE F ASSOCIATIO frly' Mail and Empire. will! months, including the ALIu PRESENTATION. UU‘ 1y Official Mevting for liill ('il'cll‘lit, wiil he held st Chlucli here un Mun- Nuvrmher at 3 p. m. Empirv :u-e givmg as a «H the Atlas nf Canada New subscribers will edi‘linn f‘l'UIU this date L, 1906, including the ‘, m- the Mqu in cun- “m: LIBERAL for $1.80. fl“ and Empire. will‘bc nrist ; Lillie Ble Smith. baritone; lmnjn soloist nusehnld furniture ‘ at the Dominion (Friday) commenc- ‘1‘ the auspices I‘hurnhill, will l, (m Satmday The qumviug etjn engzjgpd: 11 u.m. unnuul 3 p. m. a. mass r of the‘ etsue, ; Mc- wiLh Ckets The following pun for Uc'tohm SL vam- Morgan Hum-[Switzern . Emily Boyle .. Je-nme Clark .. Almvdn. Clubine (it-mm! Topper Clarence Kinné-e va-givBmwn . Alex. McConaghy Franklin Jackes \Villlv Lawson H. [)ulmld ALkiIIsnIL Lnnl‘u Richardson Frle Campbell . . Annie Kerswoll. .‘ Myrllv Klimzk .. Marguerite Boyle an'u McMalmIL. Murtmn Gibson .. Edward Palmer Chas. Hopper . .. Ila/.91 \Véléh El-ling Gibsun Juan Boyle .. \V'urren Page Arthur Ball \Vylie Carleton Hum-l Smith it; \\'u rd Fur our ready-to-measure SYLV‘KS'ff’SI‘ mm) the faln‘i'cs‘ :i'I‘e strictiy pure WUI'SUâ€"‘d, and mixed cheviuts, neat and hobby patterns, just the right weight For full and winter. “79. guarantee thv suit to be perfect fitting and cor- ruct in every detail and would be pleasvd to have your order. Atkinson A; Switzvr. Vermm Chad-es Lucy Robinson m net Dickensun ‘mnv Perkins . . ‘. T. Ul'uhnlu . . . [any Pram-is .. [m V Gurnmn' Hagar, Prey. BURNSâ€"JnNEsâ€"An the Hanan. Maphs. by Rev. W. G. Back, on 'l‘uesduv. 13113 18th “October,- Wilninm James Burns, to Ella. Louisa «101165. bozh of the 3rd concession of Vaughan. Stag! flag Traughs 359. per Foot; All kinds of Imple- ments Repaired. .Em-e Honmzm :lltt-r Frishy urn-McMahon ml Richardson Ripans Tabule; cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. mpans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripzms Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabmw- ____.A _,_, ‘4. HIGH SCHOU l I R, [SPORT Nullcs ‘mgru v e Made to order at SUI) Fun.“ 11 l FORM H MARRIAGES, FORM 11 is Ll) DEM 695 (508 (SUI 010' 985 916 907 ‘ 805 800 ‘ 787 765 20 721 707 (399 (593 650 615 519 495 466 454 )L 311 341 817 '1 :57 73% 705 691 640 628 606 621 568 567 563 559 601 591 581 448 436 391 97 367 355 266 4 55 93 School l'e- (H 59 81 79 71 80 l 70 5.3 61 l +++++++++++ l ' The old reliable Stock I I I S Dâ€"nbly known bv the {am grand preparation for keeping horses, came, sheep. pigs and poultry in n f I It mcrvuses their flesh, pms life and amnion in them and giws them a. s ; YORKSHIRECOUGH AND HEAVE CURE, guaranteed to cure any cane of cm broken wind. or the after efi‘ecm of influenza. or epiznotio. Price 50c, You puwders put up promptly 1mm pure (hugs at. wholesale prices. Salts 3c 11)., 10 lbs for 250 Radwrly’s Relief 17c Sulphur 81; 1b., 10 1115 for 250 - Stuart’s Dyspepsia. ’ Snleeu-e, pure, 21bs for 25c UEwies Pain Killer I ‘ Glauher Salts 3c 11)., 10 lbs for 250 Perunu 75c ’ D'rWVilliums Pink Pills 309., 3 for 89 \V ck: R Butter Cnln Electric ()il 2 bottles 101- 25c Kendall’s szwin CI Carter’s Liver Pills 3 fur 25d PagesAIVEAngliEh Spin é++'{"§"§-+-§"§0§‘+'§'++'§'+++++++++++ ԤҤ Z‘+~§'+++++++++++++++$+++§'++4€ Cliascs Ointment 38c . Ayer’s Hair Vigor 65c I Ayer’s Chem-y Pectoral 20, 40 and 650 Norway Pine Syrup 180 Page’s English ‘Co'ugh Syrup lau'g bottle 250 Gray’s Syrup Red Spruce Gum 180 Hagyard’s Pectoral Balsam 180 This is only a partial cub price ilst.’ you save money Pure Drugs, Medicines 8: Conditian Powdt-m Wholesale RemomberAVe sell everything at wholesale prices. and can save 10 to 25 per cent. by dealing with us. bases Syrup LinSeed and. Turpentine ~§"§ .+.§u $+++++ .++++++.h lesale and retail druggist‘s. Snccessor to U. D. Daniel 8; Co. and Hugh Miner & Go. 171 KING ST. E., TORONTO, OPP. CLYDE HOTEL. J. A. JOHNSTON 8C 00., If you require Heatingr Stoves of any kind for coal or wood, Ranges ior coal or wood, it Would be to your in- terest to call and see our dis- play of stoves of all kinds and latest stylesâ€"Just arrivedâ€"e A171. stoves guaranteed by us to give first-class satisfaction or no sale. WEB EVER 55 S9 Righmnd Hiil Eeatmg AT CUT-RATE PRICES. :50 ’0x- 89 pentine and 650 Penman 75c \V & R Butter Color 160. Kendall’s szwin Cure The Piges English Spavin Gun-€31 Pure Oil of Tm- Mustang Heave Cure 25c Emulsion Cod Liver Oil large bot. 256' Pages Eczema. Ointment 400.,guuran'd’ Minzu'd’s Liniment 15c ' Omega Oil 40c UilS LOI'IR 200 9 large Burdock and Snrsapax-illu 65c 180 fist. ' \Varner’s Safe Cure 650 Yorkshire Stock Food is for sale by Geo. McDunnld, harnessâ€"maker We sell everything at. cut; rate prices and money by dealing with us. Radwzty’s Relief 17c Stuart’s Dyspepsia. Tablet thies Pain Killer 18 618% )fO ‘5 35C you from well and favor. umn‘o. 1!; ins. .5in condition. (1 glossy couh. d3. beans or :5 for condition :lstoria

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