VOL. XXVII. LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONI‘. Bast ï¬ttin IS PUBLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNIL‘ G Galls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. BR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, I) e 11tis£, Q’ill he JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Ualls by day and night, promptly at- tended to. Dr. C. HAP. 01D 3L ARKSON DENTLSI‘, ’ J. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON M. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONEBIN T113 A LAIHLHI Unn’anmu nu "n. HILL and surroundng tel HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, ac. toropwsem Issuer of Marriage Licenses. “ CANADA‘S GREATEST RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. l N U RS Remodelledmnd neyly furnished chrouaout One 0! the mosJoouvenienc and comfoumble hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern cou- vonierne Sample rooms for commercial travqllon. Anidealstopping place (or riding or dnvinspartiesmicyulists. or farmers going max-ramming from market. Eleouic can: plsa ‘hodoor Livery ntonueouon PALMER HO U SE RICHMOND HILL, 113mm. 1') en-tist, Boom 1‘2, 12!: Victoria. St. Toronto. TERMS SLOOPER DAY W. C. SAVAGE - .10 Q. 1’. Lot- 32. 2nd Con. Vaughan. contain- ing 200 acres, 18 to rent. for a. term of years. $1 per annum, in mlvancaf] Cur. hurch :m-l C.-u-1touSts., Tumultâ€, [in he in Richmond Hill on \Vo-d ncsddy of ouch \vvck. Ofï¬ce, next door nnrth of Stand- ard BMxk. Offlw Huntsâ€"9.31) a. In. to 5 p. m. ‘5 O'J‘me Hoursâ€"R t, v_._ "w my w (Auwu‘ uuwunw VVW‘ [gitâ€"true you wanna look old ? Then keep your gray hair. If not, then use Hall’s Hair Rwewer, and have all the dark, rich color 9f early iife resgyred to ypur hair. "mswummmï¬wh Thornhill 2nd and 3rd Weinesdays. Cor. Blour and Yunge, Tomntvo. meiiicnl. DR.- LOGâ€"AW, B USINESS CARDS VETERINARY SURGEON, RICHMOND Farm to Rent. ï¬tting t-ccth. also replating lowest, prices. Good work. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Niap‘xe, Ont. '1‘ ho rnhill. Ioursâ€"R tn 1“ a. u 7 w 9 11. ‘11 mm (Sm c:.=sor to Dr. Sisley.) nu. lynuuyu su yuul uun'. ""rff-T'Iimacuit - .ma . Mo M A H O N. gHetm‘imu'y Apply to 3? THE imam! Paonxmmn D. BOYLE. Richmond Hill. 1 to 230 p. m TZI‘TTJ' ‘ ï¬aï¬rï¬aééézéfl W Rid!)th Wad Home Life Building (formerly Free- hold Lnun Bldg.). 00:. Adelaide & Victoria Sts.. Toronto. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdavs. Money to loan on land and:hahbel mortgages-u! lowest mccs auroranï¬iceâ€"Remmeu to hha old post (>ch one door west 0! the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmgrket olE'ceâ€"Tbree duors south of the 1. )sn oriï¬ce T Huumm'r mexox. Gr S'rV MunoAN. Ahrom Newmarket Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rivhâ€" mnnnl St. “’(\st.\\’esloy Buildings, (Methodist Bonk anmJ To- runtn. Mr. Geek Wm ‘09 at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each wvek. Licenseu Auctioneer for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment General sale:- 01 «too etc promptly attended to at, rewonahh rates Residence Unionville "G R Gouldmg. Newtox; Brochugeul for the above LENNOX 8: MORGAN, ‘xG Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Salosvccneuded no on shortest notir ( and a. ren- ouublerates Patronagesolichd ‘ License Auctioneer for the County 0! York, re. spectfully solicits your pahx’onuge and triendl) influence sales attr-aded on the shutout notice and at rensomberates. P. 0.3.ddreaa Kips XEGQ'EAEEE‘Enâ€"éumï¬ LicensedAuccionemforthe Countios H York andOntano Allsaleso! farm stock, &'c, at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable mteq. Mortgngnaud bailiï¬ sales attended 'to. Residence,Shouï¬ville Ont RICHMOND HILL 8: THORNHILL A Local Snlosmun fm- RICHMOND HILL and surrounding textritm'y torppreseut Newest. varieties, and specialtiea 1,!) Hardy Fruits, SmaH Fruits ,and Shrubs, ()rnunwntals, and Rnses. A penuman situation, and territory re- served fur the right man, Pay week- ly, hundsmne nutï¬t free. \Vrite for particulars, and send 25 cents fur mn' pocket microscope, just the thing to use in examining trees and plants for insects. STONE & WELLINGTON, FONTKILL NURSERIEB, 5-4111 (aver 800 acres.) TOBONTO, . . 019' ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EHJ{}II’<{ 31114148 (Jud crm kcrs a: Embalmel's, 158 KXNO ITBR'tT EAST. ronosro Beetaccommoduion so cues“. Bond,“ vex day AS. N EVVTON Lindsey. Lawrence Ea Barrlsiex zu-ge MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Barrisicrs and Siolirliors. COOK & JOHNSTON S .Ligpro n ‘ _ E. lémwwv, gimme WM... go stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, )9le Snigeon a: McEwcn. WRIGHT BROS, Maple WANTED. D. G. BLOEGII, V aaswort 5,301‘1citors. Nocazits, Etc. N. E. Smith. II. PI enlice. Pï¬tqnl. )‘th n 13' £387 NURS-ERIES.†Phone 21191112984 ‘ztials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity.†J R McEwoa. Weston ONTARIO. Thursday’s Vote Showed 18 Liberals Elected in Nova Scotia, and mu 3 Single Conservative. “'9 give hvluw lhe nï¬â€˜wiul returns of last Thursday's Vote in Centre- Ymk us (ukt’n fl'nln the statvuwnt sent. in by the deputy returning nfl’icers. Mr. Campbell's majority over M 1-. Pugsloy is 12%. XVoodln-idge .. Richmond Hill \Vctsun, N0. 1 Vaughan, Nu Etubit'nke, Nu. Scat-bore, No. 1 Mal-thm, NU. _ 'l‘lré-Jéuhlic Library Board are mak ing arrangements for a LLJHCK’J'L to b; in the near future. Quarterly meeting service-s were held‘in the Methodist. Chum-h on Sun- day. The pulpit was necupied nun-u- ing and owning by Rev. J. M. Simp- son of Brampton. who pun-whet! vex-y impresuixe sermons. ‘ "‘1... ‘1....4:» .u.r. “v- A numbev of H)? "10!? enthusiastic supporters uf Mr. Campbell celebrated his victory on election night by u Ange hon-ï¬re. The boys had a 'gmne uf fontbull luv the iigï¬tof the ï¬re. I Ila-Es Eva Traviss nf Clarenmnt. yis- ited with friequ in the \ihage uxer Suflduyg _ n v" r. 1 .k k- .1. Your best judgment and ymu- nu st refined taste. are appealed to by Atk'n. sun & Switzcr’s stock of fall and \viuwr guuds. left nu Friday lust for Musknka fur a twn wet-ks’ bunting him ' n n. - A In ,. -_.«..._o “:n GOVERNMENT MAJ KIT? 63 arkhalu Vill (Fm full Election Returns see inside page.) Sir Wilgrid Lauricz', Canada's :Premier. Centre York Returns. A LEBERAL SWEEP. age Maple 11 No.1 . 43 N( ».2 . 27 . . . . . 48 87 44 50 72 56 81 59 51 44 54 (3‘5 53 >19 SO 2093 90 110 1249 (is 31 03 79 127 154 123 124 176 169 94 1 16 168 130 108 114 l 18 107 65) 90 117 143 85 63 87 1'22 107 12% 102 124 66 77! 113l lUU: ()3 Tho :ilmvo (7UlllH1ll mvtut Phillip! hutng King City, (in Oct. 29. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and conlirmrd. The folluwing bills were ordered to be paid. Jus. Billings, salary . . . . . . . . . . . $33 33 R. Arnmur, road work . . . . . . ,. 12 60 S. Jamir-sun, Hind work . . . . . . . 13 32 J. A. Irwluml, plank and wurk .. 4 20 Thus. Hull, rmul wmk . . . , . . . . 8 2.") (1‘. Fullintt. cutting ([iistles . . . . i 20 S, \Valdock, road work . . , , . . . . 13 50 \V. Brodie, road work . . . . . . . . 18 00 G. Phillips. heard fur indigents. 1 ,Ji) ,LSt-ll Teleplmnc Cu, rang, , . . . .. 7 85 M. McGimiis, work. etc . . . . . . . . 13 (10 J. Rae. repairs to bridge . . . . . . . . 14 50 H. Miler, road work i . 10 05 O. Shropshire, cutting thisLlL-s. . 90 H. \Vhitc, road work . . . . . . . . . 20 25 J. Brynn. balance on acccunt . . 75 J. Egan, road work and plank“ 42 18 John Fry, road wurk . . . . . . . . . 9 13 C.Mc0nnn, supplies to new 1031] 27 25 J. D. Manllum, operating mud machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 00 J.F.Cu1‘tis,repairs to bridge . . .. 37 70 \V.Mc()arml,ma,d work . . . . . . . 47 70 Larkiuâ€"Armitugeâ€"Lhat the fg'lmxï¬- ing parties he paid the sum opposite their names being amount due them for erecting wire fences undol'snow {euce hyrllaw : Arthur lHill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 60 Thns. Harman ,. ,. . . . . . . . 3 36 \Vul. Smith .., . . . . . . . . . . . Z 40 Mary Cairn ‘ . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . l 8-! Isaac Boys ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 72 James Armour . V . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 20 L-u-kinâ€"Annitugeflthut We present to King levmen’s Assucinuuu the sum of $25. Phi{ii‘psâ€"McMurchyâ€"that the fu‘- having sheep claim he paid. being t“ 0- thirds the value of sqmc: Edward M 'z'shnll, $7.33. l’hillipsâ€"Mcï¬hgychyâ€"(hat the wave and Councillor Lurkin lw authorized to cmpluy cuuusel to look aftur the in- t «1:515 of ’th - tow! ship in the suit, of Grimshuw re municipality of King. I 7 Cnlmcil udjnnrned in méet nl Hikis’ hulel, Sclmmlwrg. nn Nov. 26. Your winter suit will he just what vxm wzwt. if yuu lmy it, hero. “’9 have the ï¬nest assortment of blue and blank chm'iuts, blue and black w: r t,- ods :ujd funny Whl'SiPdS. “’e can ï¬t yuu tn pelsfvctinn, and save you good money. Atkinson 8: Swilzvr. The farmers are hustling with their plowing, and repairing their houses. as hl-uin has taken his position in the muth. which is a sign of a very cold snap. - -.. -q. .n n The people hou- are Very much im- pl‘OSSPd by the revival HEX'ViL‘t’SElLd h pf} they will cfmtinue. \‘Vv Pipect the. ro-opening of the Chm-ch to he at an wurly date. us the \vgyknyzr} ureymking gmup progress. _ The Misses Stung a??? thé gu‘ésts of thgirx~ bg-nther last Sunday. The chief of the Natumlflns Co. sustained an ugly ~iwmnd by the hulat- ing of 11 pipe last Sunday, but. will re~ cuvvr. Great {was the shock therm f. Arch. Campbell, M, P,-Ce'_ntre York. King Township Council Hen dford $33 33 ‘ 12 so 13 32 4 20 Tqv 27th annual conn-nlh Ontario \V. (3. T. U. is being week at Bmvmnm‘illv. Olive Ln! Dewdnoy, 1‘ Tuesday. in Theodore Roosovvlt was 1-v-elected Plesidont of the United States on Tuesday by at large majmity. \Vilhum Burton, formerly of the township of Vaughan. died at VVn‘ (1- hridge nn Munduy. in his 75th year. 'Ihormnuins were interred in huux '1l103‘0lnuinS woré interred in lxuux Chm-ch Cmm-tex-v, Vaughan. yestex- day afternoon. The public school at 'VVeston 1’39 bvon closed by order of the lncnl Inimiâ€" cul honlth uf‘ï¬uer, hncuusc of the pruv- :Ilmlce hf diphtheria among the sclM-lâ€" .-us. The opidmnic hmke out shontly after the summPr holidays, and has been inn-reusing rapidly lately. W \NTED-mekly, lo 1: established whu mr‘rchuute and agent counties 51$ salary Expense money adv: Permanent. eug num Previnus experience self-addressed ouve TENDEN’I‘ ’1 RAVELEK Tho turkeys are pitientiy wailing for the (\l'l'iVHI of Thanksgiving. TlLâ€" meeting called on Monday on onng decided to have :1 Christmas tree :md entertainmem. The Snmhv School scholars, both (rid and yunng. are ac ‘ui'dingly happy. A numlvw of thing; were left. “ in the hands of the committvr.†A uumlu-r 0f mgr young penple Fpt'llt Sunday nfï¬vrnvon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. szumwvll. Miss L. ngdy also outta-mined smeml of her friends. Mls. Chusennd children of Yellow- mss. AS‘IH and her sister. MKS Klinck uf Silmun, have heel) spending a. number uf days with relatives i_u, a number uf days with I-elutixes in this vicinity. ' A lively interest in the meetings at the Dunkal-(l's church still cnntinues, Sunday (’umvs large crowds. Mr. Clifford Blll'lllldln and his sistor' Nellie. spent Sunday away fmm homo. Miss Louie Heise, who has been sick,. is recovering. New coats of [mint are beginning to make mu- town shine. ' The Lilm-nls here are rejnicing over Mi. Campbell’s majmity nt’ one. A number-from hero attended the Qum-tm‘ly Meeting 2L1. Richmond Hill o'n Sundxu’. ‘ weak heart and poor nerves. Anemia means thin~ ness of blood. It is common in men and young women and all those who work indoors, who do not get enough outdoor air and good oxygen in theirlungs. There are too many white blood corpuscles in such cases, and there is often a peculiar sound in the heart called a murmur, in cases of anemia This heart murmur is caused by thinness of the blood passing through the heart. The murmur of anemia disappears when the blood regains its natural consistency and richness, It is not heart disuse. Sometimes people sufl’er intense pain ï¬ver the heart, yvhich is not heart (55535.2. but caused by the stomach. It is the occasion of much anxiety, alarm and suffering, for which its victim is dependent upon reflex disturbanges from the stomach caused by indigestion. ‘In the same way many bad coughs are dependent u :1 these reflex disturbances of what is ca led the pneumo- stric nerve. To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles thereby feeding the nerves on rich. red blood and doing away with nervous irritability, take Dr. Picrce's Golden Medical Discovery, which remotes digestion and assimilation of food9 so that the blood gets its proper supply of nourishment from the stomach. Get as near to nature’s way as you can. A medicine made entirely of botanical en- tracts and which does not contain alcohol is the safest. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains no alcohol or narcotics. Two good farms u: rum and (me ful- sale. cunt-«inning vne or t w: hnndrml acres. \VhouL in. SULII!‘ plu-ughing done. Apply at mm' tn' .. .r.“ u. "\vmv‘r‘ wbRâ€"‘iii'erâ€"cg’szfleaaant Pellets are the by". liver pills. To Rent or Sellâ€"- V icboma Square Single copies, 3 cts. lisp, dung:th Iglintnn. divd hex-14th youl MISS H UNTER. Llnydtuwu. ,0: t. um] expenses paid weele rulccd. Uumxulss on extra em. Easiness suvr law persons tn re esnle ht-use mnon a. meal tarnnory N ones. seutiul. Address. m‘burn St at n of the held this tn reprmcnj: No If Alhm-t :iinton nc