Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Nov 1904, p. 8

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The Presbyterian Chlll‘(' have been x-e-pninted, and about, the edifice looks fresh "gain. The chopping mill day and nighL. Our village hlm‘ksr burn, is doing :1, rusl guys there is nu plum Tho. topic for discussion at, Epwm‘th League. this week was China Missions. Papm's bearing upnn the suhjmrt were read by MPSSi-s. Hmnphi‘ey. Hitchcock and Klmck. Thesonlung with sungs and choruses made the me-Ning both enjoyable and pi ()fitrnhlo. Miss Lillie DenniP entertained a number of 1191‘ friends on the oc~ casion miller birthday, Nov. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Schell of Can'- ville, jspijnt, over Sunday with Arthur Mr. R. S. Thomson. taxes for the east half 0ft has entered on his duties. ing a. lmuse-tn-house visit A number of our citiz the annual meeting of th: Beef Ring Tues The "spmts" the north land. Beef Ring mov Tuesday evvnin .fully. The soc another year. elected. The tnpw for (1 League. this wee] Mr. F. J. Roche, (louse-nut date for North York, mm call dm-ing the evening. The Nnvemhvl- m" Council will 1w hvltl at Velloro, on Tucsdnv noxt. Some of the ynung llll'll made things lively on ll Many of them wore unknmv friends. They blackoan *l' and not being acoustuum color it dimu'mngorl tln-ir But th01 having :1” t1';lf'(‘\' u removed they did nut sm-m worse. after thvir night uf zv' infilund revelling. r. T. Cousins. the 1101-50 lately sold a. few good hm prj‘vs. . . .u ,7 N V__ T. Klinck. Misé Gould of Toronto. is visiting with Mrs) T. Fr-ishy. - Miss L. Lundy spout Sunday aa’ter- nonn with Miss Hattie \Vellmun, Mrs. E. VVUUdnl'd has gone nurth t0 spvnd a time with her sister at Fevers- banL Musthem-ty congratulations to the Misses Rena and Jessie Scott. The young fulks here take a great intexesb‘in the Sunday evening ser' vices at the Dnnkard church. One young man lauded too heavily and broke :1. spring Mr. Frank 1‘ day evening at E. Jennings. Tuesday, Nov. Bâ€"Auction sale of farm stock and implements. on lot, 31, com '2. rear, King. the property ut Jol‘n Lloyd. Terms. 11 mos. Sale at 1 o'clock. D. G. Blough. auctioneer. WednesdmnNovfi â€" Auction sale of farm Wecluesuuy.Nov.9 â€" Auction sale of mrm stock and implaments,on lot 28, con. 4, King the property of Herbert Edwards. Sale at 1 o'clock. Tpvms. 11 mos”. ‘Bloggmgucb, vvlvvn- u...“ -- _.. -V 7,, ,_, H Wednesday, Nov 9 edit sale of farm stock, implements and furniture on lot 32., 5th con Markham the property of C W Shiver. Sale at 1. Terms 1; months‘ J H Prgntlce.‘ augt' Thursduydiov 10â€"Auctiou sale of farm stock and iulplements.the property of James Smith, Embicuke. Terms 11 mos. Sale at 1 o’clock. Sajgeon 5&2 McE wen aucts. u”. M“ A: SI Will run on custom work duling Sep- tember three days only, .nanwlyzâ€" Tuesday. Sept. 20 and Monday and Tuesday. 226 and 27 of the last week, and will run first, four days of each CIDER & JELLY MILL V “To PATENT Good [din may be secured by our aid. Address. THE °"ENT HECORD,’ Salmon. Id. 1 Week during October and November up to and including Nov. 17, 1904. As is well known we make raw cider, boiled cider, apple butter and jelly all from your own apples while you wait. Cider can be boiled to any thickness. Jelly apples should be well ripened and two-thirds sweet. Parties wish- ing apple butter should keep their peeling apples separate from the cider apples. We expect to buy a quantity of cider apples (from customers only.) As we have now, after many improve- ments, :1 capacity of about 3,000 gals. of cider boiled into jelly and apple butter, per day, we hope to give our customers quicker work and better satisfaction than ever. Customers are respectfully requested to do business on the above mentioned days as we live a. distance from the factory and customers coming any other day would find it very inconvenient. As will he nmiced,the business has chang- ed hands, however. we still intend to take the best of care. to please every customer, as the senior member of the present firm is H. \Vinger, formerly of \Vinger Bros. So we hope to see all our old customers back again this season as usual, with as many more. as possible. Thanking the general public for past favors, We solicit a contin- uance of the same. in the future. E. Winger 6c Son. Victoria Square Sale Register. Edgely . Thomson. (u east, mar 0f Nu )n his duties. m ,n-huuse visit. of mu- citizm ‘Rnwbotham spent Sun- =1t the residence of Mr. A, blacksmith. MIN] (a, rushng truth In Dlncv like Map] Mame are on thPil‘ way to ting at A11 cide Menk’s Hotel 1 off success- now running ullocmr of [1 annshl , ml is ma - xl omm'hs. If (-oluring much the mm 11 (11';th ‘ Vaughan thP Hull, ()f Maple lllmve'en. I hv their Iml fence Px'yLbin-g ighb and king. s98 nb to run were re- Chat tab is has fair STANDARD BANK A good brick house in the village of Maple, the ‘home (if the late J. G. M0- Quarrie. There is half an acre of land, a pretty lawn in front and a quantity of fruit trees, a very desirable resi- deuce. Received in Savings’ Bunk Depart- ment and interest allowed at The Next Sitting of Division Court for No. 3, County of York, Wéllloe held in the Court Room. HEHHEST CURRENT RATES. For other particulars call at the Bank. The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Money LonIu-d on l-‘nrmers’ Sale Ron‘s. Blank Note I’m-ms Supplied l-‘ru-e. RICHMOND HILL WISQN - WET. RICHMOND HILL ._ON_ SATURDAY, NOV. 26. 1904 ThorougB-bred bufi and hog kept for service on the premises. The east half of lot 28, 2nd con. Markham. containing one hundred acres is to rent, for a term of years. Two well-bred young Shorthorn fresh milch cows for sale; first and second culvps iffngr‘nr registered stock. 153w Two good farms to rent and one for sale, containing one or two hundred acres. Wheat in, some ploughing done. Agply at once to MISS HUNTER. Anyone sending a sketch and descrigtion may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably patcntnhle. Communica- Mons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents can). free. Oldest agency for securing patenu. Patents taken through Munh & Co. receive ageng notice, without. charge in the r . A- _. ., A handsomely illustrated week] ,Lmrzest cir- culntién of nny scientific jnurn . Terms. $3 a year: four months. $1. Sold by allpewsdfisflerii. year: four months, :11. Dom uy an new :‘uriluna. MUM! & 89.36'Bwadwav‘ New York Brnnoh Office. 625 F St“ Wnshi‘ncmn. 0.0. The undersigned begs to thank the public for the gen- erous patronage accorded him TO‘ HIS PATRONS I General Blacksmith Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. enexal Banking Business Transacted. Cafjital §E§§i§fifi€ m'éfican. 16-4 SUNNYSIDE FARM All kinds of Blacksmithing done. Horse-shoeing a specialty. Apply to G. \V. HIGH, or }_Executors, M. MCQUARRIE Maple. ( )1" Canada RICHMOND H [LL GEO. GOWIE, To Rent or Sell And. hopes for a. continuance of the same, SB 49b FOR SALE Commencing (it 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK J'. W. OSBORNE. RICHMOND HILL. To Rent 3.1 31,000,000 231,000 000 DE PETSIT s To Rent N. JCSMELLIE. Concord P. Q. D. G. GOODERHAM, D. BO YLE. Richmond Hill. :Llnydtown. Ont. AGENT Proprietor HOUSE PAINTER, ' Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. w. HEWH Every Accommodation for the trAVA elling public. is now complete comprising Black and Blue Worsted Twins. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices. RICHARDSON HOUSE Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL FALL AND WlNTE-R Do you want that fiyae flavor in your pickles and catsup this year? If you do, me DRUG STORE SPICES. They make all the difference in the flavor, and COST NO MORE than im- pure spices. Our stock is com- plete; all fresh goods; and bought; at a close figure; you get the benefit. Would you like to try a. new recipe? Some un- equalled ones here, yours for the asking. Remember. if you want the BEST results you must use PURE SPICES. Get them here. Isn tit-just what you wantâ€"â€" Aromatic Blackberry Compound for diarrhea, dys9ntery, cholera morbus, cholic, cramps, and summer complaints. ' ' Nothing to equal it. Satisfaction or money refunded. W. A. Sandman DRUGGIST My Stock of \Voolens for A. J. HUME, RIAP] 4E, THOROUGH LY REFITT ED. Tailor, Richmond Hill FREDERECK BACK, Prop SPECIAL IN SPlCES Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Threshers’ Coal on hand. LIVERY COAL June 11, 1903 ' 221$ @Richmund Hill flatware 3mm Michael Bros., Richmond Hill $1.00 IN ADVANCE. Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill Stoves 31101 C, & E. MASON Repairing promptly and neatly done. Tinware. Stove-pipes, Elbows, Eave- troughing, Iron Roofing. and every- thing in the tin and hardware ' â€" line. â€"â€" LIBEQJQL. ’ Also all kinds of- WOOD And set them up for you right. Ranges !‘ We are leading in Harness Goods because: . We offezfi leading bargains and back them up with quality. Persons well up in Horse Goods buy of us because they know they’ll get the best. Those not; so well posted deal here for the same reasonâ€"they feel safe, THE F LIBER The sweet tone Mason & Risch. Also tuning and repairing. Second-hand ones for sale. Repairing of all kinds of machines. Oil and needles for sale. The Merchants” Fire Insurance has the iowesb ratesâ€"Renew with us. Crown life and endowment policies, Get; our terms. Digest of Canadian Mercantile LnWS. PIANUB AND URGANS F. J. PETHIGK, SINGER SEWING MACHINES FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE Subscribe for A LEADER RICHMOND HILL Now is the time to getyour furn- ace put in order before the busy time, and if you are thinking of puttingin a new furnace we can give you a price We also sell all ~inds of AL

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